>lose many of your children because of your insane cult
>exile father because in his dying days he started to become normal
>can't even answer simple questions without sobbing
Why doesn't Shirley Phelps just give up the WBC and enjoy the rest of her days as a normal mother?
Lose many of your children because of your insane cult
Other urls found in this thread:
because she's afraid to go to hell
she's invested to much. If she quits now she have to admit to wasting all those years
She's knows it's all bullshit, it's more her pride and ego that she can't let go of. I think she thinks her entire world will fall apart if she stops the charade.
So she's willing to lose her own children because of pride? What happened to motherly instincts?
>spend your life doing this insane shit with the utmost devotion
>you don't get to be an 'elder' and newer members do
>lose four of your children
Wait Fred Phelps became more normal?
What did he do?
I had never heard of this, what's the deal with the WBC. I only know the funeral disruption shit, but what is this four children stuff.
Kids got smart and left the cult.
In his dying days around 85 he went to the gay house across the street from their church (the rainbow house) and told them they were good people. Church members exiled him for going against his own teachings. He knew he would be dead soon so he wanted to apologize for his life of hate.
Most of her children are still with the church, so she'll lose some no matter what she does. Without a real leader and with their message diluted to the point they look like borderline regular protestants, their little cult is coming to an end anyway.
Thought for a second you were about to tell me this cunt had offered them in some ritual or some half assed attempt to talk to Fred.
I had an impression that this never happened and it was a lie invented by the elders. Not sure what he really did other then become senile.
I guess it doesn't really make up for it but good on him.
It happened. Many members get extremely defensive when it's brought up.
>he wanted to apologize for his life of hate
phelps was a nigger loving democrat.
he only hated fags because the bible told him to.
>Jael Phelps explained to Louis Theroux in her interview for America's Most Hated Family in Crisis that she and the other members of the WBC picketed at the funeral of a Muslim man's wife simply because the man had witnessed and scolded them for intentionally burning a copy of the Quran in public a week earlier.
Logically this action would mean they believe Islam is idolatry or worshiping a false Messiah, so why are they focusing their attention on gays when there are many millions upon millions more Muslims and Mosques to picket?
that doesn't make any sense
I never thought I'd feel bad for this cunt. Bravo Louis.
I'm sure they were told he had done it and it makes sense that they are defensive about it, but something doesn't add up. The story is too vague and weird.
it doesn't make sense to you because you are stupid.
is it? His mind was deteriorating and he was terrified that what he did was wrong. People on their death bed do stuff like this all the time.
You expect a bunch of hillbillies to make sense?
He was a Civil Rights attorney in the 60s and 70s.
How do you fight for civil right and then turn into a cult leader? Bizarre.
Because the bible says fags are no good but it didn't say anything about niggers
Could have been a moment of regret/doubt in his senility.
Of all the things to obsess about, why gays? The bible prohibits tons of things but they always are stuck on gays. I bet fred was a massive faggot in his early days.
They do other things. They mock mainstream conservatives as idol worshippers for treating the flag like a god and protest funerals of soldiers for being killers for an unholy nation
Is there a new doc or show?
this is actually what most people hate them for. if they hadn't picketed soldiers' burials no one would have given a shit
New episode from his show
Louie the poo
Because they don't fight back. If they did the same thing to muslims that they do to gays their church would explode one day.
anyone got the picture of the bald lesbian daughter?
People "fight back" against them all the time and they sue for damages. It's why so many of them are lawyers and how they make a lot of their money.
I'd join a cult to if i looked like him.
wasn't their whole stick being lawyers and sue anyone who infringed their religious freedom?
wasn't that the whole reason for them being assholes?
Because he was a fetishist who got off on being hated. He got hate from right wingers in the 60s and the from the liberals with his christian cult.
I could watch her blub and cry for days
Fuck that stupid, nasty tub of shit
I honesty felt true pity for her at the end. She's a dumb boomer but seeing her face change when asked about her feelings losing her children showed that she knows her entire life was a joke and every choice she made destroyed her family. Megan crying actually made me tear up a little. Probably one of Louie's best docu on them.
it's sad that the world will continue to become pozzed despite all their years of protest. is there anything that can stop the fags and their takeover of society?
>it's sad that the world will continue to become pozzed despite all their years of protest
wbc is literally jew lawyers gaming the system you zog retard
Nothing you can do will stop it. If anything they reinforced LGBT communities with their stupidity. Isn't it ironic that people that rabidly fight against ideas they don't like fail and the idea prospers?
>>>you don't get to be an 'elder' and newer members do
That's fucking amazing.
so basically, you can't stop "progress." what a wonderful world
They didn't want her to be an elder because the elders discuss how to manipulate and control the congregation. Letting Shirley into that discussion would be to much of a risk that she would rebel.
There are more fags and fag enablers in America than mudslimes. End faggotry then idolatry. Simple.
Eh, it's not really progress when the group are a bunch of gays that will never reproduce and if they adopt their children will hate them for being so retarded. Just how the cycle of life works. Similar to how silent and boomers are all racist and their kids use dating non whites as a punishment to them.
gays reproduce through memes and molestation
>Eh, it's not really progress when the group are a bunch of gays that will never reproduce
/pol/ spouts this every hot minute as if gays appeared 20 years ago and will die within the next 80 since they only last a generation before croaking and never surfacing again
allah/jehova/niggerretarddiety would've just smote their asses and we'd never hear from them again according to this cucklogic
Fags and trannies reproduce by touching children so there will always be a growing population as long as they are allowed to walk the earth.
I'm so confused with these replies. It's like what i said made y'all sperg out for no reason.
>rent free
because muh god, muh hell.