I don't get it
I don't get it
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ess deep
>why yes I do write a 100 page long essay of my chinese cartoons how could you tell
It’s weeb “muh giant mech suits and boy hero” garbage.
except they aren't mechs and Shinji isn't portrayed as a hero :^)
it might help.
they're mechs :^)
Dw, even anno had no clue with where he was going.
Shinji is literally the worst character
What's not to get? Gendo himself explains it. He hates himself and what he did to Shinji, and thinks he doesn't deserve to be loved. The vision he gets to lower his AT field is one of Yui, and the punishment he thinks he deserves.
Yui played everyone in order to achieve immortality.
Yeah, but he probably wasn't seeing the real Yui there.
The true villain of the series. Literally had every faction dancing around her giant cyborg fingers and I'm supposed to feel sorry for her?
all according to keikaku
seriously though, how did she plan for such a series of events? how did she play everyone for a goddamn fiddle?
no :^)
moms are scary when their cubs are in danger
The dead sea scrolls probably gave her some idea of where things were going. That and she was the lead scientist on the Eva project.
Look, look, I posted it again! Aren't I funny?
Her soul being in EVA-01 almost guaranteed it. It meant that only Shinji could really pilot, and she arranged for him to be mentally fucked in ways that cannot be easily unfucked.
All she had to do was go completely nutso whenever she could control the EVA and try to eat an S2 engine before the other EVA units.
So what are they?
Eva for dummies:
>Escapism is bad.
>Suffering is a part of life.
You actually have to be brain dead not to understand this show considering the last two episodes explicitly discuss the point of the show.
She damaged her cub emotionally
Giant robots
>moms are scary when their cubs are in danger
Yeah, she wasn't protecting him, though. Look at the Contact experiment. Yui knew what was going to happen, knew what that would look like, but still made sure that both Shinji and Gendo were there to watch her turn to goo without telling them.
This anime is just about smelling your own farts
>it's not the real Unit 1 either
>Yui, Rei and Unit 1 can appear on any person on Earth just to "symbolize" death
>just like lelouche's mom
Eva isn't that cool when you look back at how far anime has progressed
Yui only appeared to people who wanted to see her again, because that is what Lilith showed to them to help lower their AT field AKA open their heart.
Ritsuko appears for the same reason.
Giant artificial lifeforms.
It's a parody of a trope. If you are not a weeb you will never understand it's meaning.
What's worse is Rei was made using what remains of her were left in the plug at that time, so one can assume she didn't completely Tang and parts of her were floating in there.
All your base are belong to us?
Why Yui brought Shinji to Unit 1 is actually one of the bigger mysteries in the series. The popular one is that he wanted him connected to Eva early so he could synch with it better
What exactly are the evas made out of?
I like how easy it is to tell that someone has Netflix.
Semen and glue
Angel stuff
primordial cum
not even comparable. NGE shits on CG.
organic cyborg clones of the first angel
I dunno, probably both the same level desu. Same with Madoka
artificial humans. Made from Adam or Lilith.
End is such a harsh movie, there's nothing like it in the medium.
So long, suckers!
If Eva gets a live action burger movie, how do you think It'll turn out?
What scene is this? My memory is shit, I just binged everything a week or two ago and I don't recall Unit 01 eating anyone.
it will be exclusively robots and angels. no plot whatsoever.
It's there's really not much you need to "get"
So Gendo is basically what Shinji would grow up to be if he continued hating himself and being closed to relationships? (minus the megalomaniacal plan of instrumentality, of course)
No one does
Rewatch it again, do it right this time
Not really, Shinji would grow up to be someone incredibly insecure and shut off
Muh scary robuts
It's all animation who gives a shit faggot go back to Yea Forums
stay dumb
>Uhm they are not robots okay they are mechanioid other dimensional extraterrestrials
Have sex nerd
>attempting to save face
try harder
The robot is Shinji mom and his father wants to make humanity into a single being but they can deny it snd return to a human form if they wish
Overall a happyish ending all things considered only sad thing is that Kaworu can't return
Gendo just wanted to be with Yui, that is Shinji's version of instrumentality
The closest we ever got was Pacific Rim
It always bugged me in that scene when they said the Geofront was at 200,000 km and rising into the ionosphere or whatever. That's like halfway to the fucking moon. It's not a dubbing mistake either, its in the original script so it's either supposed to be 200 km or Rei is really, really fucking huge.
Mommy Lilith is a big gal.
That is what Gendo is.
During Instrumentality people see what they want to see, or at least what it would take to lower their AT field (physical manifestation of the emotional and social barriers we place between each other).
Gendo saw what he wanted to see, his punishment for what he put Shinji through in pursuit of his dead wife: A murder at the hands of woman he loves (unit 01 has the soul of Yui, his wife inside. She is the sole reason he followed through with instrumentality in the first place. In hopes of seeing her).
Gendo is not insecure. Gendo manipulates and uses everyone around him to get what he wants, reuniting with Yui. Gendo is also a womanizer. Before meeting Yui he was just a trouble maker.
He hated himself. Despite claiming the purpose of his life was to see Yui again, what he really desired for at his final moment was a speck of forgivance and a ton of atonement.
its a show for faggots, that explains the constant crying and acting like a pussy
He didn't hate himself nor was he seeking forgiveness or any kind of atonement. Gendo is not like that at all. Gendo got what he wanted, he saw Yui.
>tfw you're exactly like your dad
That's the lesson
All anime is for faggots and trannies and doesn't belong just because muh Netflix
machine controlled by people
Which is why she's best girl
except they are not machines, the armor acts as a restraint. They are giant sized artificial humans.
It's not like Yui hated him. The point of that sequence was to show what everyone gets off to, and Gendo gets off to the idea of getting his head bit off by the vessel that holds Yui's soul. If that doesn't suggest you he hated himself or what he was looking for was atonement, i don't know what the fuck you took that scene as.
Really, the only weird one out there was that guitar dude getting tanged by a mass of Rei clones. Perhaps he liked gangrape or thought the clones were sexy.
I think Guitar Guy was very lonely, even more than Gendo and Shinji, and more emotionally flat and cynical, even more cynical than Kaji.
>Really, the only weird one out there was that guitar dude getting tanged by a mass of Rei clones
The most common theory/explanation is that he didn't have anyone who he cared about enough to the point where them appearing would get him to tang willingly by opening his AT field, so rei just forced him into it
>this is human
Fuck off you retard, its a giant monster. The creator (miyazaki's apprentice) was a huge fan of ultraman. They're basically kaiju
"humans" is a very vague term in TNG though. the angels are all "human" despite being fucking monstrous. they're not machines but they're not what anyone would expect a "giant human" to look like either
No; unlike Ibuki who is lovestruck with her image of Ritsuko or Hyuuga with his image of Ritsuko, Aoba responds with utter terror to the approach of the naked Reis, shrieking and cowering under his console. He doesn't love anyone and so can't be persuaded to lose his bodily integrity by merging into (what he wants to believe is) someone else he loves. So Lilith brute-forces his ego boundary with an unstoppable horde of teenage nudes. He recognizes he's being destroyed and helplessly screams as he realizes there is no hope for him.
FYI this is rei doing this. He raped her the whole time and this was her payback.
>artificial human
they literally tell you this on the first episode.
artificially made giant sized humans, that's what they are. They are defo not just "robots" or "machines".
stop watching children animation
Gendo chose death because he accepted he failed his son. He was too afraid to confront him after Yui death.
> an unstoppable horde of teenage nudes.
I'd also spill my tang for that, if you know what i mean.
>shows yui's "soul" being absorbed into the Eva core
This isn't in ANY source material.
what do you mean?
Worse than Alita...maybe even worse than Dragon Ball and GitS...combined.
I know of no scene or anything in which we actually see her "soul" combine with 01.
but you're not denying EVA 01 has Yui soul right?
Isn't that a screenshot from 3.33 though?
Remember when she literally chose to eat a live angel, one piece at a time, so she could become as powerful as God?
In the contact experiment she dissolves into the LCL and never returns, the same thing happened with Asuka's mum but only part of her soul left
They literally show organic parts
Something created by man in mans image
>artificially made giant sized humans, that's what they are. They are defo not just "robots" or "machines".
damn son, that would explain why i just said "they're not machines but they're not what anyone would expect a "giant human" to look like either"
Also this
Synthetic humanoids, created from a combination of human DNA and the DNA of an extraterrestrial race to give it a massive human form and the ability to manipulate physical space through a projection of waveform particles.
EVA 01 has Yui soul which is the only reason why it only accepted Shinji has its pilot and why Gendo called Shinji in the first place to pilot it. All the EVA had a soul inserted into them in order to connect with the pilots. EVA 00 has Rei 1 soul and 02 has the mother part of Asuka mom soul.
No, understand was it was an event that occurred when she was TANG'ed into the machine.
Not that is recalled.
So there is half of Asuka's moms corpse?
She was alive but wasn't the same person and it made Asuka depressed, did you watch the show you fucking mong
Whatever experiment they made, EVA 01 has Yui has it soul, all EVA require a soul to connect with the pilots.
This is not even up for debate.
>half of asuka moms corpse
The reason Asuka mom went crazy was because the experiment only took part of her soul, being the "mother" side. Which is why at EoE Asuka realizes her mom was always there with her.
How did you miss this?
>When I was younger and watched EoE, I wasn't paying attention to the lyrics, and thought "wow, this music is really fucking strange to put into this scene where everyone is dying"
>Remember it years later and realize it's essentially about suicide
Sounds about right, Eva is such a miserable ride
I suggest you rewatch the whole thing, because you clearly missed the entire point of NGE.
>Ramiel is best girl being that low
Please. That realization is 3rd tier
Clones of giant aliens. They're like 99% organic.
22 years ago, chucklefucks
After closer look at , the wings look...robotic?
watch it again boomer so you can stop embarrassing yourself then. Preferably in Japanese.
That picture is from the rebuilds dickhead
>Rei is inside Shinji's walkman
Only one of yours I've never heard of
>Time Loop
I don't get how this argument is any different than Rebuild is a Sequel
>Instrumentality is good
Blogger theories seem interesting and everything below that except Magi=Naoko and Shinji Self Insert is just wrong. What is CHIM?
So, the question of the ages still stands
Which one? And no cop outs by saying Misato, Ritsuko, Mari (who would say Mari anyway) Kaworu, Shinji, Pen-Pen, or anyone else that isn't Asuka or Rei
no asukas mom went crazy as it trapped the maternal part of her soul and she lost hers completely
thats why asuka is messed up and why you see her mom trying to strangle a doll and hangs her self and the doll
God I hate anime. Every time someone recommends me something it's the same cringe shit of some beta male who has some super intellect that nobody sees and has to save the world.
what do you do for a living?
I'm on disability for mental illnesses
He explains Twin Peaks S3 perfectly too
the perfect mommy gfs
>half the subplots dropped (but only the better ones)
>Asuka is a Yasss negress
>Rei becomes a lulzsorandom character because a quiet woman is a male fantasy
>Yui is made into a heroine instead of the main evil
This, Asuka is a nigger guaranteed, hollywood hates redheads.
Shinji will actually be some chad actor "trying" to look beta by getting angry and saying bro a lot.
I liked Rei after the tv series, but after EoE I think I came to prefer Asuka.