Films where the underdog makes it
Films where the underdog makes it
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Big if true
>that look in her eyes
You just know she is thinking "he should die!"
Based. Tall women are patrician kino.
is she the whore big suz?
Big suze isn’t even tall irl I saw her once in london
>one of us finally got their happy ending
i'm legit proud of our guy. this gives me so much hope that i'll someday make it.
Is that his father or god or his boss?
Is being a manlet actually that bad? genuinely curious
No but I'm also not a manlet.
Large if verifiable
Sizeable if confirmed
1. she's not tall at all
2. she's a prostitute
>when literally every woman can fulfill an Amazon fetish for this guy
Is it the midge who are the lucky ones?
You will probably have to pay whores, but yeah atleast you can fullfill that fetish
>Tfw amazon/minigts fetish and 6'3
>2. she's a prostitute
all of them are
i know this feel. i tried camsites for camera angles but it just not the same. can never get this from sex or even online.
small if true
>tfw 6'5 and would love just once to date(be with) a girl that's my exact height or slightly shorter(6'3)
I want pic related so bad. being able to hug a cutie that's face to face while standing and feel like a power couple when we enter public places together.
This dude is like 4'10
I would tell you to have sex,but it seems thats not an option
I dont know he seems pretty based to me
>it seems thats not an option
sure it iis. he can always get buttraped
bros, why am I just now seeing this clip
Immense if veracious
his fake laughter to save his ego is the best.
Absolutely based, thot patrolled.
Do you know whats the worst? Even if there are like 10 women on the planet which are like 7'0+ and dont look like ogres, they probably want an even taller guy who makes them feel small and like a girl. It's the super rare combination of tallgirl with predator mindset one in our situation would need. (The chance of supertall whored is neigh 0 i would believe)
You can insult any group on people on here except women, insult women and people flip their shit. Really makes you think.
>that stupid look on her face
I guess im an incel because god fucking damn i hate bitches
Its always tall dudes with this fetish. Had a friend 6’2 he had a thing for girls taller than him. I
Feeling genuine admiration for this based manlet
Brian de Palma looking good here
5'5 manlet reporting in.
Absolutely based. Lanklets on suicide watch.
>imagine thinking she's nothing but a prostitute or just a random hot woman passing by
>he doesn't know
>tfw 5'5 and everyone calls me bagel boss now
have sex
you can't possibly think this will end well. The type of sick woman that seeks out a sick man is not going to be one that is part of a happy life
Imagine being under 6ft tall.
Even 13 year old american schoolgirls average out at 5'11 these days. 5'9 and under is practically legal-dwarf status.
The guy is just really short
>Even 13 year old american schoolgirls average out at 5'11 these days
doubt it, 40% of americans are mexicans, and they're short
Considerable if factual
Grand, if not lacking in verisimilitude
Y-yeah man, imagine getting bullied by schoolgirls, who already tower over you for your height, that would be the absolute worst haha
sort yourself out
Literally Gregg Valentino, just not quite as based.
>Even 13 year old american schoolgirls average out at 5'11 these days.
Big if true.
Just get ripped, it's what all manlets do. Also helps if you got money
Saw an attractive ~6'7 girl this week walking around with her ~6'4 bf. It's not impossible.
Is that Big Suz and the guy who painted Mark's flat with cheap paint?
>tfw 5'11 king of manlets
>too tall to become a meme and get giantess gf
>not tall enough to pull regular stacies
Not that big, though.
>>not tall enough to pull regular stacies
What are you smoking? Lmao
uh idk haha
w-what should i be smoking?
Dude that's like the best height there is. Baka.
Makes what? Being a photo accessory for instathots?