...Danger close?

...Danger close?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Why are officers so fucking stupid

...”have sex”?

How big was rudy's pp? Uncut?

I wouldn't suspect officer's training/selection to be any more daunting than regular grunt academy.

This is what happens when you let a chad be in charge of others...Nate was a basedboy but still based

danger actual

>Godfather mistakes Encino Man's non-fire mission for Alpha's fire mission and gives him the credit

who's better bros, Ray or Iceman

they're a dynamic duo, you can't seperate them

Nate "I'm assured of this" Fick

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what about JLo ?


you know she's my cousin

Would love to see a sequel in Syria

nah we should get Afghanistan kino, and since the UN went in you could pull money from various countries if you feature it as a multinational coalition. US, Canada, UK, Australia etc.

Why were the grunts and officers so fucking stupid?


Despite providing some much needed comic relief to the battlefield, this scene felt pretty out of character...

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I've started using this at my job.

It's very kino.

Everyone thinks I'm autistic though.

>Everyone thinks I'm autistic though.
I'm assured of this

Happens when you put a doctor at the rank of captain to maintain their pay level and they know jack shit about how to actually lead

Education can't replace common sense and experience

no thanks they would shoehorn women and fags into it

There were women in Generation Kill and even it made a deal out of Jessica Lynch, plus Rudy was a main character.


He's just body and fashion conscious.


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I agree

did it happen or not


no i mean shoehorn as in add fictional cringey token female and queer characters to the main cast

Why is he so perfect?

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Kek, got any good stories?

He's the best 0621 in the business

>when his moose-stache hairs are growing beyond the corner of his mouth

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I hear Godfather hizself say Papi look like a bum

>Dr. Pay
Not even close, bud.
Also, why would a Dr. need to lead? They would be, you know, doctoring.

is it the actor or the dude who's a pedo irl?

irl guy was just makin sure cunny had appropriate groomin standard

was col. godfather a shitty leader? just finished rewatching for the 2nd time last week. was harder to notice his questionable decisions on the first viewing because of how everyone reveres the guy.

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kind of. the impression I got was he wanted a promotion desperately, and he was in a position where he couldn't really say no to Mattis, so that double fucked everyone. The conversation he has with Wight at the end is pretty poignant in retrospect.

How does this make you feel, Yea Forums?

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Officers are a vestigial classist holdover of literal nobilities that serve the dual function of both entrenching the upper classes and placing a ceiling for advancement on the plebs.
The next effect in modern militaries is that someone with literally zero experience ends up in charge of at least 40 mens lives rather than a veteran.
It didn't have to be this way. Everything fulfilled by a Private to a full bird Colonel were enlisted positions in Rome. The current system is downright medieval.

yes and no. war today is a lot different then back in the day and a lot of the commanders wanted to make their mark. thats when you start seeing the bogus fire missions and what not.

>Officers are a vestigial classist holdover of literal nobilities
how the fuck do you want a fighting force to operate exactly? who gives orders to who? this doesn't make even sense, the Roman Republic and Empire had "ranks" and had positions available to those who could afford the equipment.

Was he crying

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Well it's in line with the show's lore so it's definitely canon

americans are emotional wrecks

Cpt. America is only in his rank and keeping his rank after trying to kill 2 POWs for no reason because he has an uncle who's a full-bird colonel
Nobody a military having a hierarchy is bad, but having ranks be determined by class and contacts instead of ability is completely retarded. having officers with 0 field experience before they're put in charge of a squad is asking for a fragging
also read Starship Troopers

Not him, but your reading comprehension sucks.
Rank and command could be _entirely_ based on time in service/merit, a la Roman times.
The idea of nobility/wealth being directly tied to classical officers, or modern day "educated" officers is vaguely similar.
The French Revolution did a lot to change the old officer system, and by the time Big Nappy got in charge, it was much more merit-based.
>Battlefield commissions are the most based example.

Enlisted gud
Officers bad

I think he was either extremely tired or high on Iraqi weed.

the inexperienced officer getting people hurt/killed meme is overblown, people learn pretty fast that the person leading them is naive/retarded/arrogant and just end up ignoring him until he quits


ITT: Characters who did literally nothing wrong

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>Radio protocols
>shoots and AK for no reason
>His dad was a full bird colonel at the Pentagon

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>implying you can ignore a 1Lt/Capt

digits confirms

>Captain America getting those quads

Nooooo he's too incompetent

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That's not how orders work, though

He was a good commander but a shitty leader. He's the kind of dude that gets high off his own supply and is constantly chasing recognition and promotion. He allows incompetent officers under him to destroy good order and discipline and refuses to hold them accountable. However, he has a lot of command knowledge and knows his shit. He's a decent enough tactician, but that comes at odds with his gung ho attitude.

He was just joking.

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>religion is gay
what did he mean by this

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Well it is.

How facts appear at the time, not how they appear in retrospect

Religion didn't really helped Hajis win the war

what did?

Most lower-level Officers depend on either their Platoon Sergeant or First Sergeant to make battlefield decisions, Hell even saw play out publicly between our Battalion Commander and our Command Sergeant Major.

Enlisted NCOs know, Officers orchestrate off their advice. .
FYI: danger close is under 600 meters.
>I got was he wanted a promotion desperately
What drives most officers.

We did fine with our NCOs dictating what to do, they knew better than them. Officers get commissioned because of college degree that has fuck-all to do with their unit's purpose, NCOs have at least couple deployments under their belt.

Even experienced officers can get you killed, where experienced NCOs know best how to collectively keep us alive.

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His face is too small for the front of his head

Stay frosty, anons.

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asymmetrical warfare

>you know, Iraquis don't seem all that good at fighting. But then, they never fully surrender either

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This thread needs to be more like Trombley

They could be coming from all sides



He was pretty far removed from the shit that was happening. While for us it is clear that Captain America and Encino Man were retarded and incompetent, for him its a bunch of he said she said bullshit. He cuts Fick the same slack he cuts Captain America and Encino Man.
Now the shit they pulled with the airfield and some other stuff is totally different, but you can't fault him for not coming down his officers when he never has any proof of wrongdoing. Plus shit happens in war, you don't want your men hesitating because they are worried you are going to make an inquiry over it later.


>Whop her, Junior!
Is whop some kind of military slang? And why start calling him junior, that won't help his morale

>Cpt. America is only in his rank and keeping his rank after trying to kill 2 POWs for no reason because he has an uncle who's a full-bird colonel
But no prisoners actually wounded

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Most were out of touch since they were mostly glorified paper pushers before the invasion. Capt. Murika was a result of nepotism.

didn't senators command the legions?

I think the point Godfather tries to make is that the group he has is full of fuckups and that by punishing the dipshits he only opens up more holes where people would distrust their command and complain on them. A lot of his combat decisions seem to revolve around glory seeking but I think another part is some underwritten code at the echelon of being a top unit and the honors and privleges that come with that. While the ground troops and most people wouldn't care about a unit like the 101st Airborne, in the military their WW2 contributions are revered and I'm sure a big part of the invasion was the leaderboard/gettin the big boy jobs done. Godfather alludes to it int he middle seasons when they shoot up the civilians but I can't remember exactly what he infers.

he ordered a lot of huts to be bombed. I always got the impression he was just trying to be noticed by mattis so he can be promoted.

anyone rich enough to pay for them could command them, so yeah, typically senators

>you'll never murk hajis with Ziggy as he tweaks out about NAMBLA conspiracy theories

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Godfather was just following orders anyway.

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Yeah. Everyone above about equivalent of a company commander was literally there because they'd purchased their spot.

Rich young men in Rome would spend a few years in the army before going into politics or law or business as a rite of passage. The thing is they were often the equivalent of a battalion or brigade commander despite being just some 26 year old rich kid.

Also, historically the cavalry was filled with genuine aristocrats. You needed to buy your own horse so only the rich could afford it.

It was in reporter's book, yeah.

Colbert was High-level autist in a good way and just needed to be weird to vent.

To hear some people in this thread talk, you'd think Godfather was POTUS and deciding strategy. He was just a dipshit gloryhound.

That quote is the distilled version of Generation Kill; it needs to be tattooed in mirror writing onto the foreheads of every American normie.

>Rank and command could be _entirely_ based on time in service/merit, a la Roman times
Rome was a hardcore class society. Common plebs didn't go higher than centurions (basically old time NCO). You had to be elected Praetor or Consul and you only got that title with an insane amount of bribes/good family name. Most serving directly under them was also aspiring politicians with good family names.

You need tattooed instructions of how to get laid

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>you really think platoon movements is dictated in the end by dipshit butterbar instead of staff sergeant
Yeah ok retard.

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>bunch of bootyblasted NCOs trying to shit on officers
My sides

Hitman, Reconfirm gridzone identifier.

sounds based to me

>have college degree
>join the military to make 35k a year
It's mostly educated idiots who become officers. No-one who could get a real job would do it.

>The conversation he has with Wight at the end is pretty poignant in retrospect.
Adulthood is realizing there's a Captain America at every level of leadership. Godfather's hands are just as tied as Iceman's.

There's more to it than that.

this is how I envision most marines

the last scene with the Reporter reveals all these guys, including Godfather, barely had a clue what a real war was like. After Baghdad fell they thought it would be all done and over with; nobody was prepared for when the real shit began and the last scene shows how even the higher officers had no idea of the coming insurgency.

I wonder what foreign soldiers think about this series

why do they call them victors

Any actual iraq vets in this thread? how accurate is it

I was making 60k starting out as an officer without a college degree, nice try though.

I've heard it's pretty spot on.

The stuff about Marines having shitty supply lines is accurate, as are most of the casual conversations between the guys

If you went NCO first obviously your pay would be higher

How did you become an officer without a degree?


looks fun bros

Warrant officer

>base pay
Now add bah and everything else and it’s Way more than 35


OIF 06-07

My platoon sergeant did the invasion, and he told me it pretty accurate. In my own opinion the crew dynamics and relationships are spot on. You spend 12-15 months around the same guys, you become brothers, whether you want to or not.

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Most foreign soldiers think Americans are fucking retards, and rightfully so.

On what basis? Why do you assume that you are outright better than us? What is your military's last war?

>On what basis?

Amerifats are retards.

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So you are just flat out saying shit with no basis? Why the fuck should any of us listen to you? You are equally retarded assuming such crap and throwing a fuck-huge population in the same light.

It is lazy, and more so, it is wrong.



Also, Ray is better.

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based and ripfuelpilled

Any European who joins the military is an autist who is most likely smarter then the college dropout who wants a challenger

danger close missions are perfectly acceptable. and definitely not worth getting into a pissing match with a captain

most foreign soldiers will never deploy in any warzone and are glorified security guards.


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I don't know, if Colbert was a catboy, why wasn't he more into crapping in sand?

To be fair, that's largely because of American military hegemony.

We actually did our jobs,how about you and yours?

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If the iraqis were halfway competent fighters and had any proper weapons and equipment, they would have massacred his men

arabs are terrible warriors.

Go back to fucking your sister, Cletus.

based boomer

Everytime americans come finland to do exercises they fucking suck

Really though. How does he not know danger close? 10 year old kids would probably know what danger close is by virtue of existing.

she's Puerto Rican, you're Mexican

Dear Frederick,

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retard here, does it simply mean danger is close or is it more specific?

the target radius is dangerously close, and you may get hit by your own shells or debris if you call in a strike.

Puerto Ricans are tropical mexicans

This show made me realize the taxes we pay to support the defense budget are a load of shit.

honestly, the military is the one thing we're good at. you should be pissed about all the money you pay for public roads that are about as good as those found in Iraq or Afghanistan.

The engine room guys got me into Chernobyl and I've been autistically calling them for the past week telling them to press the AZ-5.

He got Francis a shitty job in Alaska

Aren't you that faggot always raving about that jesse james movie?

Yet their militaries are all sad and pathetic in comparison. Strange.

Who the fuck was Oscar Mike and why is he so important?

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Just like your grammar

user is probably Finnish.

I love knowing my money is help funding contract marriages, disability for people who’ve never even deployed, and overpaid military contractors

You have to watch the prequels to understand.

this show is so comfy but goddamn
>last episode
>that football scene
>that ending montage

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And I heard, as it were, the noise of thunder
One of the four beasts saying,
'Come and see.' and I saw, and behold a white horse

This thread has reminded me that it's been almost a year since I last watched

>was col. godfather a shitty leader?
the show doesnt really give us a good answer. he never had to make any really hard decisions and he was never faced with any real major battle. this is what all modern day war commanders are faced with. their loses are totally random and the best thing they can do is follow protocol on what should be done. there's really no opportunity for commanders like him to shine because the nature of these wars doesn't allow for it. it's almost like a corporate environment where you just sort of follow the plan and eat shit over a long period of time until you get what you want career wise.

There's something i've been keeping from (you)

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But seriously why were hey calling him that?
That burger king shit didn't make any sense either.



Whopper Junior
Whopper is from Burger King
Trombley is out little babykiller ever since he shot those shepherds


Is the American military really that sociopathic to make a joke of child murder?

Do you really want the answer to that question?

See Sergeant, we do shoot dogs in Iraq.

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I wish i was more like trombley


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Mee CasA es Su cAsa

>phrasing too melodic to be a non-native English speaker, yet holds traces of kraut autism
>too well-crafted a shitpost to be a Leaf, and doesn't contain the genuine, passive-aggressive self loathing of a Bong
>too sloppy to be an authentic, top-tier Strayan post, yet far too subtle in delivery to be a fellow Burger

New Zealand? South African in Perth?

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Officer requirements are fucking bullshit designed to keep the lower class down. Fuck officers and fuck cooks.