Here is your new Bond

Here is your new Bond.
Oh, btw, if you don't want this you are a total "bigot".

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No, Daniel Craig is still Bond

I don't give a shit about Bond at all.

Keep whining on the internet, you pathetic loser. Surely, you will find meaning for your worthless fat life!
Praise Kek!

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I think you mean, this is the new Bond girl. 100 that he'll shag her before the credits.

>Here is your new Bond
She isn't Bond tho

My great-grandfather was an RAF pilot during WWII. This is what he died for.


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>she is bond
repeating it 1 million time won't make it true, incel
she is not bond but a completely different character
daniel craig is still playing james bond in this movie
keep on getting outraged over nothing, though


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Craig still Bond, but the codenames have been changed.

Bond is still Bond but he’s been replaced as 007.”

Imagine being a brainwashed anti-white leftist.

She is not James Bond, she is the new code 007, thats how they are pleasing the Tumblr or Buzzfeed kind of public that wanted Idris Elba or a woman as the new Bond with out actually dropping the anglosaxon male James Bond


Yep, that's going in my cringe compilation

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>“There is a pivotal scene at the start of the film where M says, “Come in 007”, and in walks Lashana who is black, beautiful and a woman,”
I actually burst out laughing when I saw her pic

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I'm pretty sure that's the same person

Well it's too bad he didn't die before your father was born

So that's going to happen to James Bond after this movie?

did you think they were literally naming a female character james?

Is she gonna get honeydicked two times every movie

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>Leaking that plot twists as advertising
Stupid marketers should have waited until the movie was close to being released, people are getting sick already of these race bending casting controversies and will avoid any movie tied to them

Is it compulsory to call every black woman beautiful? Because this one is far from it.

She's not the new Bond. That's still James. She's the new Double-Oh-Seven. That's a huuuuge difference that most niggas keep missing due to a lack of reading comprehension.

but wait, there's more
>The insider also revealed that “Bond, of course, is sexually attracted to the new female 007 and tries his usual seduction tricks, but is baffled when they don’t work on a brilliant, young black woman who basically rolls her eyes at him and has no interest in jumping into his bed.'”

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>Lashana Lynch
I mean, it's just that, you know... it's funny.

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So moneypenny?

It's so bad that I don't believe it's real

no because nobody ever thought that retard

Ok, then, who's going to play James Bond in this movie?


Idris Elba

Wait I thought OP's pic is Idris Elba

Why is it always a nigger?

I would prefer an Asian, Latino, etc. to a stupid ass ape.

>opens thread
>everyone is mad as fuck

Damn yall looking great for the cringe collab

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They're still doing that?

Executive A
>The James Bond movies aren't diverse enough! We need ideas!
Executive B
>But he goes already all around the world and works with people of all races.
*executive B is ejected out the window and ripped apart by the islamic hordes*
Executive C wipes the foreskin off his chin and says
>Bond needs to be black! What are the goyim going to do? Find an actual decent movie to watch?
*everyone at the table laughs*
Executive D, in a rare moment of lucidity while scarfing down infant pineal glands says
>You know, why stop at just 1 black bond? Surely we can have 2 of them.
Executive E
>YES! And make one of them a woman!
*collective hand rubbing intensifies*

I'm alright with missing this movie. I'm just not interested in a Bond movie not focused on Bond. Sorry, but that's it. That's what this series is, it dies with him.

Will it be enough to kill the series if they have a big enough flop? I don't think there's any interest for a Bond that doesn't feature Bond and it's going to take the executives at least two movies to realize they're killing the series if it's bad enough.

But I am a bigot. Racist too.

I approve Wesley Snipes as the new Bond.


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You do realize she's gonna have a total of 5 mins of screentime, right?

Get off Yea Forums for more than five seconds and you'll see plenty of people did, fucknugget.

I am a minority and don't want this. At least get a pretty girl. This bitch looks like a 13 year old boy.

calling her the replacement is insulting to the franchise

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The name's Manne. Gucci Manne.

No shit Sherlock. All Bond girls get shagged by the end of the film.

Who was black desperately down to fuck too lel