To me it seems like preaching to the choir and I don't think it's going to do anything useful...

>To me it seems like preaching to the choir and I don't think it's going to do anything useful. There are a lot of people who if they were saner would be on the fence, but they're going to pick an extreme because that's what everybody fucking does now. And you see something like this protest, and that's.. "god look at those crybabies".. I'm with Trump!

Holy Shit, Rich Evans is a Nazi!

Attached: 1520438268528.png (791x614, 713K)

Other urls found in this thread:’s-bigoted-content-see-staff-post.129228/

I think Coolsville sucks

I remember watching a “Pre Rec” where Jack was explaining to Rich why he was scared of Trump. Ie “my kids have classmates that have gay parents, and it’s clear this guy is a monstrous bigot.” and RIch just sort of shrugged it off.

Why is it so fucking hard to show empathy?


Unlikely. Mike is a polak.


Attached: 1520018525563.jpg (668x445, 34K)

He is a proud CZECH you IMBECILE

aidsmoby also explained to rich why he thinks that all people should have an inescapable internet ID with your real name attached to everything you post online

I know this is bait but Trump is unironically the most pro-gay president we've ever had and the first to ever be elected while supporting gay marriage

*German ;)

He is a blatant racist too

>the canadians are already mentally preparing their press releases to their government

Strong words from a strong guy

Attached: 1563088780682.png (751x323, 419K)

And yet the only violence against faggots during the Trump presidency has been the pulse nightclub shooter, a hajji immigrant. Where are the right wing death squads exactly?

that was during the obama administration, are you a foreigner?

Attached: image (1).jpg (500x500, 38K)

Rich is way worse than Beard and AIDS combined
>morbidly obese manchild
>always wears comic shirts, but cant answer ANY comic question Jay or Mike have
>has a video game show, but says stupid things like 3D mario games shouldn't have controllable cameras and is blatantly bad at video games in general
>thinks being a cynical, nitpicking autist is the same as intelligence
>flat out didn't understand basic character motivations for Civil War despite being a huge MCU fan
>starts REEEEEEing when chat constantly BTFOs him
>nostalgiafag who only likes shit from his youth
>has an obnoxious "I fucking love science" attitude
>can't pronounce words
>forced catchphrases
>meme laugh
>actual plebbitor
>confused by Yea Forums
>has a tranny fiance
>allows Mike to bully him on a daily basis
>doesn't oppose people being tracked by the government with chip implants
>only ever funny by accident when he fucks up and gets made fun for it, his real sense of humor is "lel so randumb XD" tier
>claps at the end of films
>has never had actual fruit in his life and is convinced he'll hate it because he doesn't like sodas with fruit flavors
When did you realize Rich was actually worse RLM and is the embodiment of amerifat retard?
I'm gonna go ahead and say that I personally think Rich is the worst member of the crew. Even though Beardfat takes things too seriously, he always sounds like he knows what he's talking about and he showed several times that he has technological knowledge and AIDSmoby offers insightful commentary many times. Rich manages to be both an embarrassing nerd and seemingly have no real input into the movies they're talking about and is only there because he's Mike's friend. When Mike isn't around to put him down, he acts like an obnoxious prick and the only real value he offers is that he does the grunt work for them (buying merchandise for videos, building props, etc). He's basically their employee and is only in videos because Mike likes him.

Attached: pleb.jpg (887x1236, 113K)’s-bigoted-content-see-staff-post.129228/

Attached: 1533483018385.jpg (418x420, 30K)

are those people human?

Post bussy

I genuinely don't know but they are making me think less of most leftists and that is not healthy

>What is crazy to me is their refusal to ever apologize or even acknowledge their hurtful and bigoted comments.

this is a meme post surely

Most people already do, honestly.

Resetera is literally bizarro Yea Forums so most assuredly not. They're not sane people, they're miserable and angry trolls, it's the same shit as Yea Forums except the other side of the coin.

No sane person would browse that extremist shithole. Just as no sane person would browse this shithole. If you do, you're surrounding by miserable people that hate everything.

Stop obsessing over e-celebs

Attached: 1561423104612.png (148x148, 39K)

Nice source

I feel like you may be exaggerating slightly

which part? about resetera or Yea Forums or both?
I assure you that resetera is a miserable black hole. You know it's bad when not even Jeff Gerstmann wants to touch it.

mike is a right wing guy he likes dick cheney and hates tina fay he openly shat on liberals too. post his kino forum posts

Both I suppose

I like how the "Trump is bigot" stuff never has a through line or clear point, they just throw it out like that's all they need to say
Did they think he was gonna open up concentration camps and start systematically imprisoning gay people?

Mike is an infinite war loving neocon. Yet he was of prime age to register for military service and never did.

Is that mike in the back?

There's plenty of sane people on both, so I guess that part is exaggerated. But they're both miserable sites with miserable people on it. It just reflects differently, Resetera you have miserable people that are disguising themselves as goodhearted with the best interest in mind for anybody that isn't white, but they're miserable and hateful all the same.

they just come off as totally naff in every post

>Yet he was of prime age to register for military service and never did.
Only a drooling fucking moron would ever register for military service.

Wait, so is RLM Reddit, or are they literal nazis? Who do I believe Yea Forums or resetera?

This is some super meta onion article thing right? Right??

Just noting Mike's typical armchair warrior status in life. He is the type of easily led fool who helped get the USA into the situation its in. Reactionary and unthinking alcoholic mess.

>meanwhile, in the concentration camps...
Hey, what's that proverb you fags like to appropriate about people taking minority groups you're not a part of?

what the HELL do you mean YOU PEOPLE?

There are no sane people on resetera.

Look at the posts by the freak “onilinkplus” and see how many people go along with his mental illness. The only sane people on that forum were immediately banned after expressing a single normal opinion.


This was the worst fucking thing, I was embarrassed watching it. Fucking "CHING CHONG" speaking is lame as fuck, if you're going to be racist at least be funny with it. It was particularly disappointing because he did an amazing prank call to a number on the back of a case previously and obviously everyone was expecting that. I'm surprised they left it in.

ahaha cope harder tinydicked bugman

>click video
Was it your intention to make me burst out laughing?

>imprisoning gay people
Thank god Trump doesn't do that. I would miss Jay.

Racist white chucklefucks with a poor grasp of history.


sympathy, you meant sympathy my baiting friend.

Empathy for what? Trump isnt lynching gays in the streets you fucking moron. Be gay, no one cares, though im sure you wish we did

Racist whites have a better grasp of history than racist blacks with no history

>openly pro-gay candidate
>said caitlyn jenner could use his bathroom
>is heavily in favor of small government and giving back power to the states
If Jack was my friend I would be concerned about his mental/emotional state as a result of consuming too much clickbait and tumblrmedia.

yeah, just like the discord trannies, dont worry its all make believe

Attached: 1562429621135.jpg (2400x7000, 2.04M)

>haha cope
If that makes you laugh, you're legitimately 9 years old.

oh no no no
that seethe

he brought that up but arguments from both rich and their viewers made him reconsider. if anything he's cool for being open to dissenting views

Jesus fucking christ.

How do retardera's even function in the real world? Not even trying to be rude, I'm genuinely curious

This, lol at that user trying to bring up this tired meme again.

oh, hey aidsmody, how's the wife's kid?

>I like how the "Trump is bigot" stuff never has a through line or clear point, they just throw it out like that's all they need to say


Attached: Trump Arguments Cartoon.png (913x642, 37K)

>this is a meme post surely

Poe's Law

Yeah pretty much. His manner and general way of speaking was fucking awful but 1: that doesn't translate into actual policy and 2: it pretty much got him so much press that it arguably helped win him the election. Everyone was talking about Trump not Hillary on November 8, even if they were dissing him.

I like how you got BTFO but your ego forces you to keep posting. You're caught.

you don't have a clue friend

Fuck empathy
Fuck queers
Fuck niggers fuck spics but most of all

Attached: 1561397027848.jpg (349x356, 76K)

>I'm with Trump!
He called him an "ex reality star orangutan" in the post you are misquoting. Good job.

>it pretty much got him so much press that it arguably helped win him the election. Everyone was talking about Trump not Hillary on November 8, even if they were dissing him.

You're an idiot. Negative Press isn't a good thing in politics and elections. This isn't Hollywood.

Reality disagrees vehemently with your post.

How dare people expect public figures to be responsible for what they say?!

>My baseless opinion that is based off nothing but talking-points on Reddit disagrees vehemently with your post.

Fixed that for you, faggot.
Endless propaganda campaigns AGAINST a candidate don't help that candidate. They do the opposite.

Cognitive dissonance collapse isn't a good look user

Yeah, but if you actually watched them you'd know that they are responsible. There's such a thing as complete overreaction.

>first pro-gay president to be elected
>scared of this president in particular because I have gay friends
what? was Jack afraid Trump was going to force him to have sex with his kid's friend's gay parents?

You clearly don't understand what "cognitive dissonance" means.
Stop parroting phrases and words you hear but don't comprehend.

Imagine if he had called Obama an "orangutan".

I'm sure it would have been equally funny.

Take a breath kiddo


Holy shit that is actually funny

They don't. I can guarantee you most of them are on strong Antidepressants or other medication to help them cope with their delusions.

Attached: obamagay.jpg (850x400, 76K)

Rich unironically supported fucking government implanted tracking chips just to spite Christians paranoid about 666.

Are you actually honestly on the spectrum? Do you really not understand jokes on the internet?

>my kids have classmates that have gay parents
wew lad. time to change schools. also alert child services while you're at it.

>South American countries are wonderful diverse utopias
>We must let all the South Americans in because their countries are shitholes
>Stop locking these women and children in cages
>Camera pans to cages and it's 90% 20-40 year old men
>They are free to return to their home countries any time
>They are free to leave and apply for asylum or legal citizenship
>Change the phrase illegal immigrant to undocumented because Newspeak
>Seethe that the cheap labor pool you have been exploiting for decades is drying up

Attached: ok.gif (396x465, 3.13M)

Yeah you would think that except he won.

>How do retardera's even function in the real world?

Most don't. They're the same demographic that populates Tumblr. i.e. socially maladjusted freaks and cat-ladies on heavy medication and government welfare. Aside from teens that work at Starbucks and aging wine aunts, very few of their users have actual jobs, and many have never/will never have an actual job.

He won in spite of it, not because of it, dipshit.

>Be gay, no one cares, though im sure you wish we did
100% this

jesus christ what the fuck is wrong with those people

Childhood is believing Mike is the coolest.
Adulthood is realizing Rich Evans is the best part of RLM

I love Rich AND this pasta

>just be yourself bro

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>Change the phrase illegal immigrant to undocumented because Newspeak
Daily reminder less than 2 decades ago people across the country regardless of political persuasion referred to these people as illegal aliens, but now they're "undocumented citizens"

Considering the retards on the Facebook and leftshits on the Twatter, most people already do.
Just wait for every zoomie club thot to hit thirty and realize that they have to contact the CEO of Internet and demand that he will delete everything from the time where they were 'finding themselves'.

RLM Fans look like THIS?!?

That's because big tech completed their strangehold on information distribution, and they need plenty of slaves to clean their toilets and pick their cott- er, strawberries, yeah.

Do people still even go to tumblr now that the porn's gone?

Jay by far the best RLMember

Attached: 1552358775889.jpg (478x756, 87K)

who knew that Micheal was so based and redpilled

Attached: yikeslettermedia.jpg (1251x1026, 286K)

Yeah, this, honestly.
Thanks for being based.

I'd love to see what you were up to in 2003.

>the times where jay and mike hated each other
What caused them to make up and become good friends?

Presidential candidates don't win because of policy. They almost always win based on whose name is in the paper more, who gets more press and more eyes one them. Typically this means that the candidate who wins is the one who gets the most money spent on their campaign. In Trump's case he managed to be so specifically vulgar that the press wouldn't (or indeed couldn't due to the click-bait model which most of them are built on these days) shut the fuck up about him for almost a year and a half. No matter what you think about Hillary Clinton, no one was talking about her on November 8, not even the people who were going to vote for her the next day. They were busy talking about Trump just like everyone else. Dipshit.

Rich's shrug has been proven to be 100% justified.

>big tech
This came from the academia you clown and you know it.

They whine about Plinkett being a racist, woman-hating manchild, when that's exactly what the character is supposed to be.

Wat, Hillary was shilled by every media company out there. Not to mention all the celebrity PSA's telling you to vote for her.

lmao look at Mr. Im-smart

Yes and yet everyone was still talking about Trump, because what he said caused so much offence that liberal-leaning media companies wouldn't shut the fuck up about him for the entire duration of his campaign.

oh hey Mike

very based and very redpilled

does it still count if you're lifting with your elbows?

>Why is it so fucking hard to show empathy?
You tell me, you never showed any to Trump.

why is rich evans the most powerful being in the universe, and how can the puny mortals stop him?

In reality they never made up, Jay is just a dumb flunky who wants to pretend he has friends and Mike wants someone to abuse.

>every country in the new world is a diverse utopia

Attached: lpinr3cda7u11.png (6927x4640, 2.02M)

>canadians less european

it all makes sense now

Anything close to 600 and you can lift it any way you want

indeed, that's a kind of weight that will totally fuck up a human body if not handled in the best way

>dude the secret to elections is literally just being mentioned more, in ANY context

You're a fucking idiot. If this were true Roy Moore would have won.

You're very clearly a retard that wants to make excuses as to why Trump won. You just can't accept that people were tired of Democrats and their shit.

Liberalism is a Hell of a drug.

Jay was desperate for a job and had no other choice but to keep working with Mike. Have you seen his "films" like Pork Pork in Space? Jay would have been homeless by 2010 had he tried to go it alone.

>Why is it so fucking hard to show empathy?

You tell me.

as an American I want to remove them with tremendous indifference

stoklasa sounds salty

I was in gradeschool :^)

What the fuck is this? Some safespace for gamer faggots and trannies?

>Despite multiple instances of blatant sexist, racist and anti-progressive rhetoric, they remain widely referenced and enjoyed by ERA.
>anti-progressive rhetoric


What video did he say this in?

>it’s clear this guy is a monstrous bigot
Of AIDSmoby was really that retarded I hope his kids fucking die right now.

something in reference to the woman's march in 2016

>has a tranny fiance
>has never had actual fruit in his life and is convinced he'll hate it because he doesn't like sodas with fruit flavors
both of these are based


>showing empathy for someones crazy theory that's no where close to reality


certainly the gayest

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Attached: jayforpay.png (169x222, 56K)

it makes me think of those racist crowds attacking black girls that want to go to school

Why am I turned on by this?

In 2003 I was cumming in your mother's cunt. 9 months later you were born, so I guess that makes you underage. Which means get the fuck out.

Attached: 1g9bqz.jpg (565x500, 99K)

Ching chong bing bong, you buy fried rice?

Jack grew up on a farm. He's use to high trust, low crime thinking. Which is funny in a way since he is more use to firearms and death than the rest of those city slickers.

This is why you CC, a couple shots and that whole mob stops


Funding from billionaire-controlled trusts and foundations

Eh, it's still the weakest of his prank calls.

>Traffic to Tumblr has fallen by close to 30 percent since December, when the blogging platform banned adult content, according to market intelligence firm SimilarWeb.
>In December, Tumblr had an estimated 520 million visits, which dropped to 436 million in January and then 369 million in February, according to SimilarWeb's data.
t. some pcmag article

Papa is that you? Where are the child support checks?

I too saw those retards at resetera OP

>"I am a racist."
What did Mike "The Third Reich" Stoklasa mean by this?

Attached: mike-stoklasa-profile.jpg (529x576, 59K)


>ping pong nipon
Chun lee linglong

i want resetera to leave

Are you sub 70 iq?

Resetera is a nightmare of a site.

Is he though? I know he said in the Bunny Ears podcast it's a Czech name, but there's literally only 956 people with that surname here.
It sure has slavic roots, but I wouldn't say it's really traditional Czech name. Might be Polish or something.

kill yourself
your president xi pingpong looks like winnie the pooh

you just made an enemy for rife

Stoklosa is a very popular Teschen/Cieszyn Silesia and Saybusch area name. That's historically a highly mixed Polish/Czech/German area so he could be any mix of that.

Misspelling it as Stoklasa is probably just some Ellis Island official fucking up.

There is literally zero people with the name Stoklosa in Czech Republic right now, but 956 Stoklasas. "Sto" means one hundred and "klas" means wheat ear. So might have something to do with farmers.

Because I am a mentally ill incel with nothing else in his life. So I obsess over the things I hate, not realising that this makes me miserable. And in this hugbox, I find others with the same mental illness, so it feels like we are all correct, instead of all mentally ill. I can't focus on positive things because I suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder, like many here, and good things make me feel like shit, so I focus strictly on negative things and use the coping mechanism of saying anything positive is "Reddit", a website I have never visted. If anyone likes anything, for any reason, I'll say it's "Reddit" so it saves me the trouble of even knowing what I mean. All I want is an easy way to discredit anything that isn't mentally ill negative discourse, so I can go on being mediocre while shitting on everything that's a threat to my ego and complacency.

Maybe Stoklosas were smart enough to leave

kek, maybe

>go along with his mental illness
I mean, what are they supposed to do? This is some Split level shit.

ha ha, there's no one with my mother's family name in the country the name is from, but that's because their ethnic group was expunged from the country :^)

Those are detainment centers for illegal immigrants. Nobody asked them to risk their lives for free gibmedats.

Hajimi toema pah

leaked nudes when

>racist whites have no grasp of history
Liberal faggot history:
>big bang
>primitive communism
>Columbus annihilates natives with machine guns in 1492
>slavery invented 1493
>MLK and the Stone wall rioters
And that's literally all you retards believe has ever happened.


>South American countries
you mean central america and the carribean, calling everything south of mexico south america is like calling irland a scandinavian country.

I'm a far left socialist and this is garbage. Humanity is doomed.

Go suck a dick, aidsmoby

Alright, who's the faggot from drama cross posting?

Jussie smollett

post bussy

there was massive butthurt when they criticized black flying man movie back in the day

You mean when he paid his personal trainers to stage an attack in the extreme cold (but don't hit the face)?

>black flying man movie
Red Tails? I don't think even the sjw's cared about that shitpile. George tried to blame it's falure on racism, but I think he was the only one.

They definitely tried to attack them for it. It went away because like you said, nobody cares about the movie

Everyone does have that for the most part. Western social media is more covertly dystopian than insect social currency

>Copy-paste a ResetEra post
>10 replies
Good work, son.

Why waste that much time for (You)s when you can just post a Simpsons character?