*sends Star Wars fans into SEETHING fits of impotent rage*

>*sends Star Wars fans into SEETHING fits of impotent rage*

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Other urls found in this thread:


Except nobody is in a rage over this video.

if IX was going to use time trravel we woul've hesrd about it by now.

Have they ever had an opinion that wasn't the prevailing sentiment? like anything even just a tiny bit controversial.

It's a JJ Abrams script. It's going to have time travel

they liked solo

christ, you zoomers truly give a shit about youtube faggots, huh?

Only Rich liked solo

Mike liked it too

This is pretty much a nonvideo, it doesn't compare to their han one. It seems more like the vague grasping of straws in their Nerd Crew parody videos than anything, having become what they hate.
That said, they did make one good point and that was that it might bring out timetravel and why.

It was a non video because the teaser wasnt much of anything to go on. They should have waited for a full trailer to have more to talk about. Would have been smart to release this in a month

>Would have been smart to release this in a month
Yeah I mean, the video ONLY got half a million views in 12 hours and is also actually trending on YouTube. What fools!

Anyone else wonder why they haven't done a Nerd Crew video in a while?

>A Star Wars video trending on YouTube
Wow, I'm Jay's complete lack of surprise.

>It was a non video because the teaser wasnt much of anything to go on.
Right and they mocked series that make prediction videos based solely around the contents of a single teaser trailer and a couple pictures, and then they did it themselves this video.

>Star Wars fans
Those still exist?

Star Wars is dead in the hearts and minds of modern men - killed by an indifference that was itself directly related to a pronounced cultural shift towards faith in social causes such as feminism.

The time travel shit is so spot on. Damn it JJ fuck you.

They also used to mock the everliving shit out of people who continuously made videos about franchises they have no interest in/hate, what happened to RLM man.

Corrupted by the dark side of the patreonbux

It's the same joke every time

Why would that stop them?

Mike LOVED TFA, and disliked the fact that there wasn't a romance between the black chubby guy and that asexual trap looking feminist self insert chick.

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>It's a Mike hides behind a jaded, more-cynical-then-thou persona and acts like an industry insider to disguise the fact that he's just another fanboy making baseless speculations and theories episode

Oh wait, that's every episode. I don't know why he thinks he has to pretend to be cooler than the other nerds.

>fanboyism speculation of how epic sauce awesome a movie is going to be
>cynically predicting how a studio is going to dig themselves out of a hole
You’re retarded

Except that's all an act. Skip away the veneer of worldly cynicism that Mike likes to project and it's just two nerds trying to figure out how Disney will fix the story. He does this shit all the time. Like in the TFA Plinkett when he deliberately held off from criticizing the story because he worked out a head cannon about how the next two movies might retroactively fix it.

Mike and Rich are Star Wars fans.

They made their living on repeating popular fanboy criticisms in a silly voice. As much as Mike liked to pretend to be a worldly cynic who's smarter than the herd, he still ends up doing shit like recommending "Captain Marvel" to understand the plot to "Endgame".

I liked the evil Ewok thingy

Good to see them bring up how Endor should be fucked up from the DS-2's debris and radiation hitting it.

*unironically watches fucking ghost shows on your path*

>>*sends Disney shills into SEETHING fits of impotent rage*


This just makes Mike more based.

>TFA "was everything I hoped it would be
>try to damage control by mocking the shit out of R1 for playing on nostalgia, even though TFA was far worse in that respect with far less excuse
>Plinkett review for R1 spends half the video attacking some obscure prequels fan theory like anyone cares
>put much of the blame for TLJ's failure on SW being a creatively bankrupt property, as if repeating the OT beat-for-beat wasn't an entirely conscious decision by Disney and thus entirely avoidable
I enjoy BOTW, but they're hacks in everything else

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>mfw the time traveling theory started making sense

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>*Plinkett review for TFA

>taking Plinkett reviews seriously

Rich: Do you need any kind of training to use the Force? Any?
Jay: [Kylo] has training.
Rich: She dudn't.
Jay: Well we don't know where...
Rich: Neither did Luke in Empire... Well the minor training, he had like a week of training with Yoda, that's all you need, you need a week?
Jay: And then he went back for his training in Jedi and Yoda just died immediately.
Mike: Yes, can I point out that this is, we are now back to real Star Wars.
Rich: Yep.
Mike: There is never any bullshit about... The only thing that Yoda says is that he's too old to begin the training, that's all. But really, it's more like, okay, I've taught you a couple things, how to levitate stuff, how to do this, your real training is confronting Darth Vader, blah blah blah blah blah, and this it's kind of the same thing, it's not the stupid prequel idea of "we have to get you when you're one, and you have to stand there with a thing over your head holding a lightsaber..
Jay: In a room full of other children.
Mike: In a room full of other children
Jay: That are as close as we are now, with lightsabers.
Mike: Yes, it's not a literal training, it's not an academy of little kids in a classroom, like the stupidity of George Lucas' ideas in the prequels.

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Tell that to their fanbase

solo was fine - did you expect it to be a masterpiece or something?
It's literally just disney paying $100k to some nerd to write a script about their IP so they can make a low risk blockbuster. Solo is as good as it could have possibly been.

They got a fair bit of weird shit light in their other prediction videos so maybe

>pretending that Mike wasn't blatantly looking for any way to avoid criticizing TFA while shifting attention back to the prequels

just watch collider

It was the stuff about the deflector disc and Luke's lightsaber shit that really activated my almonds.

The way they’ve continued to defend TFA since its release is quite embarrassing. TFA was a cynical retread that failed at the basics of storytelling. Wouldn’t it just be easier for the RLM guys to admit that they were wrong about the movie and the reason they initially liked it is because they are fanboys that were caught up in the hype?

Is it good or bad that I dont remember any of that and ive seen each film

How long before Disney hires private investigators to dig up dirt on Mike and get him #MeToo'd?

They kinda/sorta admitted that JJ Abrams shouldn't write the film. On the other hand they still took jabs at Lucas for the prequels.

Mike isn't as smart as he thinks he is. He doesn't have that much self-awareness.

JJ Abrams doesn’t have the balls to do anything drastic. His entire career is built on imitating more talented people.

It was a fun vid to watch and may as well be fucking prophetic.
They literally had shit-all to work with and basically nailed it.

The dish is obvious pandering. They have to fix it, so they're going with the classic design because nostalgia. The lightsaber is more interesting as it looks identical.

>No way Star Wars would be stupid enough to introduce time travel
I guess they haven't seen Rebels.

me personally, i love star wars movies like solo

Yeah, because it's old Lando flying it. Mike's probably wrong, but it is a good theory.

Actually lot of people haven´t.
I tried watching it and petered out somewhere end of season 2.
That fucking force time travel bullshit walkabout fucking floored me.

>may as well be fucking prophetic.
>They literally had shit-all to work with and basically nailed it.
How do you know they "nailed it" when they have nothing to work with and the movie isn't out yet?
RLMfags are worse than Game Theory fags.

this so fucking much

The fucking force told me, asshole.

Did someone claim that Mike's time travel theory was original yet?

The Deflector Dish is autistic levels of attention to detail but the Lightsaber not so much considering TLJ put a lot of focus on it being blown to smithereens. There is no way you can rebuild something like that after what happened to it, without either an entire replacement thus negating it's specialness or time travel

Why did they shill for TFA?

>Like in the TFA Plinkett when he deliberately held off from criticizing the story because he worked out a head cannon about how the next two movies might retroactively fix it.
Did they ever come out and just admit that JJ Abrams is a bad for Star Wars?

But they constantly criticize TFA as being a soft reboot. Really the only praise they offer is toward the new actors, who unfortunately got shat on royally by the failed potential of this trilogy. I honestly feel as bad for the new cast as I did for McGregor and Christensen in the prequels, because they're capable actors who are well cast but they were given really terrible material to work with.

Not that guy but I took it as a joke. A bad joke. An astonishingly hypocritical one that spent way too much time on ring theory that mirrored tfa the way they focused on nostalgia over actual subsistence. I presumed it was an in-joke with disney execs with a gun to their heads but I dunno.

He made Space Cop. That's enough evidence that he has no clue what he's doing.

I've been saying Rey is Luke's grandmother for months and no one listens :(

>Well the minor training, he had like a week of training with Yoda, that's all you need, you need a week?
>mfw they actually said this not as a joke

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When did you realize that Mike Stoklasa was absolutely wrong about absolutely everything?

Retard answer- After his TFA review.
Slightly slow but not quite drooling answer- after getting tricked by the Plinkett reviews and then over time realizing that Mike was just an asshurt nostalgiababby that framed opinions as facts and namedropped famous movies like Citizen Kane to sound smart.
Real nigga answer- At the part of the TPM review where Mike acts like Midichlorians demystify the force.

George was the common element of the OT.
Kasdan and Kershner were not involved with ANH.
The Hyucks were not involved with ESB.
Kasdan was never good as evidenced by TFA. George was carrying Kasdan's dead weight.
George had no co director on the set of ANH.
Joe Johnston has said that ESB is "more of a Lucas film than a Kershner film".

etc etc etc

>Send someone to their death against fucking space Jesus turned space hitler with wizard powers
>Yoda flat out says Luke isn't fucking ready

Do they even try anymore

I watch them because I’m supremely lonely and I feel less alone when i watch them. The most recent movie I’ve watched was probably from 2017, yet I’ve seen all their hitb episodes.

They've gotten numerous details about ot wrong even in past vids. I don't have the best memory but even I can call them out on things they misremembered.

Clearly ment in regards of them having more info on the contet for them to discuss ideas. Obviously it would get views regardless of what they put out you worthless retard. Try to have basic logic and reading comprehension

>star wars is a limited setting
>it's the setting's fault for tlj
What did Rich mean by this?

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The people they were making fun of ended up shooting themselves in the foot

Mike liked it in "it was so shit and campy I enjoyed it" kind of way, Rich genuinely thought it was epic.

unsurprising that fat fucking idiot would like it, really.

Jay: Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford, I loved their relationship in this movie, I loved that it didn't work out, it makes perfect sense that it wouldn't work out between the two of them. It didn't feel like... Because that's the biggest problem with Jedi, like now they're just there. They're together.
Mike: Yeah.
Jay: There's one line, where she's... Where Han Solo is concerned she likes Luke, it's just like tossed in at the last minute for no reason.
Mike: Yeah.
Jay: So I love the way they handled those two, their dialogue back-and-forth is great without feeling forced or like "remember their relationship in the past?" Like there's more through the decades since then, there's a little more drama. A little more weight. I like that.
Rich: There is a throwaway line of dialogue to explain it, but for me... It's a little bit weird that like, here we are like 40 years later, and these characters are still doing the same shit they were doing 40 years ago...
Jay: No...
Rich: ...Leia's still the one in charge of the rebellion, organizing things, and Han Solo's still the brash smuggler flying around the galaxy.

Jay: I like Kylo Ren a lot. He has more character to him than Darth Vader does in A New Hope. Darth Vader of course, there's more going on in Empire.
Mike: Well, Darth Vader's character wasn't really established until Empire.
Jay: Exactly, exactly, so I like that the villain established in this new series has a little more going on.

>I loved that it didn't work out

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Rich: I think the problem with Star Wars though, is that one really good sequel happens to be one of the better movies ever made, and it's really fucking hard to live up to that.
Jay: Exactly. And this movie does a really good job of establishing itself as a solid sequel, which is the... my biggest takeaway from it is that it feels like a sequel, it doesn't feel like too much fanservice, or too much like we're doing "LIKE US! LIKE US! WE HAVE ALL THESE THINGS THAT YOU ENJOY FROM STAR WARS! We're making it look and feel just like Star Wars!" It feels just like a Star Wars sequel.
Mike: They did a very good job recapturing the magic and the energy of the original... It almost feels like a blend of Empire and A New Hope.
Rich: Yeah.
Mike: And like, it's not totally A New Hope, not totally Empire, but it has those emotional highs and lows of Empire and the novelty and the magic of the first one. All kind of blended together, J.J. Abrams, Lawrence Kasdan, they all did a great job... doing what they were supposed to do.

>no mention of clones
It’s time to bring Luuke to the big screen

>but it has those emotional highs and lows of Empire and the novelty and the magic of the first one
How could anyone actually say this?

Literally, unironically not an argument

Who do you think Mark Hamill played in The Last Jedi?

holy shit fuck RLM

i hope the time travel is real

How dumb are you

>spends half the video trashing the prequels
getting sick of this to be desu. every fucking time they have to whine about the prequels
what the fuck is their problem?

>They did a very good job recapturing the magic and the energy of the original... It almost feels like a blend of Empire and A New Hope.
I didn't know they were describing pic related.

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some of us are gen x you fucking boomer

they've only seen the movies and make fun of anything relating to the EU

I say it's them wallowing in past glory, guzzling down member berries like they're going out of style. They're mindlessly clinging to past glory which I honestly didn't even think is all that great. They can't move forward or admit mistakes.

I say that's a bigger disservice to themselves. The EU cesspool has occasional gems which rival, if not succeed, the movies.

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no shit jackass we have 40 years of history with han to make predictions off of. of course that had more meat to it.

the parody became less of parody than the real thing

>I say it's them wallowing in past glory, guzzling down member berries like they're going out of style

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Based George. Fuck RLM and all mouse shills

They're movie critics who are too fucking lazy to learn the source material of adaptations and have no attention span for reading comics/novels, playing games, and then blast people who have an appreciation for those things

yeah and the franchise only got creatively bankrupt when disney took over. there was a lot of shit to wade through in the EU but stuff like Jedi Knight, Kotor and Bane, even though the writer of that turned out to be a hack fraud too, are great and deviate from standard star wars storytelling.

You mean they cherry pick things from the EU. These hacks know literally nothing outside the movies

I have a strong feeling they would all hate this because it's not a classic star wars story.

We get it Yea Forums, you hated TFA cause it had a black person in it

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Star Wars fans?

yeah exactly. the franchise is not unmoldable, it just needs people with creativity and talent. but it's not like they're completely off the mark, they do have a point that it has a tendency to over-explain things that didnt require it. I think their video on vader's suit is fucking hilarious because it showcases how autistic and stupid the fanbase can be, and how bizzare the wookipedia page is, but like you said its cherrypicking

Bigger Luke

I actually enjoyed Solo and that other one more than the mainline Star Wars movies they've put out. The one with the chick. And the space egg plans. Neither movie was particularly great, not even really good, but they were watchable which is better than the main movies.

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But what if Bigger Luke IS Luuke?

Will Mike or Rich ever back down and admit that there were aspects of the prequels that were well done
They had problems on a film-making level, but I don't know how Rich can look at the world and details established in the prequels and say "Wow this is all shit Star Wars is just Jedi/Empire/X-Wings/Stormtroopers"

Evil Ewoks worshipping God Emperor Palpatine sounds kino though.

Prequels problems are pretty all encompassing.


That's basically all the pillars of a movie. Don't get me wrong, I like the prequels (except AotC) but to me they're guilty pleasures sprinkled with a healthy amount of nostalgia. They are a different breed of bad compared to the sequels, but they're still bad.

Watch the recent collider bitch fit and it was basically a nerd crew skit.

>still watching aidsmoby

What's wrong with Reggie in this picture?

>complains about R1 of nostalgia-baiting
>get made when the series goes beyond parameters they find acceptable
What does RLM want?

After the shitquels and the string of abortions Disney has made, how are there still Star Wars fans?

To be as contrarian as possible while raking in their sucker fans patreon bux.

Why can't they just have Rey build a new lightsaber? For all the talk about Rey being a great, strong, female character, Disney seem really scared to have her use anything that wasn't originally used by Luke or Han?

>RLM has safe opinions on everything
>RLM is contrarian about everything
Figure out what the fuck you’re supposed to be outraged by, you fucking faggots.

garbage-tier list

republic commando is essential reading, karen traviss should be head of lucasfilm, not kathleen kennedy

Even from a business perspective it makes little sense. If they want to sell new merchandise you need to actually provide something new to make merchandise of. Nostalgia seriously can only go so far, I don't know what's even left to dredge up at this point that they haven't already used when it comes to OT visuals and throwbacks

RLM is for mouthbreathers, they are all worthless disney shills

the prequels are masterpieces and Lucas is a million times smarter than any of his critics

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>Real nigga answer- At the part of the TPM review where Mike acts like Midichlorians demystify the force.
Eh, I'll give that fat alcoholic this. The force in the OT was something that could be learnt, and mastered. Like a cross between martial arts and religious belief. George made it some bullshit mutation/superpower that was effected by your bloodline.

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>Did they ever come out and just admit that JJ Abrams is a bad for Star Wars?
in this vid they basically said he can make a movie look good but have an extremely incoherent plot

>Will Mike or Rich ever back down and admit that there were aspects of the prequels that were well done
I though he kinda did, in the Last Plinkett Review. He admitted that PT film has a unique settings, ships and alien designs compared to the NuWars recycling of OT content.

>he can make a movie look
kek TFA looks like absolute fucking lifeless dog shit

colorgaded and shot by a fucking ai

I hope the A-wings in the latest trailer are from a flashback. It would be like having a film set in 2035 where the F-15 Eagle is still being used.

lmao you can do that by looking up his name on old forums to uncover his racist posts
If they get more and more successful it's bound to happen and they'll get blacklisted just when they're about to hit it big

They're still using X-Wings as their primary strike fighter, so what the hell do you expect?

>Just to be clear, I'm not a professional 'quote maker'. I'm just an atheist teenager who greatly values his intelligence and scientific fact over any silly fiction book written 3,500 years ago. This being said, I am open to any and all criticism

>Death cult ewoks
>Doesn't name them evilwoks

Hack fucking frauds

There is so much untapped potential in the star wars universe.

Imagine the Terrence Malick film tree of life but about the force and just a jedi training within an academy in a remote forest area. It could be about the spirituality of the force and being one with nature or something cool.

I'm so tired of the same formula, they have a license to make truly artful films within the universe. Kotor 2 proves you can go against the established formula.

I think people would actually be excited for intelligent star wars films. Anyone else think the same?

Oh no

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no it was probably Jar Jar

Which reminds me that a film adaptation of this would never work. Rehashing ANH's basic plot works as a video game because you're the one who gets to live it, and the protagonist being one of the villains with amnesia works a lot better when the protagonist is literally me.

Good, no self-respecting person should care about Star Wars with the state it's in or heading towards

How the fuck is the PT plot less coherent than the OT plot? The OT's plotting is smelly garbage.
>Kill Luke, Lord Vader.
>No we should make him a Sith
>Good idea, this in no way will end badly.

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I mean
>oppressive power mad asshole who already has possibly the most powerful samurai wizard on the leash, wants to trade in for the newer model who's just about to unlock his potential while Blackvoice McGimpsuit has peaked years ago.
It seems in character especially since Luke has been struggling with his inner shadow the hedgehog and everyone can sense it and from Emperor Pepto's perspective he's about to literally leave him with no other option than face the entirety of the Empire alone or join me and learn the power of the dark side.

I read the time travel plot off Yea Forums months ago
this has been going round for a while


It works if you're charitable, just like the PT. My point was that if you don't use fantasy logic then the Emperor is basically throwing a wrench into his own plans for no reason is stupid.

Shmi Skywalker is actually Rey

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Not really, it makes sense for his character and threw a wrench in nothing ultimately.
Luke couldn't affect his plan at all from that vantage and the eventual failure was unrelated.
OT, a tight simple story with pretty consistent character motivations and reactions.
P, a bloated convoluted story in which a lot of characters meander and drop motivations and have a lot of inorganic reactions.
OT isn't perfect but PT is pretty shit.

>a wrench in nothing ultimately.
>Luke couldn't affect his plan at all from that vantage and the eventual failure was unrelated.

>in which a lot of characters meander and drop motivations and have a lot of inorganic reactions.
Here's an OT example of that- in ESB Vader wants to join up with Luke and kill Palpatine.
In RotJ on Endor he goes back to being a cuck "I *must* obey my master".

Mike was being nice to Rich and only helping him defend Solo from Jay who hated it so Jay wouldn’t dogpile on him. Mike didn’t like it.

But user he did join with Luke and kill Palpatine

It was a retarded choice to invite Rich on with his pleb opinions when he knows jack shit about actual film discussion.

Mike built himself up as “The Star Wars Expert”. As much as he pretends to hate nerds, he sees himself as a Nerd King with “superior” Nerd cred and intellect (this guy watches Rick and Morty and claims to have a high IQ despite believing in Ghosts).

Mike doesn’t want to admit he was wrong because that would mean he is not as perfect and smart as he thinks he is. It is why he tries to justify his shilling of JJ Abrams. And while he makes minor criticism of TFA he is quick to deflect to the prequels because he doesn’t want people thinking they are better since he built a career out of calling them worse than the Holocaust.

Yeah but his character arc was rewound for RotJ.

what faggots do you give a shit about?

>As much as he pretends to hate nerds, he sees himself as a Nerd King with “superior” Nerd cred and intellect
Which is funny because he admitted to never reading that much.

>But they constantly criticize TFA as being a soft reboot.
Forget it Prequel fanboys that are angry about RLM shitting on their their holy cow will never get it and will allways think RLM are paid shills of Disney.

>The Plot twist of the Rise of the Skywalkers will be a Time Travel/Groundhog Day scenario.
>There will be a point in the movie where it is revealed the Sheev . Rey, and Ben Solo have repeated episodes 1-9 several times.
>This is alluded to in the Last Jedi when Rey has that trippy tunnel vision of echoes of her future and past sleves.
>Whenever the final “confrontation” between Rey and Sheev occurs, Rey and Ben are forced to cause the Groundhog Day scenario to occur by disturbing some Sith Magic/Artifact/Ceremony.
>The time loop always takes Sheev, Rey and Ben back years before Episode 1.
>Sheev Rey, and Ben, being at the center of this loop, are the only characters that know of it.
>When time resets, Rey goes to Tatooine to fulfill her role as Shmi, Anakin’s mother, with Ben Solo as the father.
>Anakin’s status of Chosen One is due to his lineage of both Dark and Light side force users.
>In each loop, Ben always abandon’s Rey and Anakin to face Sheev himself and die.
>Rey Resigns herself to her death on Tatooine, so that Anakin can fulfill his destiny.
>Anakin’s story arc is a necessary step in breaking the loop.
>Sheev’s easy manipulation of the Jedi Council and the Senate is due to his many repeated loops.
>One issue Sheev always faces is that no matter how he corrupts Anakin, he always betrays him.
>Luke acts like an angsty teenager in the Last Jedi, because he is being confronted by his grandmother (Rey) to take charge and responsibility.
>This also explains all of the different versions of episodes 1-6 that George Lucas has made.

Mike is very dodgy about JJ and TFA.
You just can't explain away his "XWINGS TIE FIGHTERS" double standard between TFA and Rogue One.

>But they constantly criticize TFA as being a soft reboot.

Whatever makes them look smart.

They loved The Force Awakens because it was a repeat of the first movie and activated the memberberries in their brains.

But then TFA was criticized for being a repeat of ANH, so they decided that all nostalgia was bad (except for TFA because they said they liked it and don’t wanna admit they were wrong). Which is why they crucified Rogue One despite it being no different than TFA.

Then in TLJ, they praised the movie for it’s different original takes. They said the movie was flawed but not bad. Or as they said, “Messy but not a Mess!”. And then they proceeded to strawman and attack everyone who dared hate Disney Star Wars with a whiny voice. They even showed a tweet of Rian Johnson to show that they were afraid of making upset.

Then everyone called out TLJ and it’s shittyness. And people like Mauler called out RLM and their stupidity.

RLM then went full 180 on TLJ and called it the worst thing ever and made fun of the media that shilled Disney Star Wars while attacking fans for not mindlessly eating up TLJ (despite RLM doing both of those thing).

they're on the right track with time travel. screenshot this

>rey and kylo have a lucid saber fight that spans across locations from all three trilogies.
>the invoked spirit of the emperor corrupts kylo via vaders helmet
>finn reunites with his sister on the grassy planet with the help of poe (b plot)
>kylo is double crossed by the emperor who tricks kylo into thinking he wants him as a surrogate but really wants rey
>emperor fails and is defeated by rey (no surprise here), causing him to use his backup plan. he regenerates as matt smith
>matt smith/emperor seemingly fatally wounds kylo who sacrifices his life to allow rey to escape (the relationship is platonic). its unknown by the end of the movie if kylo died or not
>luke's role is extremely limited. the rotj version appears in a flash back with han (only their backs are shown) and leia with kylo.
>he appears to rey as a force ghost ala obi wan in rotj. distracts emperor at the end to allow the gang to escape death star ruins
>the mcguffin in the film is vaders helmet
>anakin is in the film

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>>anakin is in the film
Elaborate or I'll knife your dick.

dont know anything except that. for obvious reasons, thats the most concealed part of the movie. could be just a red herring.

A """"leaker"""" on here the other day claimed that Anakin aas only shown through archived Episode 3 footage, whatever that means.

Not especially.
Ultimately his plan to woo Luke to the dark side so they could gang up on Palpatine was a no go. Vader kind of IS too much of a bitch to make an actual run at the Emperor. But in the end what remained was the lack of love between Sith Master and Apprentice . The Emperor would similarly throw Vader under the bus if he thought it could work out better for him.
The real issue isn't Vader back tracking but more Vader being suddenly receptive to his son's love rather than the cold fucker he always was.
However tiny potatoes compared to PT which creates a poorlly thought out web of intrigue that the characters loudly proclaim needs to be solved but do fairly little to actually try to solve it. They just have a massive dilemma dropped in their lap, send the same two guys after it, find a clue, sit on it for years, hell they didn't do any real footwork to figure out what the clone army was actually all about, they just used it like idiots.

that possible. truth is we wont get anything more than maybe a quote/line from the previous movies. although they invited hayden back to celebration which is odd considering they didnt invite ewan or natalie.

>he had like a week of training with Yoda, that's all you need, you need a week?
>your real training is confronting Darth Vader

Here's what everyone doesn't get about the training/Mary-sue argument, the force training/power is just a metaphor for Luke struggling with his inner demons (pessimism, doubt, anger, fear, ect.). Vader and the emperor are constantly forcing Luke into situations where he is tempted by his dark side, it's about Luke growing as a person and not about how many backflips or pushups he can do in a training montage. Rey has no inner demons to struggle with, sure she can make mistakes, but sometimes being mistaken or misled isn't a character flaw.

Also, time travel ain't gonna happen because that would mean Disney and Lucasfilm would be admitting they made a mistake.
>Also, time travel ain't gonna happen because that would mean Disney and Lucasfilm would be admitting they made a mistake.
Also, time travel ain't gonna happen because that would mean Disney and Lucasfilm would be admitting they made a mistake.
>Also, time travel ain't gonna happen because that would mean Disney and Lucasfilm would be admitting they made a mistake.

they endorsed TFA for the most part and sent Yea Forums into a frenzy of asshurt it has yet to recover from. you'll still see people quote the TFA review

You want to talk about asshurt? Jay is still mad that people made fun of Rey.

Hello? They are already admitting it by shitting on The Last Jedi with the new trailer.

Exactly. They go wherever the masses go.

He’s not at all.

Not that guy but midichlorians were mentioned back in 1977 & we all knew the force had biological factors in RotJ when Luke said Leia can use the force because they're brother and sister.

Then give them kotor 1. The kotor games are sequels done right before the sequels even existed. The first installment is a well done classic star wars story with a twist and the second one is well-thought deconstruction. It's what the sequels wish they were.

That makes no sense. Vader is suddenly Sheev's cuck for no reason. You're minimizing where you wouldn't for the PT.

>which creates a poorlly thought out web of intrigue that the characters loudly proclaim needs to be solved but do fairly little to actually try to solve it.
What I love about Lucas is that he knows that you are so wrong that he went the extra mile.

For example, Mike and those like him bitch and moan about the Jedi accepting the clone army etc.
BUT Lucas knows that his story is so airtight that just as a "fuck you" to the haters he has the Jedi learn that the clones were ordered by the sith in a cartoon he considers canon.

The Jedi learn about the clones being ordered by Dooku and Episode 3's plot STILL works. That's how much Mike is wrong.

The more you watch their other content, the more their behaviour will make sense. They are actually consistenly aweful movie critics. They like to get high and mighty about how much better they are than others and do these endlessly long fake podcasts, but at the core of it all they are just the exact same. They are grade A hypocrites . And pretty lackluster movie reviewers in addition.

You can pretty much predict exactly how they are going to react. The only thing they are good at is detecting a bandwagon starting to roll, so they always jump on it the first chance they get, and if they can't get on fast enough but sense potential for an anti-bandwagon, they will try and start that. That is exactly what they did with TFA. When the wind started turning after TLJ and fans suddenly hated Disney again, they turned right around and "admitted to their mistake" to get onto the bandwagon nice and early while people didn't realize whether the "love it" or "hate it" faction was going to win out yet.

They are good social manipulators, I will give you that, but they pretty much just say what ever will get their audience nodding, and they know how to make a tear-down entertaining whether substantiated or not. In that regard, they are just the edgy """high brow""" mirror image to all those shill-casts they like to mock.

And they do that with every movie, not just Star Wars, I got sick and tired of them real fast. The more I watched of them, the more they reminded me of the higher tier corporate bullshitters I have encountered in large companies, you know, the type that don't just rise through hot air and convincing other bullshitters, but that can hide their unsophisticated behind sophisticated wording. In the end, you develop a nose for that nonsense anyways. RLM are the same, beating dead horses and unsophisticated "criticism" hidden behind nice wording.

We've been memeing about time travel since roundabout January 2018.

2018? Try 2015.

Not that guy but I found that Vader suit part nothing but dumb. I can think of explanations right now. First idea is that the Emperor wants a tighter leash on Vader. So what if it weakens Vader? The Jedi are a disorganized bunch now. Vader's not only strong enough, he's got the new Empire's armies. They don't need an optimal fighting Vader so Sheev can decide he likes a tighter leash. Another explanation I can think of is that keeping Vader constantly uncomfortable keeps him constantly dark side. As Yoda says, fear, anger, etc are dark side. Claustrophobia, constant pains, those things would keep Vader constantly hyped on dark side emotions. Depending on how you interpret it, this uncomfortable suit IS optimal because it makes Vader 24/7 filled with dark side emotions.

If their theory doesn't involve the return of pic related, then I have no interest.

Attached: AdmiralAlienAndCaptainMustache.jpg (625x850, 774K)

They really love that bandwagon

Not just that, but on top of the Rule of Two thing, it makes sense for Palpatine to make plans. If Luke joins him, he gets a younger version of Vader with more potential due to not being a cripple in a suit. On top of that, it robs Vader of an ally to take down Palpatine. OTOH, if Vader comes out on top, he loses an ally to take down Palpatine, and solidifies his loyalty to Sheev because now he really has no one left and has come too far to turn back from his lot in life. If Sheev had any shortcomings, it was being unable to truly understand that the same love that led to Anakin falling could also result in him acting selflessly.

Reminder youtube.com/watch?v=s5cNP80MVBM

This. The fundamental insincerity in all their works combined with the fact that they are frequently out of their depth and pretend to be worldly cynics while passively recommending Marvel blockbusters is what put me off from ever watching aside from a handful of HITBs.

>The Mr. Plinkett Star Reviews are the most important piece of film criticism in the 21st century
This is what zoomers actually believe.

>, it makes sense for Palpatine to make plans.
He did make a plan. His plan was to have Vader kill Luke. But then Vader brings up turning Luke and Sheev acts like it never even occurred to him.

>while passively recommending Marvel blockbusters
Even fucking Age of Ultron they did this. God damn it. It's always some form of
>even if it sucks see it anyway
Are they Marvel shareholders or something?

What would you say is the actual holder of that title?

I didn't even know they existed for a while. Then I disliked them because honestly, the PT isn't high art but even Alex Jones can understand them and explain them in under 3 minutes. It's shocking to me how badly they misunderstood some unsophisticated material.


The collected works of Armond White.

It's pretty much an easy idea to come to considering what JJ did with Star Trek from the very get-go with his reboot, it's the laziest cop-out way to get around writing yourself in a corner and Abrams is the laziest director I can think of who also has a penchant for writing himself into corners, only this time he actually has to write an ending. Gee I wonder what the first thing he'd want to do is

gotta give it up for boba fett

Opinions can evolve with time

>Abrams forced to open up his mystery boxes
This will be hilarious at minimum

Imagine being this defensive over your e-celeb crushes

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Isnt time travel already canon in SW thanks to some book or comic book or cartoon in the new EU? I vaguely remember reading someone mentioning something to that effect 1-2 years ago.



>Star Wars fans
are there any left?

>George was the common element of the OT.
You mean Marcia Lucas, the actual talent, was the common element. They split up over how retarded Georgie is.

>You mean Marcia Lucas,
Not that guy but you mean one of several editors who didn't do much for the later films? The one who hasn't done much outside Star Wars?


>They split up over how retarded Georgie is.
What happened?

Attached: sandicon.jpg (600x600, 49K)

Sure thing RLM defender

I love RotJ, don't get me wrong, I just find the memeage around Marcia Lucas to be asinine, when if the two movies I mentioned are anything to go by, then Lucas is the better editor.

We read the leaks and its so much safer and lamer than that

Not this meme again

The real story is:


> Already anxious about meeting his deadline, Lucas was shocked when editor John Jympson's first cut of the film was a "complete disaster". According to an article in Star Wars Insider No. 41 by David West Reynolds, this first edit of Star Wars contained about 30–40% different footage from the final version. After attempting to persuade Jympson to cut the film his way, Lucas replaced him with Paul Hirsch and Richard Chew. He also allowed his then-wife, Marcia Lucas, to aid the editing process while she was cutting the film New York, New York (1977) with Lucas's friend Martin Scorsese. Richard Chew found the film to have a lethargic pace and to have been cut in a by-the-book manner: scenes were played out in master shots that flowed into close-up coverage. He found that the pace was dictated by the actors instead of the cuts. Hirsch and Chew worked on two reels simultaneously.

It was Jympson's fault the first cut was a disaster, Lucas tried to get him to cut the film his way, but Jympson refused so Lucas replaced him with Hirsch and Chew, and allowed his wife to help edit as well.

>Lucas is the better editor.
According to the pic related book, Lucas was the one who decided that the original guy he had hired to edit was shit, and brought in Marcia and two other people and gave them direction on how he wanted the edit, and was very hands on. Lucas was a noted editor in his own right and John Milius comments in "Skywalking" by Dale Pollock that George edited all Milius's student films for him. Also Paul Hirch mentioned in Star Wars insider that the editors worked with Goerge on what style of editing he wanted and got a feel for how GL edits.

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>Star Wars fans
What kind of person would call themselves a "Star Wars fan" at this age? Aren't you all in your 30s? Aren't you a little embarrassed to be obsessing over these kids flicks?

Why are you opposed to the idea of blacks fucking asexual trannies?

jurassic world too

So what's the problem here? What's got you all literally shaking with impotent fury? They're right. After the mess that was the prequels, TFA wasn't bad. It was bland. But it wasn't bad.
TLJ, now that was awful.

Attached: JJ Abrams.jpg (864x630, 141K)

Collider made it impossible to make parodies anymore, there's nowhere to go now

it'll make a trillion

>After the mess that was the prequels, TFA wasn't bad. It was bland.
I'd say that it was worse than bad.

And I'd say you have a pretty sad case of hyperbole and a need to appeal to Yea Forums groupthink.

>old men posting on anime forum


t.fellow GenX :-)

It's not a hyperbole. It's a cheap imitation with no clue what ANH did right. There's numerous small things that ANH did well which TFA didn't. To me, that degree of no-effort coping surface details is insultingly bad.

>written yourself into a corner?
>timetravel for the lulz

im just glad that no one cares about star wars anymore

I miss her

Attached: Kreia_art.jpg (980x1436, 106K)

Well, I guess you better keep raving and thrashing around like a screeching autist because some people on the internet didn't hate it as much as you.

>Star Wars fans
Goes without saying.

Solo is the best Disney Star Wars and second best outside the OT

>second best outside the OT
Because KOTOR is 1st best outside OT

Sounds like you're in denial

Star wars fans.

>Muh old republic nerds. Nobody cares about your faggot homo ff7 ripoff game.
>Prequel apologists who just hate RLM for ruining their soulless 90s childhood.
>Irrational RLM haters who are seething nobody cares about their film review channel
>Pol cucks that can only post the word shill over and over and think Disney is pushing white genocide.
>Contrarians who like whatever people hate like TLJ.
>Boomers that checked out and just love the OT.
>Basedconsumers that love clone troopers and buy any toy they can find.

I hate you all.

Attached: 642bb910ea922fd0b2a307068cf508ae.jpg (728x916, 73K)

Wait, what happened with Collider?

>anyone buying nuwars products

their nuwars land is already empty

>Not Heir to the Empire

Ok so the main host or whatever wasn't invited to the starwars theme park but, a girl on the show was and then the host just threw a fit and was arguing with the producer and whatnot. It should be on youtube it's pretty funny.

>ff7 ripoff game

I wonder what he thought about the so-so reception the Star Wars theme park section got?

the only 90s era RPG Yea Forumseddit plebs have played are FF and dues ex.

Golden cow, or golden calf. The phrase comes from idol worship, hence the material of the idol being part of the phrase.

Not even Chrono Trigger? That sucks.

what kind of fanfiction is this?

Jay doesn't give a shit.

Hey just got here friends. Are you guys talking about Marcia Lucas the Oscar award nominated (american graffiti) and Oscar award winner (star wars) editor?

What the fuck are you talking about? They didn't recommend Captain Marvel and that is MCU movie.

Bohemian Rhapsody

Mike literally said to see it to understand Endgame.

>Captain Marvel

Attached: worstgirl.jpg (766x348, 105K)

Yes and Jay didn't recommended it at all.

*Adaopts RLM sarcasm voice*
>Heh we are way to smart for marvel and starwars but we will cover each and everyone one of them in detail while ignoring actual good movies.
>Also arnt these movies so bad fellow interent guys?
>People who like these movies are the worst
>Pfft I know, let's all go see these terrible movies IRONICALLY and then we can talk about how bad they are later

They are Disney shills.
They are Disney shills.
They are Disney shills.

The Star Trek Discovery fans are still pissed about their videos.

Reminder that LJ is a ripoff of a fanfiction called signs and smokesignals.

>came out a month after force awakens well LJ was in pre-prod
>has snoke forming a force bond between rei and kylo
>has kylo killing snoke well snoke rants about how he can read kylo's mind
>has kylo/rei getting into a tug-o-war with a lightsaber that ends with a ship being shot at
>has poe being promoted to captain
>has phasma returning and wielding a retractable stave.

Startrek discovery fans are too busy worrying about trump, police brutality, their periods and being deported.

I had no idea kek. Is this worth reading for laughs or is it beyond shit?

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It's just the same colour nothing more

I'm not kidding, they've banned the parody video from their subreddit.

you forgot
>the worst movies ever BvS and Justice League while unironically showing TLJ footage and then doing it again 5 minutes later

>not realizing Plinkett reviews are funny because they're right
Prequels are hot garbage and no amount of contrarianism will change that

They're "funny" because they give outside validation to people who've been conditioned to hate the prequels. The only good Plinkett reviews were the original Star Trek ones.

It's a good feeling that no matter how pathetic you are, you will never be as pathetic as people who obsess over youtubers.

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Tell that to Kanjiklub

your the one being obsessed

I found Plinkett to be pretty poorly done critique-wise. Comedy is one thing but unlike guys like Nostalgia Critic or Spoony who admit to nitpicking for the sake of humor, RLM actually appear to think their criticisms are somewhat serious. It's weird how so many take them seriously.

After that laughable "Star Wars Awakens" video which wasted a chunk of its time continuing to bash prequels & Ring Theory, because a review of the Star Wars franchise & TFA totally needs that, & just about 0 subsistence, I was under the impression that Mike was forced at gunpoint by a Disney exec. After that came a R1 review with a curious number of complaints which not only apply to TFA but apply to TFA more than R1. By the end, I'm thinking that RLM are chugging down the Member Berries like it's going out of style.

>By the end, I'm thinking that RLM are chugging down the Member Berries like it's going out of style.
You are correct. Allow me to regale you with a post I wrote a while back-

So in the Nemesis review Mike says something to the effect of the filmakers not caring about Trek/having contempt for the audience by trying to pass of that picture of a young bald Picard even though Picard had hair as a youth as oer the show. (can't remember if he also whined about the picture being bad because the filmmakers think the audience won't get the Clone angle without it, but if he did that's projection and not worth talking about).

But why then does Mike suck off Wrath of Khan when it does the exact same thing?
Chekov of all people is the one to react to the Botany Bay, when he wasn't even on the show in season 1 when Space Seed happened?
And don't say that he could have been on the ship. If the filmmakers cared the way Mike says the Nemesis guys should have, they wouldn't have picked the ONE cast member who wasn't in the Kahn episode for that sequence.

My conclusion is that Mike is a nostalgia babby pure and simple.
This is further supported by his TFA reaction.

Oh, and if Nemesis is really so terrible, he shouldn't have to resort to flaws it shares with a movie he contrasts it with, quality wise. 735

The amount of autistic butthurt Chad Stoklassa makes

meant for

GenX masterrace

Given the character of Mr. Plinkett, I'm unsure if it's meant to be an ironic joke that their TFA review was just as vapid, unfocused & style over sustenance as TFA. The prequel bashing was almost like TFA's constant shout outs to the OT. The character of Plinkett would be the kind of person to do that so I don't know if they actually had a gun to their heads & this was some stealthy way of giving a finger.

There's a real lack of focus on TFA in that review alone. I'm left confused & wondering "Okay mate, you said that but you only said that. If I was an English teacher, here'd be where I'd demand an explanation". Is this a sign of anything? Was there nothing to say or did they not want to talk about TFA?


Mike isn't that smart, so I doubt that it was a meta joke.
More like he just can't bear that some people get more out of the PT than he does or didn't see because he thinks he proved how bad they are.

Their Star Wars video.

That's the difference, everybody does Star Wars videos, but only a few get them trending.

>Master race
you apathetic faggots let the boomers run everything into the ground because you were too busy smoking weed

Holy shit you're delusional, user.
Only good things about prequels are
>cgi for the time
>Ewan McGregor
>design of worlds and clones
>most action scenes
Literally everything else from script to editing is hot garbage. Plinkett reviews are good because not only did they spot the same flaws in the prequels as I did, they also pointed out fuck ups I didn't even notice before, because thinking while watching the prequels will make you go insane from all the "why would you do this" moments.
Keep coping r*ddit, your meme movies suck.

Attached: My+parents+are+like_b18ecf_6811400.jpg (1200x1392, 136K)

Oh shit, they are actually doing time travel shit Mike is right

They're on track to getting #CANCELLED anyway for being racist, sexist, homophobic Trump apologists: resetera.com/threads/a-critique-of-red-letter-media’s-bigoted-content-see-staff-post.129228/

The PT is generally operatic and has strong characters and themes. Mike wants it both ways, he bitches about Lucas being too safe but then throws a fit because the prequels are too different.

>SW flick review
Yeah it's decent I like it I think it's good
>SW commentary
Ughhhh SW is shit, they literally can't make anything good uggghhhh

Are those RLM people literally insane?

So true. Let's watch starwars together and laugh at all the NERDS who take it too seriously.

The recent one got awkward

>Yeah it's decent I like it I think it's good

Literally was never said by them. They (partially) said TFA is okay compared to the prequels. That's literally it. They shat on R1, they shat on Solo, they shat on TLJ.

So Kylo and Rey are finally going to hate fuck to get rid of the sexual tension, rey is going to get pregnant a be to embarresed to tell all er rebellion friends about it.
So she is going to travel back in time using the force, but this trick is going to use up all her force.
Then she is stuck without any force power on Tatooine giving birth to anakin Skywalker.
The circle is now complete

Attached: mth.jpg (675x900, 211K)

Not exactly accurate.

Solo was legit decent and got flack for being associated with the sequels.

Sounds like a good opportunity for a powerful force abortion 2bh. It's what we need right now.

social justice bot and gay nigger ruined it otherwise it would be ok

>1.3 billion
Remind 9 could legit bomb.

Attached: hes already making excuses.png (436x487, 251K)

i think even TFA underperformed because investors wanted 2.5 billion

This most actually fans legit hate Disney.
Was lando actually gay or the director getting pressured in that interview.

>tfw the reshoots have started and it will end in September
>2 months to do the editing and the CGI

Attached: reshoots are happening.jpg (592x794, 69K)

>they shat on Solo
They didn't, they've said it's an enjoyable movie. Same with TLJ. R1 is the only one they hated bizarrely.

You guys take youtube comedy skits WAAAY too seriously. RLM is not some cultural bastion of cinema, and they never claimed to be.

But they made fun of muh cinematic masterpiece Attack of the Clones. REEE

Nothing can compare to the cinematic masterpiece of Star Trek that those fags worship lmao

>SEETHING fits of impotent rage
feels more like apathy desu

Fuck Episode 9.


Theres that butthurt again. They never claimed to be any sort of moral authority on cinema. You know what they like, so you know they judge things from the basis of what they like, just the same as literally every other human being. Dont be such a unrelenting faggot.

Sad thing is, as much as i despise mando wank, i still think traviss would do a better job.

Well, to be fair, Mike and Jay don't know jack shit about films either. Especially Mike.

>"muh eceleb is a faggot"
>"if you shit on muh precious eceleb you're butthurt"
there, that's the whole thread summed up, saved you some time.

It is most definitely butthurt. Its bitthurt at the fact that people will watch RLM and their "uninformed" opinions, while all the stuffy nerds of Yea Forums couldn't even figure out how to produce a video to get their own channel off the ground.

If their opinions were actually that damn good, people would be crawling over each other to hear them.

>Claim Jar Jar's new Star Wars film will be a time travel one
>what initially tipped them of wasn't LUKE'S FUCKING SWORD THAT WAS DESTROYED
>it was a fucking reflector shield on Millenium Falcon

Attached: 1562005062306.gif (350x254, 2.76M)

Rey is definitely Shmi. It is literally the only way to tie the series together and I feel like they'd rather do that then recreate the happy ending from Jedi.

>happy ending
>Rey (presumably) loses her powers
>becomes a slave to a thinly-disguised jew
>gets raped to death
>son grows up to be Space Hitler anyway

Truly the ending Lucas envisioned

>They never claimed to be any sort of moral authority on cinema
Well then fuck off, cunt


That's so bad and uninspired it must be true.

actually, not bad, would definitely watch it

Attached: 3ReZb_s-200x150.gif (200x150, 191K)

noice, saved

>This also explains all of the different versions of episodes 1-6 that George Lucas has made.
Ehh... the new phrase "Han did and did not shoot first!" sounds shit...

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JJ fucking loves time travel though: Lost, Fringe, Star Trek, Alcatraz

if time travel really turns up to be true I swear I will laugh so fucking hard everyone in a 10 km radius will hear it

>watching RLM for opinions

Why is everyone not predicting Finn and Rey getting together? They were made for each other.

how would Yea Forums react him they actually used time travel in the new star wars?

No, Finn gets Rose, JJ is sick of obsolete characters like TLJ Rose, so she will get purpuse, whyle Reylo is actually better in every timeline.

Attached: doublesguy.jpg (248x249, 14K)

They should treat the Emperor similar to the Limper from the Black Company books

i legit want episode 9 to end with kylo aka the skywalker lineage ending and rey holding a mulatto kid in her arm

>*sends Star Wars fans into SEETHING fits of impotent rage*
reylo tumblr faggots aren't "Star Wars fans"

if they have rey raped to death by sandpeople all is forgiven and the sequels will be kino

That would actually be very good for star wars. It's called Star Wars not The Skywalkers.

With the prequels george retroactively made the "Episodes" about the Skywalkers

they obviously are going to do a follow up. Star Wars vídeos are RLM main source of views

Not that guy but what "same flaws"? They got lots of basic plot points wrong. There's many issues with the prequels but the number of false problems is staggering.

I love when they shit on the prequels because it makes the cringe prequel defenders on Yea Forums boil.

>Kasdan was never good as evidenced by TFA. George was carrying Kasdan's dead weight.

FINALLY someone else realises it. TFA and Solo prove that Kasdan has never been anything other than a mediocre screenwriter who just happened to be surrounded by the right people in the 80's.

Solo was supposed to be his passion project that he's wanted to write for years. Really? That's the movie you're cashing all your chips in on?

People bought into the anti-Lucas circlejerk so much they forgot that he was the reason Star Wars was successful in the first place. It wasn't Kasdan, or Gary Kurtz or Marcia Lucas or anyone else. That's why the Disney era has been struggling so much.

>Most of the iconic lines from ESB actually came from the cast and not Kasdan
>All the most significant moments (Yoda, Vader Reveal, Hoth, Luke's confrontation and the series climax) all came from the mind of George Lucas
>Had to be tard wrangled to not fuck ROTJ up with his dogshit ideas ("Now I am Vader" being the most infamous)
>Doesn't make a good movie since the 80's
>Proves he was a hack when he writes TFA with worse dialogue in the entire series (Yes, including AOTC)
Gee, golly gosh, I wonder why people don't like him

This. A lot of the Han and Leia dialogue was doctored by Carrie Fisher, who actually took a marker to the script and a lot of the stuff she changed ended up in the movie.

So Kasdan deserves even less credit than most people realize, but he himself has even bought into the hype that he's the one that made ESB and by extension all of Star Wars good.