ITT: movies with a twist
ITT: movies with a twist
PART 2: Mystery brapper in the boys locker room turned out to be the female gym teacher.
imagine the smell
Why did he do it?
he blamed it on jogging or something
cast him
..why not?
I guess they... caught with him with his pants down.
Remember folks there's DNA in poop.
>the virgin rapecel
>the chad poopcel
>You can get arrested for pooping in America
when i rape and sometimes kill whores i always uses a condom
unlike India, right Patel?
Meanwhile, the mad pooper is still on the loose
we need to ban condoms
No it just means I now have to also kill and bury my rape victims to avoid getting caught.
He was in some sort of dispute with the school principal, his underling.
something about him reminds me of Ion Hazzikostas
than i would just solely use my fist
Did anyone else's school have a phantom shitter?
At my high school, every year, a mysterious shit would appear somewhere in the school between classes. It's not like someone was dropping these before or after school, it was obviously during class so that when everyone was let out to switch classes at the hour they would see it. The thing is, this phenomena was going on far longer than any student had been in attendance. I was lucky enough to see one for myself, there was a crowd of people gathering and taking pictures at the top of the stairwell and when I looked there was a nice hot dookie laying up there. Teachers were quick to clear the area but not before news of the phantom shit spread. The year before that it was in the middle of the 2nd floor hallways.
>crossing the street
>using fireworks
>having sex at 16
>drinking alcohol at 18
Truly the land of the free
Why the fuck is a page about a woman taking shits while jogging so long?
ah a power move
Sopranos-like adaptation when?
Fuck you Carlos
Only once
Someone literally crowbar persians windows to poop the English classroom beside my homeclass.
Oi, you got a loicense for that post?
*poops in this thread*
Damn, how do I get balls like that?
10 years of NoFap
My school had a mystery shitter too. It turned out to be this mixed race girl who was really mad she kept getting put in detentions. My school wasn't really bright, so she just got known as Shit Girl until she dropped out. Last I heard, she was in jail.
donde esta perro?
>Last I heard, she was in jail.
i wonder why
I was the mystery shitter in my school, I used to shit on the bathroom floor. I had no reason, I don't know why I did it lol
Anybody else stare at ops pic trying to find a turd?
Why was he arrested? Is it literally illegal to take a shit in America?
now post the reviews
Loverachelle is awful, secretlover3 is better but shes batshit insane
She is selling these as consumables. That's a crime. You sell food it has to comply to food and safety regulations, and obviously feces bookies aren't safe.
Why isn't that circle centered around the H?
>I was lucky enough to see one for myself.
lol,now the rest of you life is gunna suck!
>for scat cookies
That's a pretty good deal though
Maybe because it was public/government property?
Let's be honest, anyone buying and eating these deserves whatever happens to them.
>and obviously feces bookies aren't safe.
It's a myth that shit is dangerous. Fresh shit is basically sterile, if she makes them fresh then freezes or vacuum packs then they are fine.
Makes me wonder whether my school's phantom pooper wasn't also the principal or a teacher.
If you turn her in I swear to God that I will find you!
White man
>It's a myth that shit is dangerous
>shit is basically sterile
>they are fine
are you retarded?
.....Dan Castellaneta?
You have shit inside your body all the time bro, it's not dangerous unless its outside your body for too long and harmful bacteria can grow.
>Fresh shit is basically sterile
mad with power
Well where else are you gonna find that price?
Pajeet you need to stop getting your medical advice from scat forums
Half the dry weight of healthy shit is PURE bacteria.
Yes but there is a difference between good bacteria and bad bacteria. Some bacteria is needed in the gut and helps break down certain things, but this bacteria is harmless.
Do some research. People eat poop all the time, as long as it is fresh (or the person has some rare and serious illness) you aren't gonna get sick. It doesn't happen.
imagine the smell haha
>$147,504 per year salary
How about this, scat man John why don't you take a shit and eat the damn thing and give us an update
I have before. As I said, harmless.
she's writing it herself
>she's writing it herself
That would be very based,I hope it's true.
How was it? Was it Chewy?
>People eat poop all the time
You get paid that much just to shit in a school, figuratively, not literally? What was this man thinking
That's actually true though, most people hands are covered in fecal matter. If you've ever eaten anything outside your own house you didn't wash yourself it has shit on it for sure.
>Because there's microscopic fecal matter in your hands, you eat shit all the time!
I think anons are talking about purposely eating shit
>most people hands are covered in fecal matter
which is why restaurants outside of india have very strict hygiene regulations
Was getting caught part of his plan?
You really believe that shit you haven't worked in many restaurants. For one thing, those restaurants are all staffed by indian tier people
pantypooping is hot desu
You can drink alcohol at any age, you are only prohibited from buying it below 21.