Am I the only one sick of this tryahrd?
Am I the only one sick of this tryahrd?
No, I never got why he was popular. Its just shit comedy reviews. His idea of an epic joke is suddenly jump cut to hitler speeches
Its like if a 12 year old browsed /pol/ for the first time
''haha i said le funny Yea Forums meme''
His Korra stuff was pretty spot on
Have sex.
he looks pretty cool
>I'm so sick of this person that I'm going to make an entire thread on him
Try hard? Wtf he just makes fun content. Wtf is even your problem hassan. Hes probably not even a nazi. His star wars vids were more fun than the movies. And he clearly cares a lot about the editing of his vids. Its better than fucking hello guedo, or stuckmann or any of the other shit.
Where the hell did you find that picture of me?
>edgy anime pic
this is shit only community college students don't cringe at
im not hassan im nick
his korra stuff was good, generally he's entertaining when he's shitting on things that are objectively bad but when he tries to take down movies that are actually good then he exposes himself for the cringy retard he is. the way he tries to work in a political bent to everything reminds me of an SJW but on the opposite side. His Fury Road review made me lose all respect for him, the nigger misses the entire point of the movie in order to label it feminist propaganda, and makes retarded statements that only a freshman who just took an intro to cinema class would make like "you can't have a narrator give you exposition because you have to show not tell, film is a visual medium."
tl;dr: he's a faggot.
He makes like one video every few months and is mostly irrelevant. If you're getting sick of him it's because you are deliberately watching him to get annoyed.
go suck a prick nick
who the fuck is this? haunter?
I'm sick of faggot OPs, but we live in sick times.
What cringey eceleb is nick? And honestly no right wingers come on here and try to deplatform hbomberfag. Why are you pussy liberals so insecure about people you disagree with making good content? Sure he references /pol/ a little to much but hes funny and entertaining and occasionally informative. I think he probably cares a little to much about plotholes like nearly every other youtuber. But still quality content. I save alot of his vids because i know eventually you faggots will get he banned.
Nick Fuentes. He debates Destiny and Hassan often
Anyway I didn't even know Hassan had it out for E;R's channel. I thought thr E;R controversy blew over months ago when Pewds mentioned his channel
He appearntly shit talks him on twitch. On now E;R made fun of him in his most recent vid. Hassan seems like the kind of cunt that would watch his channel just to report him. I honestly dont know why everybody gets their panties in a wad about him. He makes somewhat edgy jokes sometimes in well edited critical content OMFG WE BETGER CALL MEDIA MATTERS. ANIME MAN BAD
Fat Mexican Pedo
I thought this was a Gorillaz thread
He's at his most appreciable when talking about Avatar, in my opinion.
>Its like if a 12 year old browsed /pol/ for the first time
The funny thing is, he's probably an oldfag. /pol/ is just generally cringy, the difference is you don't notice how poorly these jokes translate to reality when you're reading them in text.
I remember him in the life is strange video saying he went to art college. He’s probably your average right winger who took a bunch of video and writing courses and uses youtube to blow off steam. Explains why he never uploads and seems to give no fucks about monetization
fuck off ER
I wonder (((who))) could be behind this post?
if you don't like him, don't watch him.
Not E;R . I barely watch any anime. And why would i bump a thread where half the people are shitting on me?
if you dont like his content, why are you watching it. I dont personally watch things i don't like.
ER you doth protest too much
I think his voice is annoying and I don't like people with skin darker than Al-Assad, so I don't watch him
He's alright, inserting a Hitler montage into a SU video is pretty transgressive. As a reviewer he sucks but as art it's pretty interesting.
The Death Note Review is top tier content
Bumping to piss off the guy who called me E;R
Have sex
heck yeah fellow gamer
Isn't that the dude from Sailor Moon?
I guess I'm a pretty sick guy
His best video is the last jedi one. His worst is the fury road one
The background of his pic is from kämpfer (which is certified anikino) but I can't remember what the guy is. I know he says it somewhere
Die tranny
I'm not that guy but you trannies are just sad
hasan is an edgy journolib
he will literally wither up and die if he doesn't have something to complain about
>eef u dis@gr33 wif me ur tranny LOLZ EPIC POL BURNZ
I try to ignore these people but they keep invading my boards and the youtube channels i like. Why do i never see ben shapiro trying to shut down the chappo trannies? leftists just psychopaths who cant live with people they disagree with.
Do you just go to random threads and type this?
my problem with him is that hes not trying hard enough
And he made a better review of it than those shitty fucking rlm.
>meme echoes
What's it like being stuck in 2016, boomer?
literally who?
literally who?
I generally enjoy his content. He doesn't make that much shit but I can stomach the edginess for 30 mins at a time.
Fun stuff. just don't read into it too much.
I honestly dont know whats do offensive about him. He had the one vid with a hitler speecb. Big woop
>fury road fan
Sorry but the plot is cringey, especially the sniper grannies.
Big facts. But the action transcends the asinine plot
It's weird that Yea Forums hates E;R yet most of you faggots watch him. I know he makes these threads because only him or a fan would know he released a new video yesterday.
Weekend Warrior is better but I also like E;R.
Is that dr daimon from sailor moon?
I like him.
You're welcome to dislike him though, I don't care it doesn't bother me.
>panders to Yea Forums like E;R but uses zoomer reddit humor
so much better...
He was so, SO painfully awkward and weird on that one EFAP he was on.
I guess I'm a pretty sick guy
he´s a shy person, like the rest of us
He's often more entertaining than the movies that he reviews. That should tell you something.
That was freaking bizarre. Efap tried to defend him and say it was the first podcast he had ever been on but it was still fucking weird. Efap used to be really fun when they roasted youtube spergs. Now they just sit around and jack off to capeshit
>this thing doesn't remind me of steins;gate
>therefore it sucks
>fury road
feminists working on the movie straight-up tells you it's feminist propaganda. dunno why you faggots are so afraid of having something you like be feminist.
These days people are quick to assume "feminist" equates to "anti-men", and it's not without reason
I like the movie but the grannies are cringe. Nobody denies this. Feminism i couldnt give 2 fucks about
Except he constantly and consistently makes original jokes and banter, that's a totally inaccurate characterization that one would only make as a libshit redditor.
What does Log Horizon have to do with Yea Forums?
Yeah, this is what I've always assumed about the guy. Right-leaner working in an industry dominated by lefties who make it clear they won't tolerate wrongthink.
Reminder that mumkey jones got his channel deleted for literally nothing. Of course they're gonna go after this guy as well.
>there's finally a good youtuber who makes content with Yea Forums references
>Yea Forums manbabies STILL complain
>>Yea Forums manbabies STILL complain
Do they? Or do... (((they)))?
>Yea Forums is one person
>Yea Forums in 2019 is exactly like it was in 2009
It's funny when he shits on stuff that's pure shit, but he's not a good critic in any sense. His taste is juvenile.
He's a neoreactionary crypto-fascist faggot spouting shitty /pol/ memes. He absolutely doesn't represent the whole of Yea Forums, especially /int/ and Yea Forums.
>alt-right dog whistles
>slippery slope
>instantly starts projecting his interracial cuckold fantasies onto movies
>white fragility
Now this isn't a term I use lightly, but YIKES!
Anyone remember foreverpandering? Who stole content from Yea Forums better?
he's just an edgelord. you've found them by the dime a dozen all over the internet for as long as it's been around, and they all sound exactly like him when they let loose.
or, to put it more simply, he's a normal human male
ITT seething trannies LMAO
> edgy anime
>transphobic shit
>dog whistles
Pretty sure it's Log Horizon
It's from Sailor Moon?
>words words words words
He should stick to cartoons.
>reactionary brainlet can only reply with 1-word transphobic zingers
Hold on, posting this to /r/TheRightCantMeme
yes, you are, he's hilarious
Nice nu-channer redditspeak. Head on back to /r/thedonald, cleetus.
>dog whistles
He has literal Hitler speeches and Nazi racial terminology in his videos. Were you seriously patting yourself on the back for being able to crack the code?
You're right.
Why would you be sick of him? He's a small channel that rarely gets talked about except when he says something really spicy, and he is essentially shadowbanned by youtube, meaning you would only ever see his videos if you're subscribed to him. So you don't ever have to be subjected to his content if you don't want to, which tells us you're just mad that he exists and hasn't been completely deplatformed yet, because you're a delicate little faggot that can't handle the bantz, aka a Sensitive Joss Whedon.
My advice to you, is to dilate.
>Now this isn't a term I use lightly, but YIKES!
This is bait
No, he was a good villain and gave us Hotaru, who is by far Sailor Moon's best girl
>you're a delicate little faggot that can't handle the bantz
claim is completely meaningless on Yea Forums but (2) virtue points awarded
Nazis are funny as fuck, do people just not understand anymore that humor dismantles ideas and people a hundred times better than shunting it away and forbidding to ever speak of it?
Yeah , your fucking hilarious. Back to /r/theDonald with you
This pic is fucking slaying me.
aw are you upset he criticized that faggot peel that you redditors worship?
he constantly "names the jew" and refuses fo refer to movies other than by the parody title he gives them.
it's grating and obnoxious. it was funny the first time but after watching a second video and god forbid a third video than it becomes trite and painfully obvious he's appealing to an edgy crowd of 14-year-olds
the thing that astounds me is that at no time during the movie did i ever think it was a feminist production. it handled its action and characters so well that i enjoyed it as a fucking crazy action movie that physically got my blood and heart pumping. everyone labelling it a feminist film doesnt really hit me bc the movie was far from shitty and didnt preach any gender shit to me. i hardly even agree if it is a feminist movie. because feminism is hardly a theme of the movie.
the only strong evidence ive heard is your claim the creators were feminist and expressly making a feminist movie, which i somewhat doubt
i thought the grannies were cool. they weren't really passed off as badasses and they got fucked pretty easily. they were just wise survivors in shitty landscape
what did you dislike about them?
>Yea Forums references
kill yourself
>other than by the parody title he gives them.
>what is copyright infringement
all the characters in the movie were retarded. would've said it was 100% pure feminist propaganda too, if it wasn't for a few things like max having to save all the women and the granny-'paradise' they traveled to ending up being a shitty hellscape
the action and cinematography is incredible and some of the short character moments are great, but besides that the movie is pretty shit.
it also has no moral message, UNLESS you see the women taking over from king retard to be a moral message, which - considering what a stereotype of the "patriarchy" that guy was - would be hard to see as anything but a feminist message and would make it easy to slot the movie into "feminist propaganda"
personally, I prefer more traditional moral messages like people should use their power responsibly and with restraint etc.
holy shit HOW FUCKING NEW are you
Yea Forums is full of retards who argue for the sake of arguing about literally anything
have sex
prove it
you're kidding, right?
summerfags please leave
i don't like ecelebs in general his korra vids where funny
What don't you like about him?
mfw this guy still hasn't been kicked out of youtube, and mumkey was before this fag.
Nothing makes Yea Forums madder than seeing Yea Forums references in real life.
Global Rule #1 fags!!!
>neoreactionary crypto-fascist
have sex
mumkey was a retard
darker people make me uncomfortable
seethe more, hasan
actually I take back. it really should be for this bandwagoning fuckwit
cry more triggered tranny, i identify as an attack helicopter
seethe more crapo tranny
And rightly so, user. Rightly so.
>that image
Literally no one, not a single soul, is making fun of people who actually have PTSD when they say the triggered shit. It's making fun of the people who don't have PTSD yet say they're triggered over minor things like someone using the wrong pronoun.
cope harder trannie
why does your tranny instinct tell you to post pictures of normal people like anybody but you is triggered by them
I hate Night of Wallachia
>you is triggered by them
You can't *make* this shit up.
yeah that certainly explains why you can't stop pissing and whining about it
we get it, your life peaked in middle school
I find his shit hilarious which is the whole point of YouTube for me. Other than the odd shit like Dagothwave or something.
YOU got triggered first, YOU shat your pants over triggered jokes, you aren't getting away tranny snake
>anybody (but you) is triggered by them
You tried
I know they guy a bit. He’s nice, shy, smart. Doesn’t like to interject his personality into conversation. Makes fun, witty videos that are well edited and entertaining. I don’t agree with all his filmographic opinions. And I know of some normies who he’s “redpilled” so he gets a A+ in my book.
>films I liked in 2016 never ever ever
Actually, it's entirely without reason. Feminism is good. For practically everyone.
>ruins your nation
But w-w-women can be wage slaves now too!
Funny trivia: Covfefe is actually a short for some communication act legislative he passed.
For practically every corporation.
behold: the face of feminism
you know it's true
I see, SU fandom came for their daily dose of insults.
>dude /pol/ lmao
kind of boring, his actual analysis isn't anything to write home about
Then how come Youtube always deletes his stuff? They hate him because he says the truth.
they hate him because he goes full 14/88 in videos about children's cartoons
Now fuck off, faggot, and let a based and leave a based artist alone.
>and let a based and leave a based artist alone.
you got ahead of yourself in your autism
Have sex.
Why do you fuckers keep posting Log Horizon here?
Lmao 2nd from the right is pizzashill
He's not a tranny, just a faggot
I only like him because he’s a closet Yahtzee and makes Yea Forums upset
Log Horizon was a bad anime people only like because the tax fraud writer shilled on Yea Forums and they wanted to sound profound for liking an """alternative""" to SAO but were too underage for .hack.
dramacels out
Why are whites so fragile
I enjoyed the first half of the anime but it gets tiresome just like SAO even Overlord has the same problem
dude bussy lmao
Overlord was the single worst anime I have seen in my life. Even Re:Zero was better. Just complete, irredeemable garbage. Yea Forums masturbating to it made me realize just how truly awful the board is these days.
His videos aren't that bad. Can't say I'm a huge fan, though.
>years later and the grown adult whale trannies that make up the steven universe fanbase are still triggered.
based and bussypilled
Are there any other reviewers like him out there, i dont even care what they are reviewing desu, i find him funny without taking hinself seriously.
Only reviewers ive found that i like are him and RLM
how can you be sick of someone that releases 1 video per year?
Hassan is a retarded Boomer.
trannies are p much mad 24/7
>movies need a moral to be good
that's retarded
>30 minute film review
Fun content, and before you say I have a shit attention span I read shit and listen to audiobooks without having to bounce around the Internet. I don't know how anyone could watch a 30 minute review of anything. And I especially don't get the fucks who watch RLM
OP is (((faggot))
>t. e;r
Alt Lite Youtubers are always one note and shit, E;R, Empty Hero, Carl Benjamin. Dankula is the only semi decent one because he's charismatic but I still wince at his ebin /pol/ humour and politics
Mumkey Jones was the only good ebin 4channer youtuber but now he's a dead man walking
it makes a movie better, it's not necessary. & you're retarded.
Holy shit tranny you used the image again
this, at least his self-destruction is pretty funny too, until he kills himself at least
>Getting cucked by a 15 year old after committing social suicide
It'd be funny if it weren't so sad
>proposed to a furry pedophile because Tinder thought he was a spammer and shadowbanned him
it's like he set out to fuck up at everything he could
Null's autistic video on it make a pretty compelling argument for Mumkey setting everything up to make sure he kills himself the next time he's dumb enough to randomly go off his meds.
>Doing this naive Buddhism smug forgiveness because he's doped out and knows he's passed the point of no return
>No social media presence in a week after posting the video
Wouldn't be surprised if he got committed
Yeah, we love him here.
His Korra stuff is good
His Star Wars stuff is good
His Death Note stuff is good
His movie stuff is good
Everything he does is good. Except the OPM shit, that was reading too much for a DBZ clone.
You gotta find his steven universe stuff. Its on some other website. I had no fucking clue childrens media is that far gone into wacko sjw land. This chick rebbeca sugar is literally putting lesbian sex in kids shows
Yes i've watched those years ago. Also look for Steven Jewniverse 1-3 for some laughs.
I've bad news everyone
I'm Steven
how do you know him? he seems like an edgelord to me?
Samefagging is in violation of Rule #0: don’t be a tryhard
He's single-handedly keeping alive popular support for hating TLoK, so he's alright in my book.
Nah, he was always mediocrity manifest.
I like his stuff. It's entertaining edgy without being tryhard edgy.
He looks like someone who'd decapitate an e-girl.
I like E;R 90% of the time, when he doesn't think One punch man is good
hes the avatar
deal with it
damn, our janny looks like *THAT*?
is this an eceleb who uses this anime image as his avatar?
What did the crystal gems mean by this?
>literally posted the same second
you're a bit special no?
e;r is just a rich man's emptyhero
die soon please
is this the donation bonus you get? a meet and greet kek
You must be autistic if you were unable to see the blatant feminist subtext
Literally a right wing sjw
Calm down and dilate
He is a fucking faggot like every /r9k/tards.
He litteraly did nothing that bad outside being a shit human being with sociopathic tendencies, his only mistake was to surround himself with people as bad as him.
I was one of his first subs and I’m in a small community with them and him. He’s only really an “edge lord” in the YouTube videos. Otherwise he’s pretty chill. Not that he’s necessarily wrong when he’s being edgy.
Top quality bait right there m8
Rey is a mary sue. Sarah conor isnt. Deal with it tranny.
To nobody's surprise Rebecca Sugar is a rock person
>He’s nice, shy, smart
Yup, I smell a bitter incel.
Yeah, this Hispanic film critic that speaks common sense you don’t like is a “hitler supporter”
Only reviewer who pointed out that Yamagi Light is an aryan superman, while nuLight is an anti-semitic stereotype
Only reviewer who pointed out Get out was a shitty movie and that the ending is about Peele wanting murder his white mother
>t. /pol/
He's pretty fun. Some of his stuff isn't the best but overall he's better than 90% of other youtube reviewers.
I like his reviews. He's candid and his editing style works for me. Not sure why he triggers so many people, unless they take the racial jokes super seriously. He's just a meme comedian who pushes the envelope, so why give a shit?
Hi E;R
This might just be the most incel-blinded thing I have ever seen
Because its 2019 and leftists have drunk the kool aid. Chappo trannies can talk about shooting ivanka trump in the face in graphic detail and be on the front page of spotify. E;R a youtuber with 300k subs puts in a couple of jew jokes and gets hundreds of hit pieces written about him. The worst thing hes done is the hitler speech thing. Anybody in here who shits on him wholesale and says hes evil is a seething tranny faggot.
>inb4 hi E;R
Go fuck yourselves
White men were raised to get angry at all implications of racism
his editing skills are off the charts
Mauler is more low key cringe
>He absolutely doesn't represent the whole of Yea Forums
I sure wish he did.
Him having a relationship with mauler is the literal worst aspect about him. Mauler is a capeshitter faggot who know nothing about film making. Hed have an anurism if he watched mulholland drive. He only cares about fucking plotholes. I used to watch efap until all they just started talking about stupid capeshit. It was fun when they were shitting on youtube spergs. Now its just 7 hours of “character inconsistency”.
he looks like he only on drinks thot bath water
I don't know why that guy isn't a huge laughing stock. Imagine making an 8 hour long video series about 2.5 hour movie. You could watch TLJ 3 times and still have time to spare. I hate that movie but even if I hate something with a burning passion I'm not going to spend 8 hours watching a video series about it.
say what you want about mauler but his 20 hour series on why hbummerfag is wrong about dork souls is peak youtube kino
Have sex, incels.
Dog whistling is a really insideous concept. It accuses a person of something deplorable, stacked with deception, while putting words in their mouth. And of course it allows the accusor to indulge in whatever conspiratory fantasy they favor.
>dude everything’s about sex lmao
White knights are knuckle dragging perverts
This is the most frustrating aspect about him. Some of his content is good. Like the game of thrones unbridaled rages are amazing. And the tlj unbridaled rage. And the dark souls thing as well. But the shit hes been leaning into recently like the “tlj objective critque” stuff is boring and cringe worthy
you just know
It would be if it wasn't so fucking long. I like long reviews, but not ones that stretch on for hours upon hours. No idea how people can watch that shit on a regular basis.
have sex, beta cuck discord tranny
Nope, he is great, if you dont like him, only don't watch it. Why is so hard to understand this concept?
Also he give valid points, and his jokes are very funny
Log Horizon belongs on Yea Forums
have sex incel
he isnt funny
No, he's a fucking faggot. When you do a movie """"review"""" you shouldn't just be reading a plot synopsis and stopping every five minutes to make a shit joke, that's what Doug Walker does. It's also not like he knows anything about movies.
>discord tranny
>defending E;R
>Also he give valid points, and his jokes are very funny
If that’s your only conclusion, then you’re mad at him for other reasons
Rey's goal was waiting for a half naked Kylo Ren show up so she could swallow his midi chlorians
>Yea Forums complains that E R is edgy
>uses racial slurs and complains about minorities playing white roles
What's an e-celeb you guys actually like?
ITT: seething resettera tourists
Kill yourself right now
Never listen opinions of people who use that kind of avatars or rantsonas.
>oy use your real name and face so we can ruin your life
itsagundam is ma boi
The grannies blatantly tell the girls that men always fuck up and they shouldn't trust Max (who saves them on several occasions). It would be insufferable if it weren't for the fact that they fucked up their feminist society within weeks, although they had nothing to do with that according to the script. Throughout the movie there is a weird disconnection between what the movie wants to say (girl power) and what it actually says (Max kicking their ass in the first scene). One thing E;R touch on is the fact that they were living as royalty in their harem. Throughout history women would have killed to be given that opportunity. It doesn't make sense for them to run given the circumstances, but it does make sense if they were trapped in the real, 21th century world so they take that premise and plug it in as though it would make sense.
I liked his Jordan Peele reviews. He had a good point about how the opening scenes ruin his film's twists.
bro you're so funny
You can make reviews/rants/video essays without using your real face or rantsonas. But faggots don't want that, they want a brand, an icon to be recognize.
The want to be famous without the backlash or consequences, which, I guess is fine but using rantsonas is the most faggiest way to do it.
>living past week 4 is optional
wait what?
but he barely uses the sona outside of a few seconds for comedic effect
Most of his content is done without the sona
I really like E;R. He's a funny guy, and he introduced me to Mark English, who's funny most of the time during his playthroughs. What's your favorite youtubers?
Unironically OneyPlays
Dudes that don’t treat their channel like a politically correct corporation and are funny almost every episode
I envy those that recently find the channel, lots of time can pass watching all those vids
You mean Lyle and Tomar plays
>are funny almost every episode
If you're twelve
The Alternative Hypothesis, Metokur, EZPZ, Null, and Jontron (Only because he's actually redeemable).
Maybe, but you still can have a glimpse of his personality by seeing what he choose.
Do you faggot redditors really think you catchphrases are funny even ironically? Honest question.
Or have a sense of humor
is this dude paying homage to mister metokur?
twelve year olds have a sense of humour, though it typically stems from funny noises and references.
kill yourself please
to be fair one of older woman who was living with joe´s harem girls seems to be the one who brainwashed the girls into escaping joe´s kingdom, you know, freedom and stuff