About to start watching The Lion King with my girlfriend. What can we expect?
About to start watching The Lion King with my girlfriend. What can we expect?
Sneed, expect Chuck
Expect to realize quickly that you've wasted the price of two movie tickets on a lifeless rehash of a movie that came out over 20 years ago.
Honestly, what is the best way to lose weight?
Eat less move more
Eat less and move more
Donald Glover and a conversation about gun violence in America
Eat less fatfuck
>possible related image
You got that right.
Intake fewer calories, get more exercise.
Meth, coke, depression, body dystrophia
For her to release a fat fart.
Why are Americans allowing themselves to get this fat?
How much do you weigh Yea Forums?
My girlfriend gained a lot of weight due to a depression before meeting her. She's now fine but she still loves her desserts.
How do I convince her to lose weight? I'm always trying to avoid her to eat the fucking dessert, but I fail.
She also likes a lot lasagna and pizza. How do I convince her that she's fat and needs to take care of herself?
Why would you get together with a fattie anyway? She won't change.
She has a really pretty face. She's like chubby but yeh. She's also great personality.
Her photos two years ago before weight gain, she was really hot
Eat less, under 2000 or 1500 calories per day
drink water
weight lift
browse /fit/
report back in two years
The fact is that it sounds like she has no self-control and she will only keep getting fatter from this point on.
Well, till the day I start telling her that she needs to eat healthier. Shit will probably go down
Let's be honest, you probably won't.
If you care about her you need to have that conversation.
start abusing amphetamines
Expect to get up and get her a few refills.
I have no problem in telling her, we just started dating recently. I'm just building trust with her
Never mind, that sounds hard.
pierce brosnan pls go
tbf is there any type of conditions that would make it more difficult or slower to lose weight? ive lost loads but its slowed down even with me eating 1500-1800 calories a day and exercising regularly. I know about the whole "plateau" thing but its just a bit disheartening, i guess i should just keep doing what im doing cause it's working but i wonder sometimes. at least i gain muscle extremely easily.
>report back in two years
What does trust have to do with it? You're just making her comfortable. She thinks you will love you the way she is, no matter how fat, and keep eating. Suggest getting healthies together and see what she says. If she's reluctant it's a lost cause.
Do more cardio.
is there a form of cardio that is most effective? i ride about 22km most days, not that much but its something.
feed less
Fastest way - Water fast
Reliable way - Keto
Easiest way - Gastric Surgery
fuck more
You're overeating and don't know how to count your calories and/or lying to yourself to protect your eating habits.
Most people don't know how to self report or under report.
>Easiest way - Gastric Surgery
Arguable that's not the easiest way. It's the most expensive and laziest way. Long lasting weight lost comes from a complete change in mentality when it comes to eating and exercise.
t. someone who went from 300 pounds to 165 in 3 years
nah, I'm definitely not. im not gaining weight, im still losing it it's just slowed down a lot.
Type 2 diabetes
That's what happens once you stop being grossly overweight.
guess i'll just keep doing what i'm doing then, i just want to know if there's anything i could be doing better. should start fasting or some shit.
Why do you want to speed it up anyway? How much are you losing per week let's say? It's better to be slower and build lasting habits
because i legitimately think i may have non-meme body dysmorphia and wont be happy until i reach something close to my "ideal" even though im attractive to the opposite gender now and apparently good looking. as far as the amount per week, it seems to vary. it seems like i stay the same weight for a few weeks then suddenly it drops at once. i'll weight myself at the start of every week and it'll be the same and then suddenly one week its 1.5kg down, so i'd imagine the average now is about .25 kg a week but i feel like it should be more considering my current weight and habits.
Well that sounds totally fine. You should probably keep doing what you're doing and deal with the mental stuff instead. Otherwise you'll probably end up burning out.
ive made enough life style changes for it to stick, i just want it all gone already. i gained it all as a child because i was lazy and overate so ive never really gotten to experience what it feels like to be physically "normal" in my mind.
take the gaypill
count calories and limit yourself to 1000-1500
are you at least slightly over weight yourself? try easing her into the idea by talking about how you want to improve yourself and ask for her help and partnership in your quest to better yourself
ive been doing the eat less move more for a while and its working a lot, my problem is i was a 400 pound lard ass, is there a way to get rid of this loose skin im starting to notice, or am i going to be a disgusting monster when im thinner now also?
>water/ flavored water is ok also
>intermittent fasting for 16hr
>walk a couple miles every other day
>lift weights at least 3 times a week
ive lost 50lbs doing this
Is that Daisy Ridley
Fat hog
good for you, hope you kept it off.