Inside The Secret World of Incels - BBC Documentary 2019
BBC just released a documentary on incels

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unironically based catfish guy

I've noticed society has had enough of incels/alt-right/whatever. The daily acts of violence, the constant whining they do, even shit as mundane as reviewbombing movies. It's all building up towards a massive anger and animosity against this underclass of society.

Everywhere at my work, all the successful people and women especially are talking about how much they hate incels and want something to be done about them. They're tired of living in fear of their latest mass shooting and are tired of having to see their ramblings on social media.

So, what's going to happen to Incels when normal society finally becomes fed up with them?

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fuck off with this flavor of the month buzzword shilling

Is this the incelkino I've waiting for?

>That guy asking women for sex in the Joker voice
Comedy gold

I have literally never seen the term incel used on the internet until that guy did the shooting, the media exploded it and now I see it daily. I bet you could write a blog, use some made up terms, do a shooting and there would be "secret world of x" documentaries within a year.

Catfish guy did have a point. These losers are trampled on their entire public school life and beyond. No one should be surprised when they finally break down and lash out. In the past the nerd could make it through high school and get a good job and eventually start a relationship, but now chad is given the best job because of his looks and business degree. There is no solution.

prostitution must be made legal before its too late.

>normies take on incels and confusing them with robots


>things outside the mainstream don't exist
You're just exposing your own ignorance here. Inceldom has been a thing for a long time.

Bullshit. Nobody outside of the Internet knows what an incel is.

why the fuck are normies so obsessed with incels?
i thought it was a meme fad but they're still going on about them. i think they're actually making it worse by bringing so much attention to them

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>Everywhere at my work, all the successful people and women especially are talking about how much they hate incels and want something to be done about them.

Where do you work where incels are a topic of discussion?

Incels are the #1 threat to society today and normal people recognize this.

incel concetration camps when?

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>all the successful people and women
tells you right there they are all worthless women worshiping dipshit

Because it's a group primarily comprised of physically repulsive straight white men, a target they feel absolutely no remorse about attacking.

>The daily acts of violence

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>angloids literally have to pay for station called BBC

JUST whiteoids btfo

Incel is a forced meme like "MRA's" and the "Alt Right". In six months time everyone will have forgotten about Incels when the media move onto the next fashionable target of outrage.

It starts with people going on their forums to laugh at them. Eventually they get triggered by some offensive shitpost a virgin posted and try getting at them back. Just look at inceltears on plebbid. It's supposed be as the title says, people laughing at incels but it's just shock porn they keep bringing themselves into. Might be addicting to them idk

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based user dog whistling incels as jews

99.9% of incels won't hurt a fly
You're more likely to be killed by furniture than an incel
So why do they insist on stirring the hornet's nest?

This is like some parallel horror mockumentary on nerds.

sounds like they should grow some thicker skin and man up

>inceltears on plebbid
imagine unironically visiting a forum called inceltears

He's what I imagine every Mexican Yea Forumsro looks like

They do, with a gun.

>In the past the nerd could make it through high school and get a good job and eventually start a relationship, but now chad is given the best job because of his looks and business degree.

Citation fucking needed.

Guys iv started researching castration options. please help me. I just need the pain to end

Disney marketing department

> Digital Culture Expert\

I get all my information from REEEsetEra/Reddit.
Oh, and I only take my information from Trannies/SJWs/Feminists/Lesbians-Gays/Minorities (Blacks, Muslims/Arabs).
Everyone else is "bias".

because liberals are upset with the current state of the world, but refuse to acknowledge who is truly at fault, so since someone has to be blamed, might as well blame the virgins right?

i know you don't, but most people who use the internet also go outside once in a while

Only to get into their cars user

that's admitting to the world they will always be a pussy

do it

source: me
I'm a chad with a business degree, I make 200k and fuck your mother every night

>What is social media

The most commonly used tool for people who don't use the internet, which also just happens to be the MOST popular tool of the internet.

>that fucking stupid boomer
God, I fucking hate Americans

Tell that to the dead.

What do you all think of the definition BBC made up for this documentary? In my opinion it's shit. "incel" is just a contraction of "involuntarily celibate" which is self defining and needs no qualifiers after it.

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>this shit again

The point is not the sex itself but your ability to make a girl like you enough to sleep with you.

A pussy with a gun is still a pussy.

>So why do they insist on stirring the hornet's nest?

because they know incels dont have any power and they can use them as scapegoats to push the propaganda of regulating 'toxic masculinity'. leftist and feminists cant survive without suppressing dissent.

I can't believe eggman made it on the BBC

The vast majority of people don't read Jezebel or Huffington Post, they use Facebook to pretend to be interesting to their friends or look at pictures of their friends new baby or whatever. There's a very good reason why mainstream media is in its death throes and is lashing out at new media.

Should I got down the tranny route and fake my doctor into transitioning me?
Without a girlfriend or kids to pay for I have a lot of money to put into this.

it ironically proves /r9k/ right
>especially a man
>which implies women cannot be incels
>because even undesirable women can get laid at the drop of a pin

A dead whore is still a dead whore.

I don't think they give a shit after the whole, you know, murder-suicide thing.

Why do you think Arabs are violent, they're desexed. Now loser white Americans don't have access to sex. It's how you develop pedophiles, it's how you develop violent suicidal human garbage that needs to be incinerated at the first possibility.

I think your sexual desires still exist even with no balls so it's a bad idea, sweaty

All incels are men so fuck that "especially"
Although I'm glad they rip that definition from femcels and emocels

I work with literal boomers and Gen Xers so the majority of conversations are just what yard work they have to do, how sore they are or what their kids did on the weekend. I love it because it gives my brain a break from Yea Forums bullshit. Don't know how neets can shitpost all day without wrecking their mind.

Yeah, incels are definitely the problem and not refugees and muslims.

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>digital culture expert
So she browses Yea Forums?

When the incel stuff came out I was genuinely shocked at the reaction from people and the media. These are people who feel shunned by society and now they're openly mocked/scapegoated which only makes the problem worse. I genuinely thought there would be a lot more compassion, but I guess I was being naive.

I'm not even an incel but I think the way they are portrayed is disgusting


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I've been thinking about recruiting an army of incels to commit acts of violence with the assurance that they will be rewarded with pusy in this life and the next just kidding FBI

gotta blame someone for all the worlds problems right?

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Agreed. This kind of shit flies over the heads of normies. The only people who care about these non issues are cunts who spend too much time on Twitter.

being this projecting that incel

72 Roasties and becoming an Eternal NEET

What's that saying? "Judge a man by his enemies"?
The big bad for leftists is low-status isolated males who like to whine on the Internet. That's about all they can handle.

Now there's a deal worth flying a plane into something for :D

Is self medicated chemical castration an option?

Good luck.

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What the hell are emcels?


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crazee kattie women

whats the difference ?

I love how theres love for her and shitty jokes for the other

Most thot women insecure psycho bitches

Most Chads really hate thot sluts
lets discuss

what happened about meeting in a bar chatting an taking things slow ?

Things like this just bring out the bully in people. It is not taboo to mock incels, so it's free game. It is taboo to mock Muslims, so people will bully you if they think you are transgressing that. See the crazy people that think it is acceptable to go on witch hunts for people's livelihoods if they simply say the wrong thing. Also the paedo hunters who would publicly execute literal autists who they entrap if it wasn't for laws that they walk in line with.

People are animals and it is only taboos and laws that keep them in check, never of their own accord because they're barely sentient

how do these internet crackers adopt black lingo and not have any self-awareness for how stupid they sound?

It's no Shy Boys/Love Shy.

I saw the white girl in the thumbnail and I immediately read as Inside The Secret World of BBC.

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Laws were created by the strong, and are upheld by the weak.

>The daily acts of violence
[citation needed]


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>The point is not the sex itself but your ability to make a girl like you enough to sleep with you.
That's just fucking wrong though retard. Why does pussy always feel like it belongs on a pedestal? Sexual release is literally a biological need for men. Winning over your "personality" means nothing to men, from chad to incel. It is literally all about the pussy.

Based an this guy gets it

Honk Honk ..we in clown world

Hourly reminder this is a tranny thread

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can we stop this meme already

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>People are animals and it is only taboos and laws that keep them in check, never of their own accord because they're barely sentient
Based and Hobbes-pilled.

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created by the jews tiny few , an upheld by the SJW twats unless its immigration ones lol

Why not just masturbate then? Or is masturbating not sexual release?

this, the actual virgins are a minority, most of these dudes have had relations, but modern women are such trash they can't be bothered to try anymore.

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>Winning over your "personality" means nothing to men, from chad to incel. It is literally all about the pussy.
Not really. There is also a need to feel accepted in the human group. Being unable to attract a mate makes you feel like you're unwanted by the pack.

Poojeet run that through a translator

we human animals need that social interaction but since the inter weebs .
thats all gone
why go the bar chat
stay home hate on the weebs

Masturbation isn't sex, it's just release.

wew it's all just sensationalist fearmongering that doesn't even try to understand what it's reporting about.

Not on the same level, no. Not even modern fleshlights are a good simulacrum.

>3 years from wizard ascension
who here can outclout me?

dont understand poo ?

How would you know if you are an incel?

Emotionally celibate
They can get sex but can't find a bf
Basically those trying to jump off the cock carousel too late


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>There is also a need to feel accepted in the human group.
There really isn't. Throughout all recorded history, men have never been "friends" with women. You were friends with men, and you fucked women. In fact throughout history were mostly meant to be "seen not heard".

If you're feeling "unwanted by the pack", you need to make some male friends, and focus on women later.

are you saying i can't trust user reviews?

im not gonna watch bbc shit but i wonder if normies are aware that some non incels still hate women and support fellow robots. I am married and i can pass for normie but i would not side with them in the uprising

Damn fellow 4channers, do you hate right wing incels now? please vote for democrats, empower females now

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That distinction has already been made a had sex once incel is technically named MGTOW.

They get off to rubbing it young men's faces that they ruined the American dream

The term was actually coined by a female sociologist in the 1980s that didn't immediately catch on. Surprisingly, she didn't invent the word as a pejorative to bash the people it described, but rather to better understand them.

Cant stop laughin, lmao

Fucking lol at this woman being an expert

>Some men are known to not have sex for up to *piercing violin screech* two months!!!! Online forums say that 21 year old virgins exist but that's impossible!

>tfw crippling depression stopped me from being an incel as I sat socially isolated for the last decade because all the hate I have is for myself
At least I'm /fit/ and a registered organ donor so most of me can be of some use

ehhhh I guess. MGTOW usually implies financial success though, and even broke ass losers are opting to remain single.

You get more and better hormones from fucking than just masturbating.

Nice selective chart, faggot.

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I am almost 41 year old virgin, not even really sure why just never felt like driving all the goddamn way to Pahrump Nevada. I have lived a fucked up life of utter poverty like a nigger my entire life and no girl wants to date a guy without 10 bucks in his bank. Every time I tried college my job never materialized and I just paid off my debts and then tried again. I dunno its just never happening for me.

I just enjoy masturbating with extravagant sex toys so oh well I am too creepy anyway.

Probably never having sex just accepted it.

Why is it always some roastie doing these things? Is it like a mystery of the universe to them? Surely most normal guys have an acquaintance who is a bit odd and is probably an incel they could just talk to them about it.

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I think you mean unsurprisingly. Given enough time absolutely everything in this world becomes bastardized.

Reminder that whenever you watch a documentary, read a news article, hear an "expert opinion", it's about as accurate as this woman's understanding of incels. Nobody knows what the fuck they're talking about.

>a registered organ donor
You better hope you don't get in an accident. Hospitals will harvest your organs even if you can be revived.

virgiins here need to go have sex , an stop being this precious saviour no one cares

an the rest need to go get cancer at your Upvotes ok

Wait why are the fems chasing ugos they themselves rated?

Bird brain nonsense

>Dr Kaitlyn Regehr
>Digital culture expert
Is that even a thing? Does that mean she has a blog on Tumblr?

cope incel. Day of rope is coming for you subhumans.

sad bread for tards

>Is it like a mystery of the universe to them?
For all but the most socially-maladjusted women anyone living for any significant period without sex is mindblowing.

Easiest way to get retweets and blacks find whites who speak like them endearing, and vice versa.

>documentary on Islam
>starts with footage of 9/11
>half the runtime is interviews with some edgy Al Qaeda recruit
>other half is a spergy moderate imam trying to #NotAllMuslims
>either way, whole focus of documentary is on terrorism

Why is this allowed?

mental bitches are the best fucks

Another Roastie got Toastie, soon the beta uprising will start.

Anyone who understands this should dismiss this entire "documentary".

Im sure it was but like you said its not something mainstream. Now after the media explosion youd think its rampart with the incel corporation having branches in every city.

Seen that one a billion times before. What of it? It's a online dating thing. The chemistry, charm, etc. you get from a real life encounter is absent. Looks is the main thing on a dating site, so no shit a picture someone will like and rate well is going to subconsciously correlate with how the personality is rated, faggot. Handsome guy acting like a weird sperg in a club is a totally different ball game. Did you even go to bars and clubs if you ever went to uni or are at one now or just seethe in a room all day and night long?

Can a virgin be volcel?

Incels aren't gonna be a problem as the VR market explodes and the virgin nerds who have already lost to this society make bank knowing exactly what's gonna sell

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It's only very unattractive trannies and Yea Forums trolls who are obsessed with incels, just twitter search incel and watch how it mostly comes from very miserable losers that almost always have some sort of cartoon avatar and an obsession with tweeting all day to literally nobody.

I've only seen well-adjusted people use incel to describe people like the bagetcel not your average Yea Forums virgin.

Go to something like Springer or Elsevier and look up papers on the "De-unionized, service based economy." What few jobs left for men after automation and immigration are "soft skilled" white collar occupations.

>"I studied internet misogyny for 5 years"
what a dumb bitch

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You eventually put it back together again.

>Female "scientist"

They offered me money to be in this kino but I still declined. I see they opted to use old footage of me instead.

Morbidly obese women who need someone to help them with daily living can get a decent guy who will literally take care them, but if a man is a bit overweight and has a wonky eye he has to desperately search for a woman to even go on a pity date with him, much less stick with him. The women either don't realize this or willfully ignore it, because they've been told all their lives that women are the ones who suffer due to their looks and as such have to spend all this time tending to their own appearance in order to be accepted (even though most still don't), but in reality men are the ones who face greater difficulties.

Tumblr is dead, she probably has a tiktok account

bro... calm down

Say it with me:
Yea ForumsINCELS

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Hi Eliot, how did you fake your death?

So how many of you ITT were interviewed or consulted for this documentary? Do you find it's an accurate representation of yourselves?

I know I should be hating the Elliot guy, but once they started the Evangelion song I lost it.

laugh all you want but a generation of bitter sexually frustrated men with nothing to lose should scare the shit out of everyone

Me, they erased my footage because i made that semi attractive professor roll around the floor naked begging for treats to allow myself be interviewed...

Why haven't you sued them?

What do I call myself if I'm an Involuntary celibate but I dont blame or hate woman. Its clearly all my own fault.

-Incels are from reddit
-Incels are insane lefties
-Incels are male feminists
-Get the fuck out

How exactly?
They are just all gonna do anything
That would require a spine

Why did u tag me in this, I'm looking forward to Incelgeddon

I was not consulted for my expert opinion on this subject so I cannot in good faith recommend this documentary.

For a better idea of the real incel experience just stay on Yea Forums for the rest of the day shitposting and you're most of the way there.

I mean, I went on the news many times so it's not like they used personal footage of mine. I don't mind being in documentaries, I'm just too lazy to leave my house most of the time.

Maybe if they were niggers or spics but whites are limp wristed cucks lmao

This doesn't look took like Minassian. wtf`?

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Not this doc, but I did get interviewed by a Vox journo. He didn't use anything I said because it didn't fit his article's narrative. Just a reminder that these exposés are BS, they cherrypick from dozens of candidates and cut the footage to tell the story they want.

a liar.

It is probably partly your fault but things are a lot more grey than black and white when it comes to the subject.

Both men and women are to blame for the current situation. Men give up and whine about things like women and put no effort in to themselves while women have become hypergamous to a level where even an 'average' guy can't get any pussy these days without roiding up or having a 6 fig salary

Is this one of those incel mass murderers?

yes, absolutely since that's what i am


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>be in club getting another drink at bar. Girl tries to make conversation but I give very curt answers and don't so much as look at her cause I'm only focused on getting a drink and where by group is at
>at outside smoking area at different club and someone get talking to a Scottish girl who saddles up next to me on the bench so we're talking at eye level and closer. Attachment/intimacy issues kick in and I bail to under the excuse I'm getting another drink, and then get shit from my friend later for bailing on pretty Scottish girl
>another time with guys group of three girls. One or two engaging me in conversation. Answer politely but don't flirt or ask back or saddle closely or anything cause only focused on having good time with bros
>waiting at bus stop to meet friends in club and had to rush pres in my room so pretty sober. Three girls arrive and one of them goes into to make conversation with me hard. Really digging, trying to obviously get me to reciprocate back but don't other than being polite and she even says for me to just tell her to shut the fuck up if I'm annoying her when she's not getting much from me. Later clocks me in a club and enthusiastically says hello to me. Remembered her name when I didn't remember hers.
>on same night I get to club before friends and am sitting down on phone when girl from my course I basically never spoke to clocks me, knows my name when I don't know hers, and is again really trying to engage with me, holding and hugging my arm, telling me keep looking at her, make me spill about personal stuff as to why I've been absent from some stuff recently. Still sober and would not have felt right about it and also bailed when she accidentally spilled some drink on me, cause she was plastered. Bro from African later said some girl was checking me out when we were talking when waiting for a drink but didn't notice
Probably missed opportunities guys, and this is only when approached cause I never approach being an autistic faggot.

People said the same thing about leftists but once they got a taste of violence they realized how sweet it is

I've never heard the world incel used irl, even among my college twitter using co-workers. No one cares about incels other than hysteric feminists and their lapdogs.


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>that mask guy
Is he the trickster?

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Just like every other piece of propaganda being released nowadays, this is just another attack on straight white males. They are trying to rile up people who aren't even necessarily incels making them think that they are some sort of lone wolf terrorists who are going to shoot up a school like elliot roger. The jews are doing quite the job I must admit.

normalfags dont watch anime to degenerate weeb

What could possibly be interesting about Incels. "Today Jim called a woman a "roastie". He might possibly refer to her as a "thot" tomorrow."

I use the term incel with my friends all the time. But I'm one of those cringelords who used Yea Forums terms offline.

I hope an incel literally shoots you in his rampage, what the fuck are you even trying to write?


nothing, theyre not gonna do shit

Why do incels and their dumb ass critics think sex will solve every problem people have?

i think it already was supposed to happen

nice blog retard, everyone here has thousands of missed opportunities but we don't feel the need to tell everyone about it.
kys you cunt, you're not special.

Ran out of words. Basically wonder if bitter incels have experienced this shit and maybe, if so, they do have it in them but don't get anything because they're even spergier and more autistic.

BS I am nice guy. You have more chance of getting hit by a meteorite than getting raped by me.

Not all of us are bitter or angry. We don't all vote right wing. I don't even hate women.

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>even lefty threats are copypasted rhetorics from /pol/
Man you trannies are bad at this too.

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>two months!!!!
What, does she expect people to just hit and quit every night? i don't want STDs.

No shit, so I'm wondering if this applies to the faggots that peruse both Yea Forums and a place like r/braincels, which they fucking do cause I went there once and top post concerned Robert which is a meme someone who comes here only gets. If so, their autism is a big part of it, not them not having it in them.

im not watching this. im a 32 year old virgin so i guess im an incel but these things are always propaganda taking the worst turboautists they can find and sticking a mic in their face. im just a loser and i'm bitter than i'm a loser. whatever.

That is what our sexually liberated society degenerates to. Every facet of human achievement is determined by how much pusy you get, according to normalfags who are easily swayed by such ideas. Inceldom leads to truth, and truth to righteousness.

How opportune and coincidental that this video uploads the same day a beta orbiter decapitates a girl he knew online.

I wonder when the documentary will address that the buzzwords used by incels to attack women are also uses by women to attack other women?

Anyone have that thing showing how supposedly misogynistic Twitter bullying was just as likely (or was it even more likely) to be women bullying other women?

Post the webm

No, but its a personal attack to invalidate what they say before its even said, a diversion from possible seeds of dissidence.
This shit been cooking since 2012 and has been changing names ever since.

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No they don't. Incels don't get opportunities because they don't have friends to go to the club with.

>What could possibly be interesting about Incels
It's normalfags trying to nail down an effective defense against people who make them mad on the internet.

What are they gonna do? Frogpost me to death?


>cope incel. Day of rope is coming for you subhumans

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There is a webm? I just saw the pics.,..

when will 'incels' get protected status as a minority group who cant be criticized and who's acts of violence are explained away as a reaction to disadvantage ?

>constant violence
Lol what?

>normies feel the heat

Sorry, I haven't got it. I missed the whole shitshow because of my normalfag tendencies. I'm kicking myself.

kek it was posted here already probably gets spammed on Yea Forums at the moment

muslims can claim refugee status
where do incels claim pussygee status

Its not enough since theres still /got/ threads.
We need to make this site banned from the googlesphere.

>hating those you should be showing compassion towards

Refuckee status> Repusy status?

>spending your youth on a board filled with people you hate

Who hurt you in life to make you this angry? Did girls reject you often?

Do you think all women are sub-human scum who exist just to get fucked by the biggest, dumbest, most abusive men they can find? Do you think that all women deserve to die because you've never had sex with them? Do you spend 90% of your day thinking about large men fucking random women? Do you fantasise about hurting people just because they do activities you don't?

If you said no to those questions then you aren't an incel, you're just a virgin.

>digital culture expert

Chads have always been successful businessmen (the best business men are charismatic)
Nerds have always gotten science/technology jobs where they excel. Incels, however, in general aren't very smart or good looking.

boo-hoo it must suck having any woman ever show interest in you. I haven't been hit on since early high school before puberty completely destroyed my cartridge and made my ears and nose look like a goblin. a girl literally has not shown interest in me for the past 12 years.

You've just discovered something everyone else has known for fucking years? Are you a newfag as well as a redditor?

I have work colleagues Iv been out to bars and clubs with. No girls ever spoken directly to me while out. I have chatted with them while in conversation with other colleagues. But no girls has ever started a conversation with me. I must stink of incel to them

Not having sex is creepy.
Rape or murder is not creepy- normalfaggies can understand that.

i'm just a gay guy bullied for being a chubby bottom, i don't hurt people because i still hold faith in people and know others share my pain.

imagine being a male, the product of 4.7 billion years of evolution, and not being able to lose your virginity by the time you leave high school

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>monday night shitposting
>wasting time
how do you even know me user

To any virgins in this thread, I want to ask you this simple question: on a scale of 1-10, what would you say your looks rate and on that same scale, what would you be willing to settle for in terms of how a woman looks?

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Can you be my chubby bottom?

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I'm not watching all of that, link to catfishman? is this the same guy from that old greentext?

>who hurt you

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My mom says Im a 6. Id happily marry another 6.

That sucks buddy, but you know what Elliot and that dude yesterday did to feel better right?

Post pics. And no, it's pretty ego boosting actually.

>is this the same guy from that old greentext?
I really doubt it, the fag calling himself that is much less capable with his vocabulary.

I wouldn't mind that
I don't really care what people look like, more about how they act.

Women can feel threatened by anything, even undesirable men not having sex.

3/10 i'd settle for a 6/10 but honestly even that feels like wasting time on a lower tier roastie. absolutely wouldnt go below 5/10 i mean whats the point of having an ugly "woman" as a gf

Ok, so what a 6 woman look like to you? Is weight a factor?

These faggots needed to be exterminated but you're daydreaming if you don't think Chads, normies, etc. don't laugh at incels or outright hate them whenever they happened to be exposed to their shit. Thinking anyone not on an incel's side is a soi faggot is cope.
just be yourself

>In the past the nerd could make it through high school and get a good job and eventually start a relationship, but now chad is given the best job because of his looks and business degree.
What fucking 80s telenovella fantasy world do you live in?
If you are a 'nerd' and have half a brain, you know how to code and you get a more than decent job these days, some of them beyond chad-bussiness degree paylevel easily.
There is literally no excuse for these fags in that aspect; it is just darwinism at work and you should consider offing yourself for trying to defense these literal omega humans.

>the product of 4.7 billion years of evolution

The slime mould growing in my drain is the product of 4.7 billion years of evolution, stop saying that like it's impressive.


can you freaks not go kill anti fa leaders ?

They cant be fatter then me. i dont mind a it of meat on the bones, not a fan of skelators.

Would "settle for" a 1/10 if she liked me

It was surreal when sam hyde and pepe images showed up.
I thought it was fair, honestly I felt bad for all of them, even catfish guy.
The final message was nice to and seeing the father who's daughter got killed say that this isn't the right way and that people like the shooter need help was surprising.
I was kinda expecting a whole crusade against them vibe BUT they seem to actually understand that isn't how you stop people getting radicalised on the internet.

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You're the one living in the 80s. "just learn to code" and compete with literally every pooskin and kneehigh sock wearing faggot with access to the internet, which is all of them.

What is stopping you, then?

>tfw voluntarily celibate
Feels great.

wasnt a terrible documentary but it was overly dramatic

Incels frighten me, any minute they might snap and act on their murderous impulses, just because they haven't had sex. This kind of behaviour isn't normal, they should be subjected to electro shock at least, and ideally would have to wear markers to be identified in public.

I will have to print out and carry my lookism membership card with me in future, such that on the inevitable day of incel uprising they don't mistake me for a normie

gotta start somewhere.

Where do you live qt?

The fact that no women like me, genius. That's what incel means.

The funny part is when undercover blue ckeckmarks make threats, nobody here feels nothing, but whenever one of our incels say 'clickity clack', they shit their tranny diapers because they know its for real.

Being for real is the biggest isue in their lives it seems, think about it:
If you are a woman, you are not a real person, if you are a tranny you are not a real woman, if you had sex with the same sex, you never really lost your virginity, you are buried under a huge pille of 'not really's nobody gonna take you seriously regardless of how smug and validated these false beliefs are in your circle of friends.

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How do you know if you don't try? Online dating is incredibly popular.

What does sex with a woman feel like? Asking for a friend.

I love incel kino

>on the day of the incel uprising desperate normies will try to mess up their haircut and walk funny or pull out some nered glasses so they can pass as below average
lmao i cant wait

i'm 5/10, 6/10 at best. i just dont want a fat girl, im not fat.

social retardation, autims, a piece of shit personality, mental illness, narcissism, insecurities, a micro penis - pick one.

the incel menace must be dealt with at once

Plenty of thin girls in the 6 and 5 range. Granted, women do tend to rate themselves higher than they really are.

It doesn't make it right.
Almost everyone eats a shit sandwich but they keep their shit together.
"Chad" may be good looking, but he worked his ass off to get a degree and networked to probably get that job.
Yes he probably has an easier time getting women and is better socially because he has more confidence but you can never change the way you look.
You can either accept your going to have to walk a harder path but still try and attain happiness or you can blame everything on someone else and kill a bunch of innocent people without ever feeling happy and dying alone in prison.
Catfish guy isn't a giod example, he clearly has some psychological issues he needs to workout before he hurts himself or others.

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Don't racemix, kids.

Near New York

I can't wait. I conceal carry so that one day when some faggot incel tries to shoot up my work I'll be right behind him taking out the fucking pigs.

>I love it because it gives my brain a break from Yea Forums bullshit
how the hell could listening to people's inane lives give you a break from Yea Forums?


Imagine a porntab that stays physically present and talking long after you finished making cumcums

Same. I grew up in the 70s and 80s and, whilst we had lads who were useless with women, the first time I ever heard the term 'incel' was when that Rodgers guy went mental.

by their own right wing ass logic, I don't have to worry about these incels because I own a gun.

yea well the thing is the girls around my level can easily find a guy more attractive than i am thanks to tinder and all that shit, im totally superfluous

Me too, buddy. Me too.
Here's the undisputed subculture-classic:

I'm guessing the women your age aren't ready to settle down. Tinder really did ruin dating.

he really is. would definitely have a beer with

>networked to probably get that job.
Out do you network effectively both for job and friendship circles at uni?

3-20 minutes of bliss, followed by immediate disgust and repulsion.

Retard. Stay angry and deluded.

>m-muh chemistry!
All scientific literature points out physical attractiveness is by far the most important factor in dating success, regardless of context. Online dating is merely a reflection of that

Are women even interested in things like hand holding and kissing when everyone leaves the room? Everyone wants to stretch out their anuses with dragondildos. I don't get it, I just want to grill.

>It starts with people going on their forums to laugh at them
so passe. i was trolling r9k years ago

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The comic part is fucking hilarious. Wish there were more docs like this instead of the BBC overdramatized stuff

Ahh yes, that documentary on people that went on to become trumpists. Thanks.


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Well the shot was worth it

The look on his face gets me every time. It's somewhere between "I just shat myself" and "This is totally not good".

By talking to people and not being weird, you get a better sense for what you should and shouldn't say to someone the more you do it and then a few years down the line when that person is a higher up at a business they spot you for a job with them.

you honestly need to be delusional to deny this attractiveness stuff. if attractiveness didn't matter, then no one would be surprised when an ugly guy gets a good looking girl, but everyone always is surprised and assumes he has money. i dont know why people try to deny this shit?

Sounds like they are based people then

*challenges your worldview*

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it is impressive but you're too low IQ to understand

Holy shit, incel please...

i still imagine trumpists

lol this dude got owned so hard that he deleted his post. I bet he's reading this right now. That bitchness is the real reason why you don't get laid.

people really are that dishonest

Go watch it. Advanced is based beyond believe.
He probably means the "alt-right"

In other words, being attractive, aka a chad, significantly helps you in your career while a sweaty awkward shy guy literally has to minmax his brain just to compete.

Isn't this a camwhore who's paypig base must consist of mostly incels?

But antifa go around smashing stuff and telling normies to eat shit why would incels have beef with them


yup so instead of sperging out you know what you can do? Work on yourself in ways you can. Nobody can define you but yourself. Do what you can to be closer to the person you'd like to be. Develop passions you really care about and want to share with people, work out, and in general just don't let things get to you. It was harder when I was younger but by the time I was in my early 20s I realized it wasn't holding me back as much as I thought. I got in pretty good shape and even as an average-ish looking guy I still had plenty of luck on Tinder.

Is the world of incels really so secret?

BBC, serious journalism.

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Thanks for the (You), you retard.

hes right, when you're a man you cant give up or wait for things to come to you, you have to go for them with full energy and confidence, anyone who tells you otherwise is holding you back

Imagine being this starved of human contact

>just b urself
You people have more blood on your hands than all the incels combined.


Imagine projecting this hard.
It's actually almost impressive, you clown

The amount of yous this post is getting is pretty telling. Fucking bunch of sorry virgins ahahahahaha.

North Carolina? that's not too many states far from New York, if i ever visit i might hit you up then

lad pleaseeee

You know this, the world isn't fair.
You can lay down and die or keep going, just don't blame other people if you give up.
It's not easy but why would you want to compound bad looks by having a bad personality to, are you going to get happiness this way?
Doesn't make much sense does it.


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Yes haha, just imagine. Haha.

Yeah 'incels' used to get menial jobs like factory workers and builders and sewage workers and trashmen and delivery drivers and shit. Women used to marry them because they could still support them.

But then women were given a load of cushy office jobs with equal pay. One less reason to need incels.
Then rampant promiscuity was de-shamed and women could fuck more attractive men on a weekly basis. Another reason less for a woman to settle for an incel.
Then our countries were filled with cheap immigrant labour, collapsing the incels' wages to a point where they couldn't support a family even if they do manage to marry a woman.

The whole thing is a joke. All these menial labour incels are basically invisible to women because women no longer *need* them on a one-to-one basis. How proudly women proclaim they don't 'need' men any more.
The great irony of course being that women don't do fucking any of these menial incel jobs that underpin our entire civilisation and there's no one they need more.

If it was we woudn't have /got/ threads filled to the lid with normalfags.

>Develop passions you really care about and want to share with people
ive played guitar all my life, i play in bands, ive been playing out in bars and stuff with those bands for like 8 years. i'm not guthrie govan but im not a hack either. women dont give a shit because i'm just not very good looking.
i already know someones going to say that i shouldn't be playing for girls, but i dont do that i just like playing. but then i can say if i like playing just for playing shouldn't girls be attracted to that? its just a circular argument that keeps going around and around.

no, she doesn't get involved with her regulars after camming. she doesn't have a discord or a patreon, and her private shows are way too expensive for the average incel, about 200$ for 20 minutes.

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I wonder if Irish incel got laid? All he had to do was become a semi-famous vlogger and then pay to fly out to wherever.

Cope & seethe

Why does he wear the mask?

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what the fuck are you even talking about you imbecile?

incels don't exist. They're just mentally ill people who take their problems out on women.

>about 200$ for 20 minutes.

Got a Kik?

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this. its always trannies and ugly fuck women who dudes dont want to touch so they lash out

>taking life advice from a literal cam-whore

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I'm a pretty attractive dude and had a couple of GFs thought out the years, always very conservative and romantic to the core.
I'm now 28, single, and a little terrified of dating culture. I've tried Tinder before but I just knew the women I met were sleeping around and it really put me off, my exes were either virgins (lost it together with the first) or at most 2nd LTR.
I feel kinda fucked right now, all the women I've met lately around my age have been fucking around for too long or already have children and don't look at me as women did back in the day, I'm more of a "great catch" than a sexual partner at this point...even if I turn them on.
Yes call me a normiefag but modern society is cruel to everyone, and I bet some women have it rough as well.

>the online dating meme
not him, but it depends where you live. I hear in cities you can have success, but living in a moderatly large town the women think they deserve much more than they do.
I've been rated 7/10 by other women, and still the only women who will even match me and allow me to talk to them are land whales 2/10s "looking for the jim to their pam and adventures!"

Probably 3, I would easily settle for a 2

No, but i'll write yours down and put it in a USB, in the case i ever do visit i will make one.

try one of the more reputable, actual dating sites, buddy. The ones that actually cost money. Those actually seemed to work for some people I know.

It's pretty sad watching people like this on the internet.
You know it's coming from a place of hurt and dejection but no matter what you say, most can never pull themselves out.
Has being so angry honestly made your life any better ?
Or does it just emotionally exhaust you and make you feel ill ?

its just women deflecting. middle schoolers are dicks but girls and women are fucking vicious when it comes to bullying.

Based Sam

>Or does it just emotionally exhaust you and make you feel ill ?
I think that can comes before the anger. The rejection and loneliness causes a general feeling of being unwell and exhausted, and that state makes one angry. You know how people tend to be cranky after a bad night's sleep? Imagine feeling that exhausted and detached all the time - it would tend to make people angry.

i'm a 3/10 and i'd settle for anyone whos not fat or as ugly as me

This confused me for a moment until I remembered how often women date men older than themselves.

lmao how often do people see you in public and think you are a mass murderer

What is it about the north/northwest? Goddamn, that's weird.

online dating is a scam
an average guy who would get 1-3 matches a week would get 70 matches a day as an averge girl (source: i tested it with fake profiles)

>who hurt you
You need to go back, tourist.

I know man.
But that angers no good after, it's not like you can blame anyone in particular for it right ?
It can't feel good and I don't imagine it could make you feel better.
Haven't you ever tried letting go of all it when you feel it coming on ?

>The rejection
that would require they actually tried anything beyond "have sex with me".

He speaks truth and was silenced, that’s why he’s lashing out the way he is. I agree with him, but his methods are not good; but shouldn’t be surprising

Says the one commenting on youtube videos and posting on Yea Forums

It's only a "scam" in that these sites are majority occupied by men, to the point where some sites have even been busted for having fake female dummy accounts to try and make it appear as if there's more women than there really are. No fucking shit you get more (You)s as a girl, because there's like 8x as many men looking for you.

>spoke to a woman once
>broke out in hives


Some people are just addicted to negativity and fucking themselves up. Me included.


incels are pathetic faggots with high standards from porn

there are literally millions of femcels, but who happen to be not 10/10s and are generally fat. but no, you want a model.

I was kidding, obviously. I know your people are just lost, looking to connect. I hope you don't act violently because you feel society owes you something it can't provide. Yes nature is cruel, humans act in illogical ways but you cant blame them for being the way they are. You should see life as a challenge to better yourself regardless of your situation. There are many virgins like you that made a change and found someone, and are happy, if that's what you truly want you will get it.

the wonders of make up

>and are generally fat
I dont want no sweaty slam pig, Ill settle for a 4/10 with a BMI below 29

holy shit this is gold

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