Based or cringe

Based or cringe

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>Cuck Education

Literally this.


Havent seen it, but its on netflix, so it has a black dude hooking up with a white chick, and the leading male is either gay, or a weak beta. How close am i?

His black best friend is the gay one

The white guy is a weak beta but the black guy is a gay stereotype

Attached: Gillian Anderson.webm (720x720, 3M)

Attached: Emma Mackey blacked.webm (1280x640, 2.99M)

Why is that Nigrar looking at that cute white boi like that?????

>and everyone clapped

So this is basically "U mad white boy the series"?

looks like cyrano whatever de fuck with a black dude

the absolute state of the white men

Goddamn this is so hot

Literally unwatchable
I got 10 mins into the second episode and turned it off.

Watch some good character drama and then watch porn, don't watch this soap opera garbage just because you're horny and lonely.

Attached: frodo_orig.jpg (640x641, 48K)

Relax, he gets cucked

Asa Butterfield is relentlessly based and relentlessly handsome.

>I wanna lick chocolate from Asa Butterfield's ass
Anyone remember this?

I wish that was me

The soundtrack is catchy

It was pretty good, quite funny and has a fair bit of interracial which Yea Forums loves.

Best girl was the ditzy popular one

its the archetype for all post 2014 tvshows and movies. its called social engineering.

please hang yourself, thanks

>which Yea Forums loves
speak for yourself, freak

It was kinda nice up until episode 5
That episode was just forced drama on dumb as shit detective plot ending with a completely unrealistic, kid show happy note.
It made me drop the series

Something is horribly wrong with you mentally and emotionally.

Attached: su-85_07.jpg (546x334, 58K)

A prime example of dishonest aesthetics.
>piss filter and ugly chromatic aberration
>set in England but it could well be some small town in America (see The End of the F***** World)
>set in modern times, people have Macbooks and smartphones
>everything else is retro. 80s inspired fashion. Retro houses, retro cars, retro TV sets.

The entire point is that the time period is supposed to be ambiguous you absolute brainlet.

But why? What does that add to the show?

Am I able to fap while watching it?

Attached: bruce lee.jpg (236x270, 11K)

Attached: 1547332927162.webm (1920x960, 3M)

>He's never been to wales
Londonistan, Mancaliphate and the emirate of Brighton aren't British

The sexual conflicts (homosexuality, interracial relationships, same sex marriage, frigidity, etc) don't have the tone of the 70s or the 80s, not even early 90s stuff.
The plot is most definitely modern in terms of openness, in how shit is stirred (social media for example) or is resolved (through instant messages), so there's absolutely nothing ambiguous about the setting, only the looks. Hence why I called it visually dishonest if you like. Why is it designed that way?
Because if it was fully set in the present times, the characters would wear different clothes, the sets would look different and the music most definitely would not be vintage. This makes the show accessible to more age groups (through relatability).
Just do a mental exercise and compare the visuals of Sex Education with Euphoria.