One small chinaman vs the whole America's military
Who would win?
And yes he's coming to murrica to teach these burgers a lesson about being humble
One small chinaman vs the whole America's military
Who would win?
And yes he's coming to murrica to teach these burgers a lesson about being humble
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We already know the answer
member when donnie yen was all like he wasnt going to make many ip man movies because it devalues it? i member.
>random nobody is as good as ip man
There was IP man 3?
What the fuck
This is a good time to remind everyone that far from fighting for the honor of the China and the pride of its people, Ip-Man was pretty much using all the money he made teaching martial arts to *smoke opium*.
There is a bunch of videos online showing MMA fighters beating Chinese martial arts masters, there is probably more cases but the chinese government blocks them. The guy getting his ass beat is apparently a tai chi master.
Why is Scott so charismatic as Boyka but looks like a wet noodle in every other role
Yes it's a famous video.
short story
>Tai chi master talked shit about MMA, saying that it isn't a real martial art and all of its practitioners are brainlet brawls
>Be 38 40 years old sth sth MMA-enthusiastic, totally not professional in anyway
>Fuck this tai chi fat bastard, if he thinks he's hot shit how about a match
>The tai chi nigga ( a master actually) didn't think MMA man would come and the whole thing is just banter (as usual among chink martial artists)
>Oh shit he's actually here. Oh well I guess I have to go to ring now, how bad could it ge... ARGH
>Got knocked down by MMA man after mere minutes.
>The whole video went viral on Chinktube. Chinamen started questing the whole traditional martial art's facade as its crumbled before their eyes.
>MMA man suddenly become some kind of celebrity, got challenged a few more times by other masters, also knocked down all of them in mere minutes.
>He talked shit about chink martial art and said all of these masters are fucking frauds tricking people for fame and money.
>Chink gov stepped in and demote his social credit cause "can't criticize our glorious culture". Now he's banned from several public service and transportation.
Ip Man cinematic universe is really rich
>4 Ip Man main movies
>1 Prequel
>1 Prequel Series
>1 old version movie with Anthony Wong
>1 Spin off with Max Zhang character from Ip Man 3
>A Wong Kar Wai arthouse version
Truly Better than MCU and DCU combined
>wing chun beating anyone
More like cope man
So it's IPv4?
Edit: Oh wow my inbox is blowing up, Thanks for the gold kind stranger!
>Now he's banned from several public service and transportatio
He better start doing cardio so he has easy to run from place to place now
Watch Savage Dog, it's fucking insane and is written exactly like what a 15 year old would make if they were making a film with his best friend.
Will Smith as IP man
looks like Scott Adkino to me bros
probably has to do with the director and the material he's given. He's not exactly going to elevate a flat script
but he was really good in Avengement.
>America's military
Can the chink dodge bullet?
he can catch a bullet using chopsticks
Is this the end of America?
>He talked shit about chink martial art and said all of these masters are fucking frauds tricking people for fame and money.
He shittalked about FAKE Chinese martial arts. He himself practices Sanda. A non-meme Chinese martial art.
That's a /g/ movie about a chinese network engineer.