Why do you watch television shows?
Why do you watch television shows?
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Big stonking tits probably.
>tfw want that flat girl
Flat girl probably is twice as wilder in bed to make up for it.
My life is boring so i like to live through the character being portrayed.
Too big, not perky enough
it makes me feel comfy, like im around people i know
big tits are retarded btw lol
they fake
based spongebob is happy to see her
>big tits are retarded btw lol
is she the new alice
I only shitpost with her in off-topic or derailed threads, so probably not.
what's that supposed to mean?
>off-topic or derailed threads
which one is this thread?
a spammed camgirl
It's a thinly-veiled DUDE, TITS LMAO thread. Just like the 50 others before it.
I do basically this except when I'm extremely bored which I'm not currently. I've posted Alice like 10 times in the last 3 days.
Some people consider me a spammer but I really don't think so.
You also avatarfag with her sometimes.