Ms. Bond *ugh*, please stop asking if the bar accepts EBT cards. The drinks are for free

>Ms. Bond *ugh*, please stop asking if the bar accepts EBT cards. The drinks are for free.

Attached: CR_13916-1000x664.png (1000x664, 1.07M)

Other urls found in this thread:

dead meme

You're on the wrong side of history, bigot

>No Ms.Bond, I will not give you some of my chips as "reparations". Try to play better instead of calling the croupier a "white racist cracka" every time you lose.

Attached: Le-Chiffre-Velvet-Dinner-Jacket.jpg (1172x665, 179K)

what if history was wrong

Really makes u think

>No Ms. Bond we "ain't finna shoot dice" the game is baccarat.

Attached: Le-Chiffre.jpg (650x366, 41K)

The winner decides what's the wrong side.

>While I am impressed you can count to 21, we are still playing poker. Kindly stop yelling Blackjack.

> Hidden pistol that turns into a pack of newports.

>Ms Bond, when they said there would be a fountain, they meant a chocolate fountain. You can put your plastic jug away.

>mixing le gamer Bond meme with recent outrage

Based. Simply based. Sneed.

>unironic sjws
guess it's 2019 afterall

Attached: 1553873957607.png (378x357, 81K)

>your car 007, complete with all the usual refinements
>aight Q im finna bring dis back to ya mint condition n’allthat
>don’t worry 007 we spent about $3,000 on it, most of that on the rims and sound system.

Attached: 343C1EA7-E750-442A-9AE0-FA7F9BA733E9.jpg (634x475, 100K)

i check

Attached: rounders-849126.jpg (1536x1118, 215K)

>No Ms.Bond, they do not serve "da purple stuff". Perhaps you could try a vodka martini?...No, I don't think that they serve it here with a straw and a piece of watermelon as garnish...

>Ms. Bond, for the last time. The board game Life does not have a welfare option.

Attached: UVbTUgD[2].jpg (400x386, 25K)

> Holds pistol and silencer sideways.

um sweetie, history is written by the winners

>Ms. Bond please, the venue does not play rap music.

>again, Ms. Bond, this is a video debriefing. There is absolutely no need to shout, they simply cannot hear you!

Attached: q-james-bond.jpg (968x681, 59K)

Oh wow another thread where insecure white racists make fun of PoC. As if these "jokes" aren't art of the dehumanization of African peoples enabling the polices genocidal race war against them. How would you feel if everywhere you went you were mocked and made to feel like you didn't belong? AmeriKKKa was built by black slaves whose lives were destroyed by privileged whites who would also make harmless "jokes" about them. Instead of contributing and upholding the racist patriarchal superstructure of this toxic culture how about go out and do something productive?

Attached: racism.png (638x512, 316K)

dear incel redditor, have sex and dilate

>if the bricks at the bottom are removed, the structure comes tumbling down
is this why you don’t see many black architects?

t. uppity jigaboo

>How would you feel if everywhere you went you were mocked and made to feel like you didn't belong?
sheeeeiiiit, i always thought that was because i'm a weird autist with a dash of schizo, but apparently i'm just a nigger.

How SJW's feel about blacks is how they should feel about law enforcement and vice versa.


>No Ms. Bond, the line for the chips exchange is not a waiting queue for welfare checks. And neither will you find there to be any soup kitchens in the restaurant section.

finally a bit of fun on this fucking board

uga booga

Fuck off, lowriders aren't from nigger culture, but from super MEXICAN PRIDE CULTURE


>No Ms Bond, the cards aren't racist. You're just a sore loser.

Ms. Bond, this is an intelligence briefing, the skin colour of the suspect is vital to the mission, it's not a microaggression towards you.

Attached: Judi_Dench_as_M.jpg (690x690, 264K)


Attached: le chiffre brb.jpg (1000x664, 73K)

I like how they had to explain how the bricks in a pyramid work


>you can stop dialing the police Ms. Bond, they didn’t steal your car. Those are valets.
>Yes, if you must, you can go to the garage to inspect your car. I am positive all of the rims will be there.

>I'm sorry Ms. Bond, the bar doesn't serve 40 oz malt liquor.


>How would you feel if everywhere you went you were mocked and made to feel like you didn't belong?
It's about time you dumb fucking niggers get a load of that so you can BEGIN to understand what us little people have had to endure since history began. Sit down, pay attention. You think Martin Luther King had it bad? REALLY? Who really had it bad is the man who was unfairly targeted for finally having the guts to speak against heightist discrimination. He didn't just have blacks or whites mocking and criticizing him, he had EVERYONE of EVERY RACE and GENDER making fun of his attempts to bring a very real problem into the spotlight. This is what REAL discrimination looks like. And this is what a real hero looks like.

Attached: bagelbossmanlet.jpg (1023x679, 101K)

Ms Bond, you didn't need to conceal the food.

Impressive Mr Bond, but it appears you've neglected look diagonally.

Attached: a17.png (476x440, 320K)

>Your move Ms Bond, you can stop putting the bottles in your purse now.

Attached: A073C5C9-26D5-4825-9343-217941A510F9.jpg (1000x532, 65K)

Tell me, Ms Bond, do you recall the time you were pulled over, seemingly at random?
Or how your 3rd grade English teacher always seemed to catch you cheating?
It was me, Lacquisha, the author of all your pain.
>HOL UP! that time we got stop an' searche-
Yes, that was me too.

Attached: 1459495243029.png (790x790, 858K)


Attached: 1555144432446.png (779x900, 1015K)

Ms. Bond, we are having some complains about your wave... it doesn't just smell aweful, but you actually have insects living in it. Please come back after you have washed.

>Ms. Bond, that was a handicapable person's parking space you mistakenly used. I'm afraid during our last hand, your vehicle was towed. The valet received your towing citation, however, it was discarded shortly thereafter.

Attached: le white guy.jpg (1172x665, 89K)


have sex

>Ms Bond, we know you're still annoyed because you had to read the rules of poker, even though it was a simplified to 5 pages, but for the sake of everyone in this room, we also need you to read this.

Attached: file.png (318x280, 67K)

>Ms Bond, please stop smacking your lips and saying that "this whole shit racist." We wont accept your EBT card because your food and drinks are free, we didnt offer you the economy suite because your room was paid for by your sponsor's deposit, and we confiscated your firearm as a very standard procedure for high stakes poker. Why you even thought tucking a pistol into your waistband was a good idea is beyond me. Now please stop asking to see my manager.

>No Mr. Bond, I do not want to touch your canine to check the imminent state of it's excrement. Please, refrain yourself.

This is pretty hard. Fuck it, I tried.

Shit's about to get real, you feelin' me bitch?

>I'm sorry, Ms. Bond, i've never heard of a cocktail called 'lean'.

>Ms. Bond, while I am aware you got to your position due to affirmative action, the rules of this game don't have a "race handicap"

she wont be able to mentally handle any game more complicated then dicing.

>Ms Bond, we have you on surveillance camera calling 911 so there's no need to deny it. We simply do not offer chicken nuggets nor sizzurps.

>Bond? AAAAYY girl what's poppin? Ayy its me hun, Felicia Leiter from the motherfucking CIA!! You got dat shit for me hun? *lits blunt* O yea da files of those terrorists, yea I will give them those white ass crackas at Langley to read dat shiet, I don't understand dat file shit you feelin me hun? Now lets go get some purple slurp at a niggers crib in da hood, he got som goooood blunts too.

Attached: leslie-jones-the-view-2018-billboard-1548.jpg (636x421, 44K)

>Ms. Bond please stop saying that the staff is trying to "Trip you up" and "Charge you cray for the sips", the beverages in this place are free.

>Ms Bond, we can provide you some cocaine, but please stop doing crack.

the thread is 3 memes deep and youre behind

>Ms. Bond I do not know what Spades is but I can tell you that we don't play that here

Attached: 1548338356031.jpg (299x168, 7K)

For the last time Ms. Bond, you simply cannot smoke marijuana at the poker table.

>Nigga what do you mean I need a license to kill? I never needed that shit before

Attached: 3721.jpg (300x180, 8K)

>Ms Bond for the last time there is no dominoes table

Kill yourself spic. Next you'll be claiming fried Chicken is part of your culture

>unironic frogposter

i guess you really are a fat incel with acne scars

>be me
>chilling in a casino making mad money
>hear loud commotion from outside
>it is getting louder
>suddenly a beautiful, strong, melanin woman appears
>she is dressed in a fine leopard patterned shirt and fur boots
>her one gold tooth and drawn on eyebrows memorized me
>woman sits down then places a ridiculous bet
>she continues to yell hit me over and over until she loses everytime
>she continues to complain about our "Cracka ass game"
>slides over to me
>did not understand her logic but she continued her rant
>she continues to yell at a decibel I never thought possible of another human being
>she gets drunk and yells as the security escort her out

Is this the new copypasta?

something particular about this one i like

Attached: 1420857608623.gif (260x260, 1.55M)

Based and virtue pilled

>apolitical to genocidal in six easy steps
dumb nigger, mind your own business and stop littering the ghetto

Attached: get over it.jpg (1280x720, 86K)

Another great thing we have La Raza to thank for. Wasnt long until their Black brethren in Houston adopted this culture.

That's Miss Bond to you.

>No Ms. Bond, the vicious assassin is called Jaws not Mr. Grills.

>Im afraid the Official Scrabble Player’s Dictionary does not indicate that only "you people" can spell it, Ms. Bond

Attached: Casino Royale.png (1000x664, 1.14M)

>The N-word being that high up.
I'm gonna say it.

Attached: joaquin-phoenix-joker-1-750x500.jpg (750x500, 31K)


What’s up with blacks and Newports ?

>>Ah, Mr. Bond, it appears you have twisted it when you were supposed to bop it. What a shame...

Attached: Bop It.jpg (720x478, 66K)


Attached: Uno.webm (856x356, 2.45M)

i know. i dont understand how "n*gger" is supported by the "bootstrap theory".

these are so fucking good

Attached: 1353298038574.gif (240x232, 1.46M)

Why do I get the feeling a white woman made this image.

What's her name going to be? Can't be Bond. Maybe something more ethnic, like Wanda Malone.

Attached: How-To-Cut-Watermelon-Square-1392x1392.jpg (1392x1392, 162K)

>>Perfection? Heh, I think you are not so, Mr. Bond...

Attached: Perfection.png (2048x1359, 2.85M)

>>Apologies Mr Bond, but I believe I will be taking that Star from you...

Attached: Mario Party.jpg (950x632, 230K)


What's with the tablets?

>>What a shame Mr. Bond, it appears your hippos have lost their appetite...

Attached: Hippos.jpg (549x664, 326K)

I'll be Bonishqua.

Nu-Bond is already better than Craig with maymays like these

>Bootstrap Bond, you're a liar, and you will spend an ETERNITY in this casino!

Attached: davy.jpg (456x456, 34K)


I don't understand a lot of these. I guess you need to be American and know black people to get the joke.

yags barrow?

Attached: yags Barrow.jpg (1280x720, 97K)

There are many things you need to be an American to understand.

yeah i suppose that's probably true. most of this site is american, so whatta expect? here's the thing, yeah this nigress is supposed to be english, but we dont know enough about black brits to make a joke. either enlighten us or contribute. for the purposes of this thread, 007 is an a black american from chicago


>tfw im a conservative spic who was born to legal immigrants in this country
>tfw i have white and poc friends
>tfw what unites us is a shared belief in a better future with traditional national values
>tfw im okay with the white man on top, they are responsible anyways. history proves this.

Attached: DF9BF12B-45E2-4F52-B8ED-F771F6AB1520.gif (607x609, 821K)

I don't know any. Most black people in Britain live in London and I live in Wales.

Could you explain these two to me?

Shut up beaner.

Attached: sharply dressed pepe.jpg (249x249, 17K)

Just listen to any black comedian and you'll understand.


Kill yourself Pedro and keep worshipping the white man cuck

I believe the first one indicated black people fill entire gallon sized jugs with fountain drinks from McDonalds or gas stations.

The second one is just retarded, but he explains bitch means dogs in the spoiler so you should get his intent.

>. Most black people in Britain live in London
Lmao, is that why London is such a shithole?

I have a license to dindu

HIGHLY underrated

Blacks and other miscellaneous ethnic and religions minorities, yes

the first one is that blacks bring empty plastic milk jugs to fast food restaurants and fill them with soda after buying a small soda

this is correct. nignogs in cities fill up whatever containers they have at mcdonalds.

you're a dead meme

now this is based

Checked and greatly kek’d

You’ve clearly never tried crack. Far superior

>swastika lower than 'nigger'
a little bit anti-semitic for my tastes

Her name is in the bottom of the shitty graph

Attached: 9AEF7111-BED1-4E08-9A7B-AF3BDDD45C2B.jpg (1280x720, 88K)

Good for you, Pedro. After that you can fuck off to Mexico to fix it.


Yeah you go gurl! Show em who's boss!!

Schwartza detected

Attached: 4EC83F2B-E351-4903-8CCC-5D9DFE57BCC4.png (974x737, 631K)

in case youre here -- i love you lizzy bb

Attached: fxldCD5S.jpg (1046x1046, 198K)

Lies. No Welshman can read

Where are you really from bucko?


Shirley Phelps-Roper, is that you?

If they have black "007" (she's explicitly *not* Bond, Daniel Craig is still playing Bond in the new movie, he goes rogue and she takes over his code name) as being really classy then I think this could actually work. Some upper-class black chick, the daughter of some rebellious high-society London/Paris slut, who's got a perfect standard RP accent (if english) or parisian accent (if french) might actually be good.

But with the American market being what it is, I can't help but assume it's gonna be some Laqueesha stereotype.
>oh HELL NAW you didn I gotta license to kill nigga

>the daughter of some rebellious high-society London/Paris slut
*Hell you could have that rich French whore from Blue is the Warmest Color who got pumped and dumped by an African rapper playing her mom

Я eвpeй

Even a mildly intelligent person can see that your 'liberalism' 'progressiveness' and 'equality movement' is being exploited by Hollywood for cheap monetary gains.

The problem with that is blacks aren't a part of the classy upper class in Britain in any aspect. UK isn't the US, blacks are 3% of the British population, around 1% 20 years ago.

>Ms. Bond this isn't a McDonald's, the waiter will refill your drink for you

>Ms Bond, the orchestra is classically trained and engaged from the highest music schools in Switzerland, I'm afraid they do not know "Nigga's in da hood" by "yo boi Yazzy". Would you care for some Wagner, perhaps?

I mean... this would be Kino.

>Ms. Bond, twerking is not a dance.

Attached: 1563160404277.jpg (352x550, 22K)

kek absolutely based

Fuck off nigger loving faggot.

Attached: 1559442791076.jpg (500x694, 105K)

Still though, half your Premier League stars, actors, musicians, and princesses are black...

>Janisha Bond, your mission is to hold up this Burger King that has been fortified with sophisticated anti-niggardry technology

Attached: have_it_your_way_niggers.jpg (2203x2937, 507K)

>Ms. Bond would you please hang up your cellphone? This is a formal event.

>I'll have a Purple Drank, shaken not stirred.

Attached: a517e6306351262e01a3057240113ac2--the-color-purple-purple-love.jpg (227x320, 10K)

>That's right Ms.Bond, after years of being stepped over by the chads my vengeance is nearly complete. Soon with the power of memes, we shall make America, no, the world great again.

Attached: 220px-Raoul_Silva_(Javier_Bardem).jpg (220x220, 13K)

>Ms. Bond, while I am impressed with your jaw strength these are casino chips. If you require Hors d'oeuvres you may ask one of the staff.

>No refills
I wonder how much an area has to abuse a free refill policy before they ban it


Considering it must be in an area with a lot of homeless I can imagine.

Places like that have lots of poor people who get the cheapest items and then just lounge there taking advantage of free AC.

Attached: fdf299138b67b25a145e075da943fe49.jpg (550x564, 53K)

>using American black memes on a British black

Niggers are the same everywhere

Nice meme

checked, very nice

Attached: 1541105038582.jpg (544x499, 42K)

>Ms. Bond, if you want to keep your cover and remain unnoticed you will have to tip 15-20% at restaurants instead of the usual 0%

what if genocidal race war is the goal?



Attached: EUGH.jpg (1442x1633, 341K)

>Ms. Bond, I know about your ways around men, how you manage to use your charm to flirt with them and get what you want... however my men are disgusted about this "twerk" thing. Feel free to stop, my men are asking me to raise their salary since they didn't sing up for torture.

>Ms. Bond, could you stop putting the shrimp into your purse? They will bring out more in just a moment.

>Ms. Bond, I'm afraid we cannot sign off on your license to kill until your parole officer confirms you have completed your court-mandated community service hours

>fine Ms. Bond, have a (You)

Thanks based time traveler

>I understand your nails were very expensive Ms. Bond, however it is against the rules of this establishment for someone else to pick up your cards.

>Oh wow another thread where insecure white racists make fun of PoC. As if these "jokes" aren't art of the dehumanization of African peoples enabling the polices genocidal race war against them. How would you feel if everywhere you went you were mocked and made to feel like you didn't belong? AmeriKKKa was built by black slaves whose lives were destroyed by privileged whites who would also make harmless "jokes" about them. Instead of contributing and upholding the racist patriarchal superstructure of this toxic culture how about go out and do something productive?

Attached: 1563224061813.webm (640x360, 1.92M)

Not bad

You have to call it "African-AmericanJack" now

god Ben Wishaw is so cute I just want to cuddle and make out with him naked but not in a gay way

good one

If it's wrong why does it feel so right?

i said the same while i was fingering my ass


>Ms. Bond, interesting as it may be to hear why you believe Barack Obama was the greatest politician ever, I just need to know whether you wish to call, raise or fold
>Please put the phone away, Ms. Bond, in this context call has nothing to do with baby daddies or drug dealers

>tfw just at calls for violence
>genocide never ever
why even live?

>No, Ms. Bond. I expect you to swim!

Racism is never funny.

Um, yeah? Really can't fault you for that, but honestly, if you spent enough time in /pol/, you would get most of these jokes.

>sensible chuckle

>Ms. Bond, we know that you were granted with a license to kill, but never expected you to use it on 3 of your kids.

idk, I think /pol/ has you beat, Yea Forums.

>not posting in both threads

Attached: brotherhood.jpg (483x345, 48K)

>just start browsing pol bro

it would be pretty stupid to send a black person as an undercover agent to anywhere except africa. they aren't supposed to stand out or draw attention. try sending 007-11 to asia and see how well she blends in without causing people to be nervous immediately

Really hoping the new black Bond chick will fuck an average looking white guy who looks like he plays Dungeons and Dragons every other Thursday in the new movie.


How do you know?

>Ms. Bond, please stop using MI6's state of the art forensics lab to run paternity tests on the various men you believe fathered your baby

>fat incel with acne scars

>weight shaming
>sex shaming

You're a terrible SJW

Fuck this is so accurate. Why don't they ever tip? They're always so loud and annoying when they eat too

I'm not wrong.

This bait isn’t even fresh

>doesn't realize it's been updated in light of recent (((news)))


Go to worldstar and watch a few videos to catch up on the "culture" you're missing out on.

Attached: 1514562443854.gif (300x300, 192K)


>Ms.Bond, for the last time, the casino does not have “Kool” menthol cigarettes. Nor do they have “rillos”.

Attached: 50CFCB78-513B-439D-AF43-87139388CDCD.jpg (696x464, 97K)

>"Perhaps those acrylic nails should be removed if you're going to play, Ms. Bond."

This should get you up to speed.

Attached: coontown.png (1920x1080, 3.15M)

>I'm sorry Ms. Bond but I cannot accept your weave as collateral, regardless of your claim that it is sewn from 100% Cambodian virgin hair.


Attached: i (2).jpg (800x800, 97K)

>"..Ms. Bond, the felt on the gaming table is very difficult to clean, please don't break up marijuana on it."


Lmfao laughing at you fat amerisharts

calm down and dilate.

>niggers are just a meme

Out fucking standing

>Ms. Bond, the security are there in case someone steals chips. They're not there to, as you say, "keep the nigger in line with eyes closed blind."

>Ms. Bond, as I've explained before, the 'horse nigga' piece is referred to as a Knight
>The 'castle one' is the Rook, and ehh..the 'dildo' is the Bishop

t. inconsequential yuropoor

>Ms. Bond, I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean by "does he look like a bitch"

> Ms. Bond I'm afraid this is an ebt card not a license to kill

,>I'm sorry ms bond, but the waiter has asked me to tell you to stop trying to order "skrimp" cocktails

>Ms. Bond, we gave you a license to kill, not to steal. Put the queens diamonds back. What do you mean ‘reparations’? Your mother came here from Africa. You’re not a descendant of slaves. No, please don’t, that window has an alar— WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERE

>Ms. Bond, this isn't a personal check, it's an unpaid parking ticket of yours

>You're on the wrong side of history, niglets*


Attached: 1562709951206.png (444x482, 127K)

>Ms.Bond, I am sure your colleagues at MI6 would greatly appreciate it if you would stop referring to them as “These pasty ass mutha fuckas” as you so eloquently put it. And no Ms.Bond, your car is not at the impound.






Attached: Spade-less Nuts.jpg (1162x480, 33K)

>Ms. Bond the chef's will cook anything you request, and to perfection, are you sure you wouldn't perhaps prefer Filet Mignon to a grilled cheese?
>There's also an extensive wine list if you'd care for a glass instead of *ahem* a "forty"


>We are playing poker, Ms. Bond. It is most inappropriate to ask me if I "got any 10s"


Attached: 2381317a16d677e250efd5cc5fbc0d3d.gif (500x281, 147K)

elevator to the top floor please

Fuckin kek

The movie ends with her stealing the villains TV

>I'm sorry, Ms. Bond, I'm afraid we dont serve
pork rinds, or "Skee-uns", as you call them...

Attached: s-l400.jpg (400x400, 44K)

many nigger-americans will walk into mcdonalds/fast food places with empty milk jugs and fill it with soda then leave, ive personally seen this happen once or twice

They also go "shopping" and leave all the food wrappers on the shelf

t. wageslave

>I'm sorry Ms Bond but we can actually cash you out right inside no need to go outside to do that

Niggers aren't human

kek underrated

I would like this one but the scrabble player in me knows there is no where to put that on the board.
Now it just annoys me.

Attached: 1433423761020.jpg (574x478, 48K)

>Gif didn't vlc'd

no, but there's better options
like /gif/

>Ms.Bond, please refrain from removing the whole tray of shrimp from the casino buffet.

>Ms. Bond, I've checked with management, and I'm afraid that they don't have any chairs to accommodate, as you put it, "big ass bitches."

what up mcdonalds on south broad, philly

>I'm sorry Ms. Bond, however I am certain the bartender does not have Codeine as a mixer for your drink.

based and gaypilled


>Drinks are for free
>For free
What 3rd worlder keeps making this thread

This would be kino, don’t have to be a nigger to like codeine

>Ms.Bond, I’m quite certain the hotel staff would be most grateful if you would not pour your champagne on the floor while shouting “Dis fo my niggas!”

Can I come?

>Ms. Bond, while I appreciate your enthusiasm in attempting to maintain your "poker face," you seem to have painted on your eyebrows in a look of permanent surprise.

>Also, the makeup that you have used toward that endeavor appears to be running due to your constant sweating, which I assume is caused by you having put "5 alarm hot sauce" on everything you have eaten this evening.

triggered janny alert

>Ms. Bond I’m afraid it would be quite impossible to reimburse your room as it has already been comped

>tfw still cant believe the drinks are free
>tfw only ever had enough money to get ONE free drink before the house drained you of all the money you were willing to spend

its hard out there fore a poorfag


Nigga if you buy-in for $5m they will serve whatever you want for free. They would probably even get you underage prostitutes if you requested it.

Attached: maxresdefaultfsfsf.jpg (1280x720, 108K)

Nobody wants underage prostitutes you freak. Fuck out of here.

>Ms.Bond, you do not need to say “Bet on black baby!” every time you play. You are not playing roulette, this is a penny slot machine.

>Ms bond your artfitical nails are running the table and our decorum. Please remove them.

Attached: 1559834432263.png (400x434, 90K)

Attached: image 02.jpg (278x181, 9K)

double 0 pression

on the expanded board it would start in the middle, so they could use the N in TON

>When I told M that a trained gorilla could be a double-oh, this isn't quite what I meant.

Attached: Frustrated_Q_%28Desmond_Llewelyn%29.png (381x345, 113K)

Are you ready?

Attached: 1562624977023.png (933x1326, 357K)

>sorry Ms. Bond but I'm quite sure your licence to kill doesnt entitle you to any special discount at the planned parenthood

Attached: images (40).jpg (445x592, 28K)

based and jarritos pilled


Attached: comfy_.jpg (300x373, 40K)

>That's very amusing, Ms. Bond, but would you kindly stop twerking and dismount the baccarat table.


breathed out my nose hard

>now pay attention 007, I've always tried to teach you two things. First, never let them see your credit rating.
>and the second?
>stop pawning my watches

Attached: 1563239392963.jpg (490x306, 27K)

>Boy ANOTHER hate thread on Yea Forums-Random & Racism--I mean TELEVISION & FLIM.
>Can't wait to screech at non whites for existing!!

Attached: 1507616483355.jpg (490x290, 38K)

>The valet will bring your man slave around front, Ms. Bond

Attached: go_be_a_cuck_somewhere_else.webm (1280x720, 2.79M)

Cope and Seethingpilled

Attached: 1563128454563.jpg (736x687, 102K)

Have sex then realize your penis is too small to please women then have a sex change and dilate till you die of AIDs as a Grandma tranny

Because they animals. When was the last time you saw a monkey tip? It also explains the noises while eating.

>lets get the brigade over to Yea Forums and shame anyone who makes fun of 00negress
>lets ignore all the other threats with far more racist and hateful shit

>have nigger friend
>tell him he eats like a dog that's never going to see food again
>"ioncur" through a mouthful

>No Ms. Bond, that man was not trying to "Jack yo ride" He is a parking valet provided as a courtesy by the casino.

What if we just stop building up?

Are you proposing some kind of long lateral hate structure?

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Based nigger friend.


>Sorry Ms. Bond but there is nobody to “sit yo chitlins” while “mama werkz” even it all it takes is a “dropa henny” to put them to sleep


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this isn't fucking reddit kid kill yourself you pavement ape

Go find some chicken to choke on nigger

who cares still a beaner lmao


Yes, just don't finish the pyramid.

>I understand your confusion Ms. Bond however these men are with the Crown Prosecution Service, they are not here to take your baby.

I would like to be a bond boy

crunchatize me capn

>Predatory lending is white supremacy
Oy vey what shocking antisemitism

>Ms. Bond, please refrain yourself using that "hol up, I ain't shit no mo' " slang, this is a palace we're actually in


>I'm glad to know you named your "baby girl" Chardonnay but what you are drinking is actually Champagne

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>Ms. Bond, your cheap reverse psychology won't work on my person, please stop repeating "Mo' Money Mo' problems" each time you lose

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user, perhaps you could call the suicide prevention hotline?
you seem upset.

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Look at the Chinese news and re-evaluate that statement.

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god bless

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this one got me

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>white savior complex

You're a faggot

It's honestly upsetting how all the images in this thread would be deemed as massively inappropriate and racist in any other public forum and, Yea Forums, is just a "safehaven" for "white supremists" but black people post endless racist shit on any public forum and it's (rightfully so) just deemed as tongue in cheek.

Well they killed off Hitler and the Nazis, so obviously they were

here i go

what news?

have sex

This is the only place where whites can be themselves and post honestly.

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The government just arrested a million blacks and muslims.

>'..Ms. Bond, perhaps you could ask your extended family to keep it to a dull roar.'

they can't use the term Bond Girl anymore lmao


I can't I'm having chemotherapy

hasn't it been going on for like 8 months?

Well, it was on the news last night, more showing blacks being arrested.

I see nothing new


let's see what i get

is that what you guys really think? that whites hate you for merely existing? this has to be some sort of cope.

>hate thread
do you guys realize you sound like a parody or something?

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I'm ready

>fun shitposting devolves into whining about SJWs
every Yea Forums thread. Every time.


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Literally because they don't have to. Just like they don't have to not be loud and obnoxious, they don't have to not stink, they don't have to pull their pants up.
Niggers are just incredibly selfish people

gimme a taste

well that sucked

>M. It appears Bond has broken into your apartment.
>What in gods name is she doing? How does she even know where I live?
>I'm not sure. She has just left your apartment with your television under her arm.