/bb/ Big Brother 21

HoH: The Jack Show
Veto: Bimbo
Noms: Cliff,Jessica
Nightmare Power: Ovi, forces HOH to make new noms at night, lasts 6 weeks
Chaos Power: Jack, he can stand and redo the veto picks. lasts until final 6
Panic Power: Christie, secretly turns someone's Veto to Diamond POV, lasts 4 weeks
Camp Comeback:evictees stay in the house until battleback

Previously on /bb/:

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Other urls found in this thread:


first for your bb21 winner

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first for mistie


kat telling nicole she might not use it

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and now nicole (and the returning HG) is indebted to kat and not the 6. big time fuck up


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>there is more text in the op than usual
who the fuck cares, autismo

how is his head so HUGE?

the dyke is fucking retarded


walking the line between mental illness and mistie gheesling

Something just odd about Holly. I think I actually get pretty good vibes from her but I can't really tell.

twitter is so retarded they think kat names the renom if christie used the diamond

more like derrick by ruining everything entertaining that could possibly happen


she does. whoever is the veto holder that week names the renom

top kek

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that's how it was explained in the episode tbf

user, you're joking right? They are correct. I assume you missed the episode and are talking out of your ass.
I'm curious, what do YOU think would happen? The trees in the backyard get to name the renom?

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its true

damn, tommy was royally fucked with this liability and the fact he's gay and a manlet

lesbo's television talks to her too

so Nick/Bella noms next week? please please please make it happen

misted lol

inb4 misted lol

being gay counteracts being a manlet though, gay men aren't as shallow as women

the alliance wanted kemi gone in week 1
she chose ovi
the alliance want nicole gone in this week
she want cliff out

oh? i thought the original diamond veto, the holder who uses it replaces the noms. not the golden veto holder

my apologies

getting rid of ovi wasn't entertaining, getting rid of kemi would have been. the alliance wanted to blindside nick and bella and half the house today and the dyke faggot just ruined it leaving us with no entertainment

>she chose ovi
no she didn't. the alliance was stopped by grod and sam is the one that wanted ovi gone.

Can we agree as a society to exclude lesbians from everything except explicity sexual activities such as porn? They ruin women's soccer, poker, politics and have really never been good on reality TV. OK I mean Vanessa was fine sorta.

>Can we
stop being a faggot

you know kemi got evicted last week right?
>liking ovi

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their brain wiring is all fucked up


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Christi didn't win a DPOV, she won the ability to upgrade the Golden POV to a DPOV. Right now, Kat holds the Golden POV.

no honestly I prefer dykes to straight women they're a lot funnier

ok so if she converts it on someone elses watch they actually wield the power. its only if she is already holding the veto. got it

kind of weak desu.

she knew she was going up the moment mimosa won hoh.
she would've been blindsided by the backdoor

you're literally retarded

production told kemi to campaign because shes getting backdoored
she even said it

>i tried to hint to jess not to use it

I'm not sure what you're talking about user.

>getting rid of kemi would have been
What would have been existing about getting rid of Kemi week 1? Instead, they got rid of her Week 2 and she gave her speech about Nick/Bella, directly leading to their blowup/"fight" afterwords, which would NOT have happened if she was evicted week 1.

Also, maybe I missed something today, but how was any blindside ruined? Are you saying that Nick and Bella now know that the Six plan to vote out Cliff instead of Nicole? It doesn't seem to me like any blindside was ruined today. Can anybody elaborate? Because I think you're making things up.

thanks for capitalizing NOT I wouldn't have understood what you meant without capitalizing it. I am NOT reading your cringe post

Yea, exactly, it's good because it isn't extremely overpowered. She can obviously use it when she wins the veto, or when an ally wins the veto which could be interesting if they decide to screw her over and nominate her or something (not that that would happen, but it COULD)

what? i didnt know it was a conversion power app. i didnt watch the ep yesterday.

right, thats what i was thinking.

Because you know I proved you/that other guy wrong, ya fagit.

Also lmao literally right now Nick is talking to Sis recounting that he told Kat to take down Jess so that they could vote out Nicole (or if she has a power to vote out Cliff), so literally no blindside was ruined

user making shit up again

you still said it was weak. she could backdoor bella with it right now if she wanted.

tom looks so silly in that chair.
just like a child


ratting mistie out to bella

get back to work bbo

Nicole is SAVED

she has to plan it with kat in advance and its too early for that

She would have to convince Kat to do that

what is this normie shit

she has been safe for a while

yeah she could do that right now in 2 seconds without trying

misted lol

lol, nick is now going to look like he was actually planing to put up lesbo

Lmao you got me there for once but I'm still correct
I do wonder if will ever come back to explain himself, I'll just go ahead and assume not. Welp, back to work :)

not going to lie. all this commotion makes me slightly worried for quarky

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its too early to waste it now

I didn't read your post because you typed like a nog on twitter

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oh so it's too strong to waste now?

Do you think you get points for making whiny faggot posts like this?

we are such drama queens teehee

he explained why you were wrong about the blindside being ruined, retard

look autismo when i said weak i meant its weaker than it first appeared not that it has no power at all. stop replying to me

this is pure suffering....
she's not going home any time soon....
fucking whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

the NOT was at the end of the first paragraph, so you definitely read a good chunk of it

nick wanting to slap the absolute shit out of christi

then why did you double down on saying it's not strong?


don't we all?

random capitalized words stand out. I don't know why you want so badly for me to have read it

i didnt and i told you to stop replying to me


I'm not sure what you're talking about user.

>getting rid of kemi would have been
What would have been existing about getting rid of Kemi week 1? Instead, they got rid of her Week 2 and she gave her speech about Nick/Bella, directly leading to their blowup/"fight" afterwords, which would not have happened if she was evicted week 1.

Also, maybe I missed something today, but how was any blindside ruined? Are you saying that Nick and Bella now know that the Six plan to vote out Cliff instead of Nicole? It doesn't seem to me like any blindside was ruined today. Can anybody elaborate? Because I think you're making things up.

I fixed it so it's idiot-legible now.

i would understand if she was a tranny. but she's only bi.
is it because she's from nj?


>i lose touch with reading energy when im PMS'ing

I don't care what you told me to do

face it gals, christie is the only reason this season is entertaining right now

christi paranoid about kemi literally asking her what is going on

last year tyler got in trouble because he said good morning to a negroid

>he doesn’t know

crazy how much kemi is affecting her gameplay

be nice to bbo reeeeeeeeeeeeee

eh, she is just trying to spin it into something else cause her stupid plan backfired

the most incredible part is most of these people cant see through her total bs. you gotta question anyone who thinks they have mystic powers



thanks cliff for ending the gametalk early for the veto ceremony

hopefully nick leaves pissed at christi for questioning him and does something crazy

so you see one word capitalized and you refuse to read two short paragraphs because of it?
what is wrong with your brain?

christie just made this whole blindeside that just more

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Cliff doesn't decide when the veto ceremony is you spergs

if someone doesn't know how to make their point properly then they're not very smart and I don't care


I don’t even know how to respond to this.

just stop with this bullshit.
she had no plan. for all these weeks in the house, she never once had a fucking plan.

you're literally autistic. i got excited and emphasized a word with capitalization. I fixed it for you here, same exact content but made it so it won't trigger your faggotry: Yes getting excited and spelling a word with capitals on an indonesian melatonin discussion forum is a sign of a lack of intelligence. Grow the fuck up, sissyboy.

nick is the most cowardly person in the house. he won't do shit. he only talks big.


will kat use the veto?
will christie be backdoored?
will christie use her power on kat's veto?
find out on the next episode of big brother!

what blindside? autismo literally knows she is going up.

Remember when that faggot got btfo after he said Kemi leaving week 1 would have been entertaining, and then got proven wrong, and then decided to play the 'hurr durr grammar police' card?

Imagine being that absolutely pathetic

didn't you say you were going to back to work or are you continuing your autistic argument about someone daring to not like your post?

cliff is autistic?

the 2 blacks being the first 2 out would have been infinitely more entertaining than ovi just going out with a whimper


yes we should
Yeah honestly I must admit I appreciate how Christie's dyke abilities make her exactly like that last crazy Hindu girl from last year and take her to the win and again Vanessa is one of the scariest players of all time.

I don't care if someone 'likes' my posts or not, I care about continuing a logic based argument, but clearly logic isn't everyones priority here, as some of us seem to want to act like children. I'll try and ignore them from now on after proving them horribly wrong, leaving them empty with a response and having to come up with some bullshit retort to save face like 'hurr durr capital letturs'

god i just want camp comeback to end so the game can finally start

most hated HG's by season starting with 15

bb15: judd
bb16: christine
bb17: da'vonne
bb18: nicole
OTT: jason roy
bb19: paul
bb20: JC

bb21: christie


angela was the most hated in season 20
who hated jc?

I dislike every one of Paul's minions more than I dislike Paul

nobody hates christie
its only one guy

the person who made the post?

i honestly hated alex the most
she drew the fucking veto for paul

looking back it's either her or Matt I fucking hated Matt

can you faggots just make a fucking reality loser general so we can have this thread to only talk about BB21?

yes you are

sorry aggro, they are doing the veto meeting. do you want to talk about the cats on cam 4?

You don't need to talk 24/7 this isn't a substitution for social interactions for you losers. if nothing is going on you don't need to post

>I'm in charge here

>being so autistic you dont understand the most basic form of sarcasm

>who hated jc?
hate for angela mostly stopped when she got more screentime. only the racists hated her.
everyone hated jc for raping tyler

bb15 elissa
bb16 frankie
bb17 jeff
bb18 ratcole
OTT neely
bb19 christmas
bb20 scottie
bb21 nick

According to who?

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>racists hated her
ah ok, you're autistic

i like elissa

are you retarded?
only racists blacks on twitter hated her later in the game. nobody else

we had a brilliant non-Reilly sister break in bb14 so of course they had to bring a Reilly back

Except elissa is dumber, not as dramatic, and way more of a passive aggressive bitch than Rachel is

Please try to go one hour without talking about twitter or reddit, I believe in you all.

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thanks c man


i was talking about bella/nick being blindsided when everyone votes cliff out instead of nicole

how much do you want to bet that the whole thing that squareman doesn't want to talk about was some hoe trying to get him convicted for rape and abuse and lied about it and that shitstain is publishing that on twitter to make even more people hate him?

only 3 minutes

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>linking to shitty dick

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and got less power given to her by grodner

can you post the cap or something instead?

there are two photos, i can't be bothered to stich them together



*wins bb21*

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it's a long pic of him talking about how he has AIDs cancer and failed as a father and will die alone

wow that's heartbreaking :(

*goes to prison for beating up a woman*

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bb15: helen
bb16: derrick
bb17: steve
bb18: paul
OTT: danielle
bb19: paul
bb20: scottie

bb21: ovi


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>not charged

it was probably like a barfight or something
he mentioned on feeds that he once got into a fight with a tennessee WR who now plays in the NFL

it was domestic.
he may have had a fight with his room mate or something

yeah but if he was arrested and not charged, it's almost certainly leaning towards a "fought a frat brother at a party and someone called police" than "chris brown'd his girlfriend's face into a bloody pulp"

why aren't they calling him glen instead of michie?

there is 0 percent chance he actually did anything bad.
it was either something comletely minor or he was getting framed.
cbs does make background checks and shit. he would've never been cast otherwise


you’re just mad because nobody actually wants to talk to YOU. I capitalized it so you’ll have a reason to not read it and carry on as you are.

i would like to be you for one day, so i could kill myself

I pretended to hate her because I liked Rachel, but she was pretty boring. that’s not a good enough reason to hate someone though.



he definitely did it on purpose

How bad do you think Ovi really smells?


looks like nicole is up everyones hugging her extra hard

like fresh shit

Big Jess be rolling for another week

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theyre voting out cliff dummy

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this isnt gonna be a 10-0 vote, is it?

it will

christie, sis, jack, jackson, tommy, and holly for nicole
jess, kat, bella, and sam for cliff

lol kemi is more mad than nicole is

why would they keep nick, bella, sam out of the loop on the vote?

anyone has a spare wrench and access to christie?

how do we stop italian americans from dominating this game?

because the 6 of them have an alliance within the alliance?
first time here?

Just saw Devin at the store. I asked him if he was still playing baseball, he said no, but he wants his daughter to get into softball. Asked for a photo but he declined as he was in a hurry. I told him he was one of my favs and he was kinda taken aback by it and then left. I think I fucked up

The person you replied to is probably the dumdum who thinks Kemi leaving week 1 would be more fun because of muh racism.

should have followed him home

yes but this entire fucking week has been about convincing nick, bella, sam they're working together
why expose that on the vote?
that way if bella or sam wins HOH next week you can continue to blow smoke up your ass instead of having drawn an unnecessary line too early

jess and kat will vote out cliff

you vote for the person you want to evict

shitty 6 for cliff
jess and kat for cliff

they might tell sam and it will be unanimous again

They want to use nicole against the part of the house who votes her out. Let me know if thats incorrect?

oops forgot bella, she is the only one going to vote to evict nicole


kat and jess are misted rn and against nicole
especially kat who will do whatever nick wants
sam has been working with bella and nick too long to be involved (in the 6's opinion)

but the shooters are voting out nicole and leaving nick/sam/bella out of the loop I thought?

quirky's titties sitting right

it's monday, have you not watched at all? they're going to find out

the six successfully misted nick this week that the "nasty nine" are a thing, and with a chance to backdoor any of them he put up nicole

i just don't see the game reason to throw that trust away when all you have to do is bring nick/bella/sam in on whoever you're voting out

No, other way around.

You guys do realize nicole is fucked right?

christie's diagnosis is she's a woman

i'd be lying if i said i wasnt worried

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christie confessing shes crazy to nick

Christi now saying when it gets down to 9 she takes him (Nick), Bella, Sam more seriously than the rest.

you mean cliff right? the 6 control this game and want him gone cause he clocked christie/tommy

christie just told bella and nick she has the power

Christi just told Nick/Bella about her power, why is she being so fucking retarded

oh for fucks sake

never hated anyone on bb more.
even that bitch sam
pinnacle of retardation

she's mentally ill

Lol gg

christie said she gets to choose the renom

holly and analyse are going to be pissed that she told everyone about the power but them

oh no no

shes wrong, she read it on the ep saying that whoever the veto holder is gets to choose


did she tell more people than tommy?

How more minutes until bella tells everyone? Im thinking 30 minutes

production needs to blast her then


>bella now knows christie has the power
expect her to spread that info everywhere

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just checked too, she says "THEY" not "YOU"

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tommy, jack, nick, bella... i guess she didnt tell jackson. he will be even more pissed

She didnt even tell Jack/Tommy she was telling Bella/Nick. And she told Bella/Nick she told Jack/Nick about it first. Good job exposing your trio thot.

an actual retard foaming from their mouth would make better moves than the dyke and she still fucking always lands on her feet....

It's like a race between Christie and Bella for the biggest mouth. But sharing this info is pretty huge.

it has been manifested

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And she told Bella/Nick she told Jack/Tommy***

she never told them she told mimosa

there are only 3 people actually trying to play this year and 1 of them hasn't been in the game all season

jackson is fucked
he will be out very soon


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she really needs to get dinged. because it doesnt keep her safe if she converts someone elses veto.

the house could mist her into using it and backdoor her. production has to make her clarify it or thats kind of fucked cause she is literally cheating

Christie is such a production pet. Her win is gonna be more rigged than jordan and rachel

Just goes to show being as great as Paul is at the game is not as easy it looks.

I miss him so fucking much

>didnt tell them jack knows
the secret weapon

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I’m waiting for the convo where Jackson tells jack they have to target the dyke

Miss me yet?

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Blows my mind christie didnt tell anyone she knows tommy irl

16 christies

enough of this idiot. time to watch kat eat pizza

Paul would be running this house so hard. Have them at eating out of his hand and treating him like a god.

this season is literally bb19 without paul

christie will get them all to vote out nicole now

sorry nicole bros, its over. she cant go against nick and bella now after telling them this

Vote if you want, it's the same people as last time.


Is nicole a virgin?

if they won't make her take back that shit about her power i will actually stop watching.
i already cancelled my sub a week ago.
also, if anyone of them actually shares info about how this retard is going against everyone behind their back she would be finished but this will of course not happen

everybody loves bimbo now, she is the ian of the season

your first season was bb19

yes, his YATUS is too long

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post results from last week pls

by the way shes getting fucked in this season
shes not

no, was it yours?

This is only like what, 10% worse than the way they booted summer of steve by lying about the power last year, who cares. IMO if they're going to do this stupid shit with the powers every year they should at least tell the whole house how it works, but they don't want that, they want this

here's your (you), no one gives a shit whether you cancelled your sub or not

she's safe tho

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no tyler didn't break the rules.
you can lie about others powers.
you can't about your own

just started working on adding the pic and this website sucks so it takes a while to get it right, it'll be a few minutes

>jack is a genius
jesus fucking christ...

well i guess he found a loophole

holy shit I watched dead set because of /bb/

kek just found this in my folder

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wtf, why are they protecting the chink now? kill yourself cbsjew

what is bella babbling about?

it was mine lol

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Okay the way Bella was just whispering makes me officially hate the fuck out of her. Annoying sounding fucking cunt.

lol this site has put making the bars opaque behind a paywall. Sucks because this is one of the only sites I've found that allows you to do a rankings vote without requiring emails

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>okay im gonna tell a story that i dont the world to know
>feeds cutsaway

>they cast a rape victim and a guy who was arrested for domestic abuse

who is a rape victim?

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Bella crying because she's jealous of Nick's infatuation with Sis


>the most two faced and catty bitch has the most trust issues
who would have thought

bella jealousy is gonna make nick get evicted really quickly

naw, christie just gave nick and bella a get out of jail free card. she is going to get them to put holly and analyse out first

not sure if she's just a retard or if she's a complete retard. she could be retarded and actually telling them this or she could be a complete retard and is telling them this while still intending on targeting them next and thinking this would somehow convince them that getting them out wasn't her idea

this just makes me start to hate women

>it's a rerun feeds

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why is she so perfect?

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who should i make a transparent png of next?
>frankie grande
>someone else

I'd like her more if she didn't let that dunderhead Jackson cum in her 3 times.

Paul. As long as it is Pro-Paul.

i think this. christie as solidified her position between all the showmances. why would she now want to keep nicole and have bella nick spew about powers. she'll christie the six shooters into voting nicole out.

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this was hours ago, we already talked about this

okay good talk Bella :^)

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you are so fucking misted right now. seek dry land, because you're drowning in it.

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>noone would thing i was jealous

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time to get mistie'd

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this is the biggest problem with the season right now. nobody is truly gone yet so nobody is feeling any pressure.

For some reason Kat fucking Jackson doesnt bother me nearly as much as Anal fucking Jack. For a few reasons I think.
Kat is older, and I feel like for her sex isn’t as big of a deal - not saying shes some giant slut but for real a 30 year old single woman likely could experience a new partner every couple of months, without it being looked at negatively.
Also Kat just seems more “in control”, more alpha, regarding her actions. It feels like Kat and Jackson fucked each other, where Jack fucked Anal, him being a clear daddy position with her being the young daughter position. She was clearly much more submissive about it. And the way she talks about it afterwords it is clear she was hoping for a connection that isnt there, while Kat had way different expectations

yeah the way anal talked about it felt like high school

Nobody's ever really gone.

bb20 rachel's birthday. 30 years old

if there was no comeback then nick would have defiantly taken a shot at the jacks


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>30 years old
>no kids
>not married


nick or would have been backdoored last week if there was no camp comeback

how upset is tommy when he finds out christie told bella/nick. is christie even going to tell tommy?

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>is christie even going to tell
the answer is always yes

the universe won't allow anyone to get mad at Christie

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welcome to the 21st century, dumb goyim

tommy's gonna freak

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i feel like this cast wears a lot less college apparel than past casts

i know ovi wore some tennessee stuff early on and sam is wearing sis' hat but thats it i think

no car or driver's license anymore either

just for that, im doing frankie

kek. thats pretty fitting

What did she say?

read the thread

ive seen a maryland sweatshirt make its way around the house

cliff has a A&M shirt too I think

I have but can't find it

if nicole leaves we are rioting

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bb19 was your first season

>bimbo: i need some vitamin d and some actual D

poor girl

the only newfag that season was me and I’m never the person you’re guessing

mistie is playing on another fucking level

new thread