Previous part: Read first part for disclaimer: NOTE ON ASPECT RATIOS: Previous installments featured frames with aspect ratios differing from that of the source material (2.40:1), cropping parts (left and right) of the original image. A switch in underlying tools and, frankly, editorial oversight, facilitated this faux pas. This part as well as future parts shall contain the whole 2.40:1 frame.
Once again, this post shall cover two frames to make up for the missing post yesterday.
FRAME 5 TIME INDEX: 00:01:05.399
The nadir of desperation that was the debilitating bleakness of frame 4 seems to be overcome; the ever-increasing brightness of the (now almost safe to assume) fade-in process we are currently witnessing adds warmth and almost palpable material perception. The dimly shimmering, otherworldly, Danielewskian house we dreaded in frame 4 now feels loamy, wooden - not yet friendly, but neutral in its appeal to the lightly treading observer. The highlights of frame 4, which we felt could not penetrate the overwhelming, densely-woven darkness, now seems to gain strength, like the first sensations of definite warmth on the skin on an early spring day. It is yet too premature to call, but this frame seems to be the first within - extrapolating what's coming - quite a few ones that form a tectonic shift between light and darkness, or, since evidence mounts that we are looking at a night scene - total blackness and some illumination, at least. Other things are too early to call. There seem to be fine, diagonal lines overlayed like noise but it might be the video codec playing tricks on us at these minimal lightness levels. It might also be medium to hard rain.
And again, a little more light is granted to us. The overall scene remains largely the same, but our depth perception is being aided by that brightness increase, ever so slightly. We are slowly awakening to our surroundings: Patterns form, reality is constructed one step at a time. We feel like people who just woke up from an epileptic seizure, albeit we sadly still are in the phase where one would ask what happens and his or her whereabouts. The overall appeal of the settlement starts to become increasingly sympathetic. It might be a town friendly to visitors. We shall see what will come of all this.
As our lives increase in length we will sed that this is the future of film critique
Asher Ward
Hell of a frame, one of my personal favorites
Henry Harris
2 weeks max.
Cap this post.
Eli Lopez
did he have autism?
Julian Ward
place your bets he's already regretting this
Gavin Taylor
what the fuck
Thomas Wright
Are you just meming or is this some sort of film school project?
Ryan Martinez
What the fuck took you? You better not make we wait this long for the seventh frame. I'd like to reach frame 198,532/230,000 before I'm dead thanks.
Oliver Moore
Best thread on Yea Forums. I hope this continues for many years.
Asher Bell
This. The descriptions are already getting lazy
Hudson Davis
Holy mother of based...
Logan Butler
Based autist. I'll send 10 bucks to your Patreon if you reach the 100,000 frame.
Julian Gonzalez
OP is weak. A true turboautist is on time by the second with his 2000 character post already ready few hours before. If he failed so much at this point already, he won't even be able to go to 50.