How accurate is this film? Also why are metalfags so autistic?
How accurate is this film? Also why are metalfags so autistic?
>How accurate is this film
pretty accurate. don't let vargfags tell you otherwise, do some research on your own, without including varg as a source.
mayhem was and will always be shit.
varg is lying sack of shit dont believe his lies
Based on videos I've seen Varg always seems so well-spoken and nowhere near as cringy or try hard from his film counterpart, though. I just can't picture him saying ''MY NAME IS VARG''.
that shit happened thirty years ago and he spent half of that time in prison. and it's still a dramatization, i meant as accurate as movies can be. not accurate as in literally word for word what happened
How do any of you know how accurate this is. It's just a bunch of metalheads goofing off
the facts, user. not the goofy shit surrounding the stuff that happened
varg fucking sucks, that's just another fact
Nah it's pretty far off, especially in their depiction of Euronymous. They made him into this sensitive and shy good guy when in reality he was just as big a piece of shit as Varg was. They were both shitty people, but oh no we can't have that in a hollywood release so gotta glorify one of them. Standard over-simplified fictitious hollywood dramatization for the sake of simplifying the story and creating a cleaner "hero/villain" story.
>why are metal [fans] so autistic
do you not have any idea what metal is?
they just did that so people would be able to feel any sympathy for anyone, it doesn't change anything about the story itself. the facts are unchanged, also by the fact that the girlfriend didn't exist in that form.
if they made everyone including oystein the fucking piece of shit they really were it would be a movie with only hateable characters and people who watch the movie for anything else but history would enjoy it less
he doesn't know what autism is
>Sure they lied, but they didn't lie
Hmm, interesting take user
>don't include the guy who was there and saw everything, believe guys repeating hearsay instead
>believe anything varg says
>Euronymous didn't make necklaces out of Dead's brain
Yeah nah
Barely accurate at all.
There was literally no girl.
The book wasn't even accurate.
how do you make a necklace out of someone's brain user?
Varg is so batshit insane he is based
>handful of guys talking about something
>one guy was actually there and involved and can know for sure
>the rest were on the outside looking in and can only repeat what they heard and "reckon"
>don't believe the guy was there, believe the other guys trying to sell you a movie
>varg is the only person that knows what happened
>varg doesn't have any motive to make himself look better
>varg isn't known for lying and radically changing his point of view
>varg is in any way a reliable narrator
It was fun being a teen and getting all kvlt about black metal. Euronymous was something else. It wasnt autism, it was more like disdain for plebs that couldnt appreciate diabolical fullmoon mysticism.
>I know varg is lying based on nothing I just know
>therefore I must believe these other guys who weren't even there
Nice attempt at a false-dichotomy but you're just looking dumber and dumber
You had better stop talking about my boy Varg.
Varg was just defending himself, that fag Euronymous was going to murder him. Also those stab wounds were just the retard trying to climb out the window and cutting himself on the shards while trying to get away from the self defending Varg. What a pussy.
>Chants of Hail Odin in the background
>making Varg a jew to trigger him
>trust anything a literal murderer says
Jesus christ what an idiot
You're the one defending this guy, nothing i could ever post would make me look any dumber than you
What's it with black metal fans defending a POS like Varg? This is like next level edginess
>they just did that so people would be able to feel any sympathy for anyone, it doesn't change anything about the story itself.
I know exactly why they did it, see my previous post, but saying that it changes nothing about the story itself is just straight up false. Of course it does, when the entire story revolves around the conflict between two men and the eventual murder of one of them as a result, changing their personalities and motivations is basically creating a completely new story.
I don't think it's mainly black metal fans, i love burzum but still hate varg. It's mainly this cult following that he has, the ones that go absolutely crazy for him in the youtube comments no matter how big a pile of bullshit he's trying to sell
>a man killed someone in self-defense
>now nothing he says is true
>yet I want to know about what happened
>so I'll consult these psychics in order to find out instead of the one guy that would know best
makes alot of sense, miss cleo
The story of how Euronymous went to the house of Conrad Schnitzler of Tangerine Dream to ask him to compose the intro of Deathcrush and he thought he was a vagrant is absolutely based
watch "until the light takes us" its muuuuch better
I knew you realize on some level how stupid you're being you just wont admit it
>a man killed someone in self-defense
>he drove 2400km at night to Oslo with a knife, and stabbed him a trillion times in the back
vargfags, everyone.
Its what being a part of a cult of personality does to the human brain (if its weak enough to fall for it)
Rationalizing the absolute worst behaviours possible isnt unique to varg followers
Just because he's a POS doesn't mean his testimony doesn't carry the most weight when it comes to the entire scene of black metal. If you don't like it, then get curious about something else
>i won this internet fight and you know it
ok user
Literal delusion, you are the kind of moron who would be suckered into charles mansons cult
I see you don't just enjoy reading fanfiction you enjoy writing it
That one's great. Never knew just how fucking strange Gaal is before I saw that, and his tragic childhood.
Yeah don't engage with the points just bring up another media scape goat like charles manson who's in jail for the crime of "acting crazy" and nothing else. You really need to look into shit
Those are the facts of the crime friend
fairly inaccurate. euronymous gf in the film didnt exist, varg never had a threesome, the dispute was over record sales rather than control of a satanic cult etc. etc.
they added in and omitted a bunch of shit to clearly have good guy euronymous and bad guy varg because americans are stupid. its a cartoon based on events, not a documentary on what happened (see 'when the light takes us' or vargs bitchute channel)
that's literally what happened you fucking idiot, he drove to oslo and stabbed him more than 20 times in the back
when it comes to that part, the movie is very, very accurate. they basically just reeanacted the police report, including oystein having cut his hair that night.
One set of facts, lets see how they compare to varg's
You don't stab someone dozens of times in the back while he's trying to run away from you in self defense.
>varg never had a threesome
Police reports are always accurate right
>I know they lied about everything else but this, THIS? They were completely faithful
it's based on a shitty fanfic, what do you think?
No it isn't. Until the Light Takes Us in a totally amateur hour excuse of a documentary that barely has a plot or decent audio.
I miss vargs youtube channel so much bros. Rambling old racist man kino.
Very convincing argument, what is that, the fallacy of command?
>You don't make wild assertions based on nothing while ignoring the testimony of the one living guy who was there
Hmm, i like it
Varg dindu nuffin
yeah but varg is a meanie :'( so hes definitely the bad man
>you will never be Varg and life the comfy french NEET life
Vargs super nice to his People
Varg actually completely corroborates the police report in his version of events, did you ever watch the videos about it on his own channel?
Literally the only difference he has is that he claims the coroner was somehow unable to differentiate multiple stab wounds in the back from cuts made by glass (kek), and he gives the completely made up justification of having “overheard euonomyous plotting to kill him”, he even goes into detail about how they disposed of evidence and evaded the cops
So don't make the movie then.
based quorthon poster
Inaccurate. Varg is an autistic piece of shit BUT so was Euronymous. I have no doubt that Varg actually believed Euronymous was planning to kill him even though he was probably just talking shit. Autists don;t understand things like that.
There are people from that scene who have tons of insight into these events that were not included in the movie (see: Fenriz) and even other people in Mayhem to this day say that Varg had every right to be worried about Euronymous.
>Varg completely corroborates the report
>Except for this
>and this...
I'm guessing you don't know what "completely" means, do you
>Police initially had no suspects, and Eithun remained free for about a year. However, he told Oystein 'Euronymous' Aarseth, Varg Vikernes, and a few others what he had done.[9]
>After Vikernes' murder of Aarseth in August 1993, Eithun was arrested and confessed to killing Andreassen.
What an idiot
Yes, he does, and since varg isnt a qualified doctor im going to take the facts of the police report and autopsy as true
The fucking faggot deserved it just cause of how pretentious he was.
You mean like Nelson Mandela and basically all the US presidents since the 60s?
Some of his videos and ramblings where comfy as fuck why do the people nowadays have to delete everything that is "evil". Sometimes there is beauty in it
>I'll believe a guy that wasn't there with an agenda
>Instead of the guy who was there with nothing to prove
Super irrational bro, I like it. Makes you seem crazy and kinda stupid. Nice
pure fucking armageddon is a banger tho
He literally dindu nuffin.
If the faggot was a straight male jumping on a woman without consent, people would applaud him getting murdered.
Thanks bro
Can someone who is deep into the lore get something straight for me? I once watched an interview with one of the mayhem members that said he was with with varg while on the phone with euronymous and he confirmed that euronymous was making some pretty serious plans to abduct and kill varg. He even let varg hear the whole conversation according to him. Which guy was that again? Does anyone have the interview?
I'm just sad he isn't continuing on bitchute, instead he's doing some boring Gandalf dog whistle thing on Twitter. No fun.
>i believe varg over police reports
poor retard
>B-but he's a murderer!
>You can't enjoy the music of a murderer
>You have to agree with or like the creator of the music
Plebs. I'm a racist, but it doesn't stop me from listening to negro music or enjoy negro comedians now and then.
No one here is talking about his music, retard
this, idiot
Do you also listen to lostprophets?
>the news and police would never lie to me
>the police would never lie to get someone they didn't like arrested it has never happened before and can never happen
>I believe what I'm told
>unless I'm being told something I don't like then I believe other people who weren't there and have an agenda
Its quality control, you dont get it. You dont get to call yourself black metal if you arent willing to walk the walk. That was the scene, it wasnt for faggots.
>Be called ‘Dead’
It’s like pottery
Reminder that this film didn't include fenriz and therefor is absolute shit.
>implying the only reason people care about this retard and his music isn't that he killed some other retard
I would, if they were good.
Where can I find more doomsynth bros?
The irony of this post is off the charts
Would you drink the kool aid if varg told you to?
And yet he was just talk and no walk judging by the movie it seems. At least Varg was hardcore as fuck then by your own criteria.
>Varg never lies to me
>Be called Euronymous (demon of death or something)
>Die like a bitch
lol who writes this shit
I was surprised to find out it was based on real events, thought it was a black comedy.
I hope one day will be able to say this about the Elliot Rodger movie. I'd be happy to donate to a crowdfund, all it takes is a brave producer and director.
Thats undisputed. Varg was the most hardcore, but Euronymous wasnt some soft pussy at all, he was there at the church burnings.
>put a picture of the church you burnt down as your album cover
>first release came packaged with a lighter
Fucking hilarious honestly. Great album too.
Everyone in Breaking Bad were major pieces of shit, including the women and Hank, yet people loved that shit.
You don't need sympathetic characters if you are a competent storyteller.
he was a pussy
he went to ONE church burning and barely did anything the bible he lit on fire in the movie was not the cause of the church burning down
lords of chads?
based batlord
Euoronymous was an ugly motherfucker in real life, they should have picked an uglier actor to portray him.
>Euronymous was Sami
I want the whitewashing to die, it's so tiresome.
I don't care if the movie is inaccurate, it was great fun.
The original edgelords. Imagine all the edginess that needs. The movie actually captured that pretty good, to some extent it must really have been as cringe as in the movie. No fucking way people who do stuff like that are in any way more serious
So shittily written, like a high school student trying to pad out an essays length. Has some nice articles and photos though.
the moment i saw the vice productions logo, i should have walked out and gotten a refund. the only good part was up until dead killed himself. after that it was just high school drama with goth makeup. i love black metal and the norwegian scene back in the day is really interesting, but this movie did not do any of the source material justice. all these kids were fucking idiots, highly autistic, and just general pieces of shit, especially euronymous. they made varg into a stueday morning cartoon villian for no reason. the scene with him recording bass for the mayhem album and he just stares at euronymous is fucking hilarious. what the fuck is supposed to be portrayed there? am i supposed to be like "oh no! this chubby autist is planning something!" he looks like he wants to fuck euronymous
Black Metal was this one big injection of autism into metal. Worst thing that ever happened to the genre.
>Also why are metalfags so autistic?
Bullying and narcicism
>No fucking way people who do stuff like that are in any way more serious
They were probably less serious. I assume they thought it was funny.
Some great music came of it though. Melodic-black is still one of my favorite genres to chill to.
>hollywood release
Black metal is the gayest fuckin "music" on earth
Good movie, the whole first half seems fairly accurate to everything I’ve read about Mayhem. Everything involving Varg though was plainly fiction and character assassination cuz the director/Vice hate him. Still good fun tho, 7.5/10
his friend took pieces of his skull, not his brains
Snorre Ruch
Quorthon was a QT twink.
and tell the newspapers everything while you have your manservant serve them tea
>Varg played by a Jew
Will never not make me laugh.
>the shy good guy takes a picture of his friend's dead body and blown out brains and puts it on the cover of his album
How did the movie explain this aspect of his character?
Did Varg actually drink chocolate milk when he killed Euronymouse?
he didn't burn the church just for the sake of being edgy, he burnt the church because they desecrated the resting place of his ancestors you dingus
so he burnt it out of edginess, thanks for your approval
you can believe whatever you want user, you're going regardless of what anyone says anyway
killing nonwhites is so easy for a trve evropean man that of course he could enjoy a beverage while doing so
burning down a church because they "desecrated the resting place of your ancestors" is literally burning down a church out of edginess
No, he wouldn’t have time as he was fighting in self defence
>not defending one of the most based human beings alive
superior documentary kino coming through
his videos with his family were extremely comfy and wholesome. You can still find him on bitchute but its just not the same bros ;_;
How accurate is this video?
>implying Filosofem isn't a work of profound genius
It's funny because this is actually how the rest of the world views metalheads.
Not at all considering everyone in the scene hated metallica
Yeah, i imagine no one in the black metal community appreciated this "tribute". The song also sucks ass, you'd think they'd at least make a more heavy song to go with that video.
I , as a devoted metal enthusiast for 15 years agree.
Really the only song i like is chainsaw gutsfuck.
Also why does black metal need to be 9 minute long songs that consist of 1 or 2 riffs.
Death metal> black metal
Euronymous bows to Chadthon in Hell. Varg will as well, the moment he gets there.