Norm is about to win at least 1.5 million US dollars at his gambling pastime and is cleaning commie clocks. Now he won't have to apologize to the President of Hollywood. Prepare for celebratory bantz.
Norm is about to win at least 1.5 million US dollars at his gambling pastime and is cleaning commie clocks...
Based Norm.
>lol you don't write about prestigious topics
What a zinger Norm. Teach him to insult the god emperor's chosen people.
Hope he likes being fucking blacklisted.
>m-muh gawd emperor drumpf
Kill yourself you retarded trumpanzee fuck. Take your retarded cult worship back to fucking /pol/ where you beong.
Lol absolute retard
Did you read his post or are you actually just that retarded?
>Norm is about to win at least 1.5 million US dollars at his gambling pastime
thats the worst thing for an addict
then he'll make another bet for 2 million for his next high and lose it all
shut the fuck up samefag MAGAtard
>damage control
That's actually pretty funny. Is it real?
you attacked a leftoid who wasn't as retarded as you, you dumb fucker
>damage control
That's just /pol/tard memespeak for "I lose the argument". Kill yourself Cletus.
He's too low IQ to recognize blatant sarcasm, it's better to not give him (you)s
Fucking hell woman, you’re so angry lol
how many posts you gonna make in this thread? Fucking lmao
>Person A implies a significant portion of Republican voters are bigots
>Person B does a bit of poor quality character assassination to try and discredit this implication
>Person C points out that Person B didn't really make a good argument against the original assertion made by Person A
>Person D assumes Person C is also a racist for some reason
Which is these people comes across as the most retarded in this scenario?
Pro tip: You're not helping your argument by acting like a gibbering idiot on the internet
norm just comes off as a bitter boomer retard. he doesn't even turn it around in a clever way.
Who cares when Livingston retires for the night with the #2 chip stack?
For the last 20 years he's been squealing with delight every time he hears something he can use once he's a grizzled old man. He's past waiting.
He's been dubbed "Racism-Supporter Norm MacDonald" in the replies
4 minutes ago. The blowback begins. Nowhere to cancel him from now, Schlomo.
A wise man once told me a story about Marlon Brando. He'd been blacklisted for saying that the Jews controlled Hollywood. But then he apologized and they let him work again.
if norm wasnt a sports fan i'd probably read every tweet he tweeted
all you racist incels are going to be locked up in mental health prisons in the next 10 years, enjoy your freedom while it lasts creeps
Nothing is going to happen. Everyone is seething at each other over nothing
Does anyone still not get norms sense of humor? Jesus fuckin christ. He even said stay in your lane.
Where does he get his ideas from?
Your internet culture war is not as important as you seem to think it is.
You won't be around to see it. Pic related.
Me. Im his writer. My name is Mr Xanax
Nigger's high on Xanax and a high-bet 15–1 shot that's come down to his man in the #2 spot for tomorrow
Norm isn't even political. I guess not falling completely in line with far left ideology is considered political though.
He's building to full Power Level after his inability to save Roseanne
Most likely the dumbest post currently on this sure, how embarrassing for you, touristfriend
You're saying you're going to be locked up in a mental health prison for the next 10 years? That's harsh.
for an outsider like me, left and right both are full with hate-filled people, both are just ugly all the same.
Anyone else feel like things are accelerating really fast? Like in the past week a civil war feels more likely?
its almost like elections are approaching. nothing will change until americans see who is their true enemy
Politics really are bizarre over here. You get really angry online, then you go outside and nobody seems to give a fuck about politics, then you go back home and get really angry online again. I can't imagine what it's like to only see the US through a social media lens. It must seem like we're in a full civil war over here. It's so fucking exaggerated on social media that it's hard to explain what it's actually like outside in the real world. You can usually go as long as you want without talking about politics with people outside of the internet. Of course, if you seek spaces where people gather to complain about politics and beat each other over the head while making zero difference in the world, then you can definitely find places like that.
It's weird living in a time where people will call you a racist for thinking that anyone should be able to play any role in a movie. I guess I shouldn't be surprised by the acceleration.
No, it's just the election getting started
>Most likely the dumbest post currently on this sure
Twitter is shockingly retarded even by social media standards
Tone deaf is an interesting criticism as it shows they think their extreme views are shared by the people in the real world.
indeed. the jews must be defeated
Daily reminder that Twitter is not real life and most people don't give a fuck about any of this shit.
based jew
kekt and rekt.
Is Norm a Drumpfff supporter?
If you use Twitter and you're not getting paid for it somehow I guarantee your IQ is under 80. Why would you willingly enter a cesspool?
>he says from Yea Forums
my goodness you people are stupid
Norm's pitch-perfect baby
Trump's a wealthy eccentric from NY that all NY celebrities used to know. Norm's met him a handful of times and worked with him a few on the SNL and talk shows. He was on that talk show with Trump where Fallon tousled Trump's hair. Led to the Twitter-left coming against Norm for not condemning Fallon. Wasn't enough, Fallon's staff still kicked him off their show, teary eyed.
>Hope he likes being fucking blacklisted.
He does, actually, but I don't feel like doing the work of a Filipino T-shirt salesman and finding the clips for you.
>Being neutral and using common sense makes you a nazi
>Hope he likes being fucking blacklisted.
He already is. He doesn't give a shit, he still has friends in the business.
Who is responsible for these type of posts? Theyre everywhere and you’d think with the negative reaction theyd get the message already
You’re Not Norm!
After blacklist, I get a coffee, I feel clean
One less in two as we continue to mourn Sam Simon
probably CIA or jews
women shouldn't use the internet
Unironically discord trannies and redditors.
Why is Norm picking twitter fights with randos?
>why aren't my downvotes working here?
"not being political" is legitimately considered white privilege
Mostly discord trannies or shareblue shills
>muh boogeymen!
4channel has always been center-left. /pol/ was deleted twice for being too "stormfront" and finally it was decided to keep it as a containment board for all the idiots. Clearly, some of you have escaped your confinement.
>the Repub base is full of hate-filled ppl who are truly bad citizens
These cunts are really trying to ramp up a civil war aren't they.
are you claiming shareblue doesnt exist?
Based nothingburger poster. This is all a bunch of meaningless noise.
Yea Forums is radical left. Center-leftists are afraid of it.
>4channel has always been center-left
Lmfao no you retard kike, Yea Forums has always been anti-authority and pro-white. Back when Neo-cons ruled in the 2000s, Yea Forums was against conservative christian soccer moms and video game banning lawyers.
Now that the entire media is conspiring with the left to censor the internet, control freedom of speech and bring in disgusting identity politics people are rejecting the leftist cancer that was brought in by Obama.
Whoever has the most power is who is getting memed on, and it's clear as day that the PC-worshipping, rapefugee importing, genital mutilating, offensive-tweet arresting, child drag queen supporting leftist filth are the ones who control the legacy media, companies and tech companies and have more power than any government in terms of social impact. Dilate and Bourdain yourself, shill.
Stop giving the tranny (You)s you fucking retards
Based, he has nothing more to lose.
Norm isn't PC and doesn't bash trump, therefore he is alt-right
He apologized to the Jews and they still won't let him work. The tapes of Bob Saget saying nigger are coming out soon.
>4channel has always been center-left. /pol/ was deleted twice for being too "stormfront"
dude, way to out yourself as new
What a complete faggot. Why do redditors do this?
Imagine being this left
He should post a picture of his ass gaped out by Norm's bendy cock
Person B isn't required to provide a bullet-pointed, formatted, cited rebuttal to a shitty generalized blanket statement to begin, as it wasn't an assertion, it was an ad hominem talking point.
>reeeees about /pol/
>posts le enlightened centrists who hate /pol/
What did the tranny mean by this?
based post
>maybe if I call people letters then everyone will think I'm erudite and not a secret fruit
He knows what he is doing, and i would assume the responders too. It's a routine, everyone is going through the motions, but it's necessary it happens. Because even retarded lefties should be able to post here, and then get btfo.
>4channel has always been center-left
>norm is a trump tard
>that Canadian that lives in American and keeps commenting on politics but insists he doesn't really care anyway
He walked through the blood and the bones on our nation's day of tragedy looking for his brother, you take it back
AOC fears ice picks due to her Mexican birth and affinity for Trotsky
>anti-authority and pro-white
The pro-white is debatable, but the rest is true.
>Politics really are bizarre over here. You get really angry online, then you go outside and nobody seems to give a fuck about politics, then you go back home and get really angry online again. I can't imagine what it's like to only see the US through a social media lens. It must seem like we're in a full civil war over here. It's so fucking exaggerated on social media that it's hard to explain what it's actually like outside in the real world. You can usually go as long as you want without talking about politics with people outside of the internet. Of course, if you seek spaces where people gather to complain about politics and beat each other over the head while making zero difference in the world, then you can definitely find places like that.
Most people don't have twitter accounts.
Has /ourguy/ started making videos about it yet?
This is why you guys have it so bad in the media. You've secluded yourselves into two parallel societies IRL and its causing balkanization that will tear the union apart like it does everywhere else where that happens.
is there someone more Reddit than Norm?
>You've secluded yourselves into two parallel societies IRL
Nah, that's just how the 24-hour news networks portray things. Remember that the largest group of trump voters in 2016 were white women. Most women I know are trump fans.
That hot seethe
Uh, yeah? That's because whites are the ones who vote for trump. The only ones, incidentally. If you removed all the whites, the republican party would disappear instantly. And if you removed the non-whites, guess what'd happen? Gone go the democrats.
The stats are unambiguous. The political conflict is liberal elites (a small minority of whites) and their useful idiots (non-whites) vs. the majority of whites.
This probably makes the political division worse as well, since ethnic groups naturally divide into their own communities (leaving whites out of contact with the non-whites voting against them), and the elites always isolate into their own secluded communities in literally every single society that has ever existed (so they don't interact with the majority of whites either). And this doesn't even need any kind of planning or direction, it literally happens naturally without anyone needing to do anything to make it happen. So it's just gonna get worse and worse until the system can't take it anymore.
Well it's been over an hour since it happened so one must assume there's 8 videos on the subject, two clapback reaction vids and a patreon on the matter.
Because it is.
"Neutrality" just means "I accept the status quo" which overwhelmingly benefits straight white men. Everything is political. Norm isn't even being subtle about his politics, so the idea that he's being neutral is ridiculous.
Yeah! Who else here part of the /quarterpounderdiscordtrannysquadfaam/?
>status quo i.e. all progress ever contributed by humanity is automatically white
very based perspective, gonna use that one myself
>which overwhelmingly benefits straight white men
How so?
it rewards merit and they're the best at everything (except maybe nepotism, depending on whether or not you consider jews white)
stop coming here
Fucking Norm lmao.
Straight white men are superior. That's why inferior groups keep trying to access their money and nations.
God Justin is such a pantywaist
Your sycophancy isn't going to endear you to Norm, Justin, it just disgusts him
He's been blacklisted ever since giving Lorne Michaels shit for supporting OJ Simpson before, during, and after his murder trial.
Ah, the good old days.
How about you tell the folks at home what Twitter bait threads are?
Third paragraph
>Dylan Baierlein, a recent graduate of MARJORY STONEMA DOUGLAS.
That's that school that got shot up,
That just prove the right is so much better at memeing!
insult trump backlinks for days on Yea Forums
Thats fucking retarded and wrong. It wasnt Lorne, it was the boss of the network.
This article is 1 month after his school got shot up.
Instead of memes,they should practice ducking.
>cleaning commie clocks
Absolutely based. Fuck commies.
Imagine being this much of an unhinged marxist lunatic.
>If you think I'm political in the slightest
Justin Arthur probably likes to *think* of himself as an uncomprehending dumb fuck but he doesn't know Yea Forums.
Only crazy commies use this word. It's their silly slur for non-commies.
based and redpilled
commies bfto
Leftist whites are the true enemy, desu.
He hasn't smeared a Drumpf doll with his own feces so he might as well be
that would be good if it was true. why should a white country benefit anyone but white people
Yeah, like this poor dumb bastard.
> You know, your ridiculous job.
It's just a triggered leftypoler or chapofag. They come here to unironically spread communism and anti-racism.
pity for the downtrodden Yea Forums mutts apparently
> your ridiculous job.
>reddit revisionism
Do you "people" never tire of the lies? The farthest this place has been to the left is libertarianism. It's always been racist and liberty-minded.
They're the people who come here to force sneedposting. It's a college feminist marxist meme to separate young males from their cultural heritage by taking away everything they love. Americans and brits bond over classic Simpsons episodes and its countless memorable scenes, they want to destroy all that, and they're succeeding thanks to massive swaths of useful idiots.
You're a fucking idiot.
(and they hate the Jews. hate the Jews
> ridiculous job
makes sense
>defensive of racist rhetoric
What kind of man types like this? I don't get it.
meh i can separate the art form the artist. who cares?
That's Steven Chowder? Wha'ts he doing dressed like a commie.
Maybe he confused Norm of supporting policies like affirmative action.
This is a good roast
These are kind of retarded roasts because investing in start ups and and advertising products aren't ridiculous ways of making money.
I wish. Leftists are utter cancer. Wish California would sink into the sea.
It's his Socialism is for Figs shirt
>benefits white men
White men are the only demographic that pays more in taxes than they get in return. We're literally toiling away to pay for a society that hates us and wants us dead. "Affirmitive action" , socialism and open borders can go to hell.
Oy vey, are you some kind of anti-semite?
>t. 80 IQ commie
You're beyond pathetic.
>this whole chart
Thanks for outing yourself as retarded.
Can't read?
not an argument, leftist faggot
>I’m a tranny AND I have autism
>you’ve never debated anyone like me
Please tell me this is one of those Russian shitposting bots.
>muh gommies
Wonder what Hog thought about Daisy his gun loving alter ego
A White status quo is safe and better for everyone. Now fuck off my board.
>seething buttflustered commie
o i am laffin
dilate, /pol/tranny
>t. soi redditor
lol You leftists really always project. Dilate.
Woah who would have thought the country builty by straight white men and is still majority white would want things that benefit them
Protip, diversity is a fucking mess. Different groups perceive things differently and have different goals. Just imagine the population was half black and the other half was white and you had an election with a white president and a black president, keep in mind 97% of blacks voted for obama
Now call me a snowflake
The people you hate are the only people keeping this place going
What the fuck do you think this place will look like once hard working ice road truckers and plumbers and electrcians are all replaced with faggots complaining that work is theft by force or some shit, do you think this place will continue to function? Its so tiring providing for a populace that wants you dead
>4channel has always been center-left
Is Ayn Rand now considered center-left?
read in his voice
Nah son, the only retard here is you. Reality can be harsh.
This is some weird projection about me apparently wanting to murder ice road truckers (?)
>Person A is an immigrant who is openly anti-semitic and advocates for polices which are against the interests of the nation she immigrated to
>Person B says she should go back to her home country, which is more accepting of her views
>Person B also says it's wrong to support Person A politically because of those views
>Person A is brown, so Person C calls Person B a racist and anti-semite
>Person A also hates Person C, because Person C is a straight, white, Isreal-supporting male
Hmm, who do you think the racist is?
No you obfuscating faggot, its about you clearly despising people who are the only reason you have running water and electricity
It was a different time. Niggeraids was a serious concern for both the left and right wing.
I don't think so bub
you will just be replaced by robots in a decade, and they are significantly less annoying
When did I do that? Point to it in this thread?
yaaas bring on the reddit robots. science bitch!
What' going on here?
Police escort?
Asians +$99999999999
Christ you're dumb. Nigger tier dumb. Fucking moron
>status quo" which overwhelmingly benefits straight white men
>an extremely large anonymous group of individuals from various backgrounds is actually a totally quantifiable singular entity
>and they're on my side!
peak mental illness
> Tranny wanders in to flirt-fight with the boys
Always kills a thread.
why is /antipol so /antifun?
/r9k/ RISE UP
Because “fun” is a tool of oppression invented by the white patriarchy.
Oh okay so you understand and acknowlege the hard work countless trump supporters put in to keep this country going and also understand that demonizing said people is counter intuitive to your well being? Cool we're on the same page
Automation will not be nearly as widespread as you think in a decade. At most some truckers and factory workers will be replaced. It will be extremely difficult to replace people who make service calls to your house and to a lesser extent things like construction
>Your ridiculous job
I just about died.
>Politics like soccer
Women shouldn't be involved?
I have to ask, what does "white" mean in the USA? Only the anglos are white? If you have an accent you're no longer white? Why do americans say things like "He's half white half Cuban"? Are they so retarded they don't know the diference between nationality and ethnicity?
Why is norm such a cringey cuck?
So its true autists cant into sarcasm
He's Canadian
Keep in mind,Norm knows a guy that jerks off punks for $15 a head.
>The tapes of Bob Saget saying nigger are coming out soon.
You mean his standup?
"Friends of Joshua Goldberg" as they're called
Can't prove it wrong? Call it retarded! That will sure show them.
Daisy Hogg's meme lab
This thread sounds like a bunch of commie gobbledygook!
I bet that guy is an acid-tongued arab!
He's done it before and he'll do it again.
you know it sees itself as the cute anime avatar too
is english not your first language or do you have some sort of mk ultra sleeper soldier reaction when you think of trump
Youre a fucking retard plenty of blacks voted for Trump
Dialate and then kys
A Democrat?! What are you, retar... what are you, Down syndrome?
>Oh no, I'm broke from gambling what do i do
>I-...I guess I'll have no choice but to...
> go travel around on a classy RV to my favorite Indian casinos to tell some rape jokes for an hour for an obscene amount of money and comps
>Then Ill have to call my friend Seth Macfarlane and..
>...oh god this is so humiliating...
>... I'll then be forced to have him fly me out to L.A. on a private jet for sctotch, cigars, and prostitutes, then have him write me a check for $250,000 to be the voice of "Death" on "Family Guy" for yet another season
>There's only
>Jesus Christ I can't believe I've sunk this low from combining drinking, pills, gambling, and Twitter
>Boo hoo woe is me I'm barely even a millionaire anymore from comedy
I paid $60 dollars to go see him in Portland last month. This is the life of Norm MacDonald.
>fucking subhuman trannie commie piece of shit derailing the thread
hes also that snot alien on orville
> He thinks a va gets $250,000 for one episode
> He doesn't know Seth replaced Norm with Adam Corolla
he said for a whole season you fucking retard. kill yourself.
> Death appears in every single episode of Family Guy
Aren't you silly?
>same people that said Trump is Literally Hitler for 3 years have """"analyzed"""" his tweets and finally discovered he's Literally Hitler
Yeah Person A is the only reasonable person here, of course. Trump is finished. It's over for him.
Whites are the only viable targets for actual oppression. You can say literally anything about a white male nearly nothing would come of it. If the system were so inherently biased to white males then why would it allow such venomous language against them?
who are you quoting?
Why does Norm think comedians shouldn't be political except when it comes to defending Trump?
>status quo" which overwhelmingly benefits straight white men
You're delusional. The only institutional racism in my country (USA) is pro-black and anti-white.
Norm doesn't defend Trump, he outs raving hysterical libtards on their hypocrisy, which is something you can do regardless of your own political standing given that the left is currently far far more extreme than the right in this current zeitgeist.
How the fuck is that show underrated? Is this just zoomers not being aware of how many people watched Buffy or their way of being contrarian w/in their own generation?
because having a blatant agenda in your "comedy" sucks the humor out of it
A va doesn't get paid for an episode he's not in.
whoah my name is yu beong, you racist american pig don't use me in your stupid bait post.
what a little pussy
worst than sargon and sargon is fucking bad... /ourguy/ is culkin.
>be me
>not a moron
>know for a fact that lifelong gamblers that win big are not even coming up even on all they've lost before, forget the drugs and booze
True communism is cancer
I like how the law is not enforced on lefties, I'll remember that if I ever decide to go wet.
The government could stop it at any time by actually applying existing laws. As long as lefties get a free pass to assault, censor, threaten, incite, burn, and kill, nothing they say to me about relaxing will be heard.
One of the oldest comedic tricks is to talk against the establishment, regardless of standing. That way everyone can laugh at the guys in charge unless they are political zealots. Problem today is that the anti trump crowd has become such political zealots that they are worse than the actual establishment. So he isn't defending Trump, he is just taking a piss on the political zealots
i detect jelly
Moot gave the boot to /pol/ several times because they were always trying to come up with a new plan to fuck with him. The word cuck was getting spammed at one point as a way to annoy him even beyond
>4channel has always been center-left
its always cringey when you reddit tourist faggots come here and try to claim this
Over 18 seasons, Norm Macdonald was on Family Guy all of twice. Once as Death and once as himself. That's it.
But guess you think he was being paid $250k each year to be on call or something.
>400 likes 20 retweets.
wtf. he has 1 million followers
>I'm not political I just get upset and whine every time someone criticizes Trump that's all!
Perfect example of the the left eating it's own lmao
>"Agnostic" just means "I permit anything" which overwhelmingly promotes evil. Everything is religious. user isn't even being subtle about his religion.
Holy shit, BTFOing someone this hard should be considered murder. You just murdered his pride.
If everyone believes something is underrated, it isn't underrated.
It's not that black-and-white. ~ 1/3 of Latinos voted for Trump.
Not virtue signalling far-left politics is unironically considered political to these vermin, Remember when they went after Taylor Swift because she tried to be apolitical?
patton oswalt
>actively engaging with twitter
"I can sale my child for heroin! It's none of your business!"
That's all I got from this. Yaaaaaawwwwn
well, yea, twitter is majority lefty
Cubans are not white. Hispanics are not white.
>grown man sitting in a room full of toys
no thanks
Trolls. Pretending to be a leftist is the absolute easiest way to rake in (You)s on Yea Forums these days. Zero effort, maximum reward.
>hating on soccer
wow i hate n*rm now
>god emperor
you for writing this novella out, didn't read a fucking word
LOL how you guys manage to keep this shit up for three years is beyond me.
>how to trigger Yea Forums 101
>retard thinks people are triggered
>doesn't realize people are responding to an epic fail post
Never change leftoids.
Everyone stops to look at a horrible wreck on the side of the road.
>bragging about your own post
They like reading his shit so they follow him, but look at that message again and ask yourself “why would a fan of Norm Macdonald’s want to republish that tweet in their own timeline to their own followers?”
They wouldn’t and that’s why it doesn’t have off the wall engagement, unlike Trump’s recent go home tweets - which express views that people share, and aren’t just fragments of polite conversation between complete strangers.
>Double digit IQ the post.
the fuck are the hodgetwins doing there.
that's not snap city!
he's also the pigeon on mic tyson's cartoon
Did you mean to completely miss the point of that post for ironic purposes?
rent free
>responds to own post to brag about it
>doubles down when called out on it
What is it about daddy Trump that causes /pol/ to defend him whenever someone says something mean about him online?
>it's a Yea Forums talks politics and the overton window of bait vs lefty retardation is indistinguishable thread
they're literally fucking cringier than reddit or tumblr
You seem to be having a nervous breakdown.
Why is it that people are too retarded to realize that they're being laughed at?
>hurrr so triggered
>u defend dramphs
I mean, honestly. The mental illness is real if you are completely incapable of grasping this. No wonder most of the left sucks at comedy these days.
0.5 rubles has been deposited in your account
Because 99% of it is bullshit. He never told anyone to go back to Africa, the media is saying that.
>haha look at the silly clowns falling over and spraying each other with water with their green hair and red noses what fucking idiots my rainbow hair is totally normal now watch me do a poo on this picture of d-d-droombpf *gags at the mention of his name*
So you're only white if you look white and speak english. If you look white but speak spanish, your hispanic. Got it.
He literally said that the democrats in congress who criticize him should "go back to their own countries". Saying that he told someone to go back to Africa is more truthful than you saying that "leftists" think that white men should all die because a a black actress got cast as Ariel.
Because it's propaganda. People get annoyed when it seems like someone is pushing around lies or spin in order to get them to believe one agenda over another, and it just so happens that >90% of that is done by the left. That's why all the "go back to /pol/" shit always rings hollow, you don't have to be a /pol/ack or Trump supporter to see it anymore.
Case in point, check out the spin, truncation of statement, and repainting of context in this leftist's post.
So you agree that he didn’t tell anyone to go back to Africa.
>Norm is about to win at least 1.5 million US dollars
If he's back gambling, he's fucked. The wins don't matter; he'll lose it all soon enough.
Literal and unironic federal agents
>he didn’t say that but other people have said blacks are killing whites because disney movies
Lmfao what the shit kind of mental gymnastics is this?
I don't think he cares, in fact I think he likes it
Yea Forums is still left wing it’s just the modern left is too stupid to realize they are just insect drones for the corporate, Jewish, status quo
It never was left wing
Yea Forums has never been left wing.
He thinks that because he has been browsing a cuck board like Yea Forums or Yea Forums for the last three years.
In the case of Ilhan Omar, who immigrated from Africa, yes, he is telling her to go back to Africa when that statement is directed at her. But the media isn't quoting Trump as saying "go back to Africa", articles on this quote him as telling critics to go back to their own country.
by who?
is national socialism left wing? Im always confused by the argument cause naturally you'd think it is
why am I not surprised that most of Yea Forums is too retarded to understand norm macdonald's humour. hes seriously the greatest comic of the last 25 years
Just kill yourself already
What meaningful difference do you think there is between Trump telling a Somali immigrant to "go back to your own country" and "go back to Africa"? And you're going to have to do better than pointing to Mediaite anyway.
SNL has never been the same. The man knew humor, and he knew how to poke fun at both sides of the aisle. I'm left to assume that for all those years, while I assumed the few lefty jabs he made were chuckled at, people were quietly S E E T H I N G. There certainly have been few objects to his being blacklisted. I suppose blacklisting him served two purposes - To silence jokes that zealots could not tolerate, and more importantly, to get him "out of the way" to allow for failing talent to be pushed into the starlight and buzz manufactured for him. Who do we have who is actually funny these days?
lmaoooo dilate
why women comics of course!
>i like food
>i have a vagina
>im a drunken whore
>vagina vagina vagina
>i slept with a black guy once
women comics are so shit
I give you 2 years before your suicide, tranny. Your hairline's already going.
Yea Forums is not politically natsoc either. It proudly waves nazi imagery around and gives lip service to Hitler's ideals because it's fun and triggers the shit out of people, the way it always has for years. And because demonstrably there really are jews behind progressive/globohomo movements and agendas every time. The actual real-talk wannabe "neo-nazis" are a tiny group of mutant mongrels who repeatedly get laughed at for their stormfag useful idiocy and told to fuck off.
Not the guy you are losing this argument to, but you would have to be mostly brain dead to not understand the different connotations behind "go back to your own country" and "go back to Africa" which feeds into the 'hur dur look how racist he is!!!' bs.
All leftists deserve death
H*lla f*cking based
I can't stand female comics. The only standup female comedian that has ever made me laugh was Judy Tenuta. Some of the women in earlier SNL were brilliant with sketch comedy, but that's because they had mostly men writing their jokes for them.
>I'll just conveniently leave out the rest of the tweets that completely blows my narrative framing out of the water.
yeah that's what i thought
then there's really stupid people who see the jokes and bait and take it seriously somehow. People are "scared" of "nazis" because of this retarded place and they don't have a moment of introspection to deal with how ridiculous their thinking is
the fucking Pepe the frog is a white supremacist symbol, and normal non-anonymous people in the mainstream dont bat an eye. I guess too much koolaid gave a shit ton of people TDS
Anons everywhere are calling this thread everything from shit to fucking shit!
Holy shit this site is unusable when America is having elections
>t. virtue signalling american
The wage gap is a total meme, but your little buzzfeed listicle-tier infographic is garbage. Get some peer reviewed sources, m8.
In what world is telling someone to go back to their own country not considered a racist thing to do? It's every bit as racist as saying "go back to Africa", and actually more racist when you take into account that Trump is also directing it at minorities who were born in the US like AOC
>Being American
Found the tranny.
His greatest voice acting gig was Pigeon on Mike Tyson Mysteries. No contest.
Open yourself up to the possibility that every female comic isn't a clone of Wanda Sykes or Amy Schumer. Try some of the women who cut their teeth long before 3rd wave feminism turned female stand up comedians into social workers. Kathleen Madigan, Paula Poundstone, Joan Rivers even.