What does Yea Forums think about this guy?
What does Yea Forums think about this guy?
you're ok mauler.
I listen to your efaps while im doing stuff but you get up your own ass with your furry sicophant buddies and muh objectivism.
I expect you fade away when the ST is over.
i don't know who it is but he looks reddit
He should work on his unbridled praise/rage more than efap. Objectivity can be summed up with a "No movie is perfect and enjoyment is based on personal opinion. We're essentially just telling you whether or not it was assembled correctly."
Gas the furries. Godzilla exposed their shit taste.
He's okay, but I don't really care for EFAP which he seems to be dedicating all his time too now, and his recent obsession with Brie Larson/ Captain Marvel is getting annoying
His video game series are good.
He just points out the obvious with his television and film stuff.
I'd like to see him talk about an actually challenging film.
He's Video Maker #2518 who goes through "The Spoony Process":
>makes video game analyses,
>they become popular,
>makes some more,
>becomes even more popular,
>goes more and more into movies,
>still popular,
>switches more and more to streaming,
>takes on two literal furry faggots as co-hosts, one of whom is a pedo,
>churns out less and less content,
>starts turning into a one-trick pony,
What'd they think of it? I don't follow the discount-twitch streamer anymore, nor his company of furfags.
>one of whom is a pedo
That, plus in jokes and memes
I believe the Wolf one chose not to see it based on the Dog one's complaining, assuming it would be shit. I think Mauler said, "It might be objectively bad, but I had a good time"
I have never bothered to watch one of his over long and not that great reviews.
Being concise is a skill.
Not gonna lie, I didn't like nu-Godzilla much either, but for different reasons.
Aside from one - The human characters are still shit.
But, fuck, these niggas so far up their own ass they talk shit in a more literal manner. I miss when he was more humble. Needs one of those essay series on himself.
They the kinda folks who probably only like Godzilla because
>m-muh effects
>muh og designs
>muh cheesy plot
When that's not what made the old films great, nor what makes Shin Godzilla great.
Wolf flirted with/sexted/probably fucked a minor. He made a video where he sperged out about it, "proved his innocence", and was so innocent he ran from YouTube for a month. The guy is an alcoholic and a drug-addict, a fucking bisexual and a pedo to boot. Also a furry, so probably animal fucking also turns him on.
He’s alright
A lot of criticism he has is good but he can get autistic about shit
His whole “objective analysis” really is more about story structure and writing and he’s kinda spergy about not acknowledging that that’s the aspect of film he’s criticizing.
I do enjoy when he also gives his takes on if he likes a film or not but he’s so bad at arguing that he has to turn it into a conversation about the room rather than admit he can enjoy a film with say bad writing but amazing acting directing and cinematography.
I turn his podcast on sometimes when I clean my apartment but god damn he hangs out with so many fucking furries what the fuck.
He’s also annoying because when he misinterprets things he gets all high and mighty about his misinterpretation rather than being rational and hearing other people out. Ironically this is something he criticizes others for but he focuses so hard on “debating” that it hurts the chances he has for actual discussion of film.
Overall he’s great and has a lot of really good takes.
Still though he’s another “YouTube film critic” who spends way too much time on capeshit and spaceshit because it drives views
why does he wear the mask?
KotM fixed a lot of issues from 2014 for me. Being able to see for one thing, and the pacing.
So I'm actually pretty happy with it on the whole.
Always goes for low hanging fruit despite acting as though he doesn’t.
I’m legitimately curious as to how much his format would hold up if he moved outside of talking about the same Disney shit over and over again. I’d respect him more too, even if he had shit takes.
Also EFAP is another one of those podcasts out there where you just need to look up people’s faces to realize why they use avatars instead.
Because he’s ugly
Looks like capeshit therefore it's garbage on fire
What does he look like senpai? I can't find a picture of him on Google.
Legit fat, like pic related tier, not sure if ginger or blonde since it's been a while
Go look around his channel a bit, I'm sure there's an old stream or video where he shows it. I forget where I saw it though, I'm sorry my dude.
Are the EFAP guys obese, women-hating incels with neckbeards who dwell in dark basements? They sure seem that way.
I don't watch videos made by school shooters.