Is she going to end up like Lindsay Lohan

Is she going to end up like Lindsay Lohan

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shes nowhere near as hot as Lindsay Lohan was

Yes but without the initial attractiveness.

>fat useless middle age incels have been saying this same shit for 5 years

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stop using this word. never use this word again

have sex


stuff it fatty

>stop using this word. never use this word again

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I’m donating to Bernie again guys! Why aren’t black people doing the same? I know what’s best for them and believe me it’s an old Jewish man.

She's going to transform into a tyrannosaurus.

> Lindsay Lohan
>ever being attractive
Have sex, virgins.

lindsay actually looked like a woman, and even an attractive one at the start

this bitch just looks like one of those leddit
>am I passing for a girl
pictures where the dude just puts on makeup and thinks he's a woman now

hope so

Samefag election tourist. Go back, chud

way more attractive than this round faced slag for sure

>you will never have a threesome with Sophie and 80s Boy George in a dimly-lit room where it is genuinely impossible to tell which one you are humping



>going to

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>tfw i'm taller than Joe
>tfw she married a manlet like it was nothing
So, I guess SUCCESSFUL women don't care about a man's height?

Her marriage will save her.

he's packing 12 inches.


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Literally nobody is that big. Mandingo and Dredd are the only legit 10" in porn.

>Raw knees
She's already there.

>not finding prime lindsay attractive
how gay can a person possibly be?

if shes staying in the US then id say she'll go down that road real soon

Found the faggot.

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>tfw no chubby redhead gf

more like sean bean

>tfw no red head gf who likes to dress in leather

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I hope she'll turn out like Scarlett and look pretty much the same even after 20 years.


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post her feet

Piss face Sophie always drunk fucking alkie bich.

Young LiLo is a rare 11/10 thanks to the ginger modifier.

Lol, no. This bitch is done already. Lindsay actually had a decent movie career.

> Leglets btfo.

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is this siswet?


she's into leather, not disgusting feet

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based retarded poster

>those tiny feet

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>like an orange on a toothpick

Wait is that how you're supposed to hold an umbrella?

Nah, he's just staying out of the shot.

She's already hooked on cocaine. All that's missing is being a public degenerate sex fiend.

She was never at Lohan's starting place. She could never fall as far since she never climbed as high.

Lohan was a beautiful MOVIE star. Turner was on a cable tv show.
Lohan also took years to look like pic related.

No, Turner wishes she had Lohan's trajectory.

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Perform the act of sexual intercourse with someone else

>bruised knees
very based

Divorce, D carousel, lesbian phase, overdose

Comparing this cunt with (prime) Lohan should be a crime against humanity...

>No ass
>Tramp stamp
>That gut

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she's nowhere near as famous or sought-after, so no

who is that?

>prime Lindsay

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I don't know that woman

And I only learned who Lindsay Lohan was after everyone started making fun of her for being an alcoholic wreck

Sophie Turner

she a fine lass innit

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Hot, got any more like that?

Fucking kill yourself and livestream it you worthless piece of human garbage

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call me old fashioned but that is just too much woman for a guy like me. Wayyy too thick. Lose 20 lbs, then we can talk lol

jesus christ

i hope she ends up in BlackedRaw

found the incel

Shes not even that hot calm down

TV is bigger than movies now if you haven’t heard. LL was in a bunch of disney crap; GoT was the biggest show of all time. Sophie probably isn’t big as LL in her heyday but it will only take like 2 successful films.
It might not happen, but then again nobody actually complained about her Dark Phoenix performance and anyone can act in the franchise stuff that would make her huge.
It’s not like Jennifer Lawrence had to display a lot of acting prowess to make it through the Hunger Hames films that actually made her an A+ list star.

>Tramp Stamp

is the pantsu shopped? it looks weird
anyway, those legs look fucking great

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They had to edit out her nipples in every single shot they're in. If you watch it in hd and she's in a shirt with patterns you can tell.

You mean the dying medium of television or the dying service that is cable? Thats whats bigger than the medium that breaks profit records every year?
And many did complain about her performance, not just the story.
>the biggest show of all time
You must be like a little kid, btw you shouldnt be allowed to watch GoT, to think its the biggest show of all time. Considering how hated the last season and finale are, a retarded little kid.
Your waifu a shit, user.

She used to hang around the bars/clubs near the London Uni’s. She obviously loves to party & you can tell by looking at her that she’s on drugs. She’ll be fucked beyond belief by the time she’s 25 given her career looks to be dead & she’s loaded from GoT.