A strange ending, Shackled, but nonetheless, I really wish it was more than just a short

A strange ending, Shackled, but nonetheless, I really wish it was more than just a short.

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Other urls found in this thread:


The actress was cute

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She was! I believe her name was Isobel Euphemia or something.

Wtf, this is the hottest she’s ever looked. Is it the choker? She’s unironically a 9/10 here

For me, it's Lou.

Attached: 1562897571670.jpg (803x803, 78K)

She's always a 11/10

Chokers are pretty, on pretty women.

Really though, even if it’s shit, like 2 hours of her running around that outfit would be kino.

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I know, but if it was longer, we just could spend 2 hours just taking screencaps of how pretty she is. Though I’d still be interested in the story too.

I want to marry Emilia Isobel Euphemia Rose Clarke!

Is it worth a watch tho?

b-but this isn't Lou

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It’s like 10 mins and the ending is just like some vague shit.

Lou? more like LEWD

c'mon guy it's a 12 minute only film

High in the Halls of the posts that are gone
Janny would dance with his trolls
The self worth he has lost and hot pockets he has made
The posts that upset him the most

The healthy weight thats been gone for so very long
He couldn't remember his face
They spun him around on the damp blue board
Spun away all his money and days

And he always does it for free
Always does it for free
He always does it for free
Always does it for free

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What was that even about anyways? Gookmoot doesn't like too many webms on his server?

Emilia lives rent free on non-weekend jwords

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wtf I love lou now

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So which thread are we staying


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That's fine with me

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I just was interested in Shackled. I guess you can talk about GOT if you want on the side. That other thread just looks like a bunch of the /got/ dudes taking their frustration out with each other because their general died.

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You seem like a Shackled connoisseur, tell me, do you know who the mais actress is?

looking cute here

where is this from


Attached: Extremely_Cute_women.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

God only knows how much i wanna marry this woman

She's 31 here, how does she stay so cute?

no drugs


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The best minds of the world ask this question and find no answer.

I can't take it anymore

Attached: talking7.webm (550x720, 2.96M)

just stop then

I can't either

>when she looks through your ecg folder
emilia i can explain!

There's no returning once Emilia enters your soul

Those toothless smiles she does are too cute


go to that afro gossip site and read shit about until you detoxify your mind

But i know those are lies


Lads, 3:06

[spoilers]fucking adorable[/spoilers]

>*conquers your soul in your path*

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>emilia goes out on a limb and asks for some backup to say a word
>kit is the one that responds, says "sexy" and looks right at emilia while she looks at him bewildered
poor guy... we should stop bullying him hes been through alot you know?

It’s more like she was too busy talking to GRRM to even hear what he said. Poor guy, throwing his heart out, and she’s not even paying attention.

Damn this is painful, the way he stares at Emilia waiting some kind of reaction

Holy shit

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Finishing up my Triassic Attack viewing... I’m at the part where she’s chanting and rain dancing. My god, I’m embarrassed for her.

>meryl streep? no, the best actress is emilia clarke

Attached: b31.jpg (859x960, 224K)

>I do believe Emilia Clarke is the greatest actress of our time
>Why yes, my daughter name os Daenerys. Dany was born in July

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I would definitely judge someone for naming their kid khaleesi but daenerys is a nice name

let's be real here. any chance?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-15 Nominations.png (823x151, 141K)

I love her.

>naming their kid khaleesi
>making their kid cocumbine

There is a chance because It was her last season and she was really good on It, but those prizes are all política nowadays

She'll get a nomination but the award will go to someone in the #resistance

I hope she wins but who knows.

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Kit is so small

Name my band.

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Cristopher is not small, he's 5'8 aka normal sized

Sunshine, the two and the two halfs

That looks like it's from the comiccon right after her brain damage

It is, check the dress

Lets be honest, Dany/Emilia was the only one in the show that was gonna look up to him like he was a big man.

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Could be why she was so giddy. She was sipping morphine just to stay conscious.

maybe in China

I hope she's wearing 4 inch heels here, for Kit's sake

Kit can be a short guy, but has a big heart

i love shackled so much

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Kit, i'm sorry for what happened to you but you gotta move on man. Stop the drugs and booze so we can see you as Wolverine alright

i think kits gonna have to work on his murrican accent if he wants to wolverine

Please no one post the clip, it's too cringe

what clip?

protect your innocent mind, dont seek it out


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Who hurted her bros

There's some good pictures from whatever this event is, anyone know if there's a video?

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>she doesn't like communication over the internet, etc and prefers being with someone physically
>she'd make sure you came along with her whenever she went away for work




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It's literally and unironically unfair

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This is exactly why she doesn’t want to date actors anymore. Their schedules are too conflicting. She’d rather date a nobody she can bring with her wherever her job might take her.

>gf turns on your computer when you're asleep

Didn't know this was meant to turn into a horror flick half way through

Imagine if she looked up at you like this

Attached: Eyes up.jpg (3840x2160, 1.5M)

>you're at some normie actor event and your emiliagf turns to you and says this

What do?

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Make a 360 turn and go home

Tell her to go alone because i'm enjoying the event

Kill every last man, woman and child at the event to get her home safely.

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You wouldn't

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No amount of Ryan Gosling pics can describe what im feeling right now

>user can we go home, im tired and dont feel good. I just wanna go home and cuddle

Attached: DanyCute.png (1920x1080, 2.68M)

I had a dream I met her in a hotel elevator, and she hesitated to get off on her floor. I asked what was wrong and she said she didn’t want to go back to her room alone. Then she asked if she could sleep in my room. Then I woke up. Fuck.

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I want to protect her.

Emiliadreams are both a blessing and a curse

Just fuck my shit up

i don't think that she's possessive

>we'll go home when the event is over

>but user my head hurts and im scared, i wanna go home

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For me, it's this smile

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god thats brutal. premature awakeation is one of the worst ways to start your day. think of all the wholesome cuddling your brain cucked you out of

>Be with me. Build the new world with me, this is our reason. It has been from the beginning, since you were a little boy with a bastard's name, and I was a little girl who couldn't count to twenty. We do it together, we break the wheel together.


Attached: bewithme.webm (840x1080, 2.95M)

Your brain protects you from events you can not conceive, you awake when you die for this reason. No common lad can comprehend happiness with Emilia, it's the garden of Eden and unobtainable.


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She wanted to ask him at winterfell but the script wouldn't let her

its probably for the best. its still theoretically possible i will break free from her spell at this point. i pity those that got a lethal proximity dose

She should've just dragged him back to Dragonstone and kept him there until he came to his senses.

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pic unrelated btw

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Drogon shouldve fucking killed him
>muh targaryens are immune to dragons

>Emilia will never roleplay as Daenerys and dominate you until you bend the knee

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>Rhaegal Dead
>Viserion Dead
>Jorah Dead
>Missandei Dead
>Jon doesn't love her
>People of Westeros don't love her
>Advisers trying to poison and murder you
>Advisers protecting your enemy
She had all the reason in the world to do what she did

Attached: betrayedany.webm (1500x1080, 2.93M)

Why didn't she wear her crown into combat, there's nothing hotter than a Dragon Empress wearing her crown

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Aegon wouldve been proud. She was a true Targaryen that day.

Attached: danypurge2.webm (1920x1080, 2.57M)

She wears braids of victory not crowns

>I only know she was the one thing I ever wanted. Someone took her away from me, and seven kingdoms couldn't fill the hole she left behind.


Attached: asadlife.webm (1280x720, 2.74M)

She's meant to have a crown given to her in Qarth but this was probably cut from the show

Visenya would be pissed at her for not having a queensguard

all she needed was a good dicking, jon was an autist for holding on to "muh morals", if dany was my aunt I would be fucking her 24/7

Even after KL burned to the ground, she was the only one that truly could've brought all 7 Kingdoms under one. The ending was stupid.

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Listen I love Emilia Clarke like I love the air I breathe. But Aegon would not have been proud. Aegon's invasion was concise and well planned, and he also didn't burn innocents. Everything he did was thought out and deliberate. If he were alive he would've executed all of her advisers.

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Torching KL was what would have got everyone to bend the knee, wasn't the fist thing Aegon did nuke some castle to show his power?

She had no advisors left which is probably why she decided to kill the peasants

Yes, Daenerys' reign ended season 7 episode 6, when she was guilt tripped into saving Jon Snow.

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what morals? incest is normal

very cute bum

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I dont know man I remember Aegon being pretty ruthless like at Dorne. Early he just had the luxury of being able to incinerate thousands of "noninnocents" at FoF/Harrenhal for intimidation. Plus Dany saved all humanity at winterfell Aegon was just going for his own power

I'm sure Aegon would be proud of her journey and how far she came from nothing, but yeah not the listening to advisors part. What is dorne though


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>saves all humanity
>burn 1 million people one week after

i'm thinking how these faggot will explain themselves at Comic Con

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especially in westeros, Tywin married his fucking cousin ffs, plus Targaryens only fucked each other to keep the bloodlines pure, Jon was written like a such a retard that it hurt my brain watching his scenes the last season

imagine it suffocating you to death wouldnt that be terrible haha

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*blocks your path*

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Miss Clark, I'm CIA

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Yeah but Aegon had two sisters that protected his back. Dany literally was betrayed by just about everyone overnight. Jon betrayed her faith in him like twice. It would've been more kino if she just decided to annihilate KL to bring all the other kingdoms to their knees. I'm not sure why she did it in the show desu.

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she cute

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She's definitely making a seal noise here

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>her own and last kin murdered her at her moment of greatest triumph happiness and vulnerability and only succeeded because she completely trusted him
please stop reminding me

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Kinslayer, Queenslayer and Childslayer

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yeah guys i'm thinking i'm love with Susan Smith

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she cutie

Attached: mirror.webm (700x553, 2.92M)

Good, all the more Clarkes and Clarks for me

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>he doesn't want a seductive susan gf

Attached: eyeslocked.webm (854x480, 2.87M)

i would marry her and turn her into a tradwife

Just mogging on everyone

Attached: dishwashing.webm (700x560, 2.93M)

cursed on set photo

Did she only wear one outfit in this movie?

Attached: Emilia_Clarke_spotted_on_Film_Set_in__________June_4__2016_06[1].jpg (1638x2048, 382K)


Attached: as_stills_006.jpg (1920x1080, 339K)

>when talking about MBY's sad scenes she said she was near tears all day
fuck bros how do you think she felt filming this... and then the incident when it all ended. fuck her agent for getting her involved in it

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>when talking about MBY's sad scenes she said she was near tears all day
But its a nice film?

Attached: goodmorning.webm (840x450, 2.24M)

It is... but that one scene

Me on the left

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Attached: cry.webm (1000x800, 2.95M)

bros it still hurts

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Calibrate your cameras

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she is constantly in pain

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Good night everyone. May Emilia grace our every waking thought and haunt us in our dreams

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night user

Attached: sleep.png (1142x804, 643K)

very rare and fuzzy Emilia

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was that pic taken on the surface of mercury?

very fuzzy, just look at those side whiskers

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i don't sure what she feel about this movie. this movie had tens of production problems since the beginning. Looks like some middle eastern playboy took his oil money and made this movie just to impress his billionaire father

>i don't sure what she feel about this movie
Well since she missed her father dying during it, not good I assume

Yeah if I met her this would be literally the last movie I'd bring up. I'd mention her student film/Dom Hemingway first.

>I'd mention her student film
does she even know that people know about it, since it was only released on YouTube because because 1 man discovered a USB stick. MBY is always a safer bet

She's in Dom Hemingway for like 5 mins and has a black kid

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At least she wasnt raped/murdered/betrayed like half of her other stuff

be a real Kino expert and discuss VftS

She enjoyed making MBY a lot so like said it's a safe bet and avoids her instantly thinking you're a cringy GoT fan

patrician taste.

i personally would talk about SameYou. looks like she love to talk about it

this is the smart user

Attached: 1560691042967.jpg (1280x1600, 122K)

1. Me Before You
2. Spike Island
3. Voice From The Stone
4. Shackled
5. Breakfast at Tiffany's
6. Game Of Thrones (Even if it's normie tier she does love Daenerys)
7. Solo
8. Doctors episode
9. Triassic Attack
10. Student Film
11. Terminator Genisys
12. Dom Hemingway

9001. Above Suspicion

Attached: BPlFDSBCAAAbWK7.jpg (599x399, 33K)

SameYou is probably the thing she's most proud of.

Attached: 804_005.jpg (3000x2000, 1.32M)

Great Tier
>Me Before you
>Dolce & Gobana - The One (Quando)

Good Tier
>Voice from the stone
>Breakfast at Tiffany's(only copy is awful quality though)
>Dolce & Gobana (street version)
>London Uni video(good for early work)

meh Tier
>SNL cameo
>Triassic Attack
>Lisa's Story - Samaratins
>that one episode of Doctors
>Futurama episode
>Animals episode

awful tier(mainly because northern accents)
>Spike Island
>Thunderbirds episode

don't even bother tier
>Don Hemmingway
>Robot Chicken episode

too be released tier
>Last Christmas
>Above Suspicion
>Let Me Count The Ways

Attached: 1558537557226.jpg (656x875, 167K)

that's a separate ranking

Thats watchability rankings not talking about to emilia rankings

>her eyes get wide as you bring it up
>she asks you about the philosophical implications of the framing of the 17th scene
>you lose focus and start spilling spaghetti
>her eyes dim as she realizes you're just another pleb

>>you lose focus and start spilling spaghetti
What I want to know why its Voice from the Stone when its the Wall that makes the Voice

tomorrow. don't forget: gn.

>it's a poll us russian trolls cant flood with bots
feels bad

I don't think the Emmy's do popular choice awards

Do Emilia's friends call her Emmy or Em?

cursed smile

They should've found a way to keep this in the original chase.

Attached: water.webm (600x544, 3M)

I mean it's less than 30 seconds and it would've guaranteed that all male viewers would've fallen in love with Qi'ra. Would've put more emotional weight into the reunion

young qi’ra was so cute

She must be so baffled by the “meh” response to this movie. If your not a Yea Forums autist it must have looked like such a sure thing

The movie was plagued with production mistakes and reshoots and also came off the back of TLJ hate but Emilia peobably didn't know about that since she doesn't use the internet

As much as i like her I've got a better chance of Taylor Swift giving me a sloppy bj than her winning anything.

Her acting in s8 was probably her best in GoT but she's not political enough to get a second look at from those awards show types

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S8 is her best chance of winning yet. I liked Elizabeth Moss in West Wing/Mad Men but havent seen handmaid's tale. But even if she's amazing she's already won for it, award shows like to reward final unrecognized seasons.

Milly I believe

Elizabeth moss is a Scientologist, shel probably win.

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She looks so smooth

imagine gently and consensually caressing her

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it's kino. very engaging

Would be good if that cute actress had more roles in similar productions

god tier dress

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Shackled is definitely on my "what did i just watch"- list

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Does she require protecting in every role?

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Both yes

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and no.

Attached: shoot_first_ask_questions_later.webm (1019x1000, 2.94M)

There's zero recoil on that gun

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%20 punjabi

12.5% mate

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Morning bros

This user knows whats up, she loves talking about SameYou and you don't even need to ask deep questions

What the fuck were they thinking lmao she's as threatening as a chihuahua.

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What do you mean?

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>tries to act serious with her belly button showing

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>In love with a drug-addicted homewrecker.

user pls.

Where does “Leading Lady Parts” fall on that list? Given, she barely in it, but if perfume commercials can be ranked, so should this.

The first guy forgot to put the D&G commercials, rookie mistake


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I want to be her King Consort as Daemon was to Rhaenyra, and have more kids than Jaehaerys I.

This I know, oh, oh, oh

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>a feminist short movie

oh no no no

Oh, and good morning. Still no Emilia dreams :(

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Technically you'd be a prince consort because you're not a king

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What are you talking about, her favourite HBO™ is Girls

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Didn't Fire and Blood or TWOIAF refer to Daemon as King Consort though?

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Well then I don't know any more.

Also this is her and our child

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what's his name?

Imagine dating Emilia Clarke and she bringing you with her around the world haha lol

hahah it would be weird since travel is a meme hahaha

you'd just go forward asshole


I want to protect her bros

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too late

:( :(


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>not protecting Susan from the most dangerous thing of all, herself

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Imagine the kisses

Reminder she's hyperactive, very likely to be needy and clingy
Reminder she has panic PTSD attacks from the aneurysms
Reminder you would need to look her in the eyes and hold her hands when she has the panic attacks and calm her down
Reminder she has nightly panic PTSD attacks
Reminder you would need to hold her very tight when she has the nightly panic attacks

Attached: 1558279405830.jpg (540x695, 59K)

Wouldn't that be horrible haha....

>A: Every time I bump my head on a taxi, I think it's this thing. It's taken me a number of years to get past that. After my dad died, I started getting optical migraines, which is a stress response. You might have them for a month and they go away. But that's a completely separate thing. The "Game of Thrones" set can be tense, so there's a lot of pressure and there are moments in the day when I'll think, "Oh God, this is it," when logically I know that it's just an anxious response. I'll suddenly get a tension headache and I'll turn to someone who's near me God love every hair and makeup girl I've ever had and say, "I think I'm having a brain hemorrhage, but I'm not. Can you just hold my hand and look at me and tell me I'm going to be fine?" And I'd just try to relax, take some deep breaths and get through it.

why is she so cursed

I want to protect her so bad bros

It would be so stressful taking care of her every day and night, so to spare the rest of you just leave her to me

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Proof that Viserys was crazy was that he didn't just run away with Dany and go live in a cabin in the woods or something. Fuck the Five Kings and their Seven Kingdoms. I'd take Dany over the crown any day.

Does she have a boyfriend?

No but she is my wife

Yes. Me.


Do I have a chance bros?

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She never asked for this

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Maybe with Lyanna Stark

>it's almost August
>when the snows fall and the white winds blow, /got/ dies but electrocardiogram survives

Attached: D7M4vBmWwAEx8HM.jpg large.jpg (902x514, 59K)

/got/ isn't dead, just sleeping

For 2 years, then will die when flopmoon comes out

Then will reborn when Robert's Rebellion prequel with Henry Cavill comes out

Sequels here we come!

Attached: D6-uvssWkAE9uIC.jpg (932x1200, 183K)

And Emilia Clarke as Ashara Dayne

Attached: ashara.png (780x1080, 668K)

Very lewd shoulders

Ashara had a life of pain near the end. I want
Emilia to be happy and whole

Attached: 1562040933822.jpg (1000x750, 113K)

>he believes she really killed herself

>Ashara had a life of pain near the end

then it's the perfect role for emilia

Emilia is for happy roles only from now on

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hopefully for retirement. the procreation instinct is calling

>the day is hot
>you decide to buy some Ice cream in the local shop
>gets there
>see this
What do

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ENOUGH from the Emilia-posters!

>she bumps into you and offers you a dinner date for the inconvience


No amount of Emilia is enough

Take a picture and post on Yea Forums asking what to do

Tell her to recommend me a flavor.

And I will answer

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How about a magic trick?

So easy? I tought that would be harder

She's gonna die childless bros just like Dany

Not if I have anything to say about it.

for me, it's the tasteful thiccness

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She's getting older and older and more and more desesperated. I'm thinking i will make it

But Dany had a kid and shes with him in the after life

Emilia is very nice and apologizes profusely for a mild inconvenience

Rhaego was a stillborn lizard. He was no child.

His soul made it to the afterlife (that now doesn't exist because George is a nihilist atheist loser)

Not on my watch

1st day on Yea Forums(nel)?


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I'm gonna take her on a boat and we'll make the baby that was promised.

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cute but odd choice of makeup

Don't question my queen

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Post the same 5 pics she looks weird due shit makeup roastie, go on

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Ask her If she's the actress from Doctors episode "Empty Nest"

Here's a recent pic of her with minimal makeup

Roasties on suicide watch

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I love her

Literally last week and in shit quality

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What did she mean by this?

spoiler that shit, makes me womit

Next time i'll post my physique so you can admire


The bump limit on Yea Forums is 310 btw

She's a femme fatale

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How did kit get it


Ask her if she played the Native American daughter in the SyFy Original Triassic Attack.

Anyone know if she’s said anything about getting the Emmy nom?

It just got announced and she rarely posts to social media so I wouldn't expect her to say anything for a while

She probably doesn't even knows yet

Wall on the wall- by paparazzo

>not the first post ITT

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