Cast her

Cast her

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She be heading for great things.

Roastie is now Toastie

art thot #i_lost_count

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dasha nekrasova

>Another obscure person in a photo with no context
Please at least put their name in the file name

The chat logs reveal she was basically a shitty bitch who treated people like shit. Girl, bye!


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She treated betas like betas deserved to be treated.
It's what you deserve for being an orbiter.

>having that attitude towards crazy people
no wonder she got rekt


how dumb do you have to be to take money from a clearly mentally ill person?

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She was fucking this guy tho. That’s what they’re not telling you.

She got rekt because she was meeting them irl.
You NEVER meet beta orbiters.
She was stupid even by ethot standards.

eh, she was like 15-16 years old at the time of those. She had a lot of growing up to do at that age, just remember how much of a little fuck you were at 15-16. Would she have grown up and matured? Probably not. But did she deserve to die for being mean to some beta orbiter? No. Beaten and black'd? Yes, but killed? No.

orbiters deserve the worse, and paypigs deserve public execution

>just remember how much of a little fuck you were at 15-16.
I wasnt a sociopathic asshole, that's for sure.

Fuckin Susans

>She had a lot of growing up to do

Well, I guess that's out of the equation now then.

I had a gf back when I was 14, she was one of those emos who tend to be BPD and she was never like that with me.

Considering not only she was getting orbiters from /r9k/, but meeting them, there was something wrong with that girl.

>she was just a kid!
Sorry, bub, but you don’t get to use that excuse when you have a double digit body count

if you had the power of a pussy for beta orbiters im sure you would have been. The only thing stopping you was practicality, not your moral standards.

It's gonna be directed by Zack Snyder right?

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>I used you
So did they fuck?

A beta orbiter didn't kill her, her boyfriend did who was pissed off at her for sending nudes to orbiters for money and talking to them.

Deserve aint got nothing to do with it, you mess with the bull you get the horns.

Why make up stuff and then post like it's the truth? Do you get off on this?

Mfw same thing happened to me earlier in the year but I didn't kill her

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So, what happened to the boyfriend?
Did he kill himself?
Is he on the run?
Did they arrest him?


I feel bad for her but this is technically true. She played with fire.

no , just a suck

From this pic I get the feeling this girl has REALLY long arms, like a Lemming.

Tried to kill himself, but was arrested.

it's literally all over r9k with discord pics and sources everywhere, stop going to twitter and believing everything women say for once.

yeah no shit she was addicted to heroin at age 16. Girl obviously had issues. Parents dead, daddy issues, one of the classic BPD symptoms im sure.

again, when you're 16 you think you're invincible and star in your own very own real life movie. People that age cannot fathom that something like that could happen to them.

nah he did it because she was mean to him over discord lmao. He wasnt her bf, just an orbiter that she fucked.

Im not excusing her thottish behaviour. But every girl whos 16 has a double digit body count these days. She is no more mature than your average girl her age.

you're literally retarded her mom is alive and that was her boyfriend also she wasn't doing heroin.

>double digit body count
she was some sort of suicide cult manipulator?

She looked alot like a young Winona Ryder. Its a shame.

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Wrong retard. He was one of them she was fucking.

she definently was doing heroin. The dead parents thing was just an example of one of the BPD triggers that girls get in childhood adolescence.
Bitch thought she was ciara.

Based, one less wh*toid in the world

I was in the discord moron. Do better research. He wasnt her legit boyfriend. Hell you can tell from his insta alone. Let alone the actual info

>200 buckaroos

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