Any kinos with this feel?

Attached: andreas2.png (1919x1080, 2.35M)

Other urls found in this thread:

no country for old men

Easy Rider?


SA deserve a good tv series

Just west of Venturas.

With Tom Holland as CJ

Attached: cj.png (464x261, 146K)


Are those lights on the horizion a mod?

Yeah, Draw distance mod:

And like that, the map looked 200x smaller. For years, I thought this was the biggest map in GTA history even when V was released.

All Mexico scenes in Breaking Bad.

Yeah i was on the same boat, Always thought san andreas was bigger till i installed the mod

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>he uses mods

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what are some essential graphics mods for SA?

Who would play SA without them in 2019?

Theres not much really, Skygfx and maybe hd icons oh and the ragdolls mod

I would. Dug out my old PS2 for a replaythrough about three years ago actually

Literal brainlet incapable of enhancing his enjoyment of something with FREE addons crafted as passion projects by creative people. I use brainlet jokingly but you are literally retarded

Seething console fags

Is V really that big? It feels so small, empty and boring.

Because it is, V is mostly just empty forrests, deserts, and oceans.

I really fucking hated it desu. And I 100% the previous ones. I spent an ungodly amount of time with San Andreas. It just never got boring whereas I didn't even finish the main story on V. So very disappointing.

Rockstar really fucked up when they decided to gut los venturas and san fierro in favor for the boring and soulless underwater environment

GTA games are boring as fuck.

It has a great campaign true, just it's such an old game most people wouldn't bother with the vanilla version now.

Ps2 Is the best version ignoring res and framerate

True. I did like the random events that would happen, but they were to few and far between, I could only ride down Mount Chilliad so many times.

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they don't have very creative game design. You can do lot of different things but it's very basic.

Fuck that looks good.
When did movie posters turn into such dogshit? Not just capeshit like this either just in general.

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that's gay as fuck, clever use of small draw distance gives the map a bigger feel

Why did they add so many mountains? It really killed the feeling of freedom when I was forced to follow freeways.

I think V was a prototype for Red Dead 2 they reskinned into GTA V. It was makes sense when you think about it.

I know, it's probably my favourite movie poster. It made me want to watch the film and the reason I did in the end. So comfy about living in a tree house and some kino romance between a James Dean type and a cutie band camp chick... then that line "In 1959, she watched him kill a lot of people". It's so captivating and sinister.

>they will never go back to small maps where you know how to navigate by heart just by using the landmarks and light memorisation

have fun staring at the gps

This, but even the best GTAs had mini maps.

Is it now controversial to say GTAV is a wonderful game that I love? I just started playing it and I think it’s great. Maybe slightly less soul than the others but that’s also not really quantifiable and it’s a beautiful looking game that plays well, in its own right.

>driving through the desert listening to K-DST
>this comes on

Attached: Hankgasm.jpg (364x366, 24K)

PCfags just can't help themselves

That actually does make alot of sense.

Yeah but the bar is set pretty high by the franchise so the Overton on internet discussion of it is likewise

I will never be as happy as I was when I was playing San Andreas while living at my mother's house, getting up late, playing for hours and hours, only stopping for dinner, toilet breaks or to go out to the pub with friends. Problems? Sure, I didn't have a girlfriend and was kinda sad about that, but it wasn't playing on my mind all the time like it did through my late teens.

Only a few short years later, I was out the house to never return. I'm still gaming but it never feels like this. Time just tick, tick, ticks away...

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>Is it now controversial to say GTAV is a wonderful game that I love?
Only on Yea Forums, less contrarian boards don't hate it.

It may be a normie opinion but I love Trevor. I think he should have been the only playable cahracter, and Michael and Franklin should have been villains (or drop Frenk, I never got the son-I-never-had thing)

no it doesn't

fuck you

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why are Yea Forumsedditors so fucking dumb

the outdoors parts were great what are you talking about

SA is one of those great "if you were stuck on a desert island" games. I can't even begin to count how many hours I invested in it when I was living in a place with no internet.

Reminds me of better times, too. I was broke with no girlfriend, but every weekend I'd go out with my friends and party. Now I've got a girlfriend, a good career, I'm debt free and have a good chunk of savings... but I'm fucking miserable. I feel dead inside. I wish I could go back.

Snowfall is the closet thing

Literally me back when I was 20. I was NEET for a year with a top of the line (back then) PC and I used to spend my time getting stoned, staying up late playing GTA, Civ 4, Unreal 2K4 and bundles of other awesome games back when gaming was fun.
I never play games anymore.

more like driving through flint county listening to k-rose

gta v online is such a fucking grind.

>Didn't listen to the country station once, always skipped
>First time I put it on is after being dumped in the middle of nowhere, bust into a pick up truck and "Heeeey good looking" starts playing
Based memories
I want to go back

Trevor was actually the character with the most written depth in the entire franchise but Yea ForumssetEra princesses ignore all of the intricately placed contextuals throughout the campaign unravelling his psychological motivations only to focus on the simplistic "lol okay so he's Yea Forums the character bleugh" trailer marketing like morons.

Franklin is relatable tho, the whole point is he's the next generation of crim who wants out after he sees how boomer crims live.

What's the secret to life user?

not a single bad song in there

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Ahahahah faggot.

Damn dudes, we're living parallel lives right now. I was 20 when SA came out for PC too. I literally had a couple of weeks with it before I met my now wife. I hadn't realised how close those two dates were before right now and can't see how the fuck I managed to fit SA into my life at the time. In retrospect, I probably have stronger memories of Vice City specifically but really the whole GTA3 trilogy was the peak of my gaming life. I guess that makes San Andreas the last game of my childhood. Figures.

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are you mentally ill?

I had a lot of fun playing it too but big chunks of the map still feel like a waste

Sorry Boomer, I'll mail you the songs burned onto CD.

earlier GTA games were narrow but deep, GTA5 is wide but shallow

GTA 6 in set in South and Central America with narcos

I think part of it is sensitivity to spoilers, it used to be that you'd go in knowing what would happen but wanting to see where the story and characters would go with it. For example, if the badlands poster stopped at how the two lived in a tree house, no one would want to watch it unless they were expecting a solely romantic film. If it came out today with that poster I'm sure it would suffer because of "DUURRR Y WULD I SEE THAT I NO THE ENDING". I think that if Infinity war came out a coule decades earlier everyone would be talking about how Ironman dies at the end and everyone would be pumped to see how it would go down. This coincides with more and more films going for "epic twists" even if they don't fit (not saying I dont like a good twist but every other shitty over produced action film nowadays seems to need a twist)

> not
shiggy diggy

I suppose maybe you get out what you put in. I could never be fucked with Online but they seem to be forever adding shit to it, so I imagine people who played the whole time have had a fun moment on every inch of the map by now. Single player was a massive disappointment though, especially sad that there wasn't a single bit of DLC for it after how good episodes from LC was.

>lol okay so he's Yea Forums the character bleugh
This, they always gripe that he is 2013 lmao so random boomer dude.

But he is not this, and if you still think he was left as a filthy scumbag meme character, then he might not have been quite so much if he were the protag. He would have gotten the chance to be more developed, but half the time we see him, it is Michael driving into a place to find Trevor already dangling some dickhead out of window or something.

Tommy Vercetti was a scumbag, JC was often ruthless, neve played GTA4 so I don't know about the Gopnik fella, if Trevor is too scummy for you, leave GTA alone.

Hmmm interesting take user. I don't have a clue about how much of that is the psychology of viewers or the marketing but interesting to ponder on.

I liked Badlands' poster because it was really tempting and pulled the rug from under the first paragraph, so in a way this was hidden content, not knowing how it could go from idyllic to murderous, which I think is what you are saying.

Hell or Highwater

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Any kinos with this feel

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The beginning of Aquaman

who is in the movie is now way more important so they just stick them on the poster real big and add some shapes and light idk

V's map is shit.

IV's is a lot smaller, but it is probably the most detailed and dense world that R* have ever done. Liberty City is a masterpiece of detail, even today.

Yeah well I started thinking about this since I saw this Rocky trailer which was pretty much a scene by scene but I couldn't see myself enjoying the film less had I seen it beforehand

Too bad IV doesn't have that "GTA" feel.

Michael was/is my favorite, even if he is just a Tony Soprano ripoff


>video games discussion

dont you have a board for that

Attached: 3737.embarrass.jpg (318x250, 15K)

Forgot link:

>being emotionally moved by some faggot low grade criminal simulator nigger game

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4channel is a place where all incels are welcome regardless of board

is this a mobile game? looks comferteble.

That's because it was around the time of 4 that Rockstar stuck their collective heads up their own asses and started thinking themselves as Gods and started producing pathetic excuses for crime dramas instead of fun video games.

So it's not the best version

how come i can watch real old movies and the soundtracks aren't removed like in the grand theft autos games? what a rip off.

>Horse With No Name comes on when I'm driving around the desert
>Eminence Front comes on when I'm flying around Las Venturas

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>the mexicans in this thread who unironically mod ps2 era gta games
holy fuck im mad. they look shitty in high res on pc because theyre made for fucking ps2. youre doing it all wrong

this actually, how can netflix still host old movies with licenced soundtracks? Is the contract diffrent when licensing songs for a movie versus a video game?

I have several physical copies of this game for PS2 and PC

if i had to guess R* does it purposely, like a lease or some other cheap-o trick. they let the lease run out and just remove the shit because, you know, fuck you. i guess having a hard copy really makes a difference.

not always
Supernatural had a different soundtrack on Netflix

IV's map and immersion blow V away

shutter island


How is it to emulate the ps2 version on pc? Does it work?

It does though. You're just prissy.

You can redeem yourself by not being a low grade criminal but a high grade criminal who owns both legal and illegal businesses.

If you just want to play the ps2 version for the visuals there's' a mod for the pc version that fixes that. there's also a way to restore the cut music.

What in the motherfuck were they thinking with all the empty ass boring mountains and industrial areas?

Why would you own more than one copy of a game for the same console?

It was mostly because I read somewhere the steam version doesnt have the original music

As someone who has played the original 3D games when it was first released, no it doesn't. IV feels more like a story-driven game with free-roaming as the secondary feature rather than the reverse, unlike the previous GTA games. Of course you can avoid the missions and just wreck havoc but that feel just isn't there, it's like the developers are focusing too much on the story elements and not what makes GTA "GTA".

It probably has the best bitterweet storyline though

I will NEVER be able to look at this map and not see a ninja turtle/porunga type creature pointing its finger at the screen with his right hand and his left arm resting on its body

i really hope gta six isn't set in south america. i know they're influenced by popular culture and narcos and sicario are current.

Nigga driving down sidewalks at top speed in an SUV for hours was as peak GTA free-roaming as it got. You just forgot how to have fun after the console generation shift.

lmao triggered

Scenery and airspace, not hard to understand


The Martian

That's a wide draw distance, holy shit.

It's actually painful to look at honestly

GTA 3 > VC

Watching the mission cutscenes back to back of this is better than anything Hollywood has shat out in 10 years

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I will never forget looking for Bigfoot as a kid.