Saving Private Ryan

Why didn't they carry giant mirrors and reflect the bullets back at the Germans? Instead they just charge straight into the gunfire and die like retards.

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because the germans also have better, more reflective german mirrors. They would just bounce the bullets straight back.

why didnt they just wait a year? war would have been over by then and it would have been just a nice day at the beach.

Did they even try asking Hitler to politely stop what he's doing?

Why didn't the Germans just invent a time machine and show the Allies what the world would look like if the Axis were defeated so the Allies would let them win?

Should have looked both ways before crossing. amateurs.

why didnt they just fly to germany on the bomber jets and throw the ring in to mt auschwitz

Why didn't Spielberg just not make the movie. Then no one would have died

Because they didn't control the bombers

why didn't they just join the axis?

why didn't they send in seal team 6?

Why didn't the germans just use their axe-wielding motorcycle gang to clean the beach in a matter of minutes?

By about 1943 or so the Western Allies goal wasn't to defeat Germany, it was to secure as much European territory before the Soviets arrived to take it over.

Germans were just in the way.

why didn't the allies just use the eagles to fly to berlin and throw hitler into mount doom?

Why didn't they just let the Germans have Europe?

Why didn't Britain just send Gorgo to destroy Germany?

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Why didn't the soldiers just refuse to run at machine gun nests because it's retarded?

So accomplish nothing at all and let the Axis win, smart idea, slick.

>responding seriously

D-Day was a hoax it never happened.

I'm completely convinced that the entire first half of the 20th century was fabricated.

/,implying we wouldn't be better off if the axis had won

The aliens who designed the testing chamber i'm currently in are complete cunts snd I wish probe rape upon them.

>implying a contrarian such as yourself wouldn't be just as disillusioned with society of the axis had won

Why didn't they just land on a place where there wasn't a fuckload of Germans I mean why go straight to a fortified beach crawling with Axis troops you retards

If the nazis had taken over at least we wouldn't have a black bond I tell you hwat


Why didn't they just put a bunch of bear traps in the beach

I think that it's quite foolish to assume literally anything about how society might be 75 years after ww2 if the axis had won. Literally anything could have happened. It's all ridiculous speculation.

Why didn't they put wheels on their landing crafts so they could drive all the way to Paris?
>implying there would be nearly as much to be depressed about

damm, this was like plants vs zombies irl

If the axis had won, i'd be either dead or living in an Aryan utopia. Both paths would be preferrable to what we have now.

I think we can safely say israel wouldn't exist

you would be depressed about different things

your brain is the real reason you are depressed, not because of society

just like how trannies dont kill themselves by the boatload because people are mean to them, its because they are fucked in the head

why didn't the germans just stop here

Attached: Deutschesreich1939.png (1032x810, 262K)

>Aryan utopia
How do you know it would last until now? Once Hitler died we have no idea how things would have played out. More ridiculous speculation.

Gay men are short-sighted

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Why wasn't Mellish doing the smug "Juden? I'm Juden" thing at the end while getting stabbed?

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>top right

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Why didn’t hitler just wait until USSR attacks Poland/Germany and ally with France and UK?

Because he was selfish and narcissistic. If HE couldn't be the savior of Europe he wasn't going to let anyone else be that hero either. No other man is more responsible for the downfall of the white race than Adolf Hitler.

Fair enough.

Poland was refusing to negotiate on the Danzig issue and trying to displace the ethnic Germans from the Polish corridor. Time was on their side, and they could have permanently altered the demographics of the region (which they did do after the war)

why didn't they just wear german uniforms then they could have just strolled right past the machine guns?


>How do you do, fellow Germans?

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seethe, tranny

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The world didn't even exist until 1985. Prove me wrong.

Spanish fascist won. look at Spain today...… that's probably pretty close to how things would look is the Nazis won.

you're a complete retard if you think social movements for nigger rights and what not wouldn't have risen

no amount of cope will change history tranny

so a shithole full of browns

yes. the pendulum would eventually swing the other way and you'd end up with niggers and faggots once again roaming the streets until yet another great cleansing is necessary to right the world once more.

You should get on that instea dof just whining, then.

Why are ameriturds so fucking obsessed with skin colour? It's like the only fucking identity you have.

Dios Mio relax pedro

needed more land for muh huwheat fields

sure thing shill

What am I shilling? I'm saying you should start on that cleansing thing.

affirmative action, three generations raised to judge people by race

>Britian: Bombed the ever living fuck out of by the Germans, caught on Dunkirk, participated in the push
>US: Joined when the Germans where fighting on two fronts and running low on resources.
>Roughly the same amount of losses
How exactly did this happen? Was it the Japs? Bad leadership? Stupid troops?

Attached: WW2 deaths.png (1000x651, 77K)

The US had more than twice the number of troops deployed.

Brits barely did any fighting except in North Africa. they fled on sight in dunkirk while the French fought desperately to guard their retreat, and the British thanked them by bombing their fleet at Mers el-Kebir and making a lifetime of French surrender jokes.

Britian fought all over the world, also surely having more troops against a diminishing army and bunch of savages could've been used more effectively

>so a shithole full of browns
but thats america

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how did he destroy the tank with a pistol?

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.45 acp baby

America did the lion’s share of the fighting in the pacific yes. Also, they are the ones who opened up two additional fronts against Germany... all while bombing the shit out of the Germans, guarding shipping lanes for lend lease to the USSR, and fighting in Africa.

And if you think that all that was left of German forces in 1942 (when the USA joined the war against Germany properly) were old men and young boy conscripts then you’ve drunk the koolaid me fren. Learn a little history or grow up

Well, you still ruined the planet for everyone.