>character takes a gulp of hard liquor
>doesn't evdn flinch
Character takes a gulp of hard liquor
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That's like one of my few achievements in life, I can take a gulp of hard liquor without even flinching. Get on my level, fucking loser.
All kinds of liquor? I'm pretty good myself but there are some that just taste too awful.
Yeah I don't drink those, I usually drink Vodka, sometimes whiskey. If I drink, it's not like I do it regularly. And I haven't done it for weeks. What I'm trying to say is, stop fucking looking at me
you get used to it.
Alkies drink that shit like water.
they usually drink beer though, because that's actually affordable. i imagine a hard liquor addiction to be pretty costly
if it's GOOD liquor, then no. some people like the bite though. depending on your level of drunk as well.
>tfw start drinking with buddies, get some liquor poured in my cup and stop tasting the alcohol
>end up telling a drill sergeant he's MY girlfriend
Sounds like you fucked up pretty bad dude.
Plenty of people indulge their alcoholism with liquor,and it is costly.
>calling others losers while admitting to alcoholism
Dunno about where you live but in england alcoholics with money usually drink vodka and ones without i.e. homeless people have cider
Its impossible not to flinch to tequila
>Character drinks a sip of whiskey
>his faces doesn't get red
>He doesn't start flailing his hands, sweating and screaming "OWIE OWIE OWIE OWIE!" And immediately drink a bottle of water
you're only fucked up if you get beat up... not this time
this is an 18+ website
beer is fucking shit and has loads of calories alongside low alcohol content.
It's more economical to buy a bottle of cheap vodka, brainlet.
Seriously, what's up with people not understanding any kind of irony? Are you just retarded or what?
Only one of my faces goes red when I drink.
not if you don't get drunk off the bottle anymore. it's proabably more economical to hold a certain state of drunkness with beer. at least in europe, where beer is basically gratis
>loads of calories
You realize most of the calories come from the alcohol
>I'm an alcoholic but I need to watch my figure
Very good bro, I too am working on deconstructing this retarded onions meme. Change the meaning, beat the idiots with their own weapons.
>Not being a fat ass is soi
This cope.
Judge me by my weight, do you?
I've seen a guy in a wheelchair in a grocery store once, he bought a bottle of kornbrand with change, and the second he paid it he forced it open and drank just like that. Reminded me of that dude from Forrest Gump
Reminds me of being in the army and around the 7 day mark innafield when everyone would bust out their secret bottles, the most innocuous people suddenly became liquor sponges with like 0 filter
what's that?
>female character approaches older, male co-worker attempting a heart to heart
>older male pours out two glasses of brown liquor and takes a sip from his
>female hesitates but takes the glass and downs it cringing
>male shakes his head, chuckling, his icy exterior cracking slightly
and scene.
why when i imagine this scene it got acted out by characters from Ghost in the Shell (anime)?
because you autist
Yeah whatever you say, Stacy.
>tfw love getting drunk but can't stand the taste of ethanol or its reaction with my stomach without feeling like I need to immediately vomit
I make it work but it sucks that I can't down a shot with my friends without almost always needing a chaser, or that I can't enjoy some whisky or gin neat from a glass.
>nerdy virgin character
>has sex
nigga u dum
order einstok to your local (nice) liquor store
ur a daft cunt and also a pleb
Beer is disgusting, I'd rather gag on spirits. At least I can mix those
>character has a gulp of beer
>doesn't immediately gag afterwards
>Beer is disgusting
there are too many beers to make such a statement. some beer is gag inducing, some is an acquired taste, some is downright delicious and easy to drink. tbqh every time i hear this it's followed by a takeaway order for a plain cheese pizza.
You fucking fanny. Lager is the best drink on the planet. Only San Miguel stands out as shit.
Alcohol itself is high in calories, but even Michelob Ultra, which is marketed for low calories, has 90 calories in a bottle, whereas a shot of Smirnoff vodka has about 64 calories.
WTF I thought that was Smirnoff he was drinking?
I can do this with most whiskeys, cognacs, gins and even some good tequila and rum, but I can't even smell vodka, aquavit or moonshine without flinching.
Who /absinthe/ here?
>beer is disgusting
Any dude who doesn't like beer is gay or delusional, imagine trying to justify being a fairy who cries when beer touches his feminine jizz stained tongue.
You're almost as bad as the retards screeching about how light beer is water and their blueberry infused IPA from Seattle is the better beer
based, you aren't drinking absinthe if you don't wake up hysterically crying at 4 am on a bench downtown
What is it like?
ok mr. I want to spend all night pissing in the bathroom
this is a real thing you PUSSY
I only had absinthe once and it's just like every other liquor. Except that it tasted better imo. We didn't give a fuck about the ritual shit though, we just drank it 50/50 with water. Good times.
You tell 'em bro, kids these days don't know how to drink.
fucking hardcore, that's how you drink your fucking liquor you little PUSSIES
I love that they set it up like some artistic trick, nice.
>doesn't like to hold it in, then go and piss powerful thick streams to embarrass all of the beerlets in the bathroom
yeah i'm guessing you piss sitting down
Light beer is trash though. Only americans drink that garbage.
breathe in, take shot, breathe out. that's all
As someone who has lived in Austria and grew up in New Orleans i can assure you that it's fine. Is it the best beer out there? fuck no, but yurofags and beta bitches act like it's the worst thing to drink. It's not, while i'm cutting the grass, or sitting at the beach, do I want to drink some heavy ass fucking beer that i get sick by the time i'm finished with 4? No i want a fucking beer that I can pound 10 of and still not be drunk.
Most light beer is great for hot summers and just chilling with buddies. I can attest that there are several German/Austrian beers that are shit, and like over half of british beers are absolute dog piss, but get shilled for whatever reason. It's always the people crying about bud light that drink the most faggoty weird beer.
Beer costs more for the amount of alcohol in it.
t. Alki that did the math to maximize my dollars
>he doesn't hold it in his mouth till its burns then breaths in to pull the vapors into his lungs
you dont know what you are talking about
This guy gets it.
Imagine becoming drunk/tipsy while still beeing able to think relatively straight and witgout complete loss of motor skills while also feeling some sort of euphoric lightness
>he doesn't realize why everybody goes *aaaah after taking the first sip
You're probably so good at drinking liquor BECAUSE you have few other achievements in life
It really is this simple. If you're still too pussy for this then after you breathe out you down the chaser before breathing back in to keep the fumes out of your mouth.
aaaah is breathing out, breathing in pulls the burn into you like a real man
>acquire vodka
>mix with seltzer
>chase with water
>acquire seltzer
>mix with water
>chase with vodka
A man never shows weakness in the company of other men. Your father failed you.
>acquire vodka
>mix with vodka
>chase with vodka
28 days now
drinking or sober?
>being proud that your motor skills arent functioning properly
humans are supposed to flinch when drinking poison you retard
Absinthe only acquired a reputation because before government regulations it was poisonous and also outlawed in the US. I've had some whilst on a vay-cay (holiday) in Spain and it was truly terrible. Like liquorice flavored medicine.
I used to be able to do that when I was doing minimum 10 shots of whiskey a night.
>you retard
you don't talk to me like that u daft cunt, watch yo mouth
I dunno about him but I can do that with whiskey and gin. Not tequila or vodka though.
sober, so far so good
I miss cracking beers though
kys retard
Former bartender here. Don't be proud of such a retarded achievement. Faggots like you tend to be terrible tippers.
literally me except I'm also a fucking loser
Just gotta do it consciously
>Protag is happy
>he sees through my bullshit parlor trick and realizes I'm not actually a hardened badass
Thinking about making my own potato vodka, anyone here done it? How easy is it?
make sure to not have too much methanol in it
Not hard.
It tastes like this and hits you like a motherfucker.
You'll be drunk with a few sips.
>i imagine a hard liquor addiction to be pretty costly
a fifth of 100 proof vodka costs me like $8
i could do it with most kinds of hard liqs and this is my first year being legally allowed to drink
but i can't stand beer it tastes like piss
>a fifth of 100
ok no idea what that could be but for 8€ I get a 0.7liter bottle of decent vodka. You can get the same size for 5€ but the quality is muuuuch worse.
>Faggots like you tend to be terrible tippers
I usually tip a lot.
That boy is insanely cute.
a fifth is .7 liters
how very convenient
>man card revoked
>bitch card reinstated
>tfw 34 and can't drink even one beer without getting sick to my stomach
I used to be able to put em away, pint, pint, pint, pint and keep on trucking. I'm not in the best health I guess.
who /laddie8/ here?
50% vol and goes down smooth as silk
it's like a positive feedback loop, it becomes easier and easier as you get drunker and eventually you don't even flinch doing several shots in a row
squeeze lemon into it
It's fucking vile. I only recommend it if you're a masochist.
>teetotal character suffers emotional trauma and regressess into raging, disorderly alcoholism
>goes from cold, dismissive dialogue to wise-cracking smartass replete with zingers
It's delicious and makes you feel like you're floating on a cloud. Even if it didn't get me drunk I'd still drink it for the taste
>blueberry infused IPA
They got that?
Fifth of vodka is $8. A case of beer is around $20
Unless you’re a high schooler or college freshman that’s not exactly a bragging right
t. fellow alcoholic
I drink without flinching too and I never tip. I think your job is retarded and a drink dispenser can do it better. You're an unnecessary waste of space and I can't wait until robots replace you.