Is there a worse character in television?

Is there a worse character in television?

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dunno lol

Is there a cuter character on television than young Hannah?

Yes and it's Jonas.

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god what a chad

can literally only be cucked by his stronger future self

Young Regina before she straightened her hair.

She is best girl

fuck off hannah

t. Katharina

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That scene was fucking hilarious.

Fuck you, Regina didn't deserve that. She has cancer, for Christ's sake.

I tried watching this show and I couldn't handle it. Plot went nowhere, and they fucking kill every scene with that shitty atmospheric background garbage. Show is so bad they can't let a scene go without shitty background music to let you know how eerie shit should be.

She had to suffer for her mother's sins.

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Imagine having such a plebeian taste. Go watch Stranger Things.

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The music was a bit too much in S1 but they dialed that back in S2. But the plot actually has a way to go. It just takes some time. And when the plot gets rolling it's the most amazing experience ever in a tv series.

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no thanks, not gonna trade one unrefined garbage for another

>The music was a bit too much in S1 but they dialed that back in S2.
a bit too much is putting it nicely. I don't think I can make it through.

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>I don't think I can make it through.
Your reward will be watching the best series.

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Shes a good character,just a horrible person

Hannah is not a real person. She's a character in a fictional tv series.

important video

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I dont get this complaint. I thought the music/score was great.

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>The central motif of the series soundtrack mimics the "Doppler Effect" (a high pitch transitioning to a low pitch), perhaps alluding to the centrality of the Doppler family to the story.

It's too spooky. It makes you expect a horror, when in fact nothing scary ever happens in the show.

But user, the scariest thing is family