What went wrong?
What went wrong?
Zack Snyder
>like 2 hours of an espionage movie
>10 minutes of Batman and Superman actually fighting
>then half an hour of Bats, Supes, and WW teaming up to fight the evil monster
>ends with Superman dying and he TOTALLY DOESNT COME BACK
I liked it and all, but it was such a let down from the original concept
>star wars is not the biggest movie ever
what went wrong?
the people in charge ignored the 75+ years of precedence on what makes the characters iconic and profitable.
because it was not realistic and modern.
>Superman and Pa Kent are afraid of the government involvement
>so much that they willing to let people die
>superman needs to learn killing is not ok
>rushing the Death of Superman
Doomsday should have been saved as the big bad in JL atleast.
auteur directors just don't do for soulless franchises
Dysney psyops
Retarded critics
Imbecile comic fan boys (not muh batman and other idiotic overreaction and ignorance of the source material)
> Dysney psyops
rent free
ironically, star wars
when announced in 2014 people went crazy. 1.5 billion was easily achievable, after force awakens theatrical run, in 2016, nobody gave a shit for this anymore
The marketing. Do you really think box office has anything to do with the movie itself?
What? Lol, idiot
It suuuuuuucked?
Also there was a similar but better in every way series of movies happening at the same time. It's like when Uwe Boll released In The Name of the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale and was all 'wait, what's all this Lord of the Rings?'
OP got this from reddit. I know this because i saw it on reddit
>ends with Superman dying and he TOTALLY DOESNT COME BACK
this isn't any worse than Infinity War killing off superheroes who had new movies coming out
today, I will remind them
roasties and low T """"men""""" couldn't understand Snyder's genius
>75+ years of being iconic and highly profitable
>throw away the key elements because they are not gritty and realistic enough
>be surprised when the shit you make is not profitable.
Amazing kek
It looks like 1960s special effects done with modern equipment
The casting was atrocious.
The only two people I liked in their respective roles were Amy Adams and Cavill.
the genius of having Lex Luthor know everyone's secret identity before they even knew each other
is this bollywood
Don't listen to anyone saying anything other than bad marketing. The movie was shit, but you can sell a turd as long as you package it well enough (Avatar, Marvel movies). JL tried to get in on that bandwagon with its pre-release market, but by that time the DC movies had lost all respect. Bottom line is producers thought they could replicate Avengers and replace with DC characters, failed to consider all other factors, including what made Avengers successful. Amazing how brainlets are allowed so much control!
>The movie was shit
Typical mouse cuck shill. You don't even explain why you just say that like its a fact.
>Zack Snyder
see the cast of the new Army of the Dead
The women in the movie have no boobs and butt
all thin
the guy is a complete hack
Is there any sense this cast?
Honestly, how in the fuck did this manage to make under a billion?
Superman and Dark Knight to movie, the rest in flick
You have to be 18 to post here.
>has hashtag on the poster
it was incredibly bad.
>including Wonder Woman
kill yourself
being made on netflix, implying anyone can make them budge when casting women.
The hack is your brain and it's level of thinking
implying that's doomsday, that's just lex's abomination made with General Zod's body.
Real Doomsday is probably flying around space in the Containment Bondage suit
I liked MOS a lot and had hope these movies would be good
The Psy ops, very true.
Also look at the Executive Producer of that movie and look at our Secretery of Treasure right now, Steve Fucking Mnuchin!
You think the liberals at Hollywood would let this guy catch a break with a hit, no they hit the movie hard, they did not want a Trump supporter to get any praise or glory. Disney uses the same scripts as the DNC does.
Did you not pay attention to the 2016 elections at all?
The amount of scripted accounts that auto reply to any page it is supposed to reply to.
The amount of people shilling hard for the DNC are the same type of accounts that shill hard for disney. It's surreal to put them side by side and compare that those are literal npc's
You know Michael keaton's batman killed people, where was your liberal outrage wannabe boomer?
Disney did unprecedented shilling against this movie. It was actually insane, never before seen. They must have spent billions.
Snyderchads in the house
Remember if a marvel fag ever tries to fight you, they can't do squat, they either charge you like they are the incredible gaye or start doing homoerotic flips like captain cuck, just go batfleck on them, they haven't learned anything close to that after over 22 films
>people belive this
True kino.
Every strategy they're doing with Trump was first attempted on BvS. It's just like the immigration center stuff being terrible under Obama but Trump gets blamed.
by getting the equivalent director of nu metal to helm such project
Snyder just knew how to potray the media truthfully, which is why the left completely despise him for exposing them.
Also Mnuchin on as executive producer, they seethed as hard as any redditor could.
Movie was too redpilled
>movie grosses nearly $900 million in its run
>still manages to bomb
Hollywood is fucking weird
We call those people chads
>still manage to bomb
It didn’t though?
I did this challenge and walking out of the theater for the 7th time was one of the most satisfying and fulfilling days of my entire life. I knew that I did something special that day, something good.
Why didn't superman just laser eye batman's mouth?
It would beat Episode IX
what's wrong with that?
And the irony is that he's not even a bad director. He just wasn't the right fit
the thing is he doesn't have the quality to be a movie director. His works look like a hybrid between music videos and fan-made movies.
Kind-of it cost alot to shot. Re-shoots and stuff. Delayed a year/ CGI then they shot Justice League. AND that had to be reshot and stuff.