DFW on T2

>''T2,' one of the highest-grossing movies in history, opened six years ago. Think of the scenes we all still remember. That incredible chase and explosion in the L.A. sluiceway and then the liquid metal (actually defined in the film as "mimetic polyalloy," whatever that's supposed to mean) T-1000 Terminator walking out of the explosion's flames and morphing seamlessly into his Martin-Milner-as-Possessed-by-Hannibal-Lecter corporeal form. The T-1000 rising hideously up out of that checkerboard floor, the T-1000 melting headfirst through the windshield of that helicopter, the T-1000 freezing in liquid nitrogen and then collapsing fractally apart. These were truly spectacular images, and they represented exponential advances in digital F/X technology. But there were at most maybe eight of these incredible sequences, and they were the movie's heart and point; the rest of 'T2' is empty and derivative, pure mimetic polycelluloid.
>David Foster Wallace, F/X Porn, 1998
Well, is he right?

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T2 was a masterpiece. I'm glad that footnote-abusing douche offed himself.

Man, it's pretentious garbage like this that makes me hate DFW. He vacillates between based and insufferable. This is closer to insufferable.

I wouldn't expect a pseud like DFW to enjoy pure kino like T2. The only good thing he's written is "A supposedly fun thing I'll never do again"


David Foster Wallace is a gen x douchebag. And Infinite Jest is almost unreadable about 1/3 of the time. And tennis sucks.

James Cameron's a hack but this guy's a faggot too

Did you guys see End of the Tour? whaddya think?

Tennis is for fags, ergo, he is a fag.

I don't care for this faggot but he's right about T2. The Terminator is Jim's masterpiece but T2 was video game shit.

Imagine thinking this very straightforward and standard criticism is pretentious

Yes. I never liked T2. Terminator had a dark, brooding atmosphere. T2 was bright, sunny and predictable.

Was. He's long dead now.
Also, the guys struggle with depression was lifelong so he probably couldn't enjoy things as much as a regular person could. Makes sense that he would find fault easier. Give him a break.

>mfw of all the valid criticisms of DFW people always go for pretentious when it makes the least sense if you'd actually read any of his work

Attached: 1469061236603.jpg (413x458, 78K)

Steeply and Marathe have the best storyline. The Tennis Academy scenes only have either boring or cringe characters (except Lyle), Gately's storyline is good but sometimes gets kind of boring.

Best scene overall is at the end between Marathe and PGOAT

And DFW is right. The Terminator is better than T2

The fag played tennis on a scholorship. He was la dee da tier pretentious.

What was up with those two ebonics chapters that got dropped 100 odd pages in though

That's what I'm talking about, why use the word if you don't know what it means

In my community college there was a guy who was obsessed with DFW and he even wore a bandana and grew out his hair. Last I heard he became a middle school teacher in the Midwest and married some ugly Asian mail-order bride.

How can you even be obsessed with dfw? He wrote 2 books of any note before he offed himself.

stop being pretentious user

was he an art teacher?

>mfw the go-to defense for pretense has become accusations of not knowing the meaning of the word and then just a string of denials that it applies to whatever pretentious shit you're defending
I mean it's a standard pattern of contrarianism, but still. Makes me glad I don't have to associate with any of your kind IRL.

That fragment isn't pretentious at all.

DFW's books aren't really readable, but I like his speeches. This one in particular is good.

What do you have against adult diapers?


Pretty comfy
They did a good job of taking a step back and just showing humans getting to know each other a little bit.

Resonates with dfw in a non-pretentious way imho

Great movie. I picked up IJ right after and have been reading it for four years.

What scene you referrencing?
Dont remember Marathe and PGOAT interacting outiside of the scene in which Marathe becomes a Swiss

clearly he was a based T1 fan

Didnt find that scene particularly memorable

He was 100 % wrong but back then he was the right. T2 and such were the blockbusters of the time genX hipsters rebelled against like we do to disney. Only now with just how bad things have gotten we all see just how monumental those movies were. I'm sure he would change his opinion if he lived to today.

Pretty sure Marathe talks with PGOAT at his last scene and tells her his life story, may be wrong about it

Today's market would look like a fucking dystopia to him. He was absolutely right about everything.

>pretentious garbage
Speak for yourself retarded

>unironically claiming a movie is bad because an earlier movie was more creative
This subspecies of brainlet should have been weeded out years ago, Yea Forums

References and previous works are the biggest compass in any kind of critic statement.

Depends dude

Its Kate Gompert not PGOAT

They're actually 100% irrelevant to the quality of any given work. It's the same kind of exhausting morons who say a 9 in England is a 6 anywhere else because English women are ugly.
>hint: she's a 6 anywhere, and good art is good art, regardless of the existence or non-existence of any other work

>all those retarded hipters laughing at all the wrong spots

this is why I dont beat myself up for never graduating college, even though I have had 3 fully paid for tries.

>even though I have had 3 fully paid for tries.
fucking max oof