That's why I wouldn't be fit for army. I would fucking beat down anyone who spoke to me like that.
That's why I wouldn't be fit for army. I would fucking beat down anyone who spoke to me like that
I believe you, OP.
They can't do as much these days but it's unnecessary anymore since they really want you to stay in the Army.
When there's a draft it makes a lot more sense.
You'd get the shit beat out of you by everyone there if you tried, incel.
>That's why I wouldn't be fit for army.
Fortunately for you then, these were Marines.
>hurrr its not an army its muh special word
So you just suck at working under pressure and get your feelings hurt too easily.
Shut the fuck up pile
>They can't do as much these days
They couldn't even do that much back then. Physically assaulting recruits has been a no-go since Korea.
There's nothing worse than a Boomer vet who never actually deployed overseas but thinks he's hard because Parris Island was tougher when he was there.
Don’t forget that the sergeants are mostly niggers nowadays
Let me guess: you joined the Air Farce because your recruiter told you that you were too smart for the Marine Corps?
They probably beat you down if you retaliate
When will we get a modern day FMJ remake, with all the recruits and DI's as spics, with private El Joker getting NJP'd for using hate speech?
>I would fucking beat down anyone who spoke to me like that.
Plenty try and they get their ass beat. You aren't special or tough
I’d slam that piggy
> Well here`s something you won`t like, Private Snowball! They don`t serve fried chicken and watermelon down in the mess hall every day!
Not being able to keep your cool under pressure is a negative trait anywhere you end up.
> Seven-six-two millimeter. Full Metal Jacket.
Jesus Christ really?
No, unfortunately I was actually retarded enough to join the muhreens, something I will never forgive myself for
>When will we get a modern day FMJ remake,
It would be an interesting idea, juxtaposing the "Ooh-rah" brainwashing you get in Boot Camp with the crushing boredom and endless safety briefings of barracks life.
>OP in his prime
I was watching some boot camp / basic training videos last week (last time this topic came up).
It's funny to compare how the different branches handle things...
> Navy:
> welcome friends, I know we're going to get along like friends, let's be a team
> Marines
> I fucking DARE you to die on me
same fucking boat bro :^)
It's also why you won't be getting anywhere with your "life".
It's called Jarhead and it's significantly better than Full Metal Gayshit.
Here's your (You)
imagine being this good of a goy
I would burst my ass laughing with all that autistic screeching lmao
FMJ is THE generic war movie. Jarhead is superior on the merit of its story alone. Kubrick isn't a god.
some insight for you:
the fact that you are watching videos taken by fucking TV crews means that nothing you are seeing is anything like reality, it's a PR parody with what are basically the best actors at hand chosen by the CO
I don’t get it? There’s screaming in both videos
Jesus christ, is there actually a purpose to screaming in your face like that?
It's largely misunderstood.
It's a war movie about everything else but the actual war. There's zero firefights and cartoon-esque characters and serves as juxtaposition to the first half. Ending it with the Mickey Mouse March song is a little too on the nose though.
I think it's just to get you stressed out so they'll never whether you have what it takes or not
The purpose is making you into an obedient little goyim
>Jesus christ, is there actually a purpose to screaming in your face like that?
Indoctrination. They make Boot Camp seem completely insane (but still easily do-able. seriously.) so the guys who come out fully believe they're hot shit.
Did you even watch the movie? What the FUCK are you on about? Are you just high off your rocker from smelling Kubrick's kum?
There is. There's a reason for nearly everything they do. It's about psychologically converting the recruit into soldier.
The ritual shaving of the head signals the transition from individual into single cog in the machine. The screaming DI's teach recruits to function and follow orders during the noise and confusion of war, and the DI's being assholes in the first weeks form the recruits into a unified group (at first, only unified by their fear/hatred of their DI).
It's a system that has worked for thousands of years.
Everyone whooped and clapped in the theater when he said the title like that!
>FMJ is THE generic war movie
What's it like to be this retarded? I genuinely wonder.
>It's a system that has worked for thousands of years.
>invented in the past 100 years
rest of your post if spot on though
>Did you even watch the movie?
Did you?
>Did you?
Though not as angry, I think Ermey's performance in "Boys from Company C" was probably as good:
no you wouldn't because you're a little bitch you fucking faggot
Real fuckin’ NATO
>FMJ is THE generic war movie
Now THIS is shitposting!
>past 100 years
>there weren't drill instructors or 'squad' leaders during roman times
I would say that the same methods have been used as early as the Greeks and Romans
Boy it sure is hot, I can't wait to get out of this Full Metal Jacket!
they were certainly as brown
The only non-generic thing about the whole damn movie is Pyle going crazy.
What kind of people make good military sergeants and why is it short balding men?
Romans were pure Germanic aryans.
There were a few shootouts. The combat in Hue city when Handjob and Touchdown get smoked. The shootout with the sniper at the end of the movie. There's a lot of ShootING, but not ShootOUTs I agree. But they exist. As for cartoon esque characters you could say all of them were, playing into a stereotype. Hartman's hard ass drill instructor. Animal mother the crazy badass. That asian hooker. etc.
Stop posting, you complete utter pleb. What other "war movies" have you watched? Fucking retards these days I swear to god
Drill Instructors don't talk to recruits that way anymore. They haven't since Vietnam
There was no Roman indoctrination camp. Early Roman armies were populated by men expected to be trained by their families. Later mandated training was about weapons, not behavior. Discipline was enforced through draconian physical punishment and using execution to make an example out of failures.
There was nothing like having a bunch of Roman boys go to the training ground and get yelled at for months. Indoctrination camps are not something you see in history before modern warfare.
>Germanic aryans
I can't tell if you're joking or if you're genuinely retarded.
>when the zoomers at work fuck up and you ask them how tall they are and they tell you and you respond by saying you didn't know they stacked shit that high and the zoomers are just like huh?
>haha ya bro I couldn't handle the army cause I'd get in the DS's face bro
To be fair you had to be indoctrinated to fight in an illegal war like Vietnam
y-you're right, sorry sir.
There is literally nothing wrong with killing communists.
Not an argument.
100% chance you’d end up as the barracks ona hole
Can you imagine getting pounded by the whole company? But as a prank, haha
or better yet
it should be normal to want to kill commies and their sympathizers
It absolutely was not.
The Athenians were citizen-soldiers who trained in their spare time. Soldiering was basically a hobby turned duty unless they were "Chosen". There was no transition ritual, there was no "Breaking you down", and all the training we hear about is remembered fondly as basically being sports.
Spartans drilled like fuck, but their entire military system was based on caste and literally cannot be compared to the modern system in anything except that they had hazing and drills.
>There is. There's a reason for nearly everything they do
No there isn't, you haven't been in the military if you think so. Most of what happens is ritual, or things done because it's what happened to you. It's the same reason why we still have residency for doctors, and why we put on little weird hats when we graduate school.
>It's a system that has worked for thousands of years.
It literally has not existed until very recently historically. It didn't even exist in the first world war.
>Look ma, I was edgy on the internet again
charlies were good commies unlike chinks
sure but the war was still illegal
It's edgy to be opposed to leftist extremists. Yikers.
>>Look ma, I was edgy on the internet again
Too stupid to live. That's what you people are. Pawns in the game
Just like it should be normal to want to send goyim to their death to fight a pointless war, right?
>Now we might have burned down half the country and damn near tried to commit genocide, then went on to supported the Khmer rouge, but damnit the Charlies were commies and that makes killing them okay
Sure thing edgy.
>to be opposed to leftist extremists is the same as propagating to kill them
End your life, retard
Lol. They couldn't technically do it but you don't know shit. They got away with a lot even if it was against regs. Enlisted certainly got some good beatings up through the 80s.
I bet you haven't read a book in your entire life.
>>to be opposed to leftist extremists is the same as propagating to kill them
>End your life, retard
Now that's a witty retort from a leftist pawn
Don't forget your black skinny jeans.
I can imagine boot camp got pretty violent after all the failures from Vietnam who stayed in a shit organization took their frustrations out on children
Generation kill makes Jarhead look like a pile of turd.
>Vietnam was pointless
have those people never heard of the cold war? Do they really believe they would be on the internet right now if the US sat on its ass while the USSR made all those 3rd world countries communist?
Yet Jarhead features the stronger performances, hmm. I guess you could compare movies and mini-series if you really wanted to look like a dickhead.
I don't remember Jarhead, it's largely forgettable unlike let's say every other war movie ever made.
>I would fucking beat down anyone who spoke to me like that.
I mean... you do realise the US lost vietnam right?
>Yes goyim, Kissinger and Nixon prolonging American involvement in what essentially became a Russian-Sino proxy conflict was to contain communism! That's why we became such good buddies with China :^)
>Jarhead is the superior war movie *farts*
Doesn’t matter, the pretense was a literal false flag.
haha it's not gay, it's just basic training haha bend over recruit
Sure, the US ''''''''''''''lost''''''''''''''' the war after the congress voted to get out of it. That doesn't change the fact proxy wars were real...
>Tries to pretend he didn't lose
>The war was so unpopular it would've resulted in civil war had it coninuted
>The US achieved none of what it set out to do
>The North Vietnamese got everything they wanted
Yeah man, it sure was a situation worthy of all those quotation marks. The US lost handily.
> That doesn't change the fact proxy wars were real...
It's not a proxy war if you get personally involved you dipshit.
I would say this is from the raimi cut but it's real
Maybe if you're a retard.
>They couldn't even do that much back then. Physically assaulting recruits has been a no-go since Korea.
They did it in the Vietnam era.
>It's not a proxy war if you get personally involved you dipshit.
I'm talking about the indirect influence over 3rd world countries, you retard.
The US was winning the Vietnam war by every metric by the time congress voted against it, check it out.
war isn't call of duty kiddo, no one cares about KDR
oh wait I bet even call of duty has objectives now, you fucking boomer
>The US was winning the Vietnam war by every metric by the time congress voted against it, check it out.
Except that the North could have kept the war going until there was literally 0 Vietnamese people left, while the US had to pull out now or risk massive insurrection. The US soldiers were not stabbed in the back by a cowardly congress, don't literally be Hitler.
>I'm talking about the indirect influence over 3rd world countries, you retard.
Whether or not the cold war had meaning (It mostly didn't) is irrelevant to whether the Vietnam war was pointless, which is what was discussed. The Vietnam war accomplished nothing, could never have accomplished anything, revealed many flaws in US thinking, almost ruined the US government, resulted in the US backstabbing itself like 4 times, and killed countless people needlessly.