Why did they take a complete shit on his character in Endgame? He was literally the most important hero in Infinity war. The movie starts with him vowing revenge and ends because he failed
Why did they take a complete shit on his character in Endgame? He was literally the most important hero in Infinity war...
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I totally don't get why they made him the dude
what's the intention? it's a plain rip off
literally have sex
Ummm sweetpea, having an Aryan man save the day is problematic
I love fat Thor except that it was solely played for laughs. A superhero that actually looks like me and seems to have gone through similar depressive states? Sold. But instead of any depth they just treated it as a joke.
Cos it was fun, you shizo mong
Doesn't matter, Thor is not supposed to be a comic relief. The other big Avengers got respectful send offs but he gets absolutely trashed.
Actually if you pay attention to the movie you'll see that he uses self-deprecating humour and alcohol to dull the very real pain he's feeling. He even discusses it with his mother, and makes an effort to overcome the depression he fell into as a result of his failure. I'm surprised that people miss this, it's not like it's hidden. It's like how people say Spider-Man has no depth in the new movie, when it's actually the best character exploration that's been exhibited in a Marvel movie.
>reeeee, muh capeshit comic heroes are serious business!
Neck yourself, dweeb
Explain how Spiderman has depth.
>Actually if you pay attention to the movie you'll see that he uses self-deprecating humour and alcohol to dull the very real pain he's feeling. He even discusses it with his mother, and makes an effort to overcome the depression he fell into as a result of his failure. I'm surprised that people miss this, it's not like it's hidden.
Look m8 just because you watched a video essay with a furry doesn't make you an expert, I don't wanna ever see you post in a condescending tone like that again, and if I do, it's my foot up your ass. Of course that's what the fuck happened but that doesn't make it well written or an in-depth exploration of his depression. Sit down zoomer prick.
>Spider-Man FFH
>Character depth
Unironically my only problem with the movie. Guess they had to balance out the power level, otherwise he'd be too Chad, and we can't have that.
>rip off
It's an origin story
>I want everything to be le ironic quip fest
ok reddit
too strong - he's meant to serve as reverse inspiration. You too have the potential to become peak Thor if you stop being a fat video gaming slob
We noticed, we also just noticed that outside of the scene with his mom is just fat jokes and movie references. Doesn’t matter how you spin it, drinking a lot and making fun of yourself doesn’t make for a compelling character.
Hemsworth literally fought to have his character stay a fat sack throughout. Even the directors wanted him to go back to /fit/mode by the end but he insisted on staying in the fat suit.
I believe the Russo’s refuted this point. Though it makes sense.
Legit? I’ma need some proof for that.
comedy trumps storytelling
>not going fit means you have to stay a joke
Would have been a ballsier and more well-received move to take him seriously even in his condition. Show us he still has something to offer other than being a part of the big CGI battle
>he thinks Thor won’t be a quip machine for eternity after the success of ragnarok
You’re adorable
Stop it. The truth stings.
based chris
they nerfed the OP characters because they wouldve trivialized the big fight. strange fought a big water, vision was gone, the only big hitters who could level fields were really wanda and captain marvel
he failed the universe, got depressed about it and went off the rails, why is this confusing to so many autists?
It’s because of how well Redditnarak did in theatres. Even you faggots here defend that lolsorandumbpantsonhead movie as absolute shit as it was. So yeah, if people laughed at le funny eye patch man, they figured they’d make him le funny stinky fart burp man in this one. It’s really your own faults his happened.
Yeah, probably because right after that touching scene, there was another fat joke, and then he lost his hammer to Captain America. That scene was supposed to get tears, that’s it. No development and nothing that came from it.
Because white men are #cancelled
Time to hand Asgard to a BLACK QWEEN (previously a slave trader) because it's literally 2019 sweetie ok?
>watched a video essay with a furry
Literally what
Not as big a shit as they took on Chris Pratt's character.
Social engineering, plain and simple.
Disney is a leftist propaganda tool, they took the White male chad and turned him into a overweight, slovenly beta who sulks and stays in his room playing computer games.
Same thing with Hulk, a character who is the embodiment of righteousness male anger and aggression or so called ' toxic masculinity ' and turned him into a basedboy slapstick comedy character after he got his ass beat in a fight one time.
Why the fuck is the term S-O-Yboy banned on here ?
>Yea Forums is literally too retard to get a simple character arc
One of Thor's main character traits is how easily he gets depressed when he thinks he did something unworthy. It's happened a million times in the comics and it's probably happening right now. It's one of the ways Marvel likes to nerf him, not by making less powerful but physiologically fragile instead. They've neen doing that shit for 40+ years to the character.
He took the boomerpill
the other avengers are getting replaced but thor will still get more movies
What is your obsession with sex?
Because boys can't have heroes anymore unless they're in the US military.
It saddens me that this is how normies rate a movies quality these days
>inb4 wah why isn’t every movie mumble core refn fest
His character was the best of both worlds in infinity war, making quipu jokes to everyone he’s with but using it as a sort of facade to cope with the clear pain he’s suppressing
autists can't see anything past his surface appearance. I knew things were bad, but I never thought I'd see the day people on this board were literally too stupid for capeshit.
>eat a salad
Very touching
because it's an accurate depiction of severe depression
him and the Hulk, this world has no place for toxic masculinity and that's a good thing.
>Let's kill him properly this time
That was cool. Now if they just remove all the shitty character moments and female pandering and replace it with cool action scenes for all the Avengers.
I thought it was a nice push back against the obligatory "Marvel male superhero has to get buff and take his shirt off" shit, where as there is no equivalent for the female characters.
i don't like this thor because hemsworth didn't like the character from the start, and it shows...he is just too surfer+chad, where as thor you should have some profoundity that he just doesnt have...there is a void in the mcu character and hemsworth doesnt know how to fill it
they got him for the looks, as with evans, but evans did find a way to fill his character right
Sex indicates that you possess the social faculties necessary to function in and make contributions to a community. If you haven't had sex, you aren't worth listening to.
>retard thinks you need to watch a video essay to understand the simplest of character progressions
well it's a for sure thing he's in the guardian of the galaxies crew now so..he's still going to be in flixs
fat thor was hot