ITT change or remove one letter from a movie's title

ITT change or remove one letter from a movie's title

>The Dork Knight

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Jon Wick

Attached: th(3).jpg (474x711, 77K)

The Empire Strokes Back

Attached: lf.jpg (798x600, 167K)

My wife Sarah always liked the idea of calling it The Dark Knight Ruses. Like f7u12


>Batman Beins

Your move

Dont go there. Not for the comfy thread we're having. My wife Sarah even contacted me from her girls trip in Jamaica just to rant about those S posts. Wtf.

The Assassination of Jesle James by the Coward Robert Ford

I love it.

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The Black Knigha

>Goy Story
>Goy Story 2
>Goy Story 3
>Goy Story 4

Took me a second

Hairy Potter

Haha sneed xd

>girls trip in Jamaica
Nicholas, I....

Pop Gun

Blade Runner: Twenty Fourty-Nino

Jesus, buddy,

The lard of the Rings

Bohemian Fapsody

formerly chuck's


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John Dick

Thank you for getting the fuck off of /ck/ and coming where you belong with these retards

>bnue velvet

Kangs(z) of New York


You should make this thread again but said any movie title with the letter P in it gets changed to N.

Just a thought haha.

Moonrise Kangdom

I don't get it

AKA what my wife does LOL

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Retters from Iwo Jima

The Wizard of OP
The Mighty Sucks

Formerly slow

I hate this board

Who are you quoting, pisslord? I post wherever I want, but Sarah did think my twitch channel could benefit from the memes and content in this board. I should at least know what the kids these days are watching.

>Lord of the Rings: Return of the Kang
>Star War
>My Cousin Ninny
>Jimmy Nutron: Boy Genius
>Citizen Bane
>The Dank Knight
>Terminator 2: Judgement Gay

sneed of chucky

Kangdom of Heaven

Of course a humongous loser even amongst Yea Forums standards would say they live in Florida.

>Jurassic Mark
>there's only one dinosaur named Mark in the park, because cloned animals are expensive as hell

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miami dice

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starship poopers

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Attached: cheers.jpg (1280x720, 105K)

>can't count to one

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Fucking based.

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who cares

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>6 million?


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Was my first though, as well.

Die Harp

What does her boyfriend think?

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Stat wars

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The Beer Hunter

Death Fish


Jet Sematary



Pump Fiction

Schindler's Fist

Raiders of the Lost Arm

Jurassic Part

Pee Wee's Pig Adventure

Inglourious Bastards


Snot White

Ferris Beuller's Gay Off

Citizen Bane

Attached: ISfHRqt.png (500x500, 463K)

Perms of Endearment


Romancing the Stove

The Elephant Van


The Drown Bunny
Haha, what a story mark!


schindlers fist

Homo Alone


Star Wars: A Ne Hope

Attached: 1552566536842.png (1066x886, 1.11M)

Girth of a Nation

Attached: images(7).jpg (236x177, 11K)



Seed of Chuck


Boss Wigger

Attached: images - 2019-07-16T182708.458.jpg (220x348, 22K)

The Brown Cunny

Dr. No(g)

The Prick of Destiny


Oh hi there mark


Citizen Bane
>>"For you"

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What about boob?

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The N Words

Attached: MV5BMTM2NjgyMjI3OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDkxMjIyOA@@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,674,1000_AL_.jpg (674x1000, 94K)

>change or remove
not add, you boob


4 year old virgin (pic of epstien etc)
420 year old virgin

Damn, I liked the n words too

Lords of Nogtown

The Fag

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>>My Cousin Ninny

For some reason I loled loudly

Need for Sneed


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The Gapes of Wrath
The Rapes of Wrath


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How to Train your Dagon

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The Peach Bum

N Time

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Terminator 2: Judge Men Day
Starring Brie Larson

Dittle Women

Mrs Doubtfirm


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Cars Attacks!!!



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madskillz coming to save the day!

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Kekd at Goy Story 3
Well done user

Toy Storm

>My Cousin Ninny
>Citizen Bane

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I’m trying so hard not to laugh right now

South Park: Nigger Longer and Uncut


What’s Eating Gilbert Rape

Jews the Revenge


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Bring Me the Dead of Alfredo Garcia

Observe & Deport

Karate Yid

Fast Mimes at Ridgmont High

Apocalypse Nog

Korn on the Fourth of July

Gone with the Mind

Home Clone

Rome Alone

Cried Green Tomatoes

Ace Ventura Pez Detective


Bane Tomahawk

Walking Mall

A Nightmare on Elf Street

Might of the Iguana

Summer Mental

Pretty Raids in a Row

this is a good movie and not sure if related but another very good movie is Heat (1995) and the underlying theme for the film seems to be a question of duality and it got me thinking as this is a recurrent theme in many entertainment productions such as stalker shadow of Chernobyl and nobody really seems to know the answer. If there is a version of you in this world, is it possible that there is also a version of you in another, put simplistically heaven and hell. This is a very old theory which can be seen even in historical interpretation say Yggdrasil in Nordic culture for example. So if there is a version of you in this world, which I am assuming there is, is it possible that the version of you in the alternate world would be the opposite? how would this scale be judged? and if that is true then is it reasonable to assume that the you in the world below is a snork? Very hardy creature, immune to radiation, chemical weapons and bullets to an extent. Is it then plausible that this version of you may be primarily concerned not with the further destruction of the surrounding environment, but rather making the best of a bad situation? Seeking out females and animals, collecting food and items of value and enjoying a life of relative luxury given the circumstances?

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Um sir this a thread about changing one letters in film titles
