How will you celebrate when Endgame becomes the movie king?

I'm going to see Endgame again the day it's projected to get the record, that way I can say it was my ticket that BTFO Avatar forever.

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I don't know. Maybe with a Brie thread?

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There are real people that will actually do this unironically

Yep, like me you faggot.

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Endgame was meh. It doesn’t deserve to beat Avatar. Not saying this in defense of Avatar, it didn’t deserve to be #1 either but Endgame was greatly lacking.

why is brie such a racist.

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why is she a cute?

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Kinda a shame that she didn’t show off how cute she could be in Captain Marvel.

Sip Queen sippin' on the haters

Brie would be cuter if she had blue eyes.

Brie can't be cuter than she already is.

I don't get this meme. She was beautiful in Captain Marvel.

>releasing it twice just to beat avatar

Pathetic really. the only thing more pathetic is the hordes of incels lining up to pay to watch it a second time

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I also love Brie, but don't start company wars. I'm already feeling semi-bad for Avatar lads.

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You need to take a break from the internet buddy. It ain’t a meme

I hate people who have that squint the eyes laugh. It always feels like they're laughing at me. Fuck her.

I'm pretty sure it is. Hopefully now that the you guys have Jane Bond to worry about, this meme can be put to rest.

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That can be solved by getting the fuck over yourself.

You REALLY need to go outside.

how about I get my cum all over yourself

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Are they handing out Brie gfs outside? Otherwise I'm not interested.

Same here.
Yes (formerly No) time for love, Brie Larson thread!

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Not him, but I unironically met a girl that kind of reminds me of Brie recently. But she's 6 years older than Brie and 11 years older than me.
What do you think?

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She is somewhat similar, and mommy kino. Try your luck user.

I'd spend the day laughing at you capecucks as I always do

Adjusted for modern exchange rates and inflation Avatar made 2 billions and earned less than Shrek 2 adjusted same way

It would be awesome if everyone in this thread dropped dead.

Thanks man.

That's not a nice thing to say to your fellow anons.

>drinks £50 champagne


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She's cute. Get her to do a sip pic please!

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Holy cope, adjust the chinese market growth and Avatar pissed all over this already forgotten capeshit

I doubt I have that much influence. But I'll ask her what she thinks about Brie.
Don't know how I'll react if she says something negative though. Probably a knuckle sammich.