Come on. It’s natural.
Come on. It’s natural
Other urls found in this thread:
Some weird anti-gay animation with ice cream iirc
>Vanilla cleary finds the sexuality of the other flavours deeply uncomfortable
>They peer pressure him into joining them
It wouldn't surprise me if the animator of this really was actually secretly anti-gay and Bill Nye was just too stupid to tell the difference.
It’s science.
The whole idea should be to show that everyone having different tastes is okay, i.e people like different flavors of ice cream.
Most people don't want literally all the flavors at once, pansexuality is very niche.
They should have respected him and backed off, instead he got #metoo'd and will have to file a civil suit against the other flavors for manipulating him into doing something he didn't want to do.
>american show
>food analogies
the jokes write themselves
They pressured Vanilla into a gang rape. That's seriously fucked up man.
Honestly, if he changes his mind afterwards, its rape by their logic.
>something he didn't want to do
He willingly and enthusiastically joined them.
that's still rape.
you can't manipulate someone into sex, that's the law.
I never understood this. if someone suggests sex, does it count as manipulation? where's the line?
No it isn’t you fucking retard. They didn’t coerce or blackmail him into doing anything, which is what would’ve been illegal. He’s (presumably) an adult who can make big boy decisions himself.
>want to have sex
you are rapist
In my country, it's illegal if the perpetrator knew or should've known the other person didn't want to. So if you manipulate someone, you know they actually don't want to, so it's illegal.
If I rape you until you cum it's still rape
pale needlenose monkeys with piss colored hair on the run again
>mutilate your children and pump them full of hormones
>also stop having them
Imagine the justified outrage if the ice-cream cone who got pressured into sex had a female voice.
>unless you are a minority
this image is quite funny do you mind if i save it?
it's all yours my friend
Lol this shit was so racist and wack
Leave it to jews to minimize people to caricatures
the problem with that is that white women are typically left leaning
me on the right
Imagine it's a woman who ((((felt)))) like she had no other choice.
Look at all those 4/10s.
>lol what if we fucking RAPE YOU?
>oh i guess you turned me into a degenerate with your rape
cuz my sex junk
meanwhile, the cute underaged white girls are doing this.
This thread literally wouldn't exist without GamerFromMars.
God bless YouTube
wtf I love black cock now?
It's cartoons like this that breed super villains like the one who is the main subject of the YouTube film I posted
You too, Bill?
Suck a chocolate cone and choke on it.
Clearly not since you couldn't come up with one dumbfuck
>strawman of heterosexuality gets called "science of feelings"
Are these people blind AND dumb?
Don't know much about #metoo, huh?
>When your SJW """""science""""" show is so SJW that even Reddit has backlash against it
This is how fucking far Left Netflix has gone.
They're now too SJW for SoiBoy Hip Young Democrat Redditors.
I wonder how much the people who made this show and the people who watch it like the Science behind these facts and figures.
Did Season 2 ever happen or did Netflix shut it down?
>have these saved on your hard drive
>call everyone else cucks
Your brain has been warped by memes
>Brought to you by Kater's Australian Party
Yeah, they did a good job of showing how people with alternative sexual practices often pressure and shame those who hold more traditional views. This was a bold piece.
t. butthurt amerilard
This is what leftism is all about.
Isn't this literally subversion though.
>5% of the population have about seventy different versions of homo.
>95% don't.
There are 71 different sexualities and you're just one of them!
WTF, I hate science now
I hate sodomites so fucking much
This. They make it impossible to like them with all this shit.
While the animation is retarded, anything you conaciously do to influence someone in their decision to have sex with you is manipulation, so that's a silly argument to make. Wearing something other than your sonic shirt on a date is hardly rape.
Just say "I hate gay people so fucking much." Talking like an autist is a reason you'll never get to sodomize a man or woman.
Mint and chocolate is the most disgusting combination possible
This. People that like it have shit taste and more that likely just mix any flavor into a brown paste
"Sodomite" is a real (and accurate) term, shit head.
Did you not know that? Are you getting upset that people are using big, scary words you didn't learn at Pre-School?
Based rape defender
I know it's a real word. So is "indubitably", but if you said that to agree with someone you'd be autistic. Get it, sperg?
Get fucked shitheads
>no means no
>except when we want to have sex, dummy
>Entire concept is about sexuality not being a choice
>But they convince vanilla at the end anyway
>i get to decide what words people use and don't use
No, you actually don't.
I'm pretty sure you're just triggered that sodomites are getting called "sodomites".
i just watched a fucking cartoon ice cream get raped
neither autistic nor sperg are insults, normie
> but a minority in this exact society
> not a minority on the planet
Sources on 33% of child molesters and 67% of AIDS cases?
Fags are the ONLY group of people who use this "you're secretly one of us all along" argument for anyone who disagrees with their lifestyle.
Ah, I can just FEEL the Science and Reason emanating from this clip.
Wahts your favorite ice-cream flavor?
For me its cookie and creame
>pansexuality is very niche.
It also doesn't exist. Humans cannot have consenting sex with animals, aliens have not visited us, and machines aren't alive. There is no way to demonstrate whether someone is actually pansexual in practice, all they can say is, "muh waifu" or some shit when talking about a robot girl or talking dragon. And just saying what you would do in a fantasy does not make you pansexual since there's never any threat of you having to fuck a weird slimy mermaid for real.
It's like me saying I'm so tough because I play shooters, I bet I could take people on in real life with a gun, that's how you know I'm tough.
vanilla and mint
I don't know, man. Pretty much the entire catalog of Ben & Jerry's is my favorite.
French ice cream is superior to all, whatever falvor
Me in the middle doing my halloween blackface
Horses can consent
OP, did you watch Gamer from Mars video? I did too
*laughs in shekels*
You know, Jerry never got to try Cherry Garcia because he was such a severe diabetic. That didn't keep him off the drugs, but, hey man, that ice cream stuff could kill ya.
cookie dough
Wait why is the lifespan 30 years shorter im confused is the same thing true for bisexuals help
My nigga
>there's no such thing as straight people
Because nearly all child molesters are men (>90%), and almost a perfect third of victims are boys. Do the math.
Yes, if there were two main flavors of vanilla and chocolate, and once in every million there was a random black licorice and raisin flavored ice cream.
God hates confetti ice cream
>be staright
>watch regular porn
>watch a lot of cumshot porn
>one day i see a pic of an erect male masturbating
>no woman in sight
>wait what's happening
>no.. NO that's NOT arousing!!! NOOOOO
The jews man, they got me
No. Who’s that?
cake flavor. i like it more than cake
butter pecan is for fags and you're a fag for liking it
I'm glad Bill Nye crashed and burned like he did. I'm honestly surprised it happened at the speed it did.
It renewed what little faith I had left in mankind. It got dashed again in an instant, but it was there for a moment.
probably all the crazy diseases they get from their degenerate lifestyles coupled with the high rate of suicide when they can't have more sex in their advancing age
Huxley was right
or you were just gay and watched cumshot porn like the closeted fag you are
Literally had to pause the video to enjoy the irony.
There is a base standard - just look at nature and the vast majority of people throughout human history - but people are corruptible. This is literally why so many people who spend time on /gif/ are cucks/tranny chasers/obsessed with sissification. If you see enough of something your brain will begin to accept it, then you'll start chasing the feeling of excitement and shock you experienced when you first saw it. There's a large scientific basis for this - which Bill would know about if he were an actual scientist and wouldn't ignore if he weren't essentially a mouthpiece for the left who'll say and push anything to stay relevant and "virtuous".
>Likes and Dislikes disabled
>Comments disabled
That's always a good sign.
If you like chocolate and peanut butter, this ice cream is god tier.
Indubitably, you are a blackamoor (currently nigger)-loving sodomite (currently faggot).
What the fuck is Gamer from Mars?
Phish Food master race
Diseases (especially AIDS), risky lifestyle choices, suicide, etc. Do the math. It adds up at some point.
Naturally the NPC's instead blame it on "hate crimes", of course committed by straight white Christian men in Trump hats. But even if it were other people doing fags in rather than fags doing themselves in it wouldn't even be the fault of straight white Christian men in Trump hats then.
He has fallen so far.
What a fuckin loser
The need to reproduce has nothing to do with being straight, which is love or sexual interest for the opposite sex for reasons other than reproduction. A gay guy who has a child with a surrogate mother would be no different than a Leopard impregnating a female and then fucking off to live alone the rest of his life.
If you want to make the natural argument, the more intelligent and social a creature is, the more cases of homosexuality you see in nature. Bonobos will fuck each other for sexual pleasure regardless of sex. Dolphins will fuck anything for sexual pleasure. We aren't creatures of pure instinct. We can choose who and when we want to reproduce. It's not the same argument of who do we stick it in to feel good when I want to bust a nut.
Those are old stats from the AIDS epidemic. If you have good judgment and use protection, it's a non issue nowadays.
A gay guy with a child would probably fuck it.
Nice pivot. I bet you ballet a lot you semen chugging /pol/tard
Daily Reminder that Liberals unironically treat this man as some kind of authority on Science.
Remember when the left just wanted corporations to stop dumping pollution in rivers and now says you have to participate in the giant globohomo genderless perma-orgy otherwise you're a bigot
What happen
cotton candy ice cream is better than cotton candy
>If you have good judgment and use protection
But gays don't, lol
That's why their STD stats are through the fucking roof.
Remember when the right just wanted small government and neo-liberalism and now you have to praise coal, deny climate change and love the state of Israel or otherwise you're a leftie cuck
What happen
I think the right hates israel more than the left does, amigo
>Remember when the left just wanted corporations to stop dumping pollution in rivers
They traded that for the modern, vague boogeyman of "Climate Change".
Pollution in rivers is something you can actually empirically measure. I guess that was too objective and reality-based for the Left, who have now decided that "facts" and "logic" are social-constructs created by the White Man to oppress gays and women.
>the right is nazis!!!!
>the right sucks Israel cock!!!!
Fucking pick one and stick with it already you disingenuous lying queers.
>deny climate change
You mean "be skeptical of"?
"Denialist" is literally just your label for people who don't buy into your preferred brand of nonsense.
Wow imagine being this behind the ball on what the 'right' is actually about, what a fucking retard
>Remember when the right just wanted small government
They do. And you call them "fascists" for it.
Heh, take a look at this sodomite spergmaster
Why don't you go dilate some more?
good luck finding it in a grocery store for a reasonsble price.
>Nice pivot. I bet you ballet a lot you semen chugging /pol/tard