So it goes
>Far From Home
>Spider-Man 2
>Amazing Spider-Man
>Spider-Man 3
>Amazing Spider-Man 2
Right fellas?
So it goes
Other urls found in this thread:
Spiderman 2
Spiderman 3
Rest of the shit
Agree, unironically
homecoming is better than far from home
>Spiderman 2
>[power gap]
>Amazing Spiderman
>Spiderman 3
>[2nd power gap]
>ASM 2
Granted the only good ones were the first two Raimi films, since then it's been a shit IP
the absolute state of mcucks
Raimi 2 > Raimi 1 > Spiderverse = Raimi 3 > FFH > Homecoming >>>>> Amazing 1 > Amazing 2
Spider-Man 2 > Into The Spider-Verse > Spider-Man > Homecoming > Far From Home > Amazing Spider-Man > Amazing Spider-Man 2
I like Homecoming more.
I liked amazing spider Man 2
Kino villain
>Raimi 1 & 2
>Raimi 3
>into the spiderverse
>spiderman far from home
>the first tom holland spiderman movie whatever it's called
>other spiderman movies dont exist due to suckiness
>spiderman cartoons
I didn’t think Mysterio was as great as everyone has been saying. He lack proper motivation with "unstable" being the only justification for his actions.
I’d put most of the Raimi films above Homecoming and Far From Home though neither are bad films.
The character itself was thin but the performance was excellent.
zoomer faggot
I agree with this list. Raimi Spider-Man fags need to get over themselves, and this is coming from somebody who wasn't at all impressed with Homecoming.
The Spider-Man movies, outside of Spider-Verse, aren't that amazing or spectacular. Far From Home was entertaining, even though its main villain was inconsistent.
Honestly yeah.
That’s strait up how it goes, but you won’t hear the acceptance for a few more years still.
When we are going honest memeless its more like this:
>Spider-Man: the Animated Series
>Spider-Man 2
>Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (haven't seen this one yet)
>Spider-Man: Far From Home
>Civil War
>Spider-Man 3
>Amazing Spider-Man
>Amazing Spider-Man 2
>Spider-Man: Homecoming
Who in there right MIND could possibly put Spiderman 3 above Homecoming???
That’s absolutely insane user. That’s literally one of the worst movies I’ve seen.
FFH was at least equal to Raimi's 2nd Spiderman.
A good villain does the movie, and Mysterio was really pretty good, like doctor Octopus, and Thanos in IW.
There are fifty animated series. Do you mean the mtv animated series?
old good
newest meh
new bad
True dat. Home Coming was good, Raimi 3 was the worst Spider-man film.
Mysterio wasn't as complex a character as Ock or Thanos. Gyllenhaal gave the character a lot of energy but no pathos.
>Spider-Man: the Animated Series
Mein negger. I miss Spider-Chad so much.
He means the 90s show. The one with GOAT theme song.
fuck off disney shill
So why didn't he rank all the animated series seeing how mtv did a pretty good job with theirs?
saw homecoming a few days ago for the first time. Flash being a poo manlet trying to act tough just ruined it for me. I couldnt get over it. Aside from that though I had no emotions during it. It was like watching a spider crawl across a wall. Not particularly entertaining, not particularly boring, but you'll watch it to the end for the sake of watching it to the end. Spiderman 2 is #1 for me with Amazing Spiderman being at the bottom. i literally remember absolutely nothing from that movie, that's how irrelevant it was.
>Night Monkey
Jesus Fucking Christ Raimi...
So how do you rank all the animated series?
It honestly didn't even occur to me, I just put SMTAS because its the best representation of Spider-Man outside of The Amazing Spider-Man Comics and the game Spider-Man: Maximum Carnage.
Also yes I'm a Spider-Autist
Children grow up with the cartoons and comics. Its why we even care about the movies.
Spider 2 , 1, FFH, HC, Spider 3, TRASH amazing
Anyone who doesn't put the Garfield entries at the bottom is a faggot & a redditor in that order.
Why do ppl hate TASM so much?
Literally a Doc Ock.
meant for
you are completely right EXCEPT spiderverse belongs between homecoming and spiderman2
still better than MCU spider man movies
chill, samefag
Raimi Doc Ock was a better villain.
No, it really wasn’t.
But they had the very same motivation.
More like
>Spider-Man The Animated Series
>Spectacular Spider-Man
>Into the Spider-Verse
>Spiderman 2
>Far From Home
>Spiderman 3
Nothing else deserves a rank
Doc Ock tech wasn’t called barf by Tony Stark
why does no one rank the cartoons? there is more than one
This gives Beck even more justification
90s was best, ultimate was worst, og only worthy for memes, everything else doesn't really matter.
>everything else doesn't really matter.
No it doesn’t
3 has more heart and soul than all of MCU Spider-Man movies
Spectacular was pretty great. By the guy who made Gargoyles.
jesus christ user
Based and Raimipilled
Hey, Spectacular Spider-Man and The New Animated Series were great
"Heart" and "soul." Was does that even mean?
spiderman > spiderman 2 > spiderman 3 and the rest is filler
it means he;s a sad Yea Forums parrot
Meaning that the director cared about what he was making, and with 3 he tried his absolute best to make an actual Spider-Man movie, unlike MCU ones that just feel like a cog in the big franchise.
lmao if i like the movies but dislike your precious MCU ones that means im a parrot? grow up
>Meaning that the director cared about what he was making
>spiderman 3
>lmao if i like the movies
if you like spiderman 3, that's fine. If you blindly like it and think it's actually good, there's something wrong with you.
yeah, he did care, but Sony made things worse, movie could have been much better without the meddling of producers
no, there's something wrong with you user.
Spider-Man 3 has many great moments in it, memorable ones, and it still feels like a Spider-Man movie
Spider-Man 2 is the only one you can watch on NEET filled day of activity
Santo basado!
raimi trilogy is just so comfy nothing will ever top it
By that logic, M. Night’s movies must be bursting with Heart and Soul. He funds his movies himself, if that isn’t caring than I don’t know what is.
Sam made great movies and he would have made 3 even better without studio interference, M. Night made a ton of mistakes himself without the interference
Far From Home was the first time I left the cinema genuinely bored. I don't know if I was just not in the mood or what, but I just couldn't give a shit about what was going on with the story. Think my friend felt the same way, usually we talk for half an hour about a movie afterwards but he just left immediately with barely a goodbye and hasn't mentioned the movie since. Which is especially weird because he's actually in to all this Marvel shit.
>Spectacular Spider-Man
>Spider-Man 2
>Spider-Man 1
>Spider-Man: the animated series
>Spider-Man 3
>The Amazing Spider-Man
>Spider-Man: Homecoming
>Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse
>Spider-Man: Far From Home
>The Amazing Spider-Man 2
The only good characters in MCU's Spider-Man is Spidey himself and aunt may to an extent, everyone else was comedy relief that barely have an impact in the story, Flash Thompson was best represented in TAS1 with how he was a dick but still cared about Peter's feeling when his uncle died, Raimi has the best friend for Peter, someone that both loves and hates him, while the MCU decided to go with some fat literal who, that wasn't even relevant at all in FFH
Never forget that the 3 villains wasnt his idea
It was originally sandman and harry and Venom was supposed to be for 4
Raimi continues to be literally the best
The Raimi trilogy are the only actual Spider-Man movies, the new ones are just an MCU spin off that doesn't stand by itself. Far From Home is just a continuation from Avengers End game its not Spider-Man movie
So you can view mistakes and poor decisions when it comes to film. Good, now do the same with the third Raimi and compare it to FFH. Regardless, of who’s fault it was that the third was shit doesn’t make it any less shit.
3 is still more enjoyable than FFH which was rather bland