Why didn't count dooki tell anakin that sheev was the bad guy

why didn't count dooki tell anakin that sheev was the bad guy

Attached: dooku-decapitated.jpg (1600x901, 228K)

Because Sheev was the good guy

Sheev used a Sith Force Confusion Ray™ on him.

count dooku literally told the 100% truth. he was a good guy

This was his ultimate sexual fantasy to get cucked by the young anakin while his dom sheev looks down smirking at him.

Martyred himself for his cause.

>cuts both of his hands off
>"He's to dangerous to let him live lol kill him"

I think the prequels would have been better if Dooku wasn't working with Sheev, and he had just gone off to start the CIS because he was tired of Jedi bullshit.

Lucas just needed creative control to veto his extremely dumb ideas, and fix the ones that had potential but were poorly thought out.

it was a different time

he thought that Sheev was testing him, or that he would step in and stop it at the last moment.

you do realize sheeve only talked with dooku in disguise?
dooku never knew sheeve was sidious

He was thinking the same thing. The stupidity of sheevs plan confused him long enough to get decapitated.

But Sheev controlling everything is literally the entire point of the prequels. He wanted the chosen one on his side.

he was still an intelligent and powerful force user

>>"He's to dangerous to let him live lol kill him"
He didn't say that though. He literally just told Anakin to kill him just cause. Watch it again.

Nigger, he tells Obi-Wan that the sith lord is in control of the senate. He knows Palpatine is Sidious.

He wanted to but Sheev's cunning left him speechless

>[Terrifying Presence] *threateningly stare at Dooku to leave him speechless*

makes sense. i never really "got" what dooku was doing, except that he was planning a separatist movement. didnt matter though, cool character

Star Wars is dead in the hearts and minds of modern men - killed by an indifference that was itself directly related to a pronounced cultural shift towards faith in social causes such as feminism.

he was stunned that his master would betray him and he was also not convinced that anakin was evil enough to go through with it so he didn't want to tip their hand.

Wasn't he fed up with the Jedi and then his pupil Qui Gon died, which he blamed on the decadence of the jedi. The jedi basically got recklessly involved in the trade war leading to QG's death and then didn't try to learn from his sacrifice which pushed Dooku to rebel.

He basically tells Obi Won as much in the 2nd movie but Obi blows him off.

He was completely shocked. He thought that he and Sheev were co-masterminds, the plan was for Anakin to take him prisoner, for the war to end, for him to have a "change of heart" after the full extent of Separatist crimes were "revealed" to him, and he would help re-establish a new Sith Order. He didn't think for a second that Sheev meant to continue with the Rule of Two. All along he thought the plan was to re-establish the pre-Bane Sith, that's why he was so eager to recruit Obi-Wan, why he purposefully spared Obi-Wan, and why he insisted on taunting Anakin rather than just trying to kill him. His
>hang on I fucked up
moment came somewhere around the second Anakin sliced his hands off