After 28 years of honorable neetdom, I'll have to start wageslaving next week.
Movies for this?
After 28 years of honorable neetdom, I'll have to start wageslaving next week
Other urls found in this thread:
the dark knight rises
that movie where Tom Hanks eats Burger King
Why aren’t you riding for Uber?
george of the jungle
Only thing I ask you is that when you quit the job (eventually, hopefully when you find something better) do it in a creative way.
Are you me? I'm also 28 and never worked a day
office space
>no certs or degrees to his name
>probably spent the whole time jacking off to 2d catgirls and playing vidya
this, it should be greentext tier
Congrats on getting a job user and no longer being a burden on society and your family
I've actually had multiple gf and I'm in pretty well esteeme among my peers
Just do it!
Watch Falling Down backwards.
>my peers
weeaboos, trannies and incels dont count
I wish I could get a job.
>woman graduates college
>no longer a college student
>no more college student lifestyle of B-averaging as many easy classes as possible while spending 85% of actual time socializing and dating
>have to get a real job now
>get job in some kind of office in field only vaguely related to degree
>assume it will be "transitional"
>it won't because didn't actually seriously engage with major while studying it and don't know how to compete for real jobs related to it or advance a career
>change tinder profile job title to "Data Analyst Consultant Technician"
>will remain that way for 6 more years
>start getting lonely
>don't know why
>but it's because just went from college, which is a buzzing hive of social encounters and opportunities to feel wanted and special, to an office space with less than a dozen regular human contacts
>either sleep with the only attractive one, or have abortive relationship with him
>tolerate 2 of the women who work there, hate the other 6 (because all the same person)
>now completely stagnant social life
>try tinder and bumble
>hate both
>delete/reinstall them regularly
>convey bitterness and entitlement to men without even realizing
>steadily age
>panic sets in at 24, nothing has changed in 2 years and it feels like only six months went by
>begin making jokes about how you love wine
>but keep being a "positive" basic bitch, who loves GUAC and GOING ON ADVENTURES :) NY -> London (on parents' money) -> Portland (for two weeks) -> NY again!!
>now really panicking
>no career advancement
>may have slept with another coworker
>begin making self-deprecating "netflix over partying :P" remarks in tinder profile
>think you're telling men you're "down to earth"
>don't realize you're really radiating desperation and tired sad old lady syndrome
>start noticing you're officially not young anymore
>so desperate for validation that it borders on madness, but nobody notices because normal for female population
>make very poor dating/hookup choices
>waste another year or two chasing unserious but attractive men, after a long dry spell that made being pursued by them a massive and irresistible relief
>late 20s
>friends and sisters are getting married
>filled with existential dread and swirling maelstrom of anger and resentment by this
>begin doing calculus of how long it would take to (1) meet guy, (2) "get to know" guy, (3) determine he is soulmate, (4) have normal relationship, (5) gracefully segue into marriage and having a child together
>realize that even if everything went 110% perfectly you're still looking at having a child by 31 which is too late
>have no plans for the future other than "find man"
>have no hobbies or interests or passions or goals, just like in college
>the prospect of living by yourself isn't just unappealing, it doesn't even make sense to you, because as a woman your conception of reality is "do fun frivolous things day-to-day until husband and children happens," and you've been robbed of the latter
>having a child by 31 is too late
Hi /pol/. My greatgrandmother had 11 kids and the last ones were well into her 40s. This was not abnormal.
Fight club
A child at 31 is too late? Are you fucking retarded? I'd wager most folks I know with kids didn't have them till at least 30.
Fight club, waiting, waiting 2, Zack and miri make a porno, pineapple express, Men in Black, How high, office space, and castaway.
Jesus christ. How is this so accurate?
I was going to suggest this one too. Especially if your work requires lots of travel.
just sell drugs nigger
Rest in peace.
I was really dreading this since I just got put on probation, but I just brought in my NEET paperwork and my probation officer said ok no job 4 u.
Do you fags not have NEET credentials? Are you even real NEETS ?
>26 is not young
>31 is too late
Inceldom in your early 20s is a waste of your vitality, user.
I haven't gone in to the doctor to get it I don't leave the house
>movies for this?
how about a training video for your job
youre gunna need it.
I hope your boss is younger than you.
You spent 28 years without any sort of education or job? Does that mean you're a literal illiterate retard 28 year old or you're in your late 40s and haven't done anything since you left school/college?
Is this you or just any woman?
>jacking off to 2d catgirls
based as fuck. jerking to real girls is cringe and reddit tier
>becoming a twenty-year debt slave for a piece of paper that won't score you a job if you live around any hispanics
>being so stupid your limit for a job is the same as uneducated wet backs
>he thinks k-12 isnt just state run babysitting
if you graduated with more than 4 AP grades 4 or above ypu can respond to me. And the don't regale me with stories of your AP english class. That's unironically the retard AP class.
yikes dude. the kikes did their damage on you.
Humans are naturally hedonistic
You think nobody fucked in their early 20s before Karl Marx?
>neetdom for 28 years
You probably mean 10 years otherwise that's pretty sad.
>AP english class
so true lmao. AP Gov, US, World, Art History, Chem, and Physics A/B reporting in
You guys need to take the fat rich girlfriend pill to continue NEET life in your 30s and 40s.
All you need to do is fuck them good and say you love them and you'll get anything you want
You took AP physics but not AP cal?
My B/C cal class had 6 people and was second period. I skipped all my other classes all the time but that one. We got 20 breakfast burritos every month for being 100% attendance in the only period that mattered. Good times.
Oh and to compare. 1 cal b/c class offered every year. 6 people took it. 4 AP english classes offered every year. 150 people took it.
Better run off to bed you have work tomorrow
You’ve been a NEET for 28 years? Are you saying you’re 28 and have never worked or been to school?
>You took AP physics but not AP cal?
Sadly yes, looped through with my success in AP Chemistry; I didn't want to take it as I always saved one of my classes for art, so I couldn't have fit it in. I didn't list it though, I also took AP English and Lit.