>people overrate it's social commentary
>it's actually very surface level
People overrate it's social commentary
>overrate its social commentary
Its shallow but its the only thing that exists for "a future with stupid people" so it gets referenced a lot
Try making a nigger version of planet of the apes and see where that gets you
It's shallow, but we're currently shallower and more callus. We're garbage people and we will likely end up in violent conflict to resolve it since government and democracy has been short circuited.
You're just mad they accurately predict and make fun of your faggot president, fatty.
Ruined professionally for making such a retarded movie? Poltards have no talent
Uh, you talk like a fag, and your shit's all retarded.
>Try making a nigger version of planet of the apes and see where that gets you
We could make it a novel and call it "Fear of a Black Planet"!
>it's actually very surface level
Yeah, it's basically, "trump voters shouldn't be allowed to reproduce"
yeah using rednecks as the example of bad demographic shifts over generations is the how you get it past the censors.
Just like all Mike Judge movies.
Also, it's media-driven stupidity (including if not primarily of the left-wing sort) that lead to Trump's election. When you have so saturated the rhetorical landscape with propaganda that the only way to respond is with your own crazy rhetoric, you get a Donald Trump. Limp-wristed faggots like yourself will never understand, unfortunately.
>Try making a nigger version of planet of the apes and see where that gets you
You mean like a planet wide Wakanda? Like corusant? Sounds pretty sweet.
>its the only thing that exists for "a future with stupid people"
>including if not primarily of the left-wing sort
It's Fox News that paved the landscape for Trump. This is even controversial.
Jesus, just TRY to examine your narrative critically. Be fucking honest for once about what really got Trump elected. It wasn't just Fox you fucking coward.
Typical overemotional right wing drone
Fox News was against Trump at the start. And they're all culpable for obliterating the quality of political discourse.
I dont know why people say "this got us Trump". Admittedly I don't follow politics closely, but the US economy seems to be doing well. US overall seems to be doing well. The worst things I usually hear is that he's racist, but to be honest when listening to him, it doesn't seem racist, it seems like he insults a person for something that they say, and that person happens to be a minority, they just call Trump racist because they assume Trump insulted them BECAUSE they are a minority, and not because Trump thought what they said was just stupid.
>a nigger version of planet of the apes
I'm not right wing, that doesn't matter though because you're just a brainwashed drone stuck on attack mode 24/7.
just make everyone in the movie 150 cm flat-nosed brown goblins and it is exactly what the US will be like in 2040
I thought they already made Black Panther
> The worst things I usually hear is that he's racist
Yeah he's not racist. What triggered the media and left so much (as well as much of the Republican establishment) is the very idea that "someone like him" could have gotten elected at all. They see President Comanche shooting his gun off in the Capitol building and that only a retard could have possibly voted for him.
Of course the other, probably bigger issue is the abject refusal of the left or establishment right to do anything at all about immigration despite constant demands from the voters.
As in film
There are hundreds of other sources obviously
this. it wasn't supposed to be a documentary about conservatives lmao
GOP = the stupid party
so what the fuck are you then? there’s only two options
Who's more likely to reduce me to the color of my skin. The far left or the far right? Tricky, isn't it?
would you rather be a submissive pet or an equal enemy?
Oh, it's a bit more tricky than that, I'm white as snow.
Still have trouble taking it all serious ofc.
>he doesnt understand what "meta" means
I'm actually not allowed in my college cafeteria anymore because of this movie. Everywhere I go I see normies talking about this piece of shit and going "haha who thought it would become reality xD" and one day when I was getting a burger this chad fuck behind me starting talking to his friends about the film and he started saying it. He literally was in the process of saying "Have you dudes seen idiocracy? I didn't think it was actually a documentary" and I just lost it mentally and I ran over to him and got in his face and just started screaming IT WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE A DOCUMENTARY IT WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE A DOCUMENTARY" over and over again until campus police came and removed me from the premises
The biggest problem with modern society is not stupidity, it is the trivialization of everything
You're right user. It wasnt supposed to be a documentary. What do you think it was supposed to be? Some kind of political allegory representing cynical, negligent, and trivial society? Perhaps being an example of some kind of meta reality where those things are actually happening?
Was his name Albert Einstein? Because this sounds so made up.
lol my name is brad and that was me, my friends just laughed as this autist got hauled off. Idiocracy is so fucking based and is completely a documentary.
Deal with it nerd.
>people overrate it is social commentary