>watermelon, diced not sliced
Watermelon, diced not sliced
Other urls found in this thread:
>not saying "grapejuice or coolaid"
you had one job user
Every 007 portrayed in film has been a white man named James Bond. There is no distinction between the two, that's retarded
>is black
>surname is lynch
>black woman
Try to make your bait image not so overly fake next time. They would never cast a woman, especially a black woman, as 007.
>Chicken legs. Fried, not grilled
007 is a code name. James Bond literally retired in the last movie. A new agent is assigned the 007 code name. Daniel Craig is still starring. Are you faggots retarded?
purple drank, glass rimmed with kool aid powder
In spectre they confirmed james bond and 007 was not an code namehanded down to different qualified agent. Now they retcon that Double 0 is a the code name.
Now they hire a fucking woman.
Why the fuck is the minority in control of the entertainment industry?
user, I...
Where the hell do they find these ugly ass tranny looking sheboons?
Bond could be anywhere
The cück will come up with the most retarded excuses to justify blackwashing, it's truly amazing.
>No, Ms. Bond, I'm afraid Black Panther is quite overrat-
*table being overturn, loud clattering*
*punching, scuffling*
Why do niggers always have retarded first names? It's like the shitty fantasy names you'd make up as a kid.
They probably have a desk full of mugshots and just choose the ugliest for maximum damage.
>Lashana as 007
>Chris Hemsworth as Maximus Dix
yeah no. Maybe if they got an actually attractive female
>Bond,bail bond.
Oddly accurate, add a starwipe afterwards and a interview with tmz over the shittiest quality of skype camera
Reminder that daddy is going to cut her off if this shit flops. He already had to step in and take complete control since he's losing hundreds of millions. This shit sounds awful too.
>"There is a pivotal scene at the start of the film where M says 'Come in 007', and in walks Lashana who is black, beautiful and a woman," a "movie insider" tells the outlet. "It's a popcorn-dropping moment. Bond is still Bond, but he's been replaced as 007 by this stunning woman."
>While the source says Bond is "sexually attracted to the new female 007 and tries his usual seduction tricks," he is "baffled when they don't work." The insider also claims that the term "Bond girls" has been removed from use and replaced with "Bond women."
>"This is a Bond for the modern era who will appeal to a younger generation while sticking true to what we all expect in a Bond film," the insider later adds. "There are spectacular chase sequences and fights, and Bond is still Bond but he's having to learn to deal with the world of #MeToo."
>stunning woman
>steel reserve, 40, leave the bottle
>stunning woman
Is that a men?
>Daniel Craig is still starring
OG Ghostbusters also starred in that female reboot.
Danny Ocean also starred as a a tombstone in Ocean's Eight
this doesn't mean shit
i understand kikes like to push their propaganda, but why did they hire someone so fucking ugly? there are a lot of attractive niggresses.
You don't know what "starring" means, brainlet.
because the audience is easy and mostly boomers and they do not care about some obsessions of some autistic incels
Well, that confirms that James Bond isn't "for you" anymore.
I'm sure lots of women will go and see it instead of the regular audience. Women have traditionally loved action spy thrillers where the main character isn't a shirtless and/or suited dude.
point still stands tho
Ugliness is the whole point user. It's all about making the audience question reality. If the media tells you this ugly thing is beautiful often enough you'll start to wonder what it is you're not seeing, if there's something wrong with your judgement. And then hopefully you'll flat out throw your judgement away and let *them* decide things for you, since you clearly have no idea what's real or fake.
>and Bond is still Bond but he's having to learn to deal with the world of #MeToo."
lmao you know this was written by a woman who loves to be choked
>humor, funny not dumb&racist
>reaches her mission objective
>sets off the explosive
>turn out to be bootleg fireworks
Oh shit
we wuz james bonds an mermaids n sheit
Holy shit
>lash and a lynch
I just want you to know I am going to post this in all future threads and take the credit for it, along with the (you)s
No it doesn't, because DC is literally starring - he's a main character, from what we know "new" 007 is in like 1-2 scenes.
It feels like everything is trying to become Harrison Bergeron.
It is our duty to not give them any money.
I don't believe that somebody legitimately wrote this.
Imagine being this unfunny
>Trayvon Martin DB9
007 and The Dr. Oh no you di'int
>poltards still seething
Aids, Ms. Bond.
The most powerful weapon in your arsenal.
Although whether or not you can get "laid" is up to you.
I like how every time it turns out worse than our expectations.
>The Little Mermaid
>Expected Zendaya a mutt
>Turns out it will be an extremely ugly looking literal who niggress
>Expected to be Idris Elba, a very well known black actor, controversies arise only because we feared it might be a PC choice rather than talent
>Turns out it will be an extremely ugly looking literal who niggress
keep it,I have a thousand other ideas like that one
>So, Ms. Bond, you want me to make you a master key for all bike locks?
>coins in the nose
nah youse dumb whyte cracka, wez gots dem all ready (pulls out bolt cutters)
this is legit 8/10 in bongland tho.
>Chicken, not stirred
Dying here
The make them up. Not kidding. My aunt is a nurse, and she laughs all the time at the names new mothers come up with - they're not allowed to talk them out of it, they have to write down whatever the mother says. She says half of them can't spell the names, and have to figure it out with the nurse's help.
lol, more like laughing
>r*dditor cringe and unbased
>nigga holocost
>i know you can't read
>daasss riiite
Good luck out there in the field, Ms. Bond... And please, don't pawn the equipment off like last time!
>stunning woman
Is she behind the fat ape?
1. None of this shit has actually been confirmed yet. It's quite possible that all these media outlets are reporting on it because of the (imo obvious) reaction and because it drives these sites traffic. It's quite possible that this is fake and EON are not commenting on it because any statement they make will make them look like racists to retards on twitter
2. If this is real this is so obviously a dumb idea that it boggles the mind. The entire James Bond series has literally been the same fucking movie 24 times. They've pretty much been remaking Goldfinger since 1964. I'm not trying to be rude but is an escapist load of nonsense like the James Bond series really the best medium for which to preach a multicultural message about the importance of diversity? It's a movie series where cars can turn into submarines.
3. Again assuming this is real, they've tried this tactic multiple times and while the response from social media is massive the actual box office returns don't seem to reflect the taste of twitter-obsessed weirdos. And it's fucking obvious why, what the fuck is the appeal other than the lead being a black woman? What's the hook to make you see the movie? I mean almost everyone will praise the decision because they're not racist and they don't want to be seen as racist and Piers Morgan ranted about what a terrible choice it was and no wants to agree with that twat. But will they actually go and see it? Or will they wait for the reviews to come in and maybe check it out on Netflix a year later to see what all the hubub was about.
Same shit happened with the recent Men In Black movie. No one saw it because the only hook was that the new movie had a black woman and Thor as the leads. The only joke in the trailer about how problematic calling it the 'Men' in Black and it wasn't even very funny.
Da name boon ,shee boon
>not purple drank or colt 45
>tfw don't really like any (((franchises))) and every time superheros or star wars or star trek or james bond or dr who and so on and so on get ruined all I do is laugh
I always like it when they go for Latrina or Latrine.