6.7 Mil LEFT!! Someone keep an eye on the Avatard Suicide Hot Line

>And thats without an overseas actuals potential bump

Yea Forums BTFO yet again. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Dread it..run from it..

Will the Mods give us a sticky and the avengers theme playing in the board background when it claims #1?

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Why didn't you show up for my movie asshole?

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when a sequel becomes the highest grossing movie then it's all lost
expect more transformers, more capeshit and more sequels because it will be the ultimate proof that people prefer same shit instead of new ideas
>2038: Transfomers 12 dethroning Fast and Furious 18 as the highest grossing movie with massive 4.7B worldwide

Because it's cringy incel weeb garbage you ugly hispanic twat, get deported

>Ahhhh save me Cammerooonn

This the future for all Cameroncucks hahahahahah

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-15-18-31-41~2.png (720x711, 734K)

Bad bait reddit cunt. Back tp your basedboard.

contrarian faggot

Seems like a pretty good future. I'm not going to watch some stupid art house movie where some fag in a button up and sweater drinks coffee and thinks about society watching the sunset on a bridge.

Imma watch The Rock drive Optimus Prime into action to defeat Marvel's next "MUHAHA" Saturday morning Villain while EDM plays in the background and mushroom clouds surround the area.

>Still hasn't beaten Gone with the Wind
Marvelcucks forever on suicide watch.


bro, no one cares

have sex

Mate we don't even care about Avatar, we laugh at u tryhards spending all ur money and still having a hard time beating some standalone movie

Congrats to marvel. It was nice while it lasted, but I hope you guys enjoy the new title of highest grossing :)

no you're coping

Attached: marvelcope.png (1098x714, 519K)


>Mate we don't even care about Avatar we laugh at u tryhards

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>coping with achieving victory

Attached: 1544482609454.png (292x390, 7K)

except you're not and everybody is laughing at you


the number 1 and 2 films of all time will still both be capeshit when this is said and done so it doesn't really matter

And this is the reason why Disney doesn't care of remakes flop or if Star Wars fails.

>the 6 million isnt happening


what does the article say mousecuck

Won't matter if it passes it, it will be a short victory. Avatar 1 release 2020, most successful rerelease of all time. Screencap this.


The truest of poetry in this thread. Fiege BLESS

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Beating Avatar will require Endgame to average $112,544.53 for the remaining 60 days. Considering that it is making more than that domestically, it's probably going to happen.

what does the article say mousecuck

>except you're not making the 100 mil left
>except you're not making the 48 mil left
>except you're not making the 22 mil left
>except you're not m-making the 6 m-mil left

Lel this board is going to break in two in a few weeks

what does the article say mousecuck


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Fiege Bless

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>tfw james is secretly working on avatar 10 years anniversary (thats why avatar 2 is delayed) to btfo capeshitters and hit 3B

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They are in full meltdown mode

I dab on abataps fucking grave

I dab on abataps fucking grave

How embarrassing is it for star wars right now. Its amazing how hard they dropped the ball

I want Yea Forumsermin to get off my board.

What does this have to do with a video game board?

>turning box office numbers into a console war
You tell me.

This man made a deal with the devil to make money like he can.


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I hate you. Die dipshit

How long is a movie allowed to be in the theaters for sales to count toward its box office?
Why doesn't this stupid movie stay open in large cities year round if its so fucking important?

Based Sonic. Your movie is gonna be kino!

when the sales numbers for the digital/blu-ray versions come out, we'll know whether disney manipulated the box office/bought their own tickets

never gonna beat gone with the wind fag

Cameron was barely getting started when he made Avatar and was already at a level that took 25+ movies for Marvel to barely just scratch (still not on that level since the new China is basically like adding a few other regular sized countries to the box office + inflation). And then Endgame was still not half the event Titanic was. And then none of the Marvel movies are on the level of sci-fi classics like T1 T2 & Aliens. And then you will STILL lose when Avatar inevitably re-releases in a year or so.
Go ahead and reply COPE with a little wojack. But you know all of this is true, enjoy this illusion of victory while it lasts

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based hedgehog

he's right
pretty sad really for disney.

>n-no this can't be happening

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lmao Marvelcucks are delusional

Because is garbage,fuck off back to R3ddit you stupid niggerfaggot poltard.

SeeId advised you stop embarrassing yourself before I add you in the screencap

Fuck off back to R3ddit you stupid niggerfaggot poltard.

When do the actuals come in?