
What an incredible piece of cinema incredible film. Spielberg is a kinomaker and he revolutionized Hollywood. What an incredible director.

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What a fucking piece of shit garbage film. Fuck Spielberg and fuck this garbage film.


>it's popular so it's bad

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nah, you're a fag

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Pleb cunts.

>thinking about making a comfy Jaws thread
>some user has made a meme shitpost Jaws thread
dang, foiled again

no ur a pleb cunt

Pleb cunts.


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they based

Daft cunts. Spielberg is a hack.

movie great spielberg good man

Daft cunts. Spielberg is a genius.

ur the daft cunt and also a hack

Daft cunts.

Daft cunt.

Get some taste pleb, i really hope you don't like Spielberg for real.

Get some taste pleb, i really hope you don't hate Spielberg for real.

absolutely based

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I do, that's why i made the thread.

>I saved Hollywood from bankruptcy
>I gave you Jaws
>I gave you Raiders of the Lost Ark
>I gave you Medal of Honor and then Call of Duty
>I tried to spread the love of humanity in my films, but they would not hear my message
>I fought against Netflix to preserve the history and integrity of our own wonderful art form, but the people rejected me
>They said I was only concerned with money
>They spat in my face, and replaced me with nu-Disney
>What has your new messiah given you?
>Sticking IPs where they don't belong
>The destruction of the meticulously created cinematic icons
>Soulless movie after soulless movie
>But yeah, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull sure did suck, huh?

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What a hack.

I want on this bandwagon, praise Spielberg and everything he stands for.

>>I saved Hollywood from bankruptcy
He's the reason hollywood is the garbage it is today

He peaked with The Duel.

it's kino. fuck the haters

Fuck you.

Absolutely based