
Attached: 1563216662154.webm (202x360, 1.87M)

What sorcery is this?

weebs find these things attractive.

The chick in yellow and the half yellow half dark haired bitch are hot enough to not use this

But the bitch in red needs that

what fucking wizadry is this?

Lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes

Imagine having yellow fever and being into chinks

so this app replaces your head with a grey alien?

The background is different


Yes and that's a good thing

Is that a fucking guy at the end lmao

Still ugly

>incels discovers SNOW filters
wow what a great thread

Nobody in this thread has heard of beautification apps? Fucking hell.

Oh wow how dishonest, typical chinese.

>chink women


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Attached: moons.webm (720x720, 2.69M)

Lads when are we gonna get over this self image obsessed culture we find ourselves bogged down in
It's outright disheartening

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what is considered a 10/10 girl in china if they all look the same ???

Never, because image affects your entire life you stupid fucking retard.

People care about how they look because it matters

There is something undeniably cute about Asian women. Not sure I could ever date one though, I would feel like I am becoming what I hate because I see racemixing as a crime against nature.

chinese girls aren't attractive even when caked in makeup and filters compared to superior nippon pussy.


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what in the fuck

Attached: 1561707345372.webm (540x960, 2.94M)

Another China thread? Based.

i'm amazed that some of you fags still can't tell the difference between chinks and the rest of the asians

Asians needs to be gassed.


i hate chinks even more now

>tfw redhead girls are going extinct

Attached: 984598544449855.jpg (1280x720, 103K)

This is why AI experts are being paid $475K starting.

The eyebrows are the worst thing. Everything else is forgivable.

There's no difference

Attached: sinidf.jpg (294x387, 13K)

jesus fucking christ this would give gramps flash backs to blasting zipperheads in '69

chinks beauty standard is too look like a literal alien. koreans all look the same but have a more reasonable look, nips have more of a traditional beauty standard

>slurps still living eel
>hits child with car, backs over them to squash their skull
yellow fever is a joke

>yellow fever

You retarded bro?

literally nobody who has yellow fever likes souless chinks. it's mostly japanese chicks

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Attached: 6523451346.jpg (660x507, 22K)

That second one is terrifying

One nuke wasn't enough

imagine finding Asian women attractive LMAO


cosmetic surgery should be illegal and cosmetic surgeons should be hanged

Asians are terribly vain.

Attached: il_570xN.371902373_5jfg.jpg (570x428, 30K)

all of you guys cope. irene is 30 years old and elle is 21. Western celebs hits the wall at 21.

Attached: D1mvxl1UcAAeIEl.jpg (886x1200, 200K)

China isn't Japan, dipshit

>even these videos are filmed in sweatshops

Attached: 1534041424451s.jpg (246x232, 4K)

>these people can do my stem phd job for lower wages

Attached: 1483163993310.png (665x772, 576K)

Difference is that most Hollywood actresses/NY models are fucked up on all kind of shit, drugs, booze, whatever, while nip actresses, idols and models are less likely to be caught soing this stuff. I'm not saying they don't do any, but they probably have contractual clauses that would end their life if they're caught with shit (the whole japanese honor shit) while Elle Fanning probably gets her dope straight from her agent. Anorexia doesn't help either.

That's a pretty good robot from 30 years ago

Exactly, we should have glassed the entire continent.

He said one nuke, not two you fucking retard

>implying there's a difference
>if you wear a literal mask of plastic and makeup you don't look your age
BASED! God, I fucking love those pure Azns who are loyal and not racetraitors, like those filthy whiwomyn. Yes sir, those qt Azns love my white cock and it's because they're so traditional and loyal to their race; the Asian race.

Attached: 1563226646963.webm (960x540, 2.32M)

Unironically true

Major difference between personal care and self obsession.
Absolutely nothing wrong-in fact it should be required- to take care of your head, nails, teeth and skin. But having “”social”” media to post gallons of pictures of yourself everyday? Yeah fucking right.