What made you lose faith in Trump?
What made you lose faith in Trump?
Not locking her up, it was the only thing I wanted. What a FAGGOT
>having faith in anything
Stick to frog posting
I never had faith to begin with. But he has been infinitely better than Hillary would have been so I regret nothing.
>Yea Forums - Television & Film
Being a Jew puppet whos in bed with people like Kushner and Pompeo
>voting for any of those two morons
>having faith in any of them
I only had faith in his shitposting, which is still going strong.
I didn't nigger.
His unashamed pandering to Israel.
Also he didn't lock her up, which is very dissapointing.
This, he's still the best in the game at shitposting.
Also not being a socialist weasel like his opponents.
nothing, still with him. nice try though
I will vote for him because he is immeasurably a better choice than all the politically correct cronies that want to give free health care to immigrants, push for the gay agenda, etc.
Imagine ever having faith in Trump. Imagine being so easily taken by a conman. Go eat some Trump steaks you losers.
I'll tell you who I've lost faith in. Jannies and mods. Clean this fucking shit up!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not for long cuck
>What made you lose faith in Trump?
Hearing him talk for the first time.
bump stock ban
>Still ''triggering da libs''
Grow up.
explain what is wrong with selling steak mr seething libtard r*ddit man
Imagine being so obsessed with owning the libs that you support a literal kike
>t. Trump university graduate
seems pretty useless to keep up with politics when the entire news industry is whipping up fake bullshit every day. america seems to be doing nicely
He thought he could host a debate, promising that if the candidates didn't impress him he would run himself!
Did he really think any candidate would show up for that? What a moron.
Him doing literally nothing?
not an answer
I won
I actually like trump.
>Trump does literally nothing on immigration
>leftists still find a way to bitch because... there is a border at all?
Why is it always the worst of both worlds? Why can't he at least be based if he's going to be called Hitler?
Nothing. I lost fait in the Democrats when Obummer shilled for Trayboon and BLM. And realized it metastasized in the DNC with the election of To. Perez and Ellison
Get Married
Have sex
Have kids
Get a Career
Buy a House
*breathes in*
People still post shitty Sam Hyde memes in 2019? Wasn't he exposed for being a scammer and a pedo?
have sex
I too am an Israeli
It's the Meme Police guys WEEE WOOO WEEE WOOO
Why do the trannies S@yboys and trumptards fight on our board so fucking much?
What made anyone have faith in Trump? He all but announced that he was planning to establish a dictatorship of oligarchs. If anything his presidency so far wasn't quite as bad as I expected it to be.
Sam is Yea Forums incarnate.
when he didnt trash DACA day 1
>why do sojbois fight sojbois
when he attacked Syria over white helmets bullshit
Sam is cringe incarnate.
I fell for it all Yea Forumsros, I went to the rallies and got beaten up by the left wingers, I lost all my friends because I supported Trump, I lost my job because my employer saw my pro Trump Facebook posts, and in return I got nothing. I feel more scammed than a Trump University graduate.
what movie is this
And Yea Forums is cringe kino
Same bro. I'm voting democrat next election no matter who is running
>bombed Syria
>Hillary is still free
>surrounded himself with warhawks
>no wall
>Julian Assange is locked up
>shills for Israel
>hurr hurr female president bad