Post your favorite Yea Forums webm.
Post your favorite Yea Forums webm
Damn she is hot. Why are women so self conscious??
source please?
thats a man dumbass
because they only care about impressing other women
Why do women wear underwear that covers the bellybutton?
isn't that uncomfortable?
How big are they?
>source please?
Don't know the source, but that's Mimi Rogers, Tom Cruise's first wife.
Makes their butt look bigger
>judge a woman by her looks
>"hurr why are women self conscious?!"
tom cruise got to date this woman and he's gay >:(
It's funny, girls apparently say nowadays they want the thicc aesthetic, but when they actually have something resembling it, they want to look like sticks. My girlfriend is a pretty well-proportioned titcow with full breasts and is always whining about something or other to do with her body.
Easy, there.
>wife cums milk into your baby's mouth
ew no thanks
covers the stomach flab
that's why you see chubby girls do it as well
the goal isn't being comfortable
fuck you you've ruined high top underwear for me
god i wish that were me
You fucking dumbass, that is Mimi Rodgers. Who is very much a women, God-damn/
Do they fuck
Why did he do it?
those are big boobs
Goodness, source?
Aren't you? Most of us do exactly this with our bodies. None of us knows how hot we are, when we are.
This thread made me appreciate big boobs but then I remembered that lean girls are just better
Full Body Massage, surprisingly red-pilled and well written for 90s Cinemax
like a bawss
holy shit sssssssssssssaurce
I don't know if I could have resisted...
also probably would've been a two pumper in her
women are so fucking gross
fat bags of rotten milk and flesh for breasts
asses tooooo fucking big for anything at all let alone wipe properly
when you can have a cuts boy with small supple breasts and a cute butt instead
holy shit
Just experienced this irl
t. Faggot
Sauce nigga
This usually gets a mild chuckle and sometimes a second look but this time it's a full belly laugh on repeat for which you have my gratitude
Oh look it's the rare turbofaggot that broke out of area 51 early
Someone had to lawn that ass.
It's just insecurity, mine is like that as well. I'm sure you do it already but always make the effort to complement her and make her happy, not just about her looks, the insecurity make come from a different place and she is using complaining about her looks as a release valve. But obviously make it extremely clear that you think she's ridiculously hot when you're about to fuck or whatever, the hit from being complememented like that when she's turned on will be good for her mental health.
Did they kill that horse for real?
>doing that retarded fork switch
I hate Americans
Is it mental illness to shoot a scene like this? And to enjoy it?
super disney smash brudders
You're not supposed to smile on ID, moronic soldier.
true detective season 1
She lays the knife down and then switches the fork from her left hand to the right
Americans do this for some reason
stunning and brave
if i had to guess, its using the dominate hand to cut and then using dominate hand to eat.
post link to scene with sound, i wanna hear her chew it.
Any woman can be a man if you try hard enough.
Do Americans really have a dominant hand?
I once bit down hard on the south, the dull thought it was going along but it was just another cabin to see
Yo Thanos wildin' out
i jerked off to this more than i can remember
>favorite webm
>always 99% sex related
fucking hell have sex already
>Not the first post from this IP.
Based detective poster
Movie is We Need to Talk About Kevin
Literally me
this isn't reddit bitch People post more than once
go back
Oh no, I definitely do. If anything it's somewhat sad that she can't really appreciate how sexy I find her (well at least, not fully), but that's just how it is, I suppose. Considering my compliments turned her from a girl not even willing to take her bra off in front of me to one that flashes me her tits on request, I must've done something right.
would bang
"Full Body Massage"
please post scene with sound, give sauce now.
This has to be the hottest thing I have ever seen. Give me context, source, the exact words they say. GIVE
Fucking saucebabies
Please hear me out on this one. Please user, usually I'd never say this but I really mean it so it's important you listen. Kill. Your. Self.
knight of cups
he holds it wrong. index should be on top of the arrow
if i did i'd get banned so here you go instead
I like the Bollywood stuff Yea Forums posts. You guys find all the gems so the rest of us don't have go looking for ourselves, thanks for that.
I wonder if these scenes were scripted before she was cast, or not
What the fuck was his problem?
I appreciate it more when user gives it to me. Don't try pretending you're here for another reason than safe social contact.
What country is this?
Sauce (formerly sneed)
pedos pls leave
context, pls
meryl streep making an oscars speech about how orange man bad
fucking lol
this show sucked. could've been a great prequel/reimagining drama but instead it was literally Norman Bates: The Teen Years shitty soap opera.
"...I am incapable of stuttering." lmfao
whats the name of the show?
what movie is this?
jesus christ user, you are killing me
read the file name.
Is this actually any good?
based japs
IRL comedy kino
Is this show good? and more importantly, does it stand on its own? I haven't watched anything about star trek except for Galaxy Quest, if that counts as anything.
Does anybody know anybody this has ever happened to EVER? They all seem to know it as a go-to pig chauvinist line.
Bates Motel. Avoid it like the plague
more please
not really. More just something to watch. It has its moments. Low budget is an issue and season 2 gets pretty gay
hot dang thank you for saving me the trouble of having to download and watch the rest of this movie which I imagine is quite boring except for this absolutely amazing segment of time
/d/ is that way. ----->
Galaxy of Terror. Schlocky old Roger Corman flick chiefly memorable for that scene, and for being the first film James Cameron worked on.
I won't lie to you, I have never seen the whole thing, but I have masturbated to that scene a number of times.
This thread needs less /s/ and more /an/
>safe social contact
please go back to your normie social media den
I like how it looks like he just said he was going to kill her family with that fucking zoomin
/d/ is shit
>Im an ambidextrous mutant from Chernobyl
why not both
>he needs to use his dominant hand to cut steak
Are you a stick-bug?
peak performance
jesus fucking christ
there are so many involve Biel
>please go back to your normie social media den
Nice fail, friend. Yea Forums is more of a hugbox than any other social media, in case you're dumb enough not to see it.
>no consequences ever, you can say anything, you can lie, troll, nothing bad will ever happen to you
Real social life doesn't work that way. Yea Forums is safemode for autistic socialisers. You know it, stop trying to pretend this isn't your hugbox. People trolling mean absolutely nothing here. Nothing matters so nothing hurts.
this is so wrong
Based Thanos
Maybe if one of your close friends has a baby...
that bear is dead
absolute pimp
How is that not just considered porn?
aren't Platypi poisonous? Like don't they have barbs on their feet or some shit?
Can some Mad Max fucker from upside down aussieland confirm why hand feeding is allowed?
sauce on this?
source plz. Need to see more of this (l)ass.
Only the finest things can be my favorites
Only the males have spurs lad.
looks like this manlet learned!
Because it can be watched for other reasons than masturbation.
Holy fuck, how wa this allowed?
Is it drugs?
Hope he's rotting in a prison somewhere
I take it this wasn't made in a country that has anime cruelty laws
thanks man, i threw up my entire lunch
the spurs are on their hind legs and only during mating season.
I have never seen such perfect breasts.
what the fuck
>no sear on the steak
Yurofags sure love Messi.
Tin Star. It's a show on Amazon Prime
It's a very slow burn of a show
stupid nigger
wtf this isn't The Matrix
What? It happens all the fucking time.
I hear old white men say that to strangers in public more often than I'd care to.
i swear to christ if i see another muh strong wimmenz two leg neck takedown i'm gonna burn a no-kill animal shelter to the ground
Why do Americans do this? They don't know about the Maillard reaction?
The boy went on a date that went horribly bad and his mom wanted to get him to be comfortable with being intimate with a woman.
>Tim roth
Yep, im watching it.
I'm a man and I was told this a few times. Usually people who feel threatened that you aren't smiling. Smiling is a sign of submission in dogs. In humans, it means you are not a danger. Insecure men feel very threatened by women who don't smile, so they take it out on them for it. Some men are absolute pansies.
I hope this isn't true. It'd kill the hotness of it.
this is unbelievable
Blaze it
lol this scene is the definition of the 80s action movie
Or no one want's a sour faced bitch hanging around
please tell me what this kino comes from
>i fucked your dad
>tfw not into tentical shit at all but this is still one of the hottest things I've ever seen
I'm so fucked up...
Mel and Vince should have run up there and torn the Crypt Keeper in half.
>mimi rogers is 7 years older than tom cruise
damn bros tom did have a mommy fetish in his youth
I've nutted to Petra Verkaik (Verkiak?) as lara croft more than possibly anything else in the universe.
jesus christ it's from black mirror and she's trying to teach the replacement android of her dead husband how to fuck her
There are more efficient ways to make people smile. To be fair, I was freshly out of an abusive cult and had no reason to smile around strangers. People too easily assume that everyone has a more or less normal life and should behave like them.
Not everyone can afford smiling like everything is OK. You have to learn about normal people first.
i love me some small bitties and some bush
Then see
My thoughts exactly.
I make a comment how I've jerked to an actress and get banned 5 minutes later yet this thread stays up.
Not complaining keep it up
>Nemo getting pissed after taking a beating from Thanos
Great webm
older people say that to me all the time
im a dude though so you know i dont see it as rape like women do
>anime cruelty laws
this is somehow even worse
boner is kill
fuck this shit
Urr that messed me up
winona makes my dick diamonds
it's a micro aggression. assholes are saying "i don't like your face please change it".
Postmodern women are taught to interpret everything as rape, apparently. They should all be forced to watch violent hentai videos all weekend to learn the diff.
See, lady? See THAT? THAT is rape. Now, do you wanna fuck? I promise my dick won't make you explode.
guaranteed wild in bed, as in, emotionally deep and carnal
do want, user, do want
this, it's assholes trying to intimidate. Basic passive aggression, the aggression for cowards.
I dunno but it's so cute
Blergh, mispost. Okay. THIS is rape. Or a phantasmagoric depiction thereof.
>Postmodern women are taught to interpret everything as rape, apparently.
Nobody said that, you fallacious retard. When you are attacked, you are attacked. It doesn't need to be raped. I don't let anyone talk to me this way, and I see nothing wrong with women having the same standards. It's basic respect.
>micro aggression
Kill yourself trannie.
>asking someone to smile is an attack.
You too.
is his brain leaking through its nose?
Is this from a PS3 game or is their animation that shitty?
what's going on in this thread?!?
Don't worry, you're gonna make it
It's making an issue out of a non issue
Based, fuck Hungrybox.
They use CGI for the tanks. I thought the art was actually decent.
Are you so autistic not to understand this? You probably think micro aggressions don't exist.
There are ways you can suggest someone to smile and it is a positive thing and is received as such. It's obvious when someone is being a dick to you and when they are being kind.
Telling someone to smile, when they are obviously not smiling, is deserving of getting bitch slapped, my dude. If I ain't smiling, it's because, obviously, I don't feel like smiling. If you want to change that, give me a reason to smile, don't just tell me to smile, moron.
How the fuck would you react if some cunt told you to smile? Seriously?
Actually, just shut the fuck up, incel, and try to have sex.
I made it. Not all of my 10 brothers made it, however.
It is an issue, you dense motherfucker. Why on earth would anyone ever say to anyone else this type of crap? Do you think you're someone's fucking parent? It's infantilising as fuck. No wonder you can't get laid.
fire up the barbeque i guess
>micro aggressions don't exist
They don't. It's a bunch of progleft made up bullshit.
>How the fuck would you react if some cunt told you to smile? Seriously?
Holy fucking SHIT you are one broken human being.
>Implying people who have sex regularly don't like more sex
I guess we found out who really needs to have sex
Okay at least we know your just baiting now
Don't used based Mel, you don't deserve him.
See, if they can do that on a budget for a fucking Mexican flick, I know we could do wonders with a modern CGI-enhanced version of Galaxy of Terror. Preferably with a mostly-female cast.
>Mektoub, my love
You're welcome.
b-b-bruce? w-w-what you doing bro??
that user identifies as mel. he's mel-sexual
Hover your mouse pointer over the filename, newfriend.
>Average Yea Forums poster
Where's the source user?
am i a degenerate?
this is a webm thread not a YLYL challenger
Asking women to smile might be why you aren’t having sex. Have sex.
No doubt he's had enough of minorities not giving you space when walking in your direction. He was probably a nice guy once.
The Leftovers.
Wandering /k/ommando here: You guys need more guns and explosions and stuff. I'll fix that.
>micro aggression
Kill yourself
I'm guess that baby was trying to nestle under a random penguin?
>judge men on muscle, jawline, dick size, social status, charisma, bank account, etc.
Women basically just need to not over eat and follow to basic hygiene
This would would be a much better place if people were taught to shrug things off and not be fucking drama queens
I..... context?
So hot. Lucky guy.
i'm ok with this
Oohhh... finally a legit one. Thanks user.
why did you forget about her Yea Forums?
No you don't, Shlomo.
I think it's from the Untamed.
If I had the choice between petting one of these or loosing my virginity I would choose the former in a heartbeat.
He wanted to stay with his mom
peak female
wrong. people need to stop telling others how to act look and feel. anyone who doesn't realize that is part of the problem
It must have been pretty crazy for them, like even normal automobiles in their time would have been a very rare sight, and then they go off to fight the hun alongside these huge war machines
I'm no gun expert but looking at these makes me wonder if holding the gun sideways gangster style is actually a good idea, because otherwise the spent shells being ejected would fire straight into the side of the head of the guy next to you.
This is a good flick
why am I even alive right now. goddamnit
>holding the gun sideways gangster style is actually a good idea
Ahahahh. No.
is that from "Night of the Creeps?
Here's a /k/ original. This guy was at the standoff at the Bundy ranch a few years back, and he was one of us.
What were they originally reacting to?
Why are Penguin movies so Kino?
Probably Jon killing Dany.
She should smile less.
guy in the back not even looking at the screen lmao
But if you are stood on the right of another guy shooting, all his spent shells are getting fired in your face
Who the fuck knows.
some GoT shit
Yeah, they should just put the knife in their left hand like a normal person.
night of the demons
Nah it was the asian lad on TWD getting bonked on the head
That isn't true. Most go down or behind him, though you do have stories about people coming back from an exercise with spare brass in their pack.
because they live on a continuum that arcs back on itself - the horribly depressing becomes extremely cute, and the extremely depressing becomes horribly cute.
The Walking Dead. Glenn's death specifically
I used to get it all the time when I was a kid, less and less as I get older, though. It was mostly old people and teachers.
80s nude scenes were the best
Fucking love this film
Monique Gabrielle
American Pie, when Jim jizzed all over himself as soon as he touched Nadia.
The new Winona animatronic is looking great
who is the actress hiding?
good taste
The new Flash movie is looking good.
Fucking hell
Lighten up, Francis.
I think I found it. Apparently it's Ludmila Savelyeva.
>none of the horses engage the enemy
>none of the horses are shown dropping dead
overrated shit. if it wasn't for the cool cinematography, it'd be irredeemable
Baghdad bowling. That was a strike.
young hot women are replaceable
Don't bring a spear to a gunfight, user.
ywn suck on 30 year-old Sofia Vergara's feet
Wonder how many of those Duchovny got in his trailer over the years.
What's he thinking?
he's just an asshole
Might be that time of the year.