DChads unite

DChads unite.

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absolutely based

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>meet the team at SDCC for merch ¨material

Imagine being a normal person and seeing this shit on the streets

Is anyone here going to SDCC? I wanna see photos of those guys.

the sneeder cut

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>3.5 hours
why can't Snyder make movies?

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>The year is 2057
>Snyder cut is finally released
>It's shit but I have to call it kino

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Because he makes Kino :^)

You don't have to imagine.

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My hero.

I swear shitposters only post these to upset me and remind me of lost kino

>American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
If my favorite characters were DC then I would be depressed as well. At least they got Aquachad and Wondy right.

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>American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
DCucks still on suicide watch apparently. BvS really ruined them

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Legit funny.

wow i laughed thanks

>American foundation for suicide prevention
Snyder fags literally on suicide watch.

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I can smell the curry in this thread

there is no snydercut. even it footage was filmed it would have no sfx. they aren’t going to spend millions of dollars on a film that has already released and was a shitfight.

also, the unavoidable reshoots

It's going to be about 4 minutes longer (at best), consist mostly of bullshit exposition and bad CGI that was cut for a reason, and dialogue so bad it would have been mocked by the same people who want to see the cut.

I used to think the whole 'Snyder cut' thing was just a meme no one was serious about, but sadly I was wrong. That one guy who thinks it's deep for having biblical references needs his own reality show.