2019... I am forgotten...
2019... I am forgotten
whatever happened with Tyrone
is he still keeping up the facade?
>calling a literal wound a vagina
when is he going to kill himself?
the teratoma will turn him inside out
why has no one made a kinogrid yet?
a terror looms
I can’t imagine how that negro’s poor parents feel about him dating a tranny. I’d honestly rather die than go through what they must be going through.
I miss Jazzborne
>that face
would you, lads?
Jarron the accursed is hee
you can have TV executives fully paying to try to make you a woman and still not even come close to passing
that's right conceal your man shoulders you disgusting subhuman
>Aahh Jazz... Or some say Jarron... Do you see our shitposts?
>No, we shall not abandon the memes... No one can catch us! No one can pop us now!
>Ooh, majestic! A man is a man, even if post-op... But alas, not too tight... The frankengina explodes and churns unending!
>As you once did for the vacuous Skylar... Grant us holes! Grant us holes! Plant holes in our crotches, to cleanse our beastly manhood!
>The grand lake of pus, hidden now, inside... The neovagina, of course! Let us sit about and cry feverishly, dilating into the wee hours of... new depths, of the popping wound!
>I dont get paid enough for this shit
>The Terror season 2 comes out
>it's I Am Jazz season 6
Why do men who are half bald decide to become women? Do they know how retarded theyll look to everyone? How do they face their family and loved ones looking so bizarre
No and any heterosexual man wouldn't either.
Good fuck that tranny
Notice how trannies never EVER look good. The only good looking "trannies" are gay twinks dressing up as traps, never mentally ill middle aged men or abused children on hormones.
Come on guys, it's still not November or whenever the next season is supposed to be out. Point is, you are a little too early.
>january 2020
His mother doesn't approve and even called him gay on the phone.
There is a country,near the desert, in the moor, that calls out to the boldest among them... "We are the God chosen people!" they cry, "OY VEY They descend, spurred on by fantasies of riches and redemption, to lay bare whatever blasphemous abnormality may slumber restlessly in that unholy abyss... But Darkness is insidious. Terror and Madness can find cracks in the sturdiest of armor, the most resolute of minds... And below, in that limitless chasm of Chaos, they will realize the truth of it. "We are not the god chosen people!" they will cry out, "We are but TRANNY and we are DOOMED!" And their screams will echo throught the house... Of I am Jazz...
>where are they now?
That question really hits you hard when you think about it
Yeah you gotta start real young or be feminine as fuck to begin with.
Or have enough money to get your face hacked up but that still won't fix your:
Man shoulders
Narrow weird man hips and thick torso
Man hands
Man feet
Once you know to look for how weird the thick man torso is on those narrow man hips you can spot trannies all day. Also it'll ruin tranny porn for you.
Lol natalie mars did it. She just made enough money to get hair plugs and covers them with her bangs. She's in porn and she's been balding for years.
It's a fetish.
don't forget the voice
Is she a great big fat person?
all of them just look so off, uncanny, like your instincts are telling you that something is very wrong with the person that you're talking to
some, in rare situations, do pass for women, but that's once in a blue moon. the rest are legitimate freakshows.
Jesus this guy was more handsome than me as a male, and its not trannies only, I know successful guys in my city, guys with girlfriends, loving families and good jobs, and some of them still end up killing themselves despite living lives much better than my own, and yet a human cockroach like me can go on living despite the fact that women find me repulsive.
I think I lack something as a human being.
successful people have more to lose my edgelord friend
Unironically feel bad for him/her.
You'd think he would at least learn how to properly apply lipstick. Also why is it that a tranny's hair is always so thin and stringy?
fucking with your hormones is never a good idea bro
that and they are basically men, so male pattern baldness is a thing for them too.
even the ones that arent balding always have fucked up disgusting hair, like just ask a real girl how they keep their hair pretty
the worst part is that most them chads
If you consider any of those men to be "chads" I would hate to see what you would consider to be an average man.
Memes aside, it is actually really fucked up that this has been politicized to hell. This should be treated as a small-scale public mental health crisis and these people need to get actual help.
The young twinks who dress up as qt traps age then turn into older daddies who usher in the new era of young qt trap twinks.
But how can a twink be dominant the whole niche is the twink being soft
It's so crazy to see the left deny science as they eat themselves and hurl deeper into rhetoric and insanity.
It is a mental disorder. It's always been a mental disorder.
No one who transitions becomes genetically female. They're genetically male presenting as female.
There is no such thing as a female penis.
The left has just gone full retard and begun denying irrefutable biological science.
And if you say there's two genders they call you a biological essentialist - as if grounding yourself in biological science is evil.
That isn't a thing. Twinks get used up by doms and tops until they lose their looks or catch HIV (or both) and then die off unwanted and surrounded by fat fag hags. Twinks don't become daddies.
>Memes aside, it is actually really fucked up that this has been politicized to hell
Why? Trannyism is one of the inevitable endgames of liberalism. Muh science muh mental health is just a smokescreen, ask them if they'd *still* support transitioning if scientists found a non-invasive method of curing gender dysphoria and they'll inevitably fall back to the age old lolbertarian talking point of "Why can't they transition anyway if they want? It doesn't harm YOU".
you would...don't even lie
>banned for hate speech
they're taking fake hormones which are wreaking havock on their bodies, but you know gives them cute feminine cheeks so its ok doctor approved
thats literally just a dude with a faggot haircut.
when /ourgirl/ comes back, we'll start up the threads again.
Haha you're right that account is gone
Darkest timeline.
Gooble gobble think like us
Gooble gobble think like us
>ChickFilAUSA died the same day I tried to recommend it to someone
is this how it feels for a loved one to die in your arms?
Trannies are disgusting.
Pre or post?
>no sources
based frogman
At least becoming a tranny made himself clean up
why trannies always have that...disturbing look in their faces
[Can't wake up]
Terrible life choices
If you are ugly as a man you are gonna be twice as ugly as a tranny.
I really wish somebody speak those simple facts to trannys instead keep lying to them.
Because unhealthy people have bad hair. It's one of the first things to go. That's why everyone likes good hair.
I genuinely feel bad for trannies. Only the biggest losers will consider even fucking them, let alone dating them. Even if that person is otherwise normal, they would be ridiculed by all their friends for doing it openly. Shit, I got mocked pretty badly for just dating a black girl. I can't imagine a tranny. I'd probably hang myself.
>basically men
She's a big girl, yes
>t. hasn't kept up on the dsm
tell me more about biology, wise master with 2 college courses on it
Disgusting. They should be in those concentration camps
was fucked either way
I saw a mudcrab the other day.
Looks like the main terrorist guy from True Lies
looks like someone hit random on the character creator