Long Live the King


Attached: lltk.webm (1280x720, 2.53M)

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unironically looks fine


Until the camera angle changed I thought it was actual nature footage

he bitch slapped him and he fell. also, it looks like shit

This one looks ok

what happened with colors in movies?

wow now that is souless

Looks like the physics from Goat Simulator

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Could be worse desu

>soul vs soulless
many such cases

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they are offensive

colors aren't REAL

Attached: Lion King in 3D.gif (440x321, 2.81M)

what happen to 2d animation bros? i miss it

Isn't Mufasa literally the king, and all animals are obedient to him? Why didn't he order the wildebeests to fucking stop running like retards?

I distinctly heard simba REEEE! in the live action.

With sound.

>original: Scar is slightly darker than the other lions
>nu: Scar is noticeably lighter than the other lions
Really makes you think.

money; or the lack of it.

He's a tyrant king they only listen to him because collectively the Lion pride is top of the food chain and could easily genocide the wildebeest who are herd animals and instinctively just run away while their weakest get picked off.

Retards don't appreciate it


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That actually is a good change, since lions with darker manes are the chads in charge, so Scar having a jet black mane would mean he was the strongest one around and way above Mufasa in their ranks.

At first, they conspired to kill traditional hand drawn animation to cut costs. Now costs are spiraling out of control again, so they just conspire to suppress any semblance of soul or talent, so the stupid masses won't know any better.

>still portraying Blue Wildebeest as brainless cattle
Fuck Disney.

>He's a tyrant king

So, Scar is actually the good guy?

If Mufasa was a tyrant, Scar is ten times worse.

>just straight up slaps mufasa in the face
that's some good unintentional comedy right there
reminds me of laughing at the crunch sound in the Les Mis movie when Javert jumps

the way they just copy shot for shot is plain retarded though
literally 0 creativity involved in the making of that movie
Favreau is a hack

Yeah, strong lions are the only ones who get access to hair dye.
Dude, do you even know the story of Scar? He was supposed to be the stronger one, but got maimed as a cub. Hence the name.

Unironically it looks better than the movie.


>Dude, do you even know the story of Scar?

No? I am not a disneyfag, I watched the old Lion King a couple of times when I was a kid, and that's it.

absolute kino
fuck zoomies and their live action trash

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>Dude, do you even know the story of Scar? He was supposed to be the stronger one, but got maimed as a cub. Hence the name.
When is this shown or stated in the original?


looks like a movie of colour to me

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Looks like shit. Mufasa's death was the most kino moment in the original movie. The way the image darkens and zooms in on his scared eyes as he realizes his brother is about to murder him gives you chills. They completely left that out of the "live action" version.

Scar has a black mane, though. It just works a diferent way in the wild. Simba has a blackish mane too.

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Fucking retarded

It looks so fucking bad. Everything looks like it's made to look as "meh" and pedestrian as possible. I'm absolutely floored by this. Insanity. I actually thought The Jungle Book was pretty good as well.