What did Marvel Studios mean by this?
Bump for /ourgirls/
Is that non-CGI background?
Such an iconic shot
to get a reaction out of you
Yet the main hero was a 5'8 swarthy old incel.
that following trends in product advertising will generate the maximum amount of profit due to having the widest possible consumer market
That incels consistently get depressed when seeing stunning beautiful woman that will reject them and that if we don't put them on suicide watch they will most likely kill themselves.
I personally don't see the issue, Ive sneeded
>due to having the widest possible consumer market
Landwhales don't spend that much despite their large size, except on food..
You don't really know Tony Stark or RDJ that well do you?
Ponder the fragrance
Shuri and Okoye don't belong there. They're only shoehorned there because black
Only thing depressing is the charge in the open that in reality would get cut down by a single machine gun
Captain Marvel only really needed the help of Scarlet Witch if any at all. All of these other sidekicks are pretty much useless against more than 3 opponents max at once.
Both have ridiculous amounts of money and status, without that they would be massive incels.
Even considering Tonny's high IQ , he wouldn't be much higher than an indian STEM dude.
Wasp might be able to squeeze into Thanos' pee hole and grow from there. Imagine wearing Thanos' dick as a hat haha like eww no imagine the smell hahaha
tfw none of them will never kiss my on the lips
no bcos there impervious 2 bullets
women buy a shitload more than men . especially small stuff more frequently compared to expensive stuff less frequently.
new Dune looks bad
dated a short hair female blonde simlar to this but she had an ass. Sex was great and she was crazy.
Oh is the useless scene in endgame
Looks like only the black chicks know how to run,
everyone else looks like they haven't ran since high school
is there a torrent for this yet?
Big if true
>over 20 MCU movies
>not a single solo female one yet
I don't even mind the yaaaaaas queen girl power shit but this was empty, pathetic tokenism at it's finest.
most cringe scene in the movie desu
>he doesn't know about RDJ getting his dick wet every weekend in the 90s
Women love him amigo.
Goes to show how much they what on Brie Larson with her literally at the back when her whole purpose was to champion women
What was the mantis girl going to do in that scene? She doesn't even have offensive capabilities
Don't know about women, but she can "champion" my dick (penis) if you know what I mean.
why are they all so poor at running?
What if they all pegged and raped you? That would be so crazy haha!
>Nebula at the front.
They know who the best girl is.
>The only ones who can run properly are the black girls.
Should I get a black gf. They seem loyal and motherly.
they run like girls
blue Zoe > green Zoe
Reminder that MCU fans and women actually hated this scene
It was an embarrassing
when will they introduce this superhero then?
>has a daughter
Fuck off, nigger.
That women run like girls?
This scene was compensation for feminists that Hillary lost the 2016 election.
>liz olsen
kek wtf is she doing
Haha what if they all ran at me and tackled me haha mommies stop haha
I clapped so hard that the skin on my palms blistered, broke and I had to be hospitalized due to my injuries
This scene made me blow air through my closed lips and sigh.
Dude imagine if like, they gang-raped you or something haha, definitely would press charges ASAP haha, can't foil me, no siree
>We don't know how to properly represent women being strong (even though we did with Scarlet Witch almost killing Thanos) so we'll shove in a forced girl power moment to pull the viewer out of the movie, thus ruining all emotion we're trying to get out of this literal fight for the universe.
That's what they meant.
>bragging on an anonymous website