I for one welcome our new 007

I for one welcome our new 007

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me on the left

white fragility is hilarious

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you literally post this in every thread about this nog



Nice ass at least

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You should be directing this at OP who keeps spamming it then

>look at all those entitled faggots
the decadent bourgeois need to be eradicated

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>tfw no black gf

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minority cope narratives are tedious

Implying this isnt some shitty ploy to get a massive controversy for the new Craig-Bond. Just Jews exploiting race and gender relations for cash as usual.

imagine pounding that lads

I agree shame about the face however.

what do her braps smell like?

She looks like a valley-girl in blackface.

this is just disgusting that dress isn't helping


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lol that lthumb ooked like pink dildo but actually was a nigger

Can you imagine Daniel Craig "acting" like he's attracted to her?

Her body looks like a lot of fun, but that Wesley Snipes head kills it. Maybe some long white people hair would fix it.

black people like that?

Hollywood is hell-bent on forcing what no one want on everyone. One by one, I quit shit I once loved. Comic books, Star Trek, Star Wars, numerous woke tv shows that were once good.

I have to live in the past for good entertainment.

lmao what a retarded and gay post

They should go further

They should have a scene with her beating Daniel Craig in hand-to-hand combat and then steps on his dick with a smug look while going "Pathetic..."

>retards on Yea Forums fake the whole thing for outrage
>now Yea Forums getting mad at the fake shit they created
this board is literal baby monkey

>I'm gonna be a retard just like them
fuck both you, and the other retards

I’m not afraid to call out /pol/ whenever I see them.

and then in a suprising turn "she" takes out her own BBC and rapes him. Ending the patriarchy one and for all!

>there are several threads about the biggest and the most controversial movie news of the day

you're obsessed, both you and the retards from /pol/ need to fuck off
you're not better than them, stupid faggot
fuck off already, you're "muh epic war against mah enemy" does not belong in this board, or any other

Great bodies horrible faces

That'll show 'em. So brave of you.

They are what doggie style was created for

Is there some way to tell a posters race now ?

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High testosterone.

and /pol/ seems very afraid of being called out based on the responses. You're doing god's work user.

Will she take her reparations in the form of face sitting?

I don't think she wants you sitting on her.

You're dumb, the people posting these spicy headlines probably work for whatever marketing firm is working the movie. Create negative buzz, create counter-racism narrative, therefore people wanna go see the movie to spite evil FaScIsTs, and bam. Welcome to our data driven world.

everyone hates blacks. even black people hate blacks.

You're not denying that seething /pol/cucks are the ones spamming this crap. Stop being so easily triggered.

The last James Bond i watched was with Pierce Brosnan.

Never liked the blond guy, he lacks charsima.

>haven't seen him as Bond
>he lacks charisma

read both you, and you're epic enemy need to FUCK OFF
obsessed freak

>he posts in a thread created by said obsessed freaks

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i've seen interviews, i don't like the guy

You realize that actors are completely different when they're, you know, acting?

>he finds shitpost threads and instead of reporting them, he makes a shitpost reply, shitting up the board even more
are you legit retarded? you think you're doing something good for acting retarded like your "epic enemy"?
You're just finding excuses to fuel your obsession with /pol/cels even more
have sex, incel freak

>accuses me of doing the exact thing he's now doing
What did you mean by this?

>n...no u!
what do YOU freak mean by this? I just pointed how retarded both you are your /pol/cel bullies look.
maybe you need to have sex instead of being obsessed with your war on them, freak

>n...no u!
But you're literally doing it. You're contributing to off shitpost threads you deride with every post. What is your game plan?

I would give Anything being American and having Black girlfriend. Anyfucking thing. In fact you are stupid for not going for them.

I'm just saging and waiting for the report to be real, so shitposts and threads like this, made by incels like you get deleted.

I didn't make the thread but announcing a report is against the rules. You should be careful user. Lurk more before posting, rookie mistake.

>I...i didn't make the thread!
>l...lurk moreee
I know, and I don't care. I'm making it clear for you, underage incel

You obviously don't know any of them, or you wouldn't think this.

>White fragility

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Maybe it's for the better. But i still want one to chimp out on my dick. I want her to be agressive and fuck my ass.

All fucking niggers should fucking hang

>so mad he's talking like a baby
wew lad, keep replying like that, you'll certainly prove to everyone you're not upset.

Dump truck just arrived

is she a she? or a he turned she? i am genuinely curious

Couldn't they have at least picked someone with more acting skill than Dennis Rodman, if Bond has to be black?

Whoa, though guy on site full of anonymous people

Why is it that everyone wearing a MAGA hat is under 16 years of age?

Wtf, why is this happening bros? How many black women do we need to cast in movies before this reverses?

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Ohhh how brave!! A true social justice (((warrior))).

She reminds me of the gorilla from Aggretsuko.

This is great, accelerationism can not be stopped, things will continue to worsen and things are speeding up. They are digging their own grave as we speak.

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Thumbnail looks like a giant pink penis


She is British

yeah but thats about it

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Thumbnail looks like a pink penis.

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Da names bond craka