Watch the f*ck out, boys!

Watch the f*ck out, boys!

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Writers can create roles for women in films.
Fuckin' terrified lads.

This is the weirdest marketing i've ever seen. I have no doubt that when this fails they will double down on men being the cause.

You've made this thread a dozen times this week already btw

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Holy crap! I thought the chick in the middle was legit a dude.
Im ok with her kicking ass and blowing shit up as long as she actually looks kind of strong. It's so cringe and tedious when they show a 110lb chick beating the crap out of 10 grown men and puching through walls.

maybe this will because fucking haloween sure fucking didnt

>Use incel outrage to market your movie
Captain Marvel mastered this, and it worked out amazingly well

More like scare the jizz out of my dick.

>Producer says Mackenzie Davi's character scared the fuck out of our box office takings

Captain Marvel was a Marvel movie, and at least Feige was smart enough not to give the MCU an inherent political ideology

Too bad the villain is played by literally who

what she gonna do? tell me to have sex?

Honestly, it's probably marketers posting it here to generate negative buzz so they can get a counter-reaction from the twitter fags. We should really just report and sage these posts, but bots are probably bumping the shit out of this crap.

I don't understand how, with Cameron at the helm (and Miller directing), they fucked this film up so vehemently even at the conceptual stage.
Who the fuck thought, "yeah let's take Terminator, that franchise about a mother protecting her son from an evil time-traveling robot so that he could grow up to save mankind from the singularity, and kill the son off in the backstory and make the film about an angry maybe-lesbian. Oh and maybe we can get Arnold to cameo cause I think audiences might like him"?

>I created some female characters
>they are brown feminist handicaps who don’t need no man!
>oh really? what are they’re personalities and how do these characters complement the plot/story?
>what??? are you some sort of bigot?

they killed off connor?

clapback at you while the little mexican mops the floor so good you slip and fall

doesn't sound too bad. i still get to keep my penis.

>Honestly, it's probably marketers posting it here to generate negative buzz so they can get a counter-reaction from the twitter fags
Considering we have OPs that just post links and fuck off, this is probably 100% true. And instead of saging and report we'll have the thread 404 because anons are incapable of understanding what clickbait actually is

I don't get what they're trying to say, she's a fucking robot right? Robots are genderless..

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No user, she's not some kind of misogynistic sex robot. Get your head out of the gutter. She's an android fembot from a manbot's future and has come back in time to prevent the rampant sexism of the future.

She is a robot, and she does mad drugs, bro. She can get wasted as FUCK

I dunno I feel as long as we post shit exposing this as fucking obvious, then people will get wise.

>She's an android fembot from a manbot's future and has come back in time to prevent the rampant sexism of the future.
That doesn't make sense, the reason you'd make your infiltration robot appear woman is to make it less threatening to males to avoid scrutiny..

Have you ever even assassinated anyone?

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what the fuck is this shit
i fucking hate feminism

>Watching a Terminator sequel

I don't think so.

what the fuck. How can there even be a non doomed timeline without connor.

that's not really saying much since their tear ducts all have fucking hair triggers

Why does he think misogynists will watch a movie with 3 female leads? And why is he insulting the people who he thinks will see his movie if his goal is to get people to see his movie?

Have you?

The only thing this WOKE shit will scare the fuck out are audiences from going to see this piece of shit movie.

>why is he insulting the people who he thinks will see his movie
He's not? No one cares about basement dwelling misogynists or wants them around. They're a very small, very vocal minority and their financial support (that is to say the financial support of their hardworking parents) wouldn't mean much so Miller has no problem shitting on them. That being said, the movie looks like garbage, not because it has three female leads but for a ton of other far more pressing reasons like creative bankruptcy and being the sixth entry in a franchise that hasn't been relevant since 1997.

Nice try FBI..

they won't see it because it looks like a bad movie, but I'm sure you'll misidentify it as being all about gender politics because you're an autist

sounds like the movie is scaring you, my man

According to that news article, it is infact about politics

>They're a very small, very vocal minority and their financial support (that is to say the financial support of their hardworking parents) wouldn't mean much so Miller has no problem shitting on them.
And then Ghostbusters (2016) and Solo: A Star Wars Story happened.

>struggling with literacy

I'm a misogynist and I'm literally shaking

Why do leftists do this?

I'll say it again. Lack of popular interest is not something you should misidentify as validation that people agree with your cringey beliefs.

Do look at op message, it's clearly politics disguised as a movie

I've thought it was a dude this whole time too wtf

oh please, the right are the ones always bitching about moral decay and degeneracy, if anyone is going to get triggered by a swearword it's them

They can't tho. All they can do is write male roles and cast female actresses.

I think that kinda invalidates the entire fucking franchise.

its over incel bros... were done for

Battlefield V

only if you see the feminist boogeyman everywhere you look

>so, you made this thread again

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>Battlefield V
Had absolutely nothing to do with muh feminism, what the fuck are you on about? Also back to Yea Forums with that shit

Trump won

i bet he's scared to go outside because there might be women there.

Looks like the terminator was sent back to shoot up a church

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not if you have sex

they already made him into a nanobot terminator and then killed him off in the last one, user. this isn't news.

but you aren't wrong.

>he thinks Trump stands for anyone but himself
why is it so easy for the GOP to trick you into voting against your own interests?

>projecting this hard
Have sex.

What the fuck is Cameron thinking?

something alone the lines of "god I fucking love money"

>female amputee plastered all over the front cover has absolutely nothing to do with feminism

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its really hard tho

Meta 25-35, RT 20-30

but women are too strong and badass for me i just cant handle them!

>Had absolutely nothing to do with muh feminism
Literally false, google images with "battlefield v everyone's battlefield" and look what they wrote in top left corner in the large screen , it's an official photo from release party from devs

So, Sarah failed.
It's good to see they're not just burying the legacies of white male characters.

What Terminator fans love scaring the sh*t out of muh soggy knits? It's a retarded attempt at trying to breathe fresh air into a stale franchise.

I think the "grill" in the middle will scare black churchgoers more than anything

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>the game under-performed because of the reasons I say it did rather than the fact that they sectioned off and piecemealed the game's already anemic content out to people who had already payed full price for the fucking thing
you're an idiot. and you're not even on the right board. consider suicide


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no one is discussing performance here, just the front cover of the game and the message the studio was trying to send with it.

>preemptive damage control
this pretty much confirms its going to be shit

the argument was that the game undersold because it pushed a feminist agenda, which is a load of disingenuous nonsense.
>b-b-but there was a w-w-woman on the cover

Read the small texts on this image

That's been true since the third one, why are you not getting upset about it until now?

>this is the same Cameron who's very eager to return to Pandora to turn Avatar into the new Star Wars


Okay. I've read them. Now what?

Yep, too try hard already.

Think about what you just read

Looks like it's going to be the biggest bomb of the year. When they have to set such desperate bate and no one is baiting it.

Are these the same production and marketing retards as with Genisys? These promo shots look just as bad and crappy as the ones from Genisys.

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actually the movie looked like shit before it dared to threaten your masculinity

What was wrong with the original movie's female character?

You know what scares the shit out of feminists?
Rhymes with grape.

not badass enough

Nothing, that's why they're bringing her back

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Running away from danger and being sensible

I wasn't the guy who made that statement and didn't even read it, im strictly talking about the front cover of the game.

You know what scares the shit out of incels?
Rhymes with checks.

there was only one of her

Then stop wasting my time

great. now in the interests of being fair and balanced, post what the other side looks like

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The cover doesn't have the actual message in it though, this image gives it proper context on how to interpret

>the biggest bomb of the year.
It's going to have to compete with Hellboy, Star Wars and X-Men. Do you think it stands a chance?

The confederate team would wipe the floor with feminist bodies by power of being armed

>Hellboy and X-Men
>Star Wars
don't make me laugh, all the most vocal TLJ haters are going to be in the seats on opening weekend so they can complain about it on the internet before anyone else


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yikes, did a professional company actually make this?

Sure, if they're not too hammered on Milwaukee's Best to aim properly


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There is a way, James. It's called re-watching the first two.

>all the most vocal TLJ haters are going to be in the seats on opening weekend so they can complain about it on the internet before anyone else
Yeah. It's not like everyone will just watch a camrip after being burned by TLJ. And we all know that the die-hard angry crowd are definitely a large enough market to make sure TROS is a box office success.
Oh wait...

What happened bros? I swear Mackenzie was hot in Blade Runner?

Yes that is an actual photo from release party published by a dev

>Sure, if they're not too hammered on Milwaukee's Best to aim properly
Red Army had 100 gram daily vodka rations and they beat the Germans in the end

Why is she so pretty in other things but looks like a literal tranny here? Is this the power of makeup?

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Evil Connor was based tho

producing excuses for a flop already

>uses gram with liquids

Pretty sure that how it was literally defined, also, one liter of water is one kilogram. Alcohol has different density than water of course

>this is the antagonist of the new movie
They really have a vendetta against misogynist incels, don't they? I swear feminists are the most hateful people in our society

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Repeat after me

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A robot can't be an incel, it doesn't have biological drive to reproduce and only does human things to blend in

that terminator is too skinny to fit parts under the skin..

Different model, not meant for field combat but actual sneaky infiltration

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That thing in the middle and Linda Hamilton's reanimated corpse do scare me a bit, I have to confess.

Explain /r9k/ then

I can’t believe they’re still peddling this failed franchise.

>you will live to see SJW implode and take EA with it

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Interesting philosophy dilemma, should simulated humans be counted as AI or not, I say no even if they're running on man-made substrate since what's being simulated is naturally occurring

For the record: I'm a professional sexist, and this picture gives me the heebie jeebies.

>he's in my financial best interest but some incel on Yea Forums says otherwise
It's no wonder you people are so hated

>why is it so easy for the GOP to trick you into voting against your own interests?
Different user but I was literally unemployed for practically whole of Obama, then got a job that same month Trump got inaugurated and today I'm better off than ever before , Democrats, never again please


The 'people' on /r9k/ are robots by definition

anyone else have a fetish of getting surrounded and beaten up by sjws?

Space Navy fleet admiral and hobbyist cyberneticist here, that's not how It works

Kind of but it involves a machine gunner in ambush position and legal pretext for using it

I am gay

When will identity politics finally die out?

As far as I am concerned it's already dead, like a vampire or skeleton army

>outrage farming
Stop falling for this and giving them the publicity and news stories they want

Having to buy your own tickets isn't working amazingly well.

To quote Napoleon, a well known white male, you should never interrupt an enemy when they're in process of committing a mistake

When we start locking up the left.

Please PLEASE STOP POSTING THIS. Im already scared enough as it is

When we start beating women and their male enablers.

Oh boy..another Terminator movie, and let me guess.
>Robot goes back in time to kill John Connor "except this time its not John but same shit."
>Other robot there to stop it.
>Oh look its another big rig chase scene, not seen that before in Terminator.
>I bet there will be witty one liners like "Ill be back"
>Oh look, its the Spaz 12 shotgun.

>This fictional character will scare the fuck out of misogynists
>Releasing a still of your spooky lady having a stroke

>>This fictional character will scare the fuck out of misogynists
Hollywood people aren't the brightest bulbs in the store


If they’re starting this now then I can’t even imagine how shit this is gonna be. Might somehow top the shitshow that was Genisys.

> ... and Rape the F*ck Out of the Franchise.

The franchise is already a joke. They're just pissing on its open wounds

The timeline was already pretty fucked just with T2 by making John Conner a lot older but anything beyond that is canon rape.

I'm too scared to buy a ticket now. Guess I'll just never have the courage to ever watch this then Oh well.

holy fucking kek, the resemblance is uncanny

>my country being turned into a Latin American shit hole is in my best financial interests

>titlet central
Also what kind of stupid fucking headline is this? Is it just bait to drum up marketing? Cause its laughable bait

>take somewhat popular male oriented movie franchise
>make it about women
Why do they do this? It just ends up alienating the male audience, while not drawing in the female audience. Because women don't give a shit about assassinbot from the future movies. That ain't their jam, no matter what your gender studies professor tells you.
Also I wouldn't even mind an all female cast, but I want to see CUTE chicks playing roles. Not fuggo dykes.

For what? Saving my money?

When was the last time someone or something benefited from alienating a sector of their fanbase?

Is James Cameron now one of those guys like John Hughes where they use to make good movies and now make complete garbage just for a pay check.

>When was the last time someone or something benefited from alienating a sector of their fanbase?
Nothing, nada, zip, zilch
These people are so fucking clueless. They only care about media buzz and retweets.

Fuck yeah! Terminator has never had a female(?) lead before now I'm so glad we live in 2015 where a woman(?) can finally be the lead character in a Terminator film!

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Is that AOC?

I thought it looked cool until now

>I want to see CUTE chicks playing roles
2003 was sixteen fucking years ago. We can never go back.

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